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1、一.重点单词1.由制成(能看出原材料)3.在制造5.艺术与科学展览会7.以闻名9.飞机模型11.手工13 .全世界15 .对有益17 .避免买中国制造的产品19.许多其他的东西21 .高科技产品23 .在世界各地24 .18岁以下的孩子27 .被付费29 .无论什么31 .地球表面33 .被覆挽35 .许多不同种类的37.国际风筝节39.被画上.unit5基础知识过关2 .由制成(看不出原材料)4 .有谁制造6 .环境保护8 .作为而闻名10 .在山坡上12 .因被众所周知14 .据我所知16 .在当地的商店里18 .事实上20 .买一双篮球鞋22 .更擅长做某事24 .购物经历26 .不被允

2、许做某事28.在每个月的最后一个星期五30 .造成许多交通事故32 .粗心驾驶34 .去度假36 .放风筝=fly kites38 .放风筝活动40.中国每一个不同的地区41.传统艺术43.根据;依据45.发送47.被点燃49幸福的光明象征51.剪纸53.用剪刀剪55 . 一个神话故事57 .在高温下59 .在春节期间61 .用被制造二.重点句型1 .这些衬衣是什么做的?是棉花做的2 .这个飞机模型是由什么制成的?3 .据我所知茶是在山腰上种植的。42.变成44.升入46.陷入困境48.被看作50.已经存在52.被折叠54.把放到56.中国泥塑艺术58.被允许风干60.被用做4 .当茶叶成熟了

3、,它们被手工采摘下来然后被送去加工。5 .不管你买的是什么东西,你可能认为它们都是那些国家制造的。6 .他发现了一个有趣的现象:在当地的商店里竟然有这么多东西都是中国制造的。7 .他意识到美国人几乎不可避免的买中国制造的产品。8 .你去哪里度假了?我去参观了一个国际风筝节。9 .最为普通的东西从纸到陶土再到竹子,都变成了精美的物品。10 .当遇到麻烦时,他放天灯来寻求帮助1l它们是由竹子制成的,并被纸履盅住。第1页/共4页12 .春节期间,它们被贴在窗户、门和墙上作为好运和祝福新年的标志。13 .这些(泥制)作品通过手工用一种非常特殊的陶土精心塑形,之后再自然晾干。14 .完成一切需要花费几周

4、的时间。三、重点语法the passive voice (被动语态)知识概括:英语的语态共有两种即主动语态(the active voice)和被动语态(the passive vbice)i.主动语态交被动语态:many people speak english.(表示主语是动作的执行者.)主 谓宾english is spoken by many people.(被动语态是主语是动作的承受者.)n.被动语态的时态及构成:1 . 一般现在时态的被动语态:助动词be(amisaie)十及物动词的过去分词(be有人称时态和数的变化其变化与be作为系动词时一样)例: workers make ca

5、rs. .2 . 一般过去时态的被动语态:助动词be (was were)+及物动词的过去分词例:the boy made a kite yesterday一.3 .含有情态动词的被动语态:情态动词+be+及物动词的过去分词例: you must look after your things.一.4 .现在进行时:be+being+及物动词的过去分词例:i am reading a book. .5 .现在完成时:have/has +been+及物动词的过去分词例:i have retiinied the book.>.6 . 一般将来时:will/shall/be going to +

6、be+及物动词的过去分词:i will vish my tmcle next week. 一 .ii.注意事项:1 .只有及物动词(vt.)才能构成被动语态(不及物动词没有被动语态take place, happen ):we often plant trees in spring. trees are often planted in spring(by us).2 .动词短语构成被动语态时应把短语作为整体,不能将介词或副词丢掉.she can take care of her sister一 her sister can be taken care of (by her).3 .带有省去不

7、定式符号“to”的主动变为被动时“to”须加上:tliey made me clean the classroomi was made to clean the classroom (by them).4 .带复合宾语(双宾语)的主动语态变为被动语态时,两个宾语都可作被动语态的 主语,一般来说,用间接宾语,如直接宾语作主语时,间接宾语前面必须加上"。” 或 for:my father gave me a piesent yesterday.间宾直宾(常用的词有 give , buy , pass, show, bring 等)i was given a present (by my

8、father) yesterday.a present was given to me (by my father) yesterday.5 .将被动语态变为主动语态时必须找准动作的执行者(因为在被动语态中动作和执 行者往往被省略)例:tea is giown in the south. farmers grow tea in the south.6 .非谓语动词的被动语态:to do-to be done: a wild animal zoo is to be built in our city.v.+ing v+ being done: i don't like being lau

9、ghed at in the public.英语专项练习一被动语态单项选择。()1.xiao ming to the party yesterday.第3页/共4页a.was invited b.invited c.is invitedd.was inviting()2.why didn't you go to the paity last night?because i.a. wasn't invited b. didn't invitec. haven't invited d. am not invited()3. too much water in the

10、 world every day. we should save it.a. is wasted b. wastes c. was wasted d. is wasting()4.excuse me, sir. when can we have a swim in the pool?not until it next month.a. repaks b. will repair c. is repaiied d. will be repaired()5. a wooden bridge over the river in the mountain village soon.a. buildb.

11、 will be builtc. will buildd. built()6. about of the coffee onto his shirt. how unlucky he is!a. half; has pouredb. little; has pouredc. almost; has been pouredd. two-thirds; has been poured()7.many beautiful flowers around our school every year.-yes, beautifiil our school looks!a. are planted; what

12、 b. are planted; howc. were planted; what d. were planted; how()8.do you tliiiik teenagei's to make their own decisions?no, i don't agree with you. they'1。too young to do that.a. encourageb. are encouragingc are encouragedd.were encouraged()9.tliis kind of books well and out in this book

13、shop.a. sells; are sold b. sells; sells c. is sold; sells d. is is sold()10. hi many places in cliina, the old over 90 not only by their familybut also by the government.a. is taking good careb. are taken good care ofc. is taking good care ofd. are taken good care()11. tills kind of bananas well. i

14、want to buy some, but they.a. sell, sell out b. sell, have sold out c. sells, was sold out d. sells , have been sold out()12. will we have cleaner water to drink in the future?well, i don't think we will unless something.a. is doneb. was done c. has doned. had done()13. the gills how to dance a

15、month ago and now they can dance well.a. taughtb. were tauglit c. will teach d. will be taught( )14.the 24th winter olympic games on the fourth of febmaiy, 2022 in beijingand zhangjiakou.a. will be held b. hold c. will hold d. will be hold( )15.cliildren should to be honest from a young age.a.educat

16、e b.be educated c. punish d. be punished()16.1 plan to build an unusual house. it out of old things.a.is built b.has built c.was built d.will be built()17.now all chinese couples to have two childieii.a. allow b.allowed c.are allowed d.were allowed()18.you speak cliinese very well, sam.thanks. chine

17、se is veiy popular. it widely in the world.a.speak b.is spoke c.was spoken d.is spoken()19.the workers were made fiom morning to night in the past.sold;a. worked b.to work c. workd. working()20.have you heard of the big ben?of course. it_a symbol of uk.a.regards as b. is regarded as c. is regarded to d. regards to()21.jack, your room is really in a mess. it need.son


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