阿塞拜疆项目 中压电容柜 招标书附件_第1页
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1、阿塞拜疆项目 中压电容柜 招标书附件1. 供货范围:序号工艺编码设备名称额定电压补偿容量型号规格数量12P6-1C1.U1中压电容柜6300V480Kvar1台23P6-1C1.U1中压电容柜6300V580Kvar1台34P6-1C1.U1中压电容柜6300V480Kvar1台44P6-1C2.U1中压电容柜6300V435Kvar1台5LP6-1C1.U1中压电容柜6300V145Kvar1台上述设备在没有得到买方设计人员正式确认之前不要制造。铭牌要求英文和阿塞拜疆语,卖方提供英文铭牌,买方翻译成阿塞拜疆语。设备包装时,在封箱前应进行拍照,并将照片电邮给买方。1.3.设备包装、运输至指定地

2、点:包装要求:详见第611条。交货地点:河北省京唐港。交货期:2010年?月?日前。1.4.工厂测试及检验:买方和业主将参加 中压电容柜 的出厂检验,卖方应提前半个月通知买方。由于卖方设备质量问题,造成业主重复检查所引起的相关费用(食宿、车旅和劳务费),要求卖方承担。卖方必须单独提供一份工厂测试报告给买方(电子版)。1.5.文件资料:卖方的随机资料应包括所有元器件说明书。编制随机资料时其内容必须满足“Detail requirements”的要求。资料份数:中文2份,英语7份,电子版1份。所有资料装订成册,共9*X本。质检资料(包括原材料检验报告、测试报告、合格证等)请单独装订,原件一份,副件

3、三份,共4本。所有资料的纸幅格式:A3或A4。书面版和电子版资料必须保持一致。随机资料交付方式应邮寄至中材建设有限公司采购部,勿随设备包装箱发运。1.6.安装指导、调试、培训:国内培训:出厂检验期间,买方安排12名现场人员到卖方工厂进行培训。根据买方安排供货方应安排工程师到施工现场调试,调试期间在现场对业主方和买方施工人员予以培训。2.现场条件:2.1Locale geography situation现场地理状况The plant is located in the East of Azerbaijan, 34 km south-west from the capital Baku and

4、1 km from the Caspian Sea (Figure 1).Site plan see the annex IV-1 现场地图见附件IV-1 2.2. Base and communication line交通基础设施RailBy railway the plant is connected to the national railway grid via the Garadagh railway station at 3 km distance. The railway line Baku - Tbilissi passes the plant at a distan

5、ce of 100 m in parallel to the South-Eastern fence. Railway is the main transport means for raw materials (clay and limestone) coming from the quarries. Also some cement is shipped by rail. At the moment railway connections inside the plant can reach almost all the necessary points like (dispatch -

6、both sides, warehouse, raw material unloading, additive crusher for the gypsum and volcanic sand, etc.). In the frame of the Project the limestone and clay unloading will be relocated and additional railway lines have to be built.RoadThe plant site is situated in the vicinity of the highway leading

7、to the North to Baku and to Iran in the South and Georgia in the West. Roads inside the plant are from concrete and gravel. Most of the roads (70 %) are concrete roads. There are 2 weighbridges for the trucks (enter and exit). They weigh each truck coming in and going out from the plant. In the futu

8、re for the New Dry Kiln 6 Project it is planned to open an additional entrance to the plant particularly for the trucks bringing raw material and AFR. Due to frequent sand storms, new roads should be built with concrete.WaterwaysThe plant is located 3 km away from Caspian Sea. The Wolga river is ent

9、ering the Caspian Sea in its Northern part. Equipment may be delivered via the Don-Wolga-Channel, except in winter when the river is frozen.Harbour FacilitiesThe industrial harbour located in Baku is 35 km away from the plant. Main connections of the Bakus harbour are Russia (Astrakhan at the Wolga

10、estuary), Kazakstan, Turkmenistan and Iran. The harbor located in Sahil Settlement about 3 km from the plant is currently under refurbishment, so that it may be used in the frame of the Project. However, the final stage of harbor expansion is not clear yet. At the moment, Garadagh Cement OJSC has no

11、 goods delivered via sea.2.3. Data of weather and earthquake气象及地震信息The climate in Baku and the plants area is arid. Winters are mostly mild and summers are hot and lasting.Temperature温度The average annual air temperature is +14 - +15°C, the average air temperature in January is +3 - +4°C, i

12、n July +24 to +26°C. The annual temperature difference amplitude is not very big and makes in the average 21 - 22°C. The absolute minimum temperature of the last 40 years is -15°C, the absolute maximum +43°C.Rain降水:The largest quantities of precipitation can be observed during fa

13、ll and winter, the average annual precipitation is 200 mm according to the precipitation gauge figures; the maximum quantity of precipitation is 33 mm and is observed in November.Relative HumidityThe average annual relative air humidity is 73%, in the evening 75 - 80%, in the daytime 65 - 70%. In wi

14、nter the relative humidity for many years has been 80 - 83% in the morning and in the evening, in the daytime it has been 70 - 73%. In summer these figures are approximately 10 - 15% less than in winter.Atmospheric PressureAverageMaximum1029 mbarMinimum1002 mbarAnnual1016 mbarEarthquake data地震信息The

15、area is in an active seismic zone 2 or MM VII (Modified Mercalli Scale). It should be noted, that the North and East of the capital city Baku are even located in a seismic zone 3 (MM VIII).The most recent earthquake in 2001 was reported with an intensity of 5.4 by Richter/Modified Mercalli scale.Win

16、dThe area around the Garadagh cement plant is extremely windy, especially during the winter season. Main wind directions are North and North-West. The average wind speed is 22 to 24 m/s, maximum wind speed is 35 m/s. Due to this, the preheater tower has to be cladded at least partly.电源条件:描述单位大小供电电源频

17、率Hz50高压进线电压kV/3 ph110中压配电电压kV/3 ph6低压配电电压(LVD)V/3 ph+PEN400低压接地方式 (TN-C / TN-S):- LVD/MCC-照明和插座TN-STN-S电机供电电压等级:-中压电机 (P >= 250 kW)-低压变频电机 (P >= 250 kW)-普通低压电机 (P<250 kW) kV/3 phV/3 ph+EV/3 ph+E6690400照明和普通插座电压V/1 ph+N+E230焊机插座电压V/3 ph+N+E400MCC控制电压 (来自 UPS)V/1ph+N+E / VDC230 / 24单项设备供电电压 (

18、< 2000VA)V/1 ph+N+E230电磁阀供电电压 (< 400VA)VAC230电磁阀供电电压 (< 36VA)VDC24传感器VDC24Analogue Field Devices:- Wired- Bus2-wire4 - 20 mAProfibus DP3.技术描述:附件1:附件一:阿塞拜疆装箱单格式。附件2:附件二:Name Plates / LabelsAll electrical and control Equipment, shall be clearly labeled (see PART IV-1-1). Nameplates/labels sha

19、ll be suitably sized. Labels shall be of Lamacoid type or equivalent (minimum 1.6 mm thickness), fixed by screws or riveted. Nameplates shall be white background with black engraved lettering (minimum 6 mm high). Text shall include: name of Equipment and the corresponding Equipment HAC code. Electri

20、cal and control components shall generally be HAC labeled at the support of the component and at the cable (see E9).Power Factor CompensationEach medium voltage busbar section shall be equipped with at least one reactive power compensation Equipment. It shall be automatically controlled and equipped

21、 with filters etc. to guarantee the quality of the plant network with respect to voltage (coordinated with main transformer tab changer), power factor and harmonics.The capacitor banks shall be sized to achieve a power factor at full load operation as specified in PART III. In any case an overall pl

22、ant power factor in accordance with the requirements of the utility company shall be achieved.The reactive power units shall be designed as follows:l Modular design using standard capacitor unitsl Complete with protective devices and contactorsl The switching sequence (rotating load) and the capacit

23、or unit size shall be selected in accordance with the expected loading and shall not disturb or be disturbed by any electronically controlled Equipment.All components (capacitors, reactances, resistors) shall be installed in the MV room or in a separate room nearby the medium voltage distribution.In

24、ternal Panel WiringThe color coding that shall be used for internal panel wiring is shown below. These conductor colors shall be used for the entire project and also applies to panels from sub-suppliers/vendors.COLOR CODING FOR INTERNAL PANEL WIRING盘柜内部配线颜色编码Circuit线路Conductor导线Color颜色AC power circu

25、its(3-phase)交流动力回路(三相)L1Black黑L2Black黑L3Black黑NLight blue淡蓝PEGreen-and-yellow黄绿AC power circuits (phase-neutral)交流动力回路(单相)LBrown棕NLight blue淡蓝PEGreen-and-yellow黄绿AC control circuits (phase-neutral)交流控制回路(单相)LRed红NLight blue淡蓝PEGreen-and-yellow黄绿DC control circuits直流控制回路* 0V: Preferred color is dark

26、blue with white stripe, alternative dark blue or white*0V:首选颜色为深蓝配白色条纹,次之为深蓝或白色+Dark blue深蓝0VDark blue with white stripe*深蓝配白色条纹SignalDark blue深蓝DC control circuits(analogue twisted pairs)直流控制回路(模拟量双绞线)* 0V: Preferred color is dark blue with white stripe, alternative is white*0V:首选颜色为深蓝配白色条纹,次之为深蓝或白

27、色+Dark blue深蓝0VDark blue with white stripe*深蓝配白色条纹Control circuits supplied from other assembly其他组合装置的控制回路Orange橙4.资料:以下资料分为接口技术资料、质量控制资料、最终设备资料部分,厂家根据合同的签订日期来分步提交以下资料,属于合同的一部分。序号描述交付日期电子书面备注英文中文英文中文I接口技术资料电气接口资料部分电气元件清单(包括型号、厂家、数量等)电气控制原理图接线图(包括I/O接口等)柜体外形图两年期备品备件清单初步装箱单具体见CBMI格式II最终设备资料部分最终资料清单安装、

28、使用、维修手册最终图纸关键部件使用说明书出厂整机试验报告最终装箱单具体见CBMI格式Requirements of Drawings and documentsThe drawings and documents mentioned in above schedule list should be fitted for the following requirements:4.1Engineering Documents (in Chinese and English) The supplier shall provide the technical documents specified i

29、n above schedule list required satisfying all regulatory approvals, the Installation, Operation and Maintenance Manuals and the As-Built documents.The supplier shall prepare Drawings and Documents which are necessary for CBMI to instruct the Owners personnel, to the operation and maintenance of the

30、Supplies in number of copies such as stated in this document clause 3.2.1The supplier will provide CBMI the split parts drawings and document according to the scope of supply (see part 1). CBMI will use these drawing and document for that project only. In number of copies, among which one (1) will b

31、e digitized for reproduction.4.1Installation Manual (in Chinese and English)The supplier will supply the CBMI with the installation documents and manuals as well as the start-up and Commissioning procedures in number of copies such as stated in this document , among which one (1) will be digitized f

32、or reproduction. Including all drawings, sketches, operation and maintenance instructions and any other document necessary to CBMI for his understanding of the installation, start-up and Commissioning of Supplies.4.2Operation and Maintenance Manual (in Chinese and English)The supplier will supply CB

33、MI with the operation and maintenance manuals in number of copies such as stated in such as stated in this document clause 3.2.3, among which one (1) will be digitized for reproduction, Including all drawings, sketches, operation and maintenance instructions and any other document necessary to CBMI

34、for the operation and maintenance of the equipment.4.3Updating of Drawings and Documents (in Chinese and English)The supplier will provide the “As Built“ of all manuals and documents up to the Provisional Acceptance and will include all the modifications carried out during the Commissioning, to ensu

35、re the proper operation and maintenance of the Supplies.4.4Format of drawings and documentationDrawings: AUTO CAD 2004;Document: word2003/ excel 2003/project 20025.两年期备品备件清单(投标时提供):Spare Parts List of Two YearsEquipment Designation设备名称:Name of Supplier供货商名称:Legend: *) Type of spare: WP=Wear spare, S

36、P=spare;No.Code工艺编号Equipment Designation设备名称Equipment Type设备型号Spare Designation备件名称Type of spare备件型号Type of spare备件类型Erection Qty.安装数量Purchasing Qty.采购数量Weight(kg)unitPrice(元)Manufacturer制造商Delivery timeRemark备注Unit Total Unit Total Weeks123456.包装:所有设备采用木箱包装,木箱应选用整木板组箱。制箱材料应以落叶松、马尾松、紫云杉、白松、榆木等为主;无明显



39、滚动,同时必须具有必要的防震装置。根据设备/材料的特点和装卸、运输上的不同要求, 卖方应以中英文明显地在包装箱上印刷“轻放”、“勿倒置”、“防雨”等字样以及其他国际运输中通用的标记;对于重量为二吨或超过二吨的设备/材料,还应在包装箱上标明重量、重心和挂钩位置。卖方应提供给买方所运货物的每个包装箱的长度、宽度和高度,包装箱的数量,以及包装箱可进行叠落的层数。卖方所采取的包装形式应符合国际海运货物包装规范和惯例以及国家的相关标准和规则。如不符合上述规则或规范,卖方应立即进行修正,并自行承担修正费用。卖方应提供必要的防潮防腐防震等有效措施。木板厚度不能少于15mm;横、竖、斜撑截面尺寸不能少于80mm*30mm;胶板厚度应大于15mm,且遵循GB/T 9846.4.包装箱必须坚固能够满足海运过程中不散架。包装箱护棱及包角必须采用1mm厚薄以上的钢板,护角边长不小于200mm,护棱不得小于200mm*100mm,护棱和护角之间的间距不能大于150mm,且护棱要钉合在撑条上。包装箱必须有防水、防潮、易碎、重


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