1、HIGHER NATIONAL DIPLOMAStudent name:WangtaiClass:10G3推荐精选Index1 WTO IMF World Bank1.1When why flow1.2evolvement1.3chontribute推荐精选WTO IMF World Bank1.1.The organization officially commenced on January 1, 1995 under the Marrakech Agreement, replacing the General (GATT), which commenced in 19
2、48. And another one IMF is The IMF was conceived in July 1944, when representatives of 45 countries meeting in the town of Bretton Woods, New Hampshire, in the northeastern United States, agreed on a framework for international economic cooperation, to be established after the Second World
3、 War. They believed that such a framework was necessary to avoid a repetition of the disastrous economic policies that had contributed to the Great Depression.The IMF came into formal existence in December 1945, when its first 29 member countries signed its Articles of Agreement. It began
4、 operations on March 1, 1947. Later that year, France became the first country to borrow from the IMF.The IMF's membership began to expand in the late 1950s and during the 1960s as many African countries became independent and applied for membership. But the Cold War limited the Fund's membe
5、rship, with most countries in the Soviet sphere of influence not joining.The world bank is Since inception in 1944, the World Bank has expanded from a single institution to a closely associated group of five development institutions. Our mission evolved from the International Bank for Reconstruction
6、 and Development (IBRD) as facilitator of post-war reconstruction and development to the present day mandate of worldwide poverty alleviation in close coordination with our affiliate, the International Development Association, and other members of the World Bank Group, the International Finance
7、 Corporation (IFC), the Multilateral Guarantee Agency (MIGA), and theInternational Centre for the Settlement of Investment Disputes (ICSID).Once we had a homogeneous staff of engineers and financial analysts, based solely in Washington, DC. Today, we have a multidisciplinary and diverse staff t
8、hat includes economists, public policy experts, sector experts and social scientists-and now more than a third of our staff is based in country offices.Reconstruction remains an important part of our work. However, the global challenges in the world compel us to focus on: poverty reduction and
9、the sustainable growth in the poorest countries, especially in Africa;solutions to the special challenges of post-conflict countries and fragile states;development solutions with customized services as well as financing for middle-income countries;推荐精选regional and global issues
10、160;that cross national borders-climate change, infectious diseases, and trade;greater development and opportunity in the Arab world;pulling together the best global knowledge to support development.At today's World Bank, poverty reduction through an inclusive and sustainable glob
11、alization remains the overarching goal of our work. 1.2. Set up the idea of the world trade organization in July 1944 at the woods Breton conference put it, the idea was established at the time in the world bank and the international monetary fund at the same time, the establishment of a intern
12、ational trade organization, so they become after world war ii or so the world economy "currency-the financial-trade" trinity of institutions. In 1947 the United Nations trade and employment meeting of the signed Havana charter was agreed to the world trade organization, and later because o
13、f American opposition, the world trade organization failed to establish. That same year, the United States launched initiated the gatt, as a temporary contract implementation of trade liberalization. In 1986 the Uruguay round of gatt start, the European Union and Canada in 1990 were officially propo
14、sed the bill was established the world trade organization, in April 1994, held in marrakech, Morocco gatt was officially decided to set up the ministerial conference of the world trade organization.1947-1993, the gatt presided over the eight rounds multilateral tariffs and trade negotiations, 8 roun
15、ds of talks in 1986 to 15 December 1993 in Geneva, called "the Uruguay round". Among them the fifth round called "Dillon round", the sixth called "Kennedy round", round 7 called "Tokyo round". After the system of fixed exchange rates collapses in 1971, countri
16、es are free to choose their exchange arrangement. Oil shocks occur in 197374 and 1979, and the IMF steps in to help countries deal with the consequences. The oil shocks lead to an international debt crisis, and the IMF assists in coordinating the global response. The IMF plays a central role in help
17、ing the countries of the former Soviet bloc transition from central planning to market-driven economies. The implications of the continued rise of capital flows for economic policy and the stability of the international financial system are still not entirely clear. The current credit crisis and the
18、 food and oil price shock are clear signs that new challenges for the IMF are waiting just around the corner. The world trade organization and the international monetary fund (IMF) and the world bank (WB) called the world economic development with the three pillars.June 25, 1946 the world bank
19、began to run, May 9, 1947 it approved the first loan, to France $250 million loan, and turn the world bank for the value of this change today is still the world bank provides the largest amount of a batch of loans.推荐精选First the world bank's purpose is to help the European countries and Japan aft
20、er world war ii in the reconstruction, in addition it should assist African, Asian and Latin American countries economic development. The world bank loan to focused mainly on the scale of the infrastructure such as highway, airport and power plants, etc. Japan and Western Europe "graduate"
21、 (to achieve a certain income per person) after the world bank exclusively focused on developing countries. Since the early 1990 s began to the world bank also began to countries of eastern Europe and the former Soviet union countries loans.In 1980, China resumed the world bank membership, the bank&
22、#39;s first accepted the loan. When China's reform and open policy has just started, the Chinese side has issued by the world bank to first economic reports have much to worry about, hard to avoid doubt the ideology of the bank's conscious attempt. But the report comes out to Chinese officia
23、ls but left deep impression, because they were surprised to find that the socialist society, China's problems with the "life in hot water" of the developing countries have much in common. The brookings in the history of the world bank, points out, the report "become the official e
24、ntry readings of the world bank, establish a good reputation in China has very great help".1.3. Open trade makes it possible for consumers to enjoy goods that are produced or manufactured in countries other than their own, giving them a wider, better and, often, less expensive choice. Open trad
25、e also benefits producers, as it provides them with wider market opportunities to sell their products. Since the establishment of the WTO, by November 1996, accepted by the WTO trade dispute has reached 62 on, two years of accept trade dispute is equivalent to the original GATT50 years accepted trad
26、e disputes more than one quarter; And, in the 62 trade dispute, as the party of developing member of have been 20, 32.29%, as the prosecution has 24 on, accounted for 38.7%. By the end of 2001, the WTO has solved more than 200 cases, and most have been soon, good execution. Trade friction between co
27、untries is a good solution, for the global trading environment maintenance with a great significance.In the bretton woods system, the IMF's main function is to maintain the stability of the exchange rate between members, when member states in international payments "fundamental imbalance&qu
28、ot;, the IMF will negotiate with its exchange rate adjustment parity and provide liquidity assistance, and etc. In the bretton woods system, the IMF from foundation to the early 1970 s, in promoting international monetary cooperation, expand the world trade, set up a multilateral system of payments
29、and stable international financial order, and other aspects have made positive contribution. But, because of the bretton woods system in dollar as standard currency, and as the international monetary cooperation side of the developing countries at a disadvantage in the IMF, the IMF in promoting inte
30、rnational economic system is stable and affected the role. Under the system in 推荐精选Jamaica, the IMF's no longer bear the obligation of fixed exchange rate system maintenance, this one phase the IMF's main task outstanding performance for economic supervision and conditional loan. When member
31、 states happened when the financial crisis, the IMF's take on the task of "the fire brigade" The creditor and the debtor in international negotiations, the IMF's acting as "facilitators" role. Through these work, maintain the stability of the international financial system, for international trade, the steady development of the world economy to create favorable conditions.At any given moment in locations around the globe, people are engaged in development projects designed to improve living standards and re
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