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1、The Present Perfect Tense如今完成时态如今完成时态助动词助动词have (hashave (has+ + 过过去分词去分词Grammar focus过去分词的构成过去分词的构成 Typeoriginal p.t p.pcostcostcostreadreadreadmeetmetmethavehadhad rideroderiddenspeakspokespokenkeepkeptkeptdrinkdrankdrunkeatateeatenABBAAA ABC如今完成时的构成:如今完成时的构成: 助动词助动词havehas+ 过去分词过去分词1表示过去发生或完成的某一动

2、作对如今呵表示过去发生或完成的某一动作对如今呵斥的影响或结果。斥的影响或结果。I have just cleaned my clothes. 我刚洗过衣服。我刚洗过衣服。“洗衣服是发生在过去的动作,对如今洗衣服是发生在过去的动作,对如今呵斥的结果是呵斥的结果是“衣服干净了衣服干净了1. 如今完成时的一定句如今完成时的一定句 We have lived in . He has lived in . I have finished my homework.如今完成时的否认句如今完成时的否认句 主语主语+have/ has + not+过去分词过去分词+ I have not seen the mo

3、vie yet. 3如今完成时的普通疑问句如今完成时的普通疑问句 Have/Has+主语主语+过去分词过去分词+. Have you finished the work? Has she arrived here?4如今完成时的特殊疑问句如今完成时的特殊疑问句 特殊疑问词特殊疑问词+have/has+主语主语+过去分词过去分词+. How many times have you been to the Great Wall?如今完成时常用的时间状语有:如今完成时常用的时间状语有:already 曾经曾经 用于一定句用于一定句never (“从不从不 用于中间用于中间)ever 曾经曾经 用于疑

4、问句用于疑问句just (“刚刚刚刚 用于中间用于中间)yet (“曾经曾经 用于疑问句的末尾处用于疑问句的末尾处 / “还还 用于否认句的末尾处用于否认句的末尾处)或不加任何的时间状语,但不能和表示过去或不加任何的时间状语,但不能和表示过去的时间状语连用的时间状语连用. ever和never也是如今完成时常见的时间状语。前者意思是“曾经,多见于疑问句或否认句中;后者意思是“从来没有,表示全部否认。“Have you ever seen the film? “No. I have never seen it.“他曾经看过这部影片吗? “没有, 从来没看过。Nobody in our class

5、 has ever been there. 我们班没有人去过那。 already和yet常见于如今完成时中,有“曾经之意。前者普通用在一定句中,后者用在疑问句中。yet在否认句中有“还之意。“Has the bus left yet? “Yes. It has already left. (“No. It hasnt left yet.) “汽车开走了吗? “是的,曾经开走了。 “不,还没有开走。 2 某个动作从过去曾经开场,某个动作从过去曾经开场, 不断继不断继续到如今续到如今, 还有能够继续到未来,动作的还有能够继续到未来,动作的 继续性要经过一段时间来表示。继续性要经过一段时间来表示。一

6、段时间的表达方法有一段时间的表达方法有 两两 种种:1For : + 一段时间一段时间 for a year for two weeks for three years2Since :过去的某一时辰:过去的某一时辰, since nine since last week 普经过去时态的时间状语从句普经过去时态的时间状语从句, since you came. since you got home. ! :for 和since 所引导的时间状语都表示一段时间. 对划线部分提问都用 How long .练一练练一练 :对以下划线部分进展提问。对以下划线部分进展提问。1 He has been awa

7、y since last week .2He has been away for one week .练习:用练习:用since和和for填空填空1) _ two years2) _ two years ago3) _ last month 4) _ 19995) _ yesterday6) _ 4 oclock7) _ 4 hours8) _ an hour ago9) _ we were children 10) _ lunch time11) _ she left hereHe has lived in Nanjing _ the year before last.2. Ive know

8、n him _we were children.3. Our teacher has studied Japanese _three years.4. She has been away from the city _ about ten years.5. Its about ten years _ she left the city.如今完成时与普经过去时的用法比较如今完成时与普经过去时的用法比较 如今完成时表示过去的动作不断延续到如今甚至会继续下去或表示过去的动作对如今呵斥的影响; 普经过去时表示动作发生的时间在过去。The plane has arrived . 飞机曾经来了。阐明如今的

9、情况:飞机在这儿The plane arrived a quarter ago. 飞机是一刻中以前来的。强调动作发生的时间在过去I have taught here for fifteen years. 我在这儿曾经教了十五年。表示十五年前的动作不断延续到如今,还能够会继续I taught here for a year. 我过去在这儿教过一年。表示“我“如今曾经不在这儿任教了二当有一个表示过去某一特定时间的状语时,二当有一个表示过去某一特定时间的状语时,不用如今完成时,而用普经过去时不用如今完成时,而用普经过去时: : eg: I saw the film on television yes

10、terday . 但但since(since(自自以来以来)+)+某一过去时间或表达过去某一过去时间或表达过去事情的从句总是与如今完成时连用。事情的从句总是与如今完成时连用。eg: They have known each other since 1950 . Since he was a child,he has lived in England.三常与普经过去时连用的典型的三常与普经过去时连用的典型的 表示过去时间的状语表示过去时间的状语: :yesterday(yesterday(昨天昨天),the other day (),the other day (前两前两天天),just now

11、(),just now(刚刚刚刚) ),时间,时间+ ago, last + ago, last +时间时间 等等; ; eg: The plane took off ten minutes ago. We finished our task last week .用过去时或如今完成时填空:用过去时或如今完成时填空:1. “_ you _(have) lunch ? “Yes. “When _ you _ (have) it? “I _ (have) it at 12:00.2. “_you _ (write) a letter to your aunt yet? “Yes, I _. I _

12、 (write) one last week.3. “_he _ (finish) his homework? “Not yet.4. “_they ever _ (be) abroad? “Yes, just once.5. Your father _just _ (finish) his work.6. Your father _ (finish) his work just now.7. Last term I _ (learn) many English words.8. They _ (not read) the interesting books yet.9. He _never

13、_(go) to the science museum.10. _you ever _ (drink) coke?have been to have gone to的用法比较 have been to a place 意思是“到过,去过,表示曾经到过某处,但如今人不在那儿。have gone to 意思是“去了,表示曾经去了某地,如今人能够在去的途中或已在那儿了。 Has she ever been to Nanjing?她曾去过南京吗? You have never been there, have you?他以前从未去过那儿,是吗? I have been to Guiling ,I we

14、nt there last year.我去过桂林,我去年去的。 She has gone to Nanjing. 她曾经去南京了。短暂性动词与时间段的关系短暂性动词与时间段的关系 短暂性动词在一定句、疑问句中不能与时间段连用,这些动词是:become, begin, buy, borrow, arrive, come, die, fall, finish, get to know, go, join, leave, marry 等。 为了表述这种意思,我们常用相应的延续性动词have,keep等或短语“be+名词描画词、位置副词、介词短语来 替代短暂性动词。become be, begin h

15、ave , borrow keep, buy have, come (go, arrive, get) be here/there/in,die be dead, fall asleep (ill) be asleep (ill), finish be over, get to know know, join be in be a member of , leave be away (from), marry be married等; 翻翻 译译 练练 习:习: 1. 1.我买了这块手表五年了。我买了这块手表五年了。 2. 2.这位老人曾经死了十年了。这位老人曾经死了十年了。 I have b

16、ought this watch for five years. I have bought this watch for five years. I have had this watch for five years/since I have had this watch for five years/since 5 years ago. 5 years ago. The old man has died for ten years. The old man has died for ten years. The old man has been dead for ten The old

17、man has been dead for ten years/since 10 years ago. years/since 10 years ago.WW 3. 3.他曾经回来三天了。他曾经回来三天了。 4. 4.自从六点钟他就来这儿了。自从六点钟他就来这儿了。 5. 5.我分开家乡已十年了。我分开家乡已十年了。 He has come back for 3 days. He has come back for 3 days. He has been back for 3 days/since 3 He has been back for 3 days/since 3 days ago.

18、days ago. He has come here since 6 o He has come here since 6 oclock.clock. He has been here since 6 o He has been here since 6 oclock.clock. I have left hometown for 10 years. I have left hometown for 10 years. I have been away from hometown for 10 I have been away from hometown for 10 years. years.WWW实力检验实力检验用括号中动词的适当方式填空用括号中动词的适当方式填空He (wait) for an hour. I (not finish) the work yet. you (know) him since then?I (hear) from my father recently.We (be) there many times in the past 3 years.The dog (die) since 3 days ago.They (finish)the work


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