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1、英语七(下)学导 unit5 why do you like pandas? 主编: 审核: 七年级英语备课组中学校高效课堂自主学习英语学与class name no. unit5 ( 2 课时)学习内容: unit5 why do you like pandas? section a 1a-2d【自研课导学】(时间:20分钟)(一)预习内容及目标:预习课本 unit2 ,p25-26 的生词及对话,扫清生词障碍并初步理解对话含义。(二)检测内容及方法:翻译下列短语和句子(请同学们关上课本独立完成。)欢迎来到. 有点,稍微 _种. 想要某人做某事想要某物 让某人做某事 喜欢做某事 用某种方式行

2、走每天 与.一起玩 看. 南非 起床 来自你为什么喜欢熊猫? 因为它们非常可爱。我们去看狮子吧。 你为什么想去看狮子呢? 课堂评 价 要素:合理分配组员,全员参与,有序展示;书写规范,工整美观;发音清晰,声音洪亮;面 向全体,自然大方;肢体语言运用得当。展示生动活泼,独具特色【展示课导学】:(一)学习目标:1. words, phrases, what time questions and answers. 2.学会谈论自己及他人的日常生活及日常作息习惯,并能合理安排。3.掌握时间表达法。(二)定向导学互动展示sese-study f-explorationcooperation &

3、explorationshow & improvementconclusion & summarization自学指导内容学法时间 20 '互动策略内容形式时间 5 '展小力菜内容形式时间 20 '随堂笔记成果记录知识生成同步演练stepl :对话学习及运用 自学指导:1.尝试拼读p25-26生词并大声 练读1a单词,熟悉动物的读法 2.试t卖1c对话并用方框中的单词 自编新对话于随堂笔记自编新对 话处。step2 :对话拓展及运用 自学指导:1 .大声操练2d对话,直至流利 朗读。2 .对口2d对话范例,结合所学 自编新对话并写于随堂笔记自编 新对话处

4、。step3.完成 p7 1a. match the words with the animals in the picture.把单词与图中的动物搭配起来。组持(host by the team leader )两人对子学1、对子间检查随堂笔记中的成 果,使用红笔相互补充修改。2、搭档间如实互评自研等级并 写出给星理由,褒扬其可取之 处,指出需要改进的地方。组内互助1、小组针对本组疑难讨论。2、小组操练单词的读写和对话 的背诵。3、小组成员遴选组内优秀对 话,带领组员体会学习。组内预展大组长主持,针对本组抽签所 得展示议题,研讨展示方案, 分配任务,进行组内预展。展示单k:case1:组长组

5、织组员积极有序地展示对话范例1c的朗目编新对诂:读(可两两对读,全组齐 读,还可以与其他组之间 进行赛读,可难度提升至 脱稿背诵)case2:组长带领组员展示本组 自编新对话的表演,注 意展示姿态、展示次序、 语音语调及肢体语言的 运用。展示单元二:case3:组长带领组员集体展示 对话范例2d的朗读情况, 其他小组认真倾听并及 时点评。case4:组长带领组员展示自编 新对话的表演(要求发 音清晰,声音洪亮,面向 全体同学,自然大方地展 示),其他小组认真倾听 并及时点评。自编新对话:一等级评定:可取之处:需要改进:达标训练:一.词汇a.根据句意及首字母提示,写出空白处所缺的单词 ?1. s

6、he is l . she doesn' t like sports. 2. may i ask you some q , please?3. a dolphin is a very i animal. yes, you are right. it can act as people do.4. how do you r after a day' s work? i just sit down and take a glass of beer.5. is your english teacher f to you all?yes, he is very kind to us.b

7、.用括号中所给单词的适当形式填空刀1. dolphins are (cute) than dogs.2. are monkeys good at (climb) trees?3. you can have only three (guess).4. dogs are (friend) and intelligent.5. i like giraffes because they are (interest).二、单项选择。1. let ' s after school.a. to play basketball b. play basketballc. playing basketba

8、ll2. -do you like animals? -they are cute. a. why, because b. why, so c. what, because3. do you want?a. eat rice b. to eat rice c. to eat rices4. do you like the mascots(吉祥物)of london 2012 olympics, wenlock and mandeville?they' re very cute. a .why; but b. what; so c. why; becaused. what; becaus

9、e5. the pandas are interesting.a. kind of b. a kind of c. kinds of d. kind6. your friend like koalas?a. is b. are c. do d. does7. this kind of animal my favorite. a. are b. do c. is d. be8. meat delicious, but don ' t eat too much. a. is b. are c. be d. am9. turn green in spring.a. leaf b. leafs

10、 c. leaves d. leave10. the girl is beautiful,she' s a little shy. a. and b./ c. or d. but11. his brother likes to cats, but i like to football.a. play, play b. play, play with c. play with, play d. plays with, plays12. let ' s see the pandas first. a. good. b. fine c.ok d. well三、按要求完成句子1. i

11、like monkeys because they are cute. (对戈 u线部分提问)you like monkeys?2. she likes playing basketball because it' s interesting.(对划线部分提问)she like playing basketball?3. lions are from south africa. (对划线部分提问)lions?4. dolphins are smart because they can help people.(写出同义句) dolphins can help people they a

12、re smart.5. why don ' t you buy the scarf? (写出同义句)why buy the scarf?6. us let pandas see.(连词成句)7. do you tigers why like ?(连词成句)四、汉译英1 .动物园有各种各样的动物。让我们先看长颈鹿吧。there are all animals. let' s the giraffe.2 .你为什么想去看大象?因为他们有点jl有趣。一 do you to see elephants? they are.3 .狮子来自南非吗? lions from africa?4

13、.你为什么不喜欢老虎?因为他们真的很吓人。you tigers? they are.五、阅读理解.根据短文内容回答问题。most of us like animals. sometimes we go to the zoo to see the animals. they can make us happy. some people often think theycan teach the animals to work for them. in our life we may see elephants, tigers, dogs or some other animals doing a

14、 lot of thingsfor people. elephants can carry large logs, because they are strong. dogs can look after houses. and people can also teach the animals to work in the factory. now people are trying to get the animals to do some other things.1. do most people like animals?2. where do people usually go t

15、o see the animals? 3. why can elephants do some heavy work? 4. what can dogs do according to the passage? 5. what are people trying to do?罗中学校高效课堂自主学习英语学导class : name : no. unit5(1课时)学习内容: unit5 why do you like pandas? section a grammar focus-3c【自研课导学】(时间:15分钟)(一)预习内容及目标:预习课本unit5 p27的生词和相关内容,扫清生词障碍

16、并初步理解对话含义(二)检测内容及方法:朗读并背诵下列语法表内的句子并完成3a和3b.why do you like pandas?because they ' re kind of interesting.why does john like koalas?because they ' re very cute.why don t you like tigers?because they ' re really scary.where are lions from?they' re from south africa.【展示课导学】课堂评价要素:合理分配组员,

17、全员参与,有序展示;书写规范,工整美观;发音清晰,声音洪亮)(一)学习目标:1.学会谈论自己或别人的日常生活 2.掌握主谓一致问题3.正确区别使用频度副词always, usually, never. (二)定向导学互动展示sese-study&f-explorationcoo explperation&orationshow & improvementconclusion & summarization自学指导内容学法时间 15 '互动策略内容形式时间 10 '展小力菜内容形式时间15 '随堂笔记成果记录知识生成同步演练stepl :诵

18、读天地-培养语感 1.大声朗读 p27页sectiona 语法 表内句子并背诵。step2 :拓展乐园一学以致用1 .完成 p27.3a.fill in the blanks with the words from the box. then practice the conversation.用方框中的单词填空。然后联系对话。重点短语写于 【随堂笔记】处。2 .完成 p27.3b. write names of animals in the blanks to make sentences that are true for you.在空白处填上动物的名字,使句子符合你的真实情况。3 .完成

19、 p27.3c.think of an animal. ask and answer questions with your partner to guess each other ' s animal.then present to the class.想种动物。与你的同伴互相问答,猜猜各 自所想的动物是什么,然后向大家两人小对子:1 .对子间互相配合操练语法表句子。2 .搭档间互相检查 3a完成情况,互相纠错,并用红笔评出等级。组内互助:小组长带领组员讨论解决自学过程中的疑难。组内预展:组长根据自己的展示方案(抽 签确定)分配任务,带领组员 在组内进行预演,准备在本组 展示区进行展

20、示【随堂笔记 的写作情况。】展示单兀1 .分小组朗读grammarfocus内的所有句子。2 .组内确7e人贝在展小区写出3c部分的写作情况。随堂笔记随堂笔记等级评定:可取之处:不足之处:【随堂笔记】自主互助学习:1) because they're kind of interesting.因为他们有几分可爱。kind of 意为"有几分”。是常用短语,相当于 a little ,a bit 等。2)where are lions from? 狮子来自哪里? be from "来自。其中be要随着主语的变化而变化。eg : i ' m from china.

21、 lucy is from america. we are from sichuan province.3)知识链接:十二生肖的英文名称9鼠rat 牛ox 虎 tiger 兔 hare 龙 dragon 蛇 snake马 horse 羊 sheep 猴 monkey 鸡 cock 狗 dog 猪 boar达标训练:(一1. this is2. where i3. pandas are一)单项选择 elephant. lionselephant is very friendly a.? lions are from africa.a.a ; the b. /; an c. this ; an d

22、. an ; thedo ;from b. do ;come from c. is ;from d.does ;come from4. why do youcute.the lions?a. a kind ofb. all kinds ofa. want see b. wants see5. 6. 7. 8. letanimals do you like? i like penguins. a. why b. whatc. kind of d. kinds ofc. wants to see d. want to seec. where d. howdoesn ' t she go w

23、ith you ? because she has much homework to do. a. what b. why c. where d. howpandas from china?a. arego to school by bus. a.usb. is c. dob. we c. he d. they9. the sports are very interesting10. we liketv after supper.why you joina. watchingus? a. do b.don' t c. does d.b. seeing c. looking d. loo

24、king at二、用括号内所给词的适当形式填空。1. these tigers3. why she5. the koalas are very(be) from africa.2. let(want) to see the dolphins? (interest).s4. please see the pandas(swim) in the lake ( (one).三、句型转换。1、a koala is from australia.2、he likes dolphins very much.3.the koala is from australia(变复数句)(变一般疑问句)。(对划线部分

25、提问)from australia.hethe koala from?doesn' t湖).dolphins very much?4、i like tom because he is very friendly.5、the shy girl wants to see giraffes.(对划线部分提问)(对划线部分提问)dolike tom?does the shy girl want to see?四、连词成句。1. lions, the, let,3. they, are, ugly,first, see, us because.2. pandas,why, want, see,

26、to, do, the, you.4. south africa,lions, from, are, those五、根据中文意思完成句子。1.我们对那个学生很友好。weverythe new student. 2.麦克有一只难看的狗。mikedog.3.因为他们有点有趣。they ' re4.狮子来自非洲。come from5.桌子上有一些肉。theresomeon the table.六、按要求改写句子1. i want to see lions because they are cute.2. my brother likes dolphins .3. there is an ol

27、d lion in the zoo.(对划线部分提问)(改为一般疑问句)(改为复数句)thereoldin the zoo.4. i like tigers.(对划线部分提问)5. they are from the united states.6. he is from sydney.(对划线部分提问)同义句)7. can you tell me how can i get to the zoo the zoo?8. father goes to bed at 10:00 every evening.?(同义句)canyou tellmeto9. where are you from?( 同

28、义句)10. the dolphins are very friendly.七、阅读理解there is an elephant and a monkey. theywhere(对划线部分提问)you (对划线部分提问)'re friends, but one day they want to know who is stronger(更壮).one of them says,“who can get apples over there, who is stronger. ”there ' s a river over there. monkey says,"i ca

29、n ' t swim.”elephant says,“i can swim. please siton my back. " they go across the river. the apple trees are very high. the elephant can climbs (爬)up the tree and gets many apples. now they know they should help each other. 根据短文内容选择最佳答案。't reach (够着) the apples. the monkeyi.the elephant

30、and the monkey want to know.a. who is smarterb.2.can3.4.at lastcant swim.t reach the apples.the monkey goes across5.from the story we shoulda.a.the rivera.the elephantthe elephant with the help of b.b.a.learn from the elephant b.who is higher the monkey c. the monkey c.the elephant b. learn from the

31、c. who can swim d.the big animalsthe high animals the monkey c. monkey c. a andd.d.anwho is strongerthe small animalsthe short animals animal d. a boatb d. help each other中学校高效课堂自主学习英语学之class name no. unit5(1 课时)学习内容: unit5 why do you like pandas? section b 1a-2a自研课导学】(时间:20分钟)(一) 预习内容及目标: 预习课本 unit

32、5 sectionbla, 1d, 2a 内容,利用工具书扫清生词障碍。(二)(二)检测内容及方法:1.将单词分类smart, grass, penguin, friendly, dolphin, tiger, leaf, giraffe, clever, lazy, tree, ugly, shy, koala, panda(1)动物类: 植物类: (2)形容词:2 用方框中所给的词填空ugly, interesting, cute, quiet, scary(1)tigers are ,so we are afraid of them.(2)please be . your father

33、is sleeping. (3)she thinks she isn't beautiful. she is kind of .(4)themovie is very .allof the childrenlike it.(5)i like koalas because they are very .课堂评价要 素:合理分配组员,全员参与,有序展示;书写规范,工整美观;发音清晰,声音洪亮;面向全体,自然大 方;肢体谛言运用得当。展示生动活泼,独具特色【展示课导学】(一)学习目标:(1)通过听力训练,巩固单词、句子的发音,培养听力技能。(2)通过短文学习,培养阅读技能。(二)定向导学互动

34、展示self-study&self-explorationcooperation&explorationshow & improvementconclusion & summarization自学指导内容学法时间 20 '互动策略内容形式时间 25 '展小力菜内容形式时间 15 '随堂笔记成果记录知识生成同步演练听力理解自学指导:1. p28 1a. match the description words with the animals. you can use some words more than once. 将下 列描述词语与动

35、物配对。有些词 语可以重复使用。2. 1b. listen and circle the description words you hear in 1a. 听录首并在1a 中圈出你所听到的描述性词 语。3. p28. 1c.listen again. what words do they use to describe the animals? fill in the chart.再遍录音。他们用了什么 词来描述性词语。4. p28. 1d.talk about the animals you know with your partner.与你的同伴谈论你 知道的动物。5. p10. 2a.

36、 check the animals you think are in great danger. 勾出你所认为 的濒危动物。组长王持(host by the team leader ) 两人对学1 .学习 p28.1a, 1c & 2 描 述性词语和短语,理解描述 性词语和短语的意思。2 .操练句型:(使用1a , 1b&1c内容)熟读1b&1c录音材料,编对 制3 .操练句型:(结合1c和 1d信息)a:what animals do you like?b: i like elephants.a: why?,b: because they ' re cute

37、.what animals do you like?a: i like dogs because they ' re friendly and smart.组内互助:p11.2a1 .小组问针对本组的疑难 进行讨论。2 .小组成员合作完成1d任 务。展示单l:组长组织组员积极依 序地展示p28听力部 分答案。展示单元二:1 .操练句型:(使用1a , 1b&1c内容)熟读1b&1c录音材料, 编对话2 .操练句型:(结合 1c和1d信息) a:what animals do you like?b: i like elephants.a: why?,b: because

38、they ' re cute.what animals do you like?a: i like dogs because they ' re friendly and smart. 编对话。等级评定:可取之处:不足之处:有关动物的谚语集锦(1) kill two birds with one stone.一箭双雕;一举两得。 (2) a gloved cat catches no mice.戴手套的猫,老鼠抓不到。(不愿吃苦的人成不了大事业。)(3) love me, love my dog.爱屋及乌. (4) the frog in the well knows noth

39、ing of the great ocean.井底之蛙,不知大海。(5) the fox may grow grey, but never good.狐狸毛色可变灰,但是本性难移。(6) one swallow does not make a summer. 一燕不成夏。(7) never offer to teach fish to swim.(8) don ' t count your chickens before they ' re hatched. 鸡蛋未孵出, 先另1j数小鸡。(不要过早乐观。)达标训练:一、单项选择题。1. she is clever , she

40、can work out the problem. a. to b. very c. kind d. of2. koalas sleep during,but at night they get up and eat leaves.a. the night b. the afternoon c. the day d. the year3. welcome our school.a. in b. to c. / d. from4. this is harry. he meat.a. eat b. is c. eats d. like5. tomusually 21 hours a. relaxs

41、 every day b. relaxes every day c. relaxs everyday d. relaxes everyday6. i often do our homework a. at the evening b. in night c. at the night d. at night7. what do you do? a. for july b. during july c. for month1. i get up late ,i had no time to have breakfast. a. because ; so b. because; / c. as;

42、so9. we like tv after supper. a. watching b. seeing c. looking d. looking at10. she is my goodand she isto me.a. friendly ;friend b. friend ;friendly c. friend ;friend d. friendly; friendly二、句型转换。1. i like the lions because they are interesting.2. he likes lions.(就画线部分进行提问)3. i think koalas are cute

43、.( 改为否定句)4. there is an elephant in the zoo.(改为复数句子)5. he likes elephants.(改为一般疑问句并作否定回答)三、从方框中选择适当的句子补全对话。(就画线部分进行提问)you like lions?he like?icute.in the zoo.? ,a.because they are very friendly.b. me too.c. dolphins.d. what else do you like?e. china.四、完形填空a: what ' s your favorite animal?b: _la:

44、 why do you like them?b: 2 and they often help us in the water.a: 3b:i like pandas, too.a: 4 but do you know where pandas are from?b: 5 i think.it is very 1 in august. a young man comes to a forest(森林).he ' s walking near the forest. on his 2 there is _a_river and onhis right is a forest. he com

45、es up to the river and wants to 3 in it. at that time he_sees a tiger looking at him 4 the trees._it ' s going to jump( 跳)on him 5 . _“what can i do? ” the young man is afraid( 害怕)and 6 hard. he knows a tiger runs very 7 . what he_can only do is to jumpinto the river! but there is a very big cro

46、codile(鳄鱼)in it. it ' s mouth is 8 and is waiting for him there. he' s standing thereand doesn ' t know 9 to do. the tiger jumps over him. but soon the young man sees the tiger is in the 10 of the crocodile. 1. a. coldb. hot c. hungryd. tall2. a. right b. frontc. backd. left3. a. swimb.

47、passc. sleepd. visit4. a. tob. fromc. far d. for5. a. laterb. soonc. afterd. quick6. a. eatsb. walksc. runsd. thinks7. a. slowb. soonc. fastd. lazy8. a. bigb.openc. smalld. cute9. a. howb. whatc. whered. who10.a.riverb. backc. eyed. mouth五、信息归纳。根据短文内容完成表格的空缺信息。han dan comes from china, she is a clev

48、er and beautiful girl. she studies in a middle school. she has four pen pals. they are from different countries and like different animals. linda is from america. her favorite animal is the penguin. the penguin likes ice very much. lily comes from australia. the koala is her favorite animal. the koa

49、la likes to eat leaves. and it sleeps during the day, but it gets up at night. bob is from india. his favorite animal is the elephant. grass is the elephant' s favorite food. tom is a canadian boy. he likes the tiger best.the tiger likes to eat meat. what is handan' s favohte animal? it is t

50、he panda. bamboo is panda,s favorite.namecountryfavorite animal what do the animals like?han dan1.panda2.3.america4.ice5.australiakoala6.tomcanada7.8.9.india10.grass中学校高效课堂自主学习英语学上class : name :no.unit5(2 课时)学习内容: unit5 why do you like pandas? section b 2b-self check自研课导学】(时间:20分钟)(一)预习内容及目标:预习p29-3

51、0的内容和记忆本单元单词、短语和句型。(二)检测内容及方法:翻译下列句子1.我们想拯救大象。 2. 大象是泰国标志性的动物之一。 3.我们的第一面国旗傻瓜就有一头白象。4.我们必须拯救树林,拒绝买象牙制点一5.难道他不可爱吗。 展示课导学(课堂评价要素:合理分配组员,全员参与,有序展示;书写规范,工整美观;发音清晰,声音洪亮)(一)学习目标:1.复习掌握本单元的单词及短语2.学会向朋友谈论自己的日常生活及日常作息时间(二)定向导学互动展示sesef-study&f-explorationcooperation & explorationshow & improvemen

52、tconclusion & summarization自学指导内容学法时间 15 '互动策略内容形式时间 5展小力菜内容形式时间15'随堂笔记成果记录知识生成同步演练阅读理解自学指导:1 p29. 2b. read this website article and check the best title for it.阅读这篇网络文章,勾出 最适合它的标题。2. p29. 2c. read the article again and complete the mind map. 再次阅读文章,完成思维导 图。step1 :诵读天地-培养语 感1 .诵读p29. 2b短

53、文2 .两人一组完成 p30.3a. becky isjill ' sfavorite animal. fill in the blanks with the words in the box.3 .模仿p30.3a的句型, 结合所学,写一写你最喜 欢的动物于自编新内容 处。step2 :拓展乐园一学以致 用完成self check各个部分 的练习1 .在表格中添加更多单 词。然后用这些单词至少 写五句话。2 .把问题和答案配对从 而组成一段对话。(在自编 对话写出对话)两人小对子:搭档间互相检查自编新内容的写作情况,互相纠错,并用红笔评出等级。组内互助:p29. 2b1 .小组问针对

54、本组的疑难进行讨论。2 .小组成员反复朗读2a & 2b的短语 和短文。3 .背诵2b短文。组内预展组长根据自己的展示方案(抽签确定)分配任务,带领组员在组内 进行预演,准备在本组展示区进行 展示自编新内容write about your favorite animal.自编对话match the questions and answers to make a conversation. then write you own conversations.展示单l:诵读天地方案一:组长组织组员整齐 朗读2b短文。方案二:组长组织组员积极 有序地展小step1(1 , 2)。(米用带读、两

55、两对读、全 组齐读、个人小组赛读赛背 owts)积极调动全班 诵读气氛,展示班级竞读风 采。(比一比谁读的清晰大 声?比一比谁读得流利? 比一比谁在固定时间内读 的多?)方案三:组长带领组员展示 本组遴选的自编新内容, 注意展示姿态、展示次序、 语音语调及肢体语言的运 用。展示单元二:学以致用方案四:step2(2)match the questions and answers to make a conversation. then write your own conversations.( 编对话)自编新内容:(自编对话)1等级评定:可取之处:不足之处:达标训练:一、完形填空on weekends, i have a good time. i go to the zoo 1 my classmates. the zoo is very big, and there are many different kindsof 2 in it. i like pandas best, becau


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