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1、 学科分类号 050201 湖南涉外经济学院本科学生毕业论文 题目荒野的呼唤中巴克的多重性格分析analysis of the complicated nature of buck in the call of the wild姓 名学 号学 部外国语言文学学部专业、年级英语本科0602班指导教师 二o一o年四月 湖南涉外经济学院本科毕业论文诚信声明本人郑重声明:所呈交的本科毕业论文,是本人在指导老师的指导下,独立进行研究工作所取得的成果,成果不存在知识产权争议,除文中已经注明引用的内容外,本论文不含任何其他个人或集体已经发表或撰写过的作品成果。对本文的研究做出重要贡献的个人和集体均已在文中以

2、明确方式标明。本人完全意识到本声明的法律结果由本人承担。 本科毕业论文作者签名: 二一年四月二十七日一、湖南涉外经济学院本科毕业论文开题报告书论 文 题 目荒野的呼唤中巴克的多重性格分析作 者 姓 名所属学部专业年级 外国语言文学学部英语专业2006级指导教师姓名、职称讲师预计字数6000开题日期2010.1.4选题的根据:荒野的呼唤是美国著名作家杰克·伦敦于1903年发表的成名作。作者赋予了巴克与人相同的情感和品质,将其人性化了。狗主人公巴克复杂多样的性格、艰苦卓绝的生存道路,生动真切地反映了作者所处时代的美国社会的现实,再现了美国历史上的克朗代克淘金热。巴克的这些性格特征在很大程

3、度上正是现实社会中人的真实写照,因此对其性格的剖析、研究具有现实意义。外国学者对荒野的呼唤的研究, 经历了从研究方法到研究视角的不同侧重和转变, 折射出独特的文化特征。我国对杰克·伦敦及其作品的介绍与翻译、研究工作起步于20世纪20年代,30年代达到高潮。作为杰克·伦敦的成名作和代表作荒野的呼唤在以后90余年的历史中被中国学者反复地翻译和研究,可见它的重要性。由美国麦吉尔编、王志远翻译的世界名著鉴赏大辞典·小说卷(中)有专篇对荒野的呼唤一文的鉴赏(中国书籍出版社,1993)。国内外学者对该作品的主题进行了深入的剖析与研究,但是对于作品中狗主人公巴克的多重性格分析,

4、国内仅限于为数不多的论文、期刊。本文对荒野的呼唤中狗主人公巴克的多重性格分析将有助于我们更进一步解读作者的思想观点和小说产生的社会历史背景。主要内容:本文分为三个部分;第一部分将介绍杰克·伦敦及写作背景。第二部分首先概括荒野的呼唤的内容大意并从三个方面剖析巴克的性格,首先描述巴克在不断变幻的生存环境中表现出来的性格特征;然后着重分析巴克对待新生活的态度;最后阐述凶残狡诈的巴克却充满爱与责任的性格矛盾性,揭示了“性本善”的哲学观点。第三部分总结巴克的多重性格,以及这种多重面的性格在现代社会主义社会的具体体现。研究方法: 文献研究法:通过对作品野性的呼唤的文本研究,得出巴克的性格特征。

5、个案研究法:对巴克在不同环境下所表现出来的性格进行分析。 描述性研究法:描述巴克的性格多重面。完成期限:1. 2009年9月-12月确定选题2. 2009年1月4日完成开题报告,拟定提纲3. 2010年1月完成第一稿4. 2010年3月中旬完成第二稿5. 2010年4月定稿 5月论文答辩主要措施:通过互联网、图书馆查阅相关文献、作品;结合现有的关于本作品的论文期刊进行总结;虚心接受导师的指导,拟提出新的、具有现实意义的观点。主要参考资料:1 jack london. the call of the wild in lei ming (eds). jack london selected sto

6、ries m. tianjin: tianjin peoples publishing house, 2001. 2 hu yintong & liu shusen (eds). a course in american literature m. tianjin : nan kai university press, 1995. 3 wu weiren (eds). history and anthology of american literature m. beijing : foreign language teaching and research press, 1990.

7、4 张勇.野性的呼唤z . 北京:中国书籍出版社,2005年9. 5 范悦.美国文化(american cultural heritage) m. 对外经济贸易大学出版社,2006. 6 朱剑飞.野性的呼唤中巴克的双重性格分析j. 郑州航空工业管理学院学报(社会科学版), 2004年第23卷第03期. 7 刘福芹.野性的呼唤中对人性的呼唤(英文)j. 红河学院学报, 2006年06期. 8 王耀辉.孟子慷慨人生z . 长江文艺出版社,2003年10月指导教师意见:签 名: 年 月 日开 题 报 告 会 纪 要时间 地点与会人员姓 名职务(职称)姓 名职务(职称)姓 名职务(职称)会议记录摘要:

8、会议主持人签名:记录人签名:年 月 日指导小组意见负责人签名: 年 月 日学 部 意 见负责人签名:年月日二、湖南涉外经济学院本科毕业论文评审表论文题目analysis of the complicated nature of buck in the call of the wild作者姓名汤 浩 坤所属学部、专业、年级外国语言文学学部英语专业2006级指导教师姓名、职称马 玉 侠 讲师字 数6808定稿日期2010年4月30日中文摘要荒野的呼唤是美国著名作家杰克·伦敦于1903年发表的成名作。狗主人公巴克性格的复杂性和多重性是作品长盛不衰的原因之一。巴克艰苦卓绝的生存道路,生动真切

9、地反映了作者所处时代的美国社会的现实,再现了美国历史上的克朗代克淘金热。了解它的性格特征是我们解读作者思想观点和小说社会背景的关键。本文从达尔文的 “适者生存”的自然选择思想入手,分析了在不断变幻的生活环境中巴克的性格。第二章重点讲述了巴克对新生活的向往与渴望。驯服的南方狗巴克来到远离人类文明的荒原后很快适应了极具挑战性的生活。桑顿死后,巴克毫不犹豫地响应了森林里新生活的召唤,回到充满神秘与冒险的自由丛林。第三章主要论述了巴克既具有统治者的凶残狡诈的本性同时也富有献身者的无畏牺牲的激情。生性狡诈的巴克在得到人类平等的尊重和爱时表现出的义不容辞的责任、爱以及忠诚着实令人折服。孟子哲学的“性本善”

10、思想在巴克身上得到了充分的体现。关键词野性;呼唤;自由;适者生存英文摘要the call of the wild is the masterpiece of jack london who is one of the most renowned american writers. it was published in 1903. the complex character of the protagonist dog buck is the main factor to cause the novel perpetual. the arduous paths buck went throug

11、h were a reflection of american social reality in the 20th century, and it reproduced the klondike gold rush age in american history. its a key point to study the writers viewpoints and the social background by analyzing bucks character. at the beginning this thesis introduces darwins law of natures

12、urvival of the fittest. then it describes bucks aspiration for new life. gentle dog buck went to the wasteland which was far away from human civilization but he adapted to the challenging environment very soon. it unfolded before our eyes the brightness of individual and spectacular of life vividly

13、and incisively. in response to the call of the wild, buck got back to the forest full of mystery and venture without the slightest hesitation after tom thorntons death. the third chapter expounds that buck bears the nature of ferociousness and at the same time has a passion for sacrifice. we are con

14、vinced that it is incumbent upon the fiend buck to show responsibility, love and loyalty after obtaining human beings equal respect. this gives expression to mencius ethical view that humans are born good. 关键词wildness; call; freedom; survival of the fittest指导教师评定成绩评审基元评审要素评审内涵满分指导教师实评分选题质量25%目的明确符合要


16、关研究手段(如计算机、实验仪器设备等)进行实验、实践并加工处理、总结信息。10外文应用能力能阅读、翻译一定量的本专业外文资料、外文摘要和外文参考书目(特殊专业除外),体现一定的外语水平。5论文质量35%文题相符较好地完成论文选题的目的要求。5写作水平论点鲜明;论据充分;条理清晰;语言流畅。15写作规范符合学术论文的基本要求。用语、格式、图表、数据、量和单位、各种资料引用规范化、符合标准。10论文篇幅文科10000字左右(英语专业6000字左右),理科8000字左右。5实评总分 成绩等级 指导教师评审意见: 指导教师签名: 说明:评定成绩分为优秀、良好、中等、及格、不及格五个等级,实评总分901



19、字左右(英语专业6000字左右),理科8000字左右。5实评总分 成绩等级 评阅教师评审意见: 评阅教师签名: 说明:评定成绩分为优秀、良好、中等、及格、不及格五个等级,实评总分90100分记为优秀,8089分记为良好,7079分记为中等,6069分记为及格,60分以下记为不及格。三、湖南涉外经济学院本科毕业论文答辩记录表论文题目analysis of the complicated nature of buck in the call of the wild作者姓名汤浩坤所属学部、专业、年级外国语言文学学部英语专业2006级指导教师姓名、职称马玉侠 讲师答 辩 会 纪 要时间地点答辩小组成员

20、姓 名职务(职称)姓 名职务(职称)姓 名职务(职称)答辩中提出的主要问题及回答的简要情况记录:会议主持人签名:记录人签名:年 月 日 答辩小组意见评语:评定等级: 负责人(签名): 年 月 日学部意见评语:论文最终评定等级:负责人(签名): 学院(公章) 年 月 日学校意见评语:评定等级: 负责人(签名): 年 月 日contentsabstract1introduction3chapter 1 a brief introduction to the call of the wild and the nature of buck81.1 a brief introduction to the

21、 call of the wild 81.2 nature of buck in different environments 101.2.1 living in the lap of luxury101.2.2 facing risks for the first time101.2.3 working as a sled dog111.2.4 staying with thornton12chapter 2 golden spirit and aspiration in buck 132.1 fighting spirit132.1.1 facing the dog trainer132.

22、1.2 winning the leadership142.1.3 attacking black burton 152.1.4 fighting in the wild 152.2 down-to-earth spirit162.2.1 dragging sled for perrault162.2.2 being under scotch half-breeds control172.3 longing for new life18 2.3.1 taking a positive attitude to the life in the warm southland18

23、2.3.2 taking delight in the snow19 2.3.3 loving the challenging world192.3.4 hearing sounds made by the wild life19 instinct alive20 retained wildness20 2.3.5 returning to the wild after thorntons death21chapter 3 embodiment of human nature in the fiend buck233.1 the nature of buck a

24、s a fierce animal23 3.1.1 duplicity and cunning23 3.1.2 dominions243.2 love and loyalty to thornton243.2.1 jumping off the cliff253.2.2 saving the life of thornton253.2.3 helping thornton win the bet263.2.4 taking revenge on yeehats263.3 the philosophy of mencius27conclusion28bibliography31acknowled

25、gements33iianalysis of the complicated nature of buck in the call of the wildtang haokunabstractthe call of the wild is the masterpiece of jack london who is one of the most renowned american writers. it was published in 1903. the complex character of the protagonist dog buck is the main factor to c

26、ause the novel perpetual. the arduous paths buck went through were a reflection of american social reality in the 20th century, and it reproduced the klondike gold rush age in american history. its a key point to study the writers viewpoints and the social background by analyzing bucks character. at

27、 the beginning this thesis introduces darwins law of naturesurvival of the fittest. then it describes bucks aspiration for new life. gentle dog buck went to the wasteland which was far away from human civilization but he adapted to the challenging environment very soon. it unfolded before our eyes t

28、he brightness of individual and spectacular of life vividly and incisively. in response to the call of the wild, buck got back to the forest full of mystery and venture without the slightest hesitation after tom thorntons death. the third chapter expounds that buck bears the nature of ferociousness

29、and at the same time has a passion for sacrifice. we are convinced that it is incumbent upon the fiend buck to show responsibility, love and loyalty after obtaining human beings equal respect. this gives expression to mencius ethical view that humans are born good.key words: wildness; call; freedom;

30、 survival of the fittest中文摘要荒野的呼唤是美国著名作家杰克·伦敦于1903年发表的成名作。狗主人公巴克性格的复杂性和多重性是作品长盛不衰的原因之一。巴克艰苦卓绝的生存道路,生动真切地反映了作者所处时代的美国社会的现实,再现了美国历史上的克朗代克淘金热。了解它的性格特征是我们解读作者思想观点和小说社会背景的关键。本文从达尔文的 “适者生存”的自然选择思想入手,分析了在不断变幻的生活环境中巴克的性格。第二章重点讲述了巴克对新生活的向往与渴望。驯服的南方狗巴克来到远离人类文明的荒原后很快适应了极具挑战性的生活。桑顿死后,巴克毫不犹豫地响应了森林里新生活的召唤,回到

31、充满神秘与冒险的自由丛林。第三章主要论述了巴克既具有统治者的凶残狡诈的本性同时也富有献身者的无畏牺牲的激情。生性狡诈的巴克在得到人类平等的尊重和爱时表现出的义不容辞的责任、爱以及忠诚着实令人折服。孟子哲学的“性本善”思想在巴克身上得到了充分的体现。关键词:野性;呼唤;自由;适者生存introductionjack london as an american novelist, short story writer, essayist, journalist, autobiographer, simultaneously, a dramatist was born in january 1876

32、 and died in november 1916. in a way, he is a famous naturalist. during the profession of letters, he contributed more than one hundred and fifty short stories, nineteen long stories, three plays and quite a lot of essays, etc. as one of the greatest realist writers, jack londons works which were re

33、garded as classic in american literature have been read all over the world. many class contradictions of american society at the beginning of the 20th century were showed in his works. whats more, he revealed the miserable situation and revolutions of the people who lived in lower status in other ca

34、pitalist countries. jack london won wide recognition in china gradually. chinese scholars began to study jack london, and they recommended and translated his works from the 1920s and it came to a climax in the 1930s. it is well known to all of us that londons thoughts cover darwinism, socialism, jun

35、gianism, nietzsches superman philosophy and the like. jack london himself was aimed at many problems of capitalism by raising socialist theory. this was in accordance with the development of china at the beginning of the 20th century, so we accepted his works positively and did a lot of studies in t

36、his area. as we know, among his works, the call of the wild, which was published in 1903, is the most well-known and popular one. the 20th century was a period when american industry developed at a very fast speed, and naturalism came into being. the social background affected jack londons attitude

37、toward life, the same to his works to a great extent. so before analyzing the works of jack london, it is vital for us to know some information about the writing background, as well as the historical and social background of america between the end of the civil war (1861-1865) and the beginning of w

38、orld war i (1914 -1918). in the early period of the 19th century, america began to transform from an agricultural country to an industrialized nation, especially after the civil war with the north triumph, the speed of transformation to industrialization was accelerated. in less than 50 years betwee

39、n the end of the civil war and the beginning of the first world war, the united states developed into a most heavily industrialized urbanized and continental nation in the world. people in the united states had been forced to come to terms with the implication of darwins theory of evolution as well

40、as with the profound changes in its own social institutions and cultural values (hu yintong & liu shusen 1995: 229). machines instead of hands had created a substantial increase in manufacturing product, thus skilled handicraftsmen became unable to compete with the sophisticated equipment which

41、was operated by semiskilled laborers. with the boom of economy and the spread of prosperity, unfortunately, there were still up to half of all industrial workers leading a poverty-stricken life, many of whom were women and children (fan yue 2006: 50). farmers were under the control of land speculato

42、rs. most urban labors regarded large cities as jungles where only the strongest could survive. both farmers and urban labors had no right to pursue their own interests. the vast fortune came into the pockets of the bankers and industrialists. it was the period named “the gilded age” which was full o

43、f excess and extremes, of decline and progress, of poverty and dazzling wealth, of gloom and buoyant hope (wu weiren 1990 : 2) . the aggregation of capital and the growth of industry went with the development of americas literature. naturalism was one of the literary forms which was represented by j

44、ack london who began to present the objectivity and reality of society. after hearing that there was gold mines in klondike, canada jack london himself as a gold miner went there but came back with his hands free. taking this experience as the literature material, jack london created the masterpiece

45、 the call of the wild. the call of the wild covers the ups and downs of the tame south dog buck. it was the greatest dog-story ever written and was at the same time a study of one of the most curious and profound motives that played hide-and-seek in the human soul (charles a. sanburg 1978: 254). a g

46、reat number of scholars both at home and abroad have made a study about the call of the wild. their analyses range from the theme, the implied meaning of buck, the features of age to the philosophy of life and so forth. but it is really a pity that the study about the protagonists character in londo

47、ns works seems not all-inclusive. looking back on the protagonist dog bucks experience in the call of the wild, the nature of it is undoubtedly complicated. it embodies the affections and quality of human beings to some extent, through which jack london had his theme of nietzsches superman philosoph

48、y, naturalism, socialism and mencius ethical view expressed. whats more, analyzing the character of buck can help us to study the social reality and todays human nature further. this thesis is intended to analyze bucks complicated nature in three parts. chapter 1 will give a brief introduction to th

49、e call of the wild and analyze the nature of buck in different environments. chapter 2 tells that buck possessed the fighting spirit as well as down-to-earth vital spark. and we particularly describe bucks adjustment for new life in this chapter. buck obeys different laws through his whole life. he

50、adjusts himself well to the northland to survive and he understands that once down will disappear. chapter 3 shows the love and loyalty in the fiend buck which reveals mencius ethical view that humans are born good. when buck receives respect and love from human beings he will try to find a chance t

51、o pay them back. this thesis is aimed to tell us that the spirit of fighting as well as that of down-to-earth are what we should possess in such a competitive world. if you do not try your best, you will be defeated; if you give your respect and love to the people around you, you will get them back.

52、 chapter 1 a brief introduction to the call of the wild and the nature of buck the call of the wild is the masterpiece of jack london. it was published in 1903. the complex character of the protagonist dog buck has drawn many scholars attention. its a key point to study the writers viewpoints and th

53、e social background by analyzing the nature of buck. before analyzing bucks character, it is necessary for us to know the general idea about the work.1.1 a brief introduction to the call of the wildthe protagonist sled dog buck originally lived in santa clara valley, an unkissed house, enjoying a lu

54、xurious life. at the same time, the golden rush made thousands of men rush into the northland but buck had no sense of that. unfortunately, he was sold by manuel who betrayed his trust and was transited to dyea to do hard work for the gold diggers. there he saw his first snow; he learnt the law of club; he was beaten


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