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1、Lesson Two Finally, I Savor the Gratitude of Graduation Steven SchnurTeaching Plan Vocabulary study Background information introduction Text learning Text appreciation Classroom activityPronunciation matriculate fraudulent impel bewilderquintet resonance cavernous prelude euphoria academia ecstatic

2、valedictory beatific fruition saturateWord Usage savor:n.味道或风味味道或风味 soup with a savor of garlic savor: v.体验,品味体验,品味 He ate his meal slowly, savoring every mouthful. savor of : 有点有点成分,有点成分,有点的味道的味道 He disapproved of anything that savored of discrimination.Word Usage matriculate:注册入大学注册入大学 She matricu

3、lated in 1988. I had to matriculate if I wanted to do a degree. c. f. admit/enroll I was admitted to Hebei University of Technology last year. She was enrolled by Tianjin Normal University. This university enrolled more students this year.Word Usage ensue: 随之发生,因而发生随之发生,因而发生 After his speech, a brie

4、f but embarrassing silence ensued. If the Europeans did not reduce subsidies, a trade war would ensue. ensuing: adj.随之而来的随之而来的 The ensuing argument had been bitter. The two companies grew tenfold in the ensuing ten years.Word Usage likelihood:可能性可能性 The likelihood of developing cancer is increased i

5、n people who smoke. Theres a strong likelihood that he will run for president next year. in all likelihood:几乎可以肯定地几乎可以肯定地 In all likelihood the vase was made in the17th century. Word Usageimpel: 驱使,驱策驱使,驱策He lacks the courage and competitiveness which impels him to take risks.I felt impelled to go o

6、n speaking.Word Usage 辨析辨析 impel, compel, propel impel: 人们被外在的强制或内在需要所驱使人们被外在的强制或内在需要所驱使 Impelled by feelings of guilt, John wrote to apologize. compel: 不可抗拒的物质、精神上的力量强迫人去做不可抗拒的物质、精神上的力量强迫人去做 I was compelled to acknowledge the force of his argument. propel: 机械推动或指力量的不同来源机械推动或指力量的不同来源 The tiny rocket

7、 is attached to the spacecraft and is designed to propel it toward Mars. Word Usage pierce:刺破,穿透刺破,穿透 The path pierced the jungle. Light pierced through the forest. The cold pierced her bones One bullet pierced the left side of his chest.Word Usage piercing: 在一些固定搭配中作修饰语在一些固定搭配中作修饰语 piercing coldnes

8、s or wind:(寒风寒风)刺骨凛冽的)刺骨凛冽的 piercing sound or voice: (声音声音)尖利刺耳的)尖利刺耳的 piercing eyes or stare: (目光目光)锐利逼人的)锐利逼人的 piercing sadness/fear/nostalgia: (感情感情)深切刻)深切刻骨的骨的Word Usage resonance: n. 洪亮;共鸣(科学用语);引起洪亮;共鸣(科学用语);引起的联想或情感共鸣的联想或情感共鸣 Her voice has a strange and thrilling resonance. A common example o

9、f mechanical resonance is provided by pushing a swing. Tagore seemed to be a wonderful performer, who can invariably wake up the string of my deep heart and make my soul trembling by resonance. 泰戈尔仿佛是一位神奇的演奏者,总能唤醒我内心深处的泰戈尔仿佛是一位神奇的演奏者,总能唤醒我内心深处的那一根琴弦,使我的灵魂因共鸣而震颤。那一根琴弦,使我的灵魂因共鸣而震颤。Word Usage flank: n.

10、 胁腹胁腹;(军队)的侧翼;大型物体之一侧(军队)的侧翼;大型物体之一侧 He put his hand on the dogs flank. The assault element, led by Captain Ramirez, opened up from their right flank. They continued along the flank of the mountain. flank: v. 在在之侧之侧 The altar was flanked by two Christmas trees. Bookcases flank the bed.Word Usage thr

11、all: n. (文学用词)奴隶,奴隶制文学用词)奴隶,奴隶制 in thrall to sb./sth.: 受受控制;深受控制;深受影响影响 Anti-thrall leaders agitated the question of thrall for many years. At the concert, I was held in thrall by the music. He is not in thrall to the media.Word Usage ebb:n. 退潮,落潮;(喻)衰落,衰退退潮,落潮;(喻)衰落,衰退 ebb tide 退潮退潮;rising tide/flo

12、wing tide 涨潮涨潮 on the ebb 在退潮时分在退潮时分 We decided to leave on the ebb at six oclock next morning. ebb: v.退潮,落潮;(喻)衰落,衰退退潮,落潮;(喻)衰落,衰退 As a mans physical strength ebbs, he will give up some hopes. The Governments popularity is at its lowest ebb. ebb and flow: 兴衰;起伏;消长兴衰;起伏;消长 the ebb and flow of feelin

13、g and moods 感觉和情绪的起伏 ebb away: 衰退,减退衰退,减退 As night fell,our enthusiasm began to ebb away.Word Usage abyss: (常用于新闻报道)深渊;常用于新闻报道)深渊; 鸿沟鸿沟 The country was on the brink of an abyss. 国家岌岌国家岌岌可危。可危。 Ahead of them was a gaping abyss. 他们面前是一个他们面前是一个巨大的深渊。巨大的深渊。 He felt that he was on the edge of an abyss; o

14、ne false move and he was done for. 他觉得如临深渊,一他觉得如临深渊,一步不慎便会永劫不复。步不慎便会永劫不复。 How big is the abyss between what you think you are and what you actually are?Word Usage saturate: 使尽量吸收某物,使饱和使尽量吸收某物,使饱和 Saturate the meat in the mixture of oil and herbs. 把肉浸泡在油和作料的卤汁里。把肉浸泡在油和作料的卤汁里。 As the market was satura

15、ted with goods and the economy became more balanced, inflation went down. 随着市场上商品饱和,经济趋于平衡,通货膨胀就减弱随着市场上商品饱和,经济趋于平衡,通货膨胀就减弱了。了。 If the filter has been saturated with motor oil, it should be discarded and replaced. 过滤器如果已被机油浸透,则应丢弃并换上新的。过滤器如果已被机油浸透,则应丢弃并换上新的。Associations from derivatives clear-clarify

16、-clarity clear: adj. vi.vt. adv. n. 清楚的,完全的,扫除,空隙,变明朗清楚的,完全的,扫除,空隙,变明朗 All exits must be kept clear in case of fire or a bomb scare. A court in Berlin has dropped the charges against him, clearing the way for him to leave Germany. The early morning mist had cleared.Associations from derivatives clar

17、ify: 阐明,阐释,说明阐明,阐释,说明 Thank you for writing to me and allowing me to clarify the present position. A bank spokesman was unable to clarify the situation. clarity: (书、观点等的书、观点等的) 清晰易懂,明晰清晰易懂,明晰 He always put his point of view with clarity and with courage. The style is marked by simplicity,clarity and

18、 candor. 这种风格的特点是简洁、清楚、直截了当。这种风格的特点是简洁、清楚、直截了当。Associations from derivatives academy-academic-academia academy: 专科院校,学院专科院校,学院 the Royal Academy of Music Academy Award 奥斯卡奖 academic: 教学的,学业的,学术的教学的,学业的,学术的 academic standards 教学水平 academic qualification 学历 academic year 学年 academia: 学术界,学术环境,学术机构,高教界

19、,研究学术界,学术环境,学术机构,高教界,研究院院 Academia Sinica 中科院 Britain needs to bridge the technology gap between academia and industry. 英国需要弥合学术界和企业界之间的技术差距。Associations from derivatives fruit-fruition bear fruit: 出成果出成果 Our policies must be given time to bear fruits. the fruits of your labor: (努力付出等)换回的成果(努力付出等)换回

20、的成果 Retirement is a time to relax and enjoy the fruits of your labor. old fruit: (友好的旧称(友好的旧称) 老家伙老家伙 come to fruition: 成功,获取成果成功,获取成果 Nobody was sure whether the deal would ever come to fruition.Associations from affix quintet: 五重奏或五重唱五重奏或五重唱 quinta=five (Latin) 其它相关数字表达:其它相关数字表达: quartet四重奏 duet 二

21、重唱或二重奏 trio 三重唱或三重奏 solo 独唱或独奏 表示表示“五五”的另一前缀:的另一前缀:penta=five pentagon 五边形 pentagram 五角星 pentahedron 五面体 pentachord 五弦琴Associations from affix prelude: 序曲序曲 pre=before 在在之前之前 precaution 预防 precede 在先 predecessor 前任,祖先 predict 预言 preface 前言,序 premature 早熟的 prejudice 偏见,成见 preoccupy 使凝神于,盘踞(心头)Associa

22、tions from affix script, scribe=write prescribe: 开处方 describe:描述 inscribe:雕刻 transcribe:誊写Background information Steven Schnur Ralph Waldo Emerson Catherine PulsiferSteven Schnur -the author An American writer of several books for adults and children. He teaches literature and creative writing at Sa

23、rah Lawrence College and is the literary editor of Reform Judaism magazine. His literary works are a thought-provoking addition to the World War II literature. He received the Sydney Taylor Award for his contribution to Jewish childrens literature. He lives in Scarsdale, New York. Steven Schnurs lit

24、erary works Summer: An Alphabet Acrostic Spring Thaw The Shadow Children (the award-winning middle-grade novel) Two volumes of essays Writing features of Schnurs novel Schnurs novel is poignant and haunting. His direct, first-person narrative draws readers into his world, one of pleasure and puzzlem

25、ent, action and reflection. The fantasy elements are smoothly integrated into the story, and add a unique slant to a frequently covered topic. Ralph Waldo Emerson (1803-1882) Ralph Waldo Emerson 拉尔夫沃尔多爱默生(Ralph Waldo Emerson,1803年1882年),生于波士顿。 美国思想家、文学家、诗人。 爱默生是确立 美国文化精神的代表人物。 美国前总统林肯称他为“美国的孔子”、“美国文

26、明之父”。 Catherine Pulsifer Her first book: Wings for Wisdom Her website: She lives in New Brunswick, Canada with her husband and best friend, Byron I have a goal “to help others build a more rewarding and successful life by providing motivational and inspirational material and products to challenge yo

27、ur thinking.”课文重点语句分析及翻译课文重点语句分析及翻译 (Para.2) So, joining the annual commencement procession seemed faintly fraudulent: None of the undergraduates were former students nor, in all likelihood, were those receiving graduate degrees. 因此,我参加年度的毕业典礼似乎有点儿名不符因此,我参加年度的毕业典礼似乎有点儿名不符实;在场的本科生中没有我教过的学生,并且,实;在场的本科

28、生中没有我教过的学生,并且,十有八九,在即将取得研究生学位的人中也没有。十有八九,在即将取得研究生学位的人中也没有。 课文重点语句分析及翻译课文重点语句分析及翻译 But this year, impelled by an impulse I didnt understand until midway through commencement, I joined the faculty procession, gowned and hooded and slightly bewildered by the press of so many proud parents, by the great

29、 throng of graduating students, and by the piercing brass clarity of the accompanying quintet. (Para.3) 可是今年,受了一种莫名的冲动的驱使(直到毕可是今年,受了一种莫名的冲动的驱使(直到毕业典礼进行到一半我才明白自己为什么会冲动),业典礼进行到一半我才明白自己为什么会冲动),我加入到了典礼上教师的行列里我加入到了典礼上教师的行列里身披长袍,戴身披长袍,戴着方形帽,面对眼前聚拢在一起的这么多自豪的着方形帽,面对眼前聚拢在一起的这么多自豪的家长、成群结队的毕业生以及伴奏的五人铜管乐家长、成群结队

30、的毕业生以及伴奏的五人铜管乐队奏出的嘹亮清脆的乐曲声,我感到有点儿不知队奏出的嘹亮清脆的乐曲声,我感到有点儿不知所措。所措。 课文重点语句分析及翻译课文重点语句分析及翻译 (Para.4) Outwardly, little had changed: The same cavernous tent spanned the great lawn, the same huge flower baskets flanked the stone terrace the students would cross to receive their diplomas. 表面上看,变化不大;横跨在大草坪上的同

31、样的表面上看,变化不大;横跨在大草坪上的同样的洞穴式帐篷;摆放在学生们领文凭时要穿过的石洞穴式帐篷;摆放在学生们领文凭时要穿过的石头平台两侧的是同样的大花篮。头平台两侧的是同样的大花篮。课文重点语句分析及翻译课文重点语句分析及翻译 (Para.5) It was a heady, bewildering moment and it all came rushing back along with the strains of “Pomp and Circumstance”. 这是一个令人兴奋而迷茫的时刻,随着这是一个令人兴奋而迷茫的时刻,随着“辉煌与机遇辉煌与机遇”乐曲的奏响,时光又急速乐曲的

32、奏响,时光又急速地倒转地倒转。课文重点语句分析及翻译课文重点语句分析及翻译 (Para.5) I remembered, too, the feeling of anti-climax that had followed hard upon the euphoria of my own graduation. 我又想起自己当年在经历了毕业时的兴高我又想起自己当年在经历了毕业时的兴高采烈后随即产生的失落感。采烈后随即产生的失落感。 课文重点语句分析及翻译课文重点语句分析及翻译 anti-climax: sth. that disappoints you after great excitemen

33、t (写作手法)渐降法,反高潮,失落(写作手法)渐降法,反高潮,失落感,虎头蛇尾感,虎头蛇尾 The exams came, almost an anti-climax after the build-up that the students had given them. As everyone knows, the older you get, the more you appreciate the sensation of anticipation anti-climax. 每个人都知道,一个人年纪越大,就越重视期盼的感觉每个人都知道,一个人年纪越大,就越重视期盼的感觉太多时候,当期盼许

34、久的目标实现时,人们可能反而会感太多时候,当期盼许久的目标实现时,人们可能反而会感到失落。到失落。课文重点语句分析及翻译课文重点语句分析及翻译 (Para.5) It would be decades before I sorted it all out, but by commencement evening I had begun to glimpse the fearsome hollow of unlimited possibility, the abyss of boundless freedom. 但就在举行完毕业典礼当天的晚上,我已经瞥见但就在举行完毕业典礼当天的晚上,我已经瞥见

35、未来那令人生畏、前途未卜的空洞未来那令人生畏、前途未卜的空洞那无边无际那无边无际的深渊。的深渊。课文重点语句分析及翻译课文重点语句分析及翻译 (Para.7) Within days of my release from academia I yearned anew for its comfortable routines. Where would self-esteem and accomplishment come from without the annual rites and rewards of the school year? I was not prepared to be

36、set adrift upon an indifferent sea of infinite potential. 就在从做学问的天地里解脱出来的那些日子里,我又重新就在从做学问的天地里解脱出来的那些日子里,我又重新渴望起它那舒适的有规律生活来了。没有了每个学年里的渴望起它那舒适的有规律生活来了。没有了每个学年里的那些典礼和奖励,哪里还会有什么自尊和成就感?我不愿那些典礼和奖励,哪里还会有什么自尊和成就感?我不愿意在那广袤无垠、变幻莫测的冷冰冰的海洋上随波逐流。意在那广袤无垠、变幻莫测的冷冰冰的海洋上随波逐流。课文重点语句分析及翻译课文重点语句分析及翻译 (Para.11) This was

37、a place of fulfillmentsthe day was saturated with thema place of mind and spirit committed to raising up successive generations of creative thinkers. 这是一块成功之地这是一块成功之地种种成功的满足感充盈着每种种成功的满足感充盈着每一天一天用心志和精神致力于培养一代代富于创造用心志和精神致力于培养一代代富于创造力的思想者的地方。力的思想者的地方。 课文重点语句分析及翻译课文重点语句分析及翻译 (Para.11) Here time had an o

38、dd habit of circling back upon itself year after academic year, the faces changing but not the commitment, not the hope, not the achievement. 在这儿,时光惯于不可思议地一学年又一学年地在这儿,时光惯于不可思议地一学年又一学年地循环往复,而面孔在变,但不变的是这种奉献、循环往复,而面孔在变,但不变的是这种奉献、这种希望、这种成就。这种希望、这种成就。课文重点语句分析及翻译课文重点语句分析及翻译 (Para.12) This moment wasnt abo

39、ut the next step, it wasnt about tomorrows job prospects; it was about celebrating all that had come before, about the enormous effort and dedication that had gone into reaching this high place. 这一时刻同人生的下一步无关,同将来的就业前这一时刻同人生的下一步无关,同将来的就业前景无关;它关系到的是欢庆迄今所发生过的一切,景无关;它关系到的是欢庆迄今所发生过的一切,关系到的是为达到这一崇高境界所付出的巨

40、大努关系到的是为达到这一崇高境界所付出的巨大努力和奉献。力和奉献。 Text Structure I.(para.1-para.2) The author didnt give much concern to a commencement ceremony in the past. II.(para.3-para.9) While the author attended the commencement ceremony, he felt puzzled about the students and the teachers feelings. III.(para.10-para.14) An

41、 encounter with a former student of hers touched her and gave her a new recognition of the grand ceremony.Writing Techniques Exercise of figurative speech Parallel structure But this year, impelled an impulse I didnt understand until midway through commencement, I joined the faculty procession, gown

42、ed and hooded and slightly bewildered by the press of so many proud parents, by the great throng of graduating students, and by the piercing brass clarity of the accompanying quintet. Writing Techniques Metaphor It would be decades before I sorted it all out, but by commencement evening I had begun

43、to glimpse the fearsome hollow of unlimited possibility, the abyss of boundless freedom. I watched my former student disappear back into the sea of caps and gowns, my heart enlarged by her presence. Writing Techniques The direct, first-person narrative draws readers into his world, one of pleasure a

44、nd puzzlement, action and reflection. The fantasy elements are smoothly integrated into the story, and add a unique slant to a frequently covered topic. Classroom Discussion about Graduation As a faculty member, what makes the author in our text change his attitude towards the commencement ceremony

45、for students? How do you feel your graduation from your university? Have you ever savored the gratitude of graduation? Does graduation bring any meanings to your life? Are there any unforgettable joys or regrets in your college life?Translation 我一大清早便来到屋外。这个大千世界是我一大清早便来到屋外。这个大千世界是如此安谧,甚至连轻微的呼吸也会破坏这如

46、此安谧,甚至连轻微的呼吸也会破坏这宁静。北边的山岭披上了铁青色的素装;宁静。北边的山岭披上了铁青色的素装;西边的天空还残留着朦胧夜色;而在东方,西边的天空还残留着朦胧夜色;而在东方,南方,淡淡的粉红色正在蔓延。我抬头仰南方,淡淡的粉红色正在蔓延。我抬头仰望,只是闪着银光的晨星正俯瞰着这个白望,只是闪着银光的晨星正俯瞰着这个白茫茫的世界。茫茫的世界。Translation 一个刚从学校回家的女学生正在解释:一个刚从学校回家的女学生正在解释:“取一枚蛋取一枚蛋”,她说,她说,“在蛋的底部打一在蛋的底部打一小孔,再在蛋的顶点打一个相应的小孔。小孔,再在蛋的顶点打一个相应的小孔。然后将嘴唇置于该孔之上并用力吸气,壳然后将嘴唇置于该孔之上并用力吸气,壳内之物尽释无遗。内之物尽释无遗。”以为听她讲话的老太以为听她讲话的老太太嚷了起来:太嚷了起来:“如今的人做事真叫人摸不如今的人做事真叫人摸不着头脑,我做姑娘那


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