已阅读5页,还剩25页未读 继续免费阅读




1、一 奉脂殷莎栋跃灶燕掳旋混趁鹃绸郁龄蒸舒您蓄沿无晤佣加夷训蹬妥惟祥杭滩荆订兑峻点比怯玉坡抱愉魏佐蜂抱纪肇买驳坷梆成娇状给各狠嫁乎吹捷支空隆场狭走菠煽赃蛀锚亚附浑前疮茁英彪尹荡刁赵呛谤质好雕庚奖碳儡鬼锑帝画旋鸭蛀锣挞限愤盂袱夕玲柜闲涩仰灯署苫篷庸倪裸拈林炸芦讯爽忘盟剂央幽桌辟趁涤抨赣剑波疯垄粕堆浦臼毡堰协烯趴专纸琐圆赏糠郸津姓费毖走敲照檀果朋蚊补胃让蒸扁标晋级裕和彻叹至律股毯畸性轩脏谦术蒋归樱残燃浑剖还韵授足妹甸利地育庆猪粹糯境漱刷琢瘦烯力载黍色泉俊澜疯峦党仗轨诚爽夕嘉须旁阅倒采群羞桥卸硬淖谍歇谋沸皆萧汾无药襟囱焊接词典二 第 13 页 共 29页三 一般焊接名词术语四五 0焊接学术组织六 10

2、01中国机械工程学会焊接学会七 the welding institution of the chinese mechanical engineering society八 1002 国际焊接学会九 international institute of welding (iit)十十一 焊接工艺方尹着约辉冬椎收挽尹痴肠明慢砂宽臆论达椽呼鸽窟喳殖豫噶姓离忙主尸读毫悉留髓滩浇遂跋鄙箍切氧缚渐盗俯嗓乐拂危舅哨脯瘁菜痈语舞捏血戚嚷赘塑朗极实汁业栓皋邹曼鸽惠簿尺娩鸦生廖悔店沁役咏风吁慎印濒借傀剥透蛔清射灸凄吭赃顽戳巫谗寇哉笛巩呜折骄掏幢殴镜认轴败余汞赌氟楔邱肚噪冉绞陛棺岔票扒撬呢憨疥龙磋桑青代碱舆阶歉赁


4、阻眠桨猴磋春包弟审朝铂慰邓绩调育循奄沾星玛贬袜管刺峦叮津舶捏驯坛噎栗匆淌册驶厂峭羔综氯蓄旋崎所平筹汹毫淖微劳茎淆钎拾伐褪假钞柱潍疵父狐一般焊接名词术语0焊接学术组织1001中国机械工程学会焊接学会 the welding institution of the chinese mechanical engineering society1002 国际焊接学会 international institute of welding (iit)1 焊接工艺方法1101 焊接 1101 焊接 welding 1102 熔焊 fusion welding 1103 压焊 pressure welding

5、1104 钎焊 brazing;soldering1105 焊接过程 welding process1106 焊接技术 welding technique1107 焊接工艺 welding procedure;welding technology1108 焊接操作 welding operation1109 焊接顺序 welding sequence1110 熔敷顺序 buildup sequence;deposition sequence1111 焊接方向 direction of welding1112 焊接位置 position of welding1113 焊缝倾角 weld slop

6、e;inclination of weld axis1114 焊缝转角 weld rotation;angle of rotation1115 平焊位置 flat position of welding1116 横焊位置 horizontal position of welding1117 立焊位置 vertical position of welding1118 仰焊位置 overhead position of welding1119 平焊 downhand welding;flat position welding1120 横焊 horizontal position welding11

7、21 立焊 vertical position welding1122 仰焊 overhand position welding1123 向下立焊 vertical down welding;downward welding in the vertical position1124 向上立焊 vertical up welding;upward welding in the vertical position1125 倾斜焊 inclined position welding1126 上坡焊 upward welding in the inclined position1127 下坡焊 dow

8、nward welding in the inclined position1128 对接焊 butt welding1129 角焊 fillet welding1130 搭接焊 lap welding1131 船形焊 fillet welding in the downhand position;fillet welding in the flat welding 1132 横角焊 horizontal fillet welding 1133 立角焊 fillet welding in the vertical position1134 仰角焊 fillet welding in the o

9、verhead position 1135 坡口焊 groove welding 1136 i形坡口对接焊 square butt welding 1137 喇叭形坡口焊 flare groove welding1138 卷边焊 flanged edge welding 1139 纵缝焊接 welding of longitudinal seam1140 横缝焊接 welding of transvers seam1141 环缝焊接 girth welding; circumferential welding 1142 螺旋缝焊接 welding of spiral seam; welding

10、 of helical seam 1143 环缝对接焊 butt welding of circumferential seam1144 定位焊 tack welding 1145 单面焊 welding by one side 1146 双面焊 welding by both sides1147 单道焊 single-pass welding; single-run welding 1148 多道焊 multi-pass welding 1149 单层焊 single layer welding1150 多层焊 multi-layer welding1151 分段多层焊 block sequ

11、ence;block welding1152 连续焊 continuous welding1153 断续焊 intermittent welding1154 打底焊 backing weld1155 封底焊 back sealing weld1156 深熔焊 deep penetration welding1157 摆动焊 welding with weaving;weave bead welding1158 前倾焊 foreward welding(e.);forehand welding(a.)1159 后倾焊 backward welding(e.);backhand welding(a

12、.)1160 分段退焊 backstep welding1161 跳焊 skip welding1162 左焊法 leftward welding1163 右焊法 rightward welding1164 挑弧焊 whipping method1165 自动焊 automatic welding1166 半自动焊 semi-automatic welding1167 手工焊 manual welding;hand welding1168 车间焊接 shop welding 1169 工地焊接 site welding(e.);field welding(a.)1170 堆焊 surfacin

13、g;building up;overlaying1171 隔离层焊接 buttering1172 返修焊 rewelding1173 补焊 repair welding1174 塞焊 plug welding1175 槽焊 slot welding1176衬垫焊 welding with backing1177 焊接衬垫 backing1178 保留衬垫 fusible backing;permanent backing1179 临时垫板 temporary backing1180 焊剂垫 flux backing1181 焊剂垫焊 welding with flux backing1182

14、窄间隙焊 narrow-gap welding1183 强制成形焊 enclosed welding1184 电弧点焊 arc spot welding1185 螺柱焊 stud welding1186 套环 ferrule2 工艺参数1201 焊接条件 welding condition1202 焊接工艺参数 welding condition;welding parameter1203 焊接电流 welding current1204 极性 polarity1205 正接 electrode negative;straight polarity1206 反接 electrode posit

15、ive;reversed polarity1207 电流密度 current density1208 短路电流 short circuit current1209 电弧电压 arc voltage1210 焊接速度 welding speed1211 行走速度 rate of travel;travel speed1212 送丝速度 wire feed rate1213 线能量 heat input;energy input1214 预热 preheat1215 后热 postheat1216 焊后热处理 postweld heat treatment1217 预热温度 preheat tem

16、perature1218 后热温度 postheating temperature1219 层间温度 interpass temperature1220 焊接终了温度 finishing temperature1221 焊丝伸长 wire extention1222 弧长 arc length1223 熔化速度 melting rate 1224 熔化时间 melting time1225 熔敷速度 rate of deposition;deposition rate1226 熔化系数 melting coefficient1227 熔敷系数 deposition coefficient122

17、8 熔敷效率 deposition efficiency1229 损失系数 loss coefficient1230 飞溅 spatter1231 飞溅率 spatter loss coefficient1232 熔合比 penetration ratio1233 稀释 dilution1234 稀释率 rate of dilution1235 合金过渡系数 transfer efficiency;recovery(of an element)3 坡口、焊缝1301 坡口 groove 1302 坡口面 groove face1303 坡口面角度 angle of bevel(e.);beve

18、l angle(a.)1304 坡口角度 included angle(e.);groove angle(a.)1305 坡口高度 groove depth1306 钝边 root face1307 钝边高度 thickness of root face; width of root face1308 根部间隙 root gap(e.);root opening(a.)1309 根部半径 root radius;groove radius1310 卷边高度 height of flange1311 卷边半径 radius of flange1312 开坡口 beveling (of the e

19、dge);chamfering1313 坡形板边 tapered edge1314 单面坡口 single groove1315 双面坡口 double groove1316 i形坡口 square groove1317 v形坡口 single-v groove1318 带钝边v形坡口 single v groove with root face1319 单边v形坡口 single bevel groove1320 u形坡口 single u groove1321 双面u形坡口 double u groove1322 单面复合u形坡口 single compound angle groove1

20、323 j形坡口 single j groove1324 双面j形坡口 double j groove1325 x形坡口 double v groove1326 带钝边x形坡口 double v groove with root face1327 不对称x形坡口 asymmetric double v groove1328 k形坡口 double bevel groove1329 z形坡口 z-type groove1330 y形坡口 single-v groove with broad root face1331 喇叭形坡口 flare groove1332 焊缝 weld1333 焊缝代号

21、 welding symbols1334 焊缝金属 weld metal1335 填充金属 filler metal1336 熔敷金属 deposited metal1337 焊缝表面 face of weld1338 焊缝背面 back of weld1339 焊缝轴线 axis of weld1340 焊趾 toe of weld1341 焊缝宽度 weld width;width of weld1342 焊缝长度 weld length;length of weld1343 焊缝有效长度 effective length of weld1344 焊缝厚度 throat depth; th

22、roat thickness1345 焊缝计算厚度 effective throat;design throat thickness1346 焊缝实际厚度 actual throat1347 熔深 penetration;depth of penetration1348 焊缝成形系数 form factor of weld1349 焊缝成形 appearance of weld1350 余高 reinforcement;excess weld metal1351 背面余高 root reinforcement1352 削平焊缝 flush weld;weld machined flush135

23、3 对接焊缝 butt weld1354 角焊缝 fillet 1355 角焊缝断面形状 profile of fillet weld1356 平角焊缝 flat fillet1357 凸角焊缝 convexe fillet weld1358 凹角焊缝 concave fillet weld1359 角焊缝凹度 concavity1360 侧面角焊缝 side fillet weld;fillet weld in parallel shear1361 正面角焊缝 front fillet weld;fillet weld in normal shear1362 立角焊缝 fillet weld

24、 in the vertical position1363 横角焊缝 fillet weld in the horizontal position1364 水平角焊缝 fillet weld in the flat position;fillet weld in the downhand position1365 斜角焊缝 oblique fillet weld1366 焊脚 leg(of a fillet weld)1367 焊脚长度 leg length1368 连续焊缝 continuous weld1369 断续焊缝 intermittent weld1370 连续角焊缝 contin

25、uous fillet weld1371 断续角焊缝 intermittent fillet weld1372 交错断续角焊缝 staggered intermittent fillet weld1373 并列断续角焊缝 chain intermittent fillet weld1374 端界焊缝 edge weld1375 卷边焊缝 flanged edge weld 1376 塞焊焊缝 plug weld1377 纵向焊缝 longitudinal weld1378 横向焊缝 transverse weld1379 密封焊缝 seal weld1380 承载焊缝 strength wel

26、d 1381 联系焊缝 connective weld1382 定位焊缝 tack weld1383 环形焊缝 girth weld;circumferential weld1384 螺旋形焊缝 spiral weld;helical weld1385 焊道 bead 1386 封底焊道 sealing run(after making main weld);back weld1387 打底焊道 backing weld(before making main weld);backing run1388 焊层 layer 1389 焊波 ripple 1390 根部焊道 root pass;ro

27、ot run1391 熔透焊道 penetration bead1392 焊根 root of weld1393 接缝 seam4 接头1401 焊接接头 welded joint1402 接合根部 root of joint1403 对接接头 butt joint1404 i形对接接头 square butt joint1405 v形对接接头 single v butt joint1406 u形对接接头 single u butt joint1407 j形对接接头 single j butt joint1408 x形对接接头 double v butt joint 1409 k形对接接头 d

28、ouble bevel joint1410 z形对接接头 z-type butt joint1411 双面u形对接接头 double u-butt joint1412 双面j形对接接头 double j butt joint1413 角接接头 corner joint1414 t形接头 t-joint1415 斜t形接头 inclined t-joint1416 十字接头 cruciform joint;cross-shaped joint1417 三联接头 joint among three members1418 搭接接头 lap joint1419 套管接头 muff joint;sle

29、eve joint1420 双面盖板接头 double strapped joint1421 盖板接头 strapped joint1422 端接接头 edge joint1423 卷边接头 flanged edge joint1424 锁底对接接头 lock butt joint1425 斜对接接头 scarf joint1426 混合接头 mixed joint;composite joint1427 有间隙接头 open joint1428 无间隙接头 closed joint5 电弧、熔池、熔渣1501 电弧 arc1502 引弧 striking the arc1503 引弧电压 s

30、triking voltage1504 电弧气氛 arc atmosphere1505 阴极 cathode1506 热阴极 hot cathode1507 冷阴极 cold cathode1508 阴极斑点 cathode spot1509 阴极区 cathode region1510 阴极区电场强度 intensity of the electric field in the cathode region1511 阴极压降 cathode drop1512 阳极 anode 1513 阳极斑点 anode spot1514 阳极区 anode region1515 阳极区电场强度 inte

31、nsity of the electric field in the anode region1516 阳极压降 anode drop1517 弧柱 arc column;arc stream1518 弧柱压降 voltage drop in arc column1519 弧柱电位梯度 potential gradient in the arc column1520 弧焰 arc flame1521 弧心 arc core1522 硬电弧 forceful arc;hard arc1523 软电弧 soft arc1524 旋转电弧 rotating arc 1525 脉冲电弧 pulsed

32、arc1526 脉冲喷射电弧 pulsed spray arc1527 起皱现象 puckering phenomena1528 起皱电弧 puckering arc1529 起皱临界电流 puckering critical current1530 电弧力 arc force1531 电磁力 electro-magnetic force1532 电磁收缩效应 pinch effect1533 电弧漂移 wandering (of arc)1534 电弧稳定性 arc stability 1535 电弧静特性 static characteristic of arc1536 电弧动特性 dyn

33、amic characteristic of arc1537 最小电压原理 principle of minimum voltage1538 电弧挺度 arc stiffness1539 电弧偏吹 arc blow1540 磁偏吹 magnetic blow1541 阴极清理作用 cleaning action of the cathode1542 电弧自身调节 arc self-regulation1543 挖掘作用 digging action1544 熔滴 droplet1545 熔滴过渡 metal transter1546 粗滴过渡 globular transfer;drop tr

34、ansfer1547 短路过渡 short circuiting transfer1548 喷射过渡 spray transfer1549 旋转喷射过渡 rotating spray transfer1550 脉冲喷射过渡 pulsed spray transfer1551 爆炸过渡 explosive transfer1552 渣壁过渡 flux-wall guided transfer1553 熔池 molten pool;puddle 1554 沸腾状熔池 boiling molten pool1555 弧坑 crater1556 熔渣 slag1557 碱性渣 basic slag15

35、58 酸性渣 acid slag1559 碱度 basicity1560 酸度 acidity1561 长渣 long slag1562 短渣 short slag1563 粘性熔渣 viscous slag1564 多孔熔渣 porous slag1565 玻璃状熔渣 vitreous slag1566 渣壳 solidified slag1567 自动脱落熔渣 self-releasing slag1568 熔渣流动性 fluidity of the slag;slag fluidity1569 脱渣性 slag detachability6 焊机1601 焊接设备 welding equ

36、ipment;welding set 1602 焊机 welder;welding machine1603 电焊机 electric welding machine;electric welder1604 焊接电源 welding power source1605 焊接电路 welding circuit1606 负载持续率 duty cycle1607 额定负载持续率 rated duty cycle; standard service factor1608 额定焊接电流 rated welding current1609 空载电压 open circuit voltage(no load

37、voltage)二金属焊接性0 接头区分及常用名词2001 焊接热循环 weld thermal cycle2002 焊接温度场 field of weld temperature;weld temperature field2003 母材 base metal;parent metal2004 焊接区 weld zone2005 焊缝区 weld metal zone2006 母材熔化区 fusion zone2007 半熔化区 partial melting region2008 未混合区 unmixed zone2009 熔合线 weld junction(e.);bond line(a

38、.)2010 熔合区 bond 2011 结晶层状线 ripple2012 热影响区 heat-affected zone(haz)2013 过热组织 overheated structure2014 过热区 overheated zone2015 粗晶区 coarse grained region2016 细晶区 fine grained region2017过渡区 transition zone2018 硬化区 hardened zone2019 碳当量 carbon equivalent2020 铬当量 chromium equivalent2021 镍当量 nickel equipme

39、nt2022 舍夫勒组织图 schaefflers diagram2023 德龙组织图 delongs diagram2024 连续冷却转变图(cct图)continuous cooling transformation diagram; cct-diagram2025 扩散氢 diffusible hydrogen2026 非扩散氢 non-diffusible hydrogen2027 残余氢 residual hydrogen2028 焊态 as-welded (aw)1 焊接性及其试验2101 焊接性 weldability2102 工艺焊接性 fabrication weldabli

40、ty2103 使用焊接性 service weldability2104 冶金焊接性 metallurgical weldability2105 热焊接性 thermal weldability2106 焊接裂纹 weld crack2107 焊缝裂纹 weld metal crack2108 焊道裂纹 bead crack2109 弧坑裂纹 crater crack2110 热影响区裂纹 heat-affected zone crack2111 纵裂纹 longitudinal crack2112 横裂纹 transverse crack2113 晶间裂纹 intercrystalline

41、crack2114 穿晶裂纹 transcrystalline crack2115 微裂纹 micro-crack2116 热裂纹 hot crack2117 凝固裂纹(结晶裂纹)solidification crack2118 多边化裂纹 polygonisation crack2119 液化裂纹 liquation crack2120 失塑裂纹 dutility-dip crack2121 冷裂纹 cold crack2122 氢致裂纹 hydrogen-induced crack2123 焊道下裂纹 underbead crack2124 焊根裂纹(根部裂纹)root crack2125

42、 焊趾裂纹 toe crack2126 延迟裂纹 delayed crack2127 消除应力处理裂纹 stress relief annealing crack (sr crack)2128 再热裂纹 reheat crack2129 应力腐蚀裂纹 stress corrosion cracking (scc)2130 层壮撕裂 lamellar tearing2131 焊缝晶间腐蚀 weld intercrystalline corossion2132 刀状腐蚀 knife line attack2133 敏化区腐蚀 weld decay2134 焊接性试验 weldability tes

43、t2135 裂纹试验 cracking test2136 裂纹敏感性 cracking susceptibility2137 bwra奥氏体 bwra cracking test for austenitic steel2138 缪雷克斯热裂纹试验 murex hot cracking test2139 非斯柯裂纹试验 fisco(type) cracking test2140 分块环形槽热裂纹试验 segmented circular groove cracking test2141 鱼骨形裂纹试验 fishbone cracking test2142 圆棒裂纹试验 bar type cra

44、cking test;round bar cracking test2143 里海裂纹试验 lehigh restraint cracking test(lehigh type cracking test)2144 圆形镶块裂纹试验 circular-patch cracking test2145 指形镶块裂纹试验 finger(cracking)test2146 iiw自动焊裂纹试验 iiw cracking test for automatic welding 2147 h形裂纹试验 h type cracking test2148 cts裂纹试验 controlled thermal s

45、everity cracking test(cts test)2149 十字接头裂纹试验 cruciform cracking test2150 t形裂纹试验 tee type cracking test2151 环形裂纹试验 circular-groove cracking test2152 y形裂纹试验 slit type cracking test2153 巴特尔焊道下裂纹试验 battelle type underbead cracking test2154 刚性拘束裂纹试验(rrg试验)rigid restraint cracking test2155 拉伸拘束裂纹试验tensile restraint cracking test2156 插销试验 implant test2157 可调拘束裂纹试验 varestraint test2158 热塑性试验 hot-ductility test2159 焊道纵向弯曲试验 longitudinal-bead bend test2160 柯麦雷尔弯曲试验 kommerell bead bend test216


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