1、abashabateabidingabidingabrasionabrogateabsoluteabstract embarrass subside or moderate : ENDURING, CONTINUING 1 : to wait for : AWAIT 2 a : to endure without yielding : WITHSTAND b : to bear patiently : TOLERATE *cannot abide such bigots 3 : to accept without objection *will abide your decision* 1 a
2、 : a wearing, grinding, or rubbing away by friction b : IRRITATION 2 : an abraded area of the skin or mucous membrane abolish theoretical; not concrete; nonrepresentationals representational(of a style of art) showing things as they actually appear in real lifeabstract àelaborateabstruse obscur
3、e; profound; difficult to understandabuse diatribeaccede agreeaccessible easy to approach; obtainableaccolade award of merit; strong praise and approvals merit good qualitydeserving praise; merits: aspect of character or behavior deservingapproval or disapproval; Ex. judge each plan on its own merit
4、s; V:deserve; earns demerit fault; bad qualities earn gain for theperformance of service or labor; gain (something that one deserves);deserveaccretion growth or increase in size by gradual addition; growth; increase;increase by natural growth; Ex. towers and other accretions of thecastle; V. accrete
5、acme peak; pinnacle; highest pointadmonish warn or speak to with gentle disapproval; reproveadulate : to flatter or admire excessively or slavishlyadvocate speak in favor of; support (an idea or plan); urge; plead foraesthetic status 3 : to make ineffectiveaffection : a moderate feeling or emotionaf
6、finity feeling of kinship; similarity; Ex. strong affinity for her;Ex. many affinities between two languagesalbinism the condition of an albinoalbino an organism exhibiting deficient pigmentation; especially: a humanbeing or nonhuman mammal that is congenitally deficient in pigmentambiguous unclear
7、or doubtful in meaning; having more than one possibleinterpretationamiss wrong; faulty; Ex. something amiss; ADV.analogy similarity; parallelism; comparing two similar thingsanthology a collection of selected literary pieces or passages or works of art ormusicanodyne 1 : serving to assuage pain2 : n
8、ot likely to offend or arouse tensionsantonym a word of opposite meaning *the usual antonym of goodapathy lack of caring; indifference; lack of concern or interest in importantmatters; Ex. He was sunk in apathy after his failure; ADJ. apatheticapex tip; summit; climax; highest pointaphorism pithy ma
9、xim or saying; ADJ. aphoristicapologist one who writes in defense of a cause or institution; N. apologia apoplectic 1 : of, relating to, or causing stroke2 : affected with, inclined to, or showing symptoms of stroke3 : of a kind to cause or apparently cause strokeapprobation approvalarchaic antiquat
10、ed; no longer used; belonging to the past; N.arid arrestingarresting assumeasunder atone auspicious authenticate avarice aversion baleful balkybalm banal baneful base beliebemoan betray blandness blatantblazon blurb boding bratbreezeway brevity bucolicbuoyant (of land) dry; barren; unproductive 1 a
11、: to bring to a stop *sickness arrested his activities* b : CHECK, SLOW c : to make inactive *an arrested tumor* 2 : SEIZE, CAPTURE; specifically : to take or keep in custody by authority of law 3 : to catch suddenly and engagingly catching the attention : STRIKING, IMPRESSIVE 1 a : to take up or in
12、 : RECEIVE b : to take into partnership, employment, or use 2 a : to take to or upon oneself : UNDERTAKE b : PUT ON, DON 3 : to take control of 4: to pretend to have or be : FEIGN *assumed an air of confidence in spite of her dismay* 5 : to take as granted or true : SUPPOSE 6 : to take over (the deb
13、ts of another) as one's own into parts; apart; V. sunder make amends for; pay for; Ex. atone for favoring success; giving signs of future success; Cf. auspices prove genuine greediness for wealth firm dislike evil; malignant in intent or effect; deadly; having a malign influence; portending evil
14、; ominous; threatening; Ex. baleful look refusing or likely to refuse to proceed, act, or function as directed or expected something that relieves pain; oily liquid with a pleasant smell from trees hackneyed; commonplace; trite; lacking originality harmful; poisonous contemptible; morally bad; infer
15、ior in value or quality; Ex. base motives/conduct; Ex. base metal such as iron contradict; give a false impression; disguise; Ex. The poor sales belied our high hopes; Ex. Her smile belies her true feeling of displeasure. 1 : to express deep grief or distress over 2 : to regard with displeasure, dis
16、approval, or regret be unfaithful; reveal (unconsciously or unwillingly); Ex. Her trembling hands betray her anxiety. 1 a : smooth and soothing in manner or quality *a bland smile* b : exhibiting no personal concern or embarrassment : UNPERTURBED *a bland confession of guilt* 2 a : not irritating, s
17、timulating, or invigorating : SOOTHING b : DULL, INSIPID extremely (offensively) obvious; loudly offensive; Ex. blatant lie; N. blatancy 1 : to publish widely : PROCLAIM 2 a : to describe (heraldic or armorial bearings) in technical terms b : to represent (armorial bearings) in drawing or engraving
18、3 a : DISPLAY b : DECK, ADORN a short publicity notice : FOREBODING 1 a : CHILD; specifically : an ill-mannered annoying child b : an ill-mannered immature person 2 : the son or daughter of a career military person a roofed often open passage connecting two buildings (as a house and garage) or halve
19、s of a building conciseness; shortness of duration rustic; pastoral able to float; cheerful and optimistic; N. buoyancy; Ex. buoyancy ofburgeonburlesquebyline wood/water/American market grow rapidly; grow forth; send out buds; Ex. burgeoning computer industry give an imitation that ridicules; imitat
20、e mockingly 1 : a secondary line : SIDELINE2 : a line at the beginning of a news, story, magazine article, or bookgiving the writer's namecacophonicalcacophonouscacophonycalibrated marked by cacophony : harsh-sounding unpleasant mixture of loud sounds to standardize (as a measuring instrument) b
21、y determining the deviationfrom a standard so as to ascertain the proper correction factorscallow youthful; immature; inexperiencedcalm allaycalumniate 1 : to utter maliciously false statements, charges, or imputations about2 : to injure the reputation of by calumnycanonical 1: of, relating to, or f
22、orming a canon2 : conforming to a general rule or acceptable procedure : ORTHODOX3 : of or relating to a clergyman who is a canon4 : reduced to the canonical formcantankerous ill-humored; irritablecanvass determine or seek opinions, votes, etc.; go through (a region) to solicitvotes or orders; condu
23、ct a survey; Ncanvass to examine in detailcanvass the act or an instance of canvassingcaprice whim; sudden change of mind without any real causecaricature distortion; burlesquecategorical ABSOLUTE, UNQUALIFIEDcategorical without exceptions; made without any doubt in mind; unqualified;absolutecater p
24、rovide food and drink (for); cater to: try to satisfy (desires of a badkind)catholic (of likings and interests) universal; general; broad; including manydifferent parts; wide-ranging liberal; Ex. catholic opinions/tastescavil to raise trivial and frivolous objectioncavil quibble; make frivolous obje
25、ctions; find fault unnecessarilycavort 1 : PRANCE2 : to engage in extravagant behaviorcheck stop motion; curb or restrainchiaroscuro 1 : pictorial representation in terms of light and shade without regard tocolor2 a : the arrangement or treatment of light and dark parts in a pictorialwork of art b :
26、 the interplay or contrast of dissimilar qualities (as ofmood or character)3 : a 16th century woodcut technique involving the use of several blocksto print different tones of the same color; also : a print made by thistechnique4 : the interplay of light and shadow on or as if on a surface5 : the qua
27、lity of being veiled or partly in shadowchurlish boorish; rude; N. churl: boor; yahoocircumlocution indirect or roundabout expression (by using an unnecessarily largenumber of words esp. when trying to avoid answering a difficultquestion directly)circumlocutory 1 : the use of an unnecessarily large
28、number of words to express anidea2 : evasion in speechcistern reservoir or water tankclandestine clement clement collapsecollusion compendium complimentary compunctious compunctious conciliate conciseness conciseness condign conducive conform congenial conjecture consignconspicuous constrained conta
29、gion contagious contumacious conveycow craven credibilitycrest secret inclined to be merciful : LENIENT inclined to be merciful ; MILD 1 : to fall or shrink together abruptly and completely : fall into a jumbled or flattened mass through the force of external pressure 2 : to break down completely :
30、DISINTEGRATE 3 : to cave or fall in or give way 4 : to suddenly lose force, significance, effectiveness, or worth 5 : to break down in vital energy, stamina, or self-control through exhaustion or disease; especially : to fall helpless or unconscious 6 : to fold down into a more compact shape conspir
31、ing in a fraudulent scheme to cheat or deceive others; V. collude brief, comprehensive summary; ADJ. compendious 1 a : expressing or containing a compliment b : FAVORABLE *the novel received complimentary reviews* 2 : given free as a courtesy or favor 1 a : anxiety arising from awareness of guilt b
32、: distress of mind over an anticipated action or result 2 : a twinge of misgiving : a twinge of misgiving : SCRUPLE *cheated without compunction reconcile; soothe; win the friendly feelings (by removing anger) 1 : marked by brevity of expression or statement : free from all elaboration and superfluo
33、us detail 2 : cut short brevity adequate; (of punishment) severe and well deserved helpful; contributive; V. conduce; Ex. conduce to/towards be similar; act in agreement; comply; Ex. conform to the rule pleasant; friendly; in agreement with one's tastes and nature; Ex. congenial weather surmise;
34、 guess send to a person or place for sale; deliver officially; entrust; put into the care of another; set apart (for a special purpose); N. consignment notable 1 a : to force by imposed stricture, restriction, or limitation b : to restrict the motion of (a mechanical body) to a particular mode 2 : C
35、OMPRESS; also : to clasp tightly 3 : to secure by or as if by bonds : CONFINE; broadly : LIMIT 4 : to force or produce in an unnatural or strained manner *a constrained smile* 5 : to hold back by or as if by force infection (by contact); ADJ. contagious; CF. infectious: that can be passed by infecti
36、on in the air communicable by contact stubborn and disobedient; resisting authority (esp. disobedient to an order made by a court) a : to bear from one place to another; especially : to move in a continuous stream or mass b : to impart or communicate by statement, suggestion, gesture, or appearance
37、c (1) archaic: STEAL (2) obsolete: to carry away secretly d : to transfer or deliver to another especially by a sealed writing e : to cause to pass from one place or person to another to destroy the resolve or courage of cowardly top (as of a hill or wave); showy feathers on the head of a birdcrouch
38、crutch cruxculpable dabblerdamp dandy daunt debasedebilitated decrepitdedication deference defile defuse deliberate deliberate demoralize denounce deplore deprecating depreciate depreciate depressed deracinate derision derivative despondent diaphanous diatribe diffidencediffident 1 a : to lower the
39、body stance especially by bending the legs b : to lie close to the ground with the legs bent 2 : to bend or bow servilely to support on crutches : prop up essential or main point; Ex. the crux of the problem; ADJ. crucial: of deciding importance deserving blame; blameworthy one that dabbles: as a :
40、one not deeply engaged in or concerned with something MOISTURE: a : HUMIDITY, DAMPNESS b archaic 1 : a man who gives exaggerated attention to personal appearance 2 : something excellent in its class intimidate; frighten; discourage; dishearten degrade; reduce in quality or value; degenerate; lower i
41、n esteem; disgrace; N. debasement to impair the strength of : ENFEEBLE weak and in bad condition from old age or hard use; Ex. decrepit old chair/man 1 : an act or rite of dedicating to a divine being or to a sacred use 2 : a devoting or setting aside for a particular purpose 3 : a name and often a
42、message prefixed to a literary, musical, or artistic production in tribute to a person or cause 4 : self-sacrificing devotion respect and esteem due a superior or an elder a narrow passage or gorge narrowness 1 : to remove the fuse from (as a mine or bomb) 2 : to make less harmful, potent, or tense
43、*defuse the crisis* to think about or discuss issues and decisions carefully consider; ponder; ADJ: done on purpose; slow 1 : to corrupt the morals of 2 a : to weaken the morale of : b : to upset or destroy the normal functioning of c : to throw into disorder condemn; criticize; N. denunciation regr
44、et; express sorrow and severe disapproval for something bad; Ex. deplore their violent behavior; ADJ. deplorable: very bad; deserving severe disapproval; Ex. deplorable living condition to express disapproval of a : PLAY DOWN : make little of b : BELITTLE, DISPARAGE to lower in estimation or esteem
45、lessen in value; belittle; represent as of little value 1 : low in spirits : SAD; especially : affected by psychological depression 2 a : vertically flattened *a depressed cactus* b : having the central part lower than the margin c : lying flat or prostrate d : dorsoventrally flattened 3 : suffering
46、 from economic depression; especially : UNDERPRIVILEGED 4 : being below the standard UPROOT ridicule; ADJ. derisive; CF. Derisory unoriginal; obtained from another source; Ex. derivative prose style without hope and courage; depressed; gloomy; N. despondency: loss of hope with gloom; dejection sheer
47、; transparent a bitter and abusive speech or writing;ironical or satirical criticism shyness; lack of self-confidence; timidity; ADJ. diffident: 1 : hesitant in acting or speaking through lack of self-confidencediluteddiminishdindisaffecteddiscommodediscomposedisdaindisparatedispassionatedisputeddis
48、tinctdodderingdourdownpourdraconiandryaddulcetearsplittingeffaceeffervescenceeffeteelaborateelaborateelatedelongateelucidateemanativeemboldenembraceemulateemulateencomium 2 archaic : DISTRUSTFUL 3 : RESERVED, UNASSERTIVE 1 : ATTENUATE 2 : to make thinner or more liquid by admixture 3 : to diminish t
49、he strength, flavor, or brilliance of by admixture 4 : to decrease the per share value of (common stock) by increasing the total number of shares 1 : to make less or cause to appear less 2 : to lessen the authority, dignity, or reputation of : BELITTLE 3 : to cause to taper a loud continued noise; e
50、specially : a welter of discordant sounds disloyal; lacking loyalty; V. disaffect: cause to lose affection or loyalty : to cause inconvenience to : TROUBLE disturb the composure of; confuse treat with scorn or contempt basically different; impossible to compare; unrelated calm; impartial; not influe
51、nced by personal feelings 1 a : to make the subject of disputation b : to call into question 2 a : to struggle against : OPPOSE b : to contend over 1 : distinguishable to the eye or mind as discrete : SEPARATE 2 : presenting a clear unmistakable impression 3 archaic : notably decorated 4 a : NOTABLE
52、 *a distinct contribution to scholarship* b : readily andunmistakably shaky; infirm from old age; V. dodder sullen; gloomy; stubborn a pouring or streaming downward; especially : a heavy rain extremely severe; Ex. draconian punishment; CF. Draco Athenian politician- wood nymph sweet sounding; pleasi
53、ng to the ear; melodious distressingly loud or shrill rub out; remove the surface of inner excitement or exuberance; showing high spirits; emitting bubbles forming inside; bubbling from fermentation or carbonation; ADJ. effervescent; V. effervesce having lost one's original power; barren; worn o
54、ut; exhausted marked by complexity, fullness of detail, or ornateness *elaborate prose work out carefully; add more detail or information filled with excited joy and pride; overjoyed; in high spirits; joyful and proud; Ex. elated crowd; V. elate; N. Elation to extend the length of explain; make clea
55、r; clarify; enlighten; CF. lucid 1 a : the action of emanating b : the origination of the world by a series of hierarchically descending radiations from the Godhead through intermediate stages to matter 2 a : something that emanates or is produced by emanation : EFFLUENCE to instill with boldness or
56、 courage hug; clasp with the arms; adopt or espouse; accept readily; encircle; include; Ex. embrace the cause/socialism; Ex. all-embracing; CF. brace; CF. bracelet imitate; rival; try to equal or excel (through imitation) a : to strive to equal or excel b : IMITATE; especially : to imitate by means
57、of an emulator glowing and warmly enthusiastic praise; also : an expression of thisvery high praise; eulogyenduring energize engageengross ennoble ennuienslave entrancing ephemeral equivocal erect erodeerosion erratic erudite escalate esotericesteem estrange ethereal euphemism evanescent exaggeratio
58、n execrate exemplary exonerate expansive exponent exponent exposeextinguish extol extraneousextravagant lasting; surviving invigorate; give energy to; make forceful and active attract; employ; hire; pledge oneself; confront; fight; enter into confliction; interlock; lock together; participate; N. en
59、gagement: agreement to marry; arrangement to meet someone or to do something; battle occupy fully; absorb 1 : to make noble : ELEVATE *seemed ennobled by suffering* 2 : to raise to the rank of nobility boredom; listlessness and dissatisfaction resulting from lack of interest; CF.annoy enthrall 1 : to carry away with del
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