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1、基础落实基础落实Module 3 Body Language and Non-verbal Communication.高频单词思忆高频单词思忆 People are easily _ (传染传染) by the persons who have got A (H1N1) flu.2. You are only _ (稍稍稍稍) underweight for your height.3. This wounded soldier was _ (无意识的无意识的) for losing a lot of blood.unconsciousunconsciousslightlyslightlyi

2、nfectedinfected4. This festival is _ (传统地传统地) held in May.5. She may be angry if you dont reply to her _ (邀请邀请).6. Their _ (交流交流) lasted about two hours about the problem.7. The black people are still struggling for _ (平等平等) with the whites.invitationinvitationcommunicationcommunicationtraditionally

3、traditionallyequalityequality8. The protests became more violent and many landowners were _ (惊慌惊慌) into leaving the country.9. I didnt realize putting on a play _ (包括包括) so much work.10. She _ (做手势做手势) her disappointment by laying her hand on her forehead.panickedpanickedinvolvedinvolvedgesturedgest

4、ured panic的过去式、过去分词分的过去式、过去分词分别是别是panicked, panicked。 .重点短语回顾重点短语回顾1. be on _保持警惕保持警惕;站岗站岗guard _ sth.防止防止;提防提防(某事某事)2. communicate _ sb.(与某人与某人)交流信息交流信息;沟通沟通 communicate sth. _ sb.把某物传递给某人把某物传递给某人 be _ communication with与与交流交流3. make a _ 达成协议达成协议deal _ 处理处理;涉及涉及 Its _ deal!口成交!口成交!4. give _ 泄露泄露giv

5、e in _屈服于屈服于give _ doing sth.放弃做某事放弃做某事guardguardagainsagainst twithwithtotoinindealdealwithwitha aawayawaytotoupup6. _ ones request应某人的请求应某人的请求_ ones invitation应某人之邀应某人之邀_ request应要求应要求8. up and _上上下下上上下下back and _前前后前前后 后后;来来回回来来回回9. by _ 偶然偶然_ purpose 故意地故意地 10. say hello/goodbye _向向问好问好/说再见说再见 _

6、 sb.goodbye向某人挥手告别向某人挥手告别_ sb. goodbye吻别吻别 atatatatonondowndownforthforthaccident/chanceaccident/chanceonontotowavewavekisskiss1. I dont like the way he looks at me _ _ _ (一上一下一上一下) before speaking to me.2. On my way to go to school yesterday morning I met an old friend _ _. (偶然偶然)3. The car company

7、 has_ _ _ (做成交做成交易易)with an American firm, which will supply engines in exchange for brakes.4. Miss Smith is _ _ (不仅仅是不仅仅是) our English teacher, she is our best friend.5. Soldiers _ _ (在岗在岗) duty had to stand with their faces to the wall.巩固练习巩固练习up and downby accidentmade a dealmore than on guard6.

8、The sunshine should _ _ (振作振作) your spirits a little. 7. Lets drive over and _ _ _ (问好问好) to him. 8. Lets _ _ (打开打开) the VCD and enjoy music for a while.9. They _ _ (分发分发) a large sum of money to the people of a poverty-stricken area. 10. Traffic on the bridge was _ _ (耽搁耽搁) for several hours this m

9、orning because of the accident. lift upsay hello togave awayheld upswitch on Its bad manners to _ when others are talking to you. A. switch to B. switch off C. switch on D. switch over 句意为:当别人对你说话时,你不理不睬是句意为:当别人对你说话时,你不理不睬是不礼貌的。不礼貌的。switch off关上;不听,不理睬。关上;不听,不理睬。1. vary v. 变化变化;变动变动;改变改变The color of

10、 leaves varies with weather.叶子的颜色随着天气的变化而变化。叶子的颜色随着天气的变化而变化。The students of the class vary in age from 7 to 13. 这个班的学生年龄从这个班的学生年龄从7 7岁到岁到1313岁不等。岁不等。Opinions on this matter vary from person to person.对于这件事,人人意见不一。对于这件事,人人意见不一。vary from .to . 从从到到情况不等情况不等vary in . 在某方面不同在某方面不同vary with . 随随变化变化 varie

11、ty n. 种类;种种;多样性种类;种种;多样性 a variety of 各种各样的;一种各种各样的;一种的变体的变体 various adj. 不同的,各种各样的不同的,各种各样的重点单词重点单词 gesture n. 作手势讲时一般用作可数名词。作手势讲时一般用作可数名词。He made a rude gesture with his fingers. 他用手指做了一个不礼貌的手势。他用手指做了一个不礼貌的手势。English people do not use as much gesture as Italians. 英国人不如意大利人用的手势多。英国人不如意大利人用的手势多。He s

12、aid that he would help, but Im sure it was only a gesture. make a friendly gesture to sb. 向某人作友善的表示向某人作友善的表示v. “打手势,示意打手势,示意”。She was gesturing so exciting that I knew something was wrong. 他说他会帮我的,但我相信这只不过是一种表示而已。他说他会帮我的,但我相信这只不过是一种表示而已。她激动地直打手势,我知道出问题了。她激动地直打手势,我知道出问题了。表整体概念时,常作表整体概念时,常作不可数名词。不可数名词

13、。“姿势,表姿势,表示示”,用作,用作可数名词。可数名词。 involve v.包括;涉及;卷入;包括;涉及;卷入; involve sb. in (doing) sth. 使某人参与(干)某事,使某人参与(干)某事, 使某人牵扯到某事中使某人牵扯到某事中 be/get/become involved in 卷入卷入之中之中;专心于专心于The job involves a lot of travelling.He became involved in the criminal activities.Please dont involve me in your family arguments

14、.He was involved in working out a plan all night.这份工作需要经常出差。这份工作需要经常出差。他与这次犯罪活动有关。他与这次犯罪活动有关。别把我牵扯进你们的家庭争执中去。别把我牵扯进你们的家庭争执中去。他整个晚上都在聚精会神地制定计划。他整个晚上都在聚精会神地制定计划。involved adj.作前置定语时作前置定语时, 意为意为“复杂的复杂的”; 作后置定语时作后置定语时, 意为意为“涉及到的涉及到的”。the involved situation 复杂的形势复杂的形势 (前置定语前置定语)the people involved 所涉及的人所涉

15、及的人 (后置定语后置定语) Hes deeply involved _ her and feels he must marry her. A. in B. to C. with D. for be/get involved with和和有密切联系。有密切联系。2. favour n. 好意,帮助,恩惠;喜爱,宠爱;偏爱好意,帮助,恩惠;喜爱,宠爱;偏爱ask sb. a favour=ask a favour of sb. 请某人帮忙请某人帮忙do sb. a favour=do a favour for sb. 帮某人一个忙帮某人一个忙in favour of 支持,赞同支持,赞同in s

16、bs favour 对某人有利对某人有利out of favour 失宠的失宠的;不流行的不流行的find/lose favour with sb. 得得/失宠于某人失宠于某人Can you do me a favour to take a picture of me?你能帮个忙,给我拍张照吗?你能帮个忙,给我拍张照吗?A mother shouldnt show too much favour to one of her children. Everyone is in favour of Toms proposal.每个人都赞同汤姆的计划。每个人都赞同汤姆的计划。母亲不应偏袒任何一个孩子。

17、母亲不应偏袒任何一个孩子。 panic v. v.( (使使) )惊慌惊慌;(;(使使) )惊恐惊恐; ; n. n. 惊慌惊慌; ;恐慌恐慌 I panicked when I saw smoke coming out of the engine. 我看见发动机冒烟时,吓得手足无措。我看见发动机冒烟时,吓得手足无措。 Panic took hold of him and he couldnt move. 他突然惊慌得动弹不得。他突然惊慌得动弹不得。 panic sb. into doing sth. 使某人因惊慌而做某事使某人因惊慌而做某事 be in a panic 处于恐慌中处于恐慌中

18、get into a panic 陷入恐慌陷入恐慌 in a state of panic 处于恐慌的状态处于恐慌的状态 Dad, there is a snake at the gate crawling this way. Dont _, boys; theres no danger. A. afraid B. frighten C. terrify D. panic 解析解析 panic强调受惊吓的程度之深。强调受惊吓的程度之深。afraid为形为形 容词;容词;frighten和和terrify侧重害怕,但不一定是受侧重害怕,但不一定是受 惊吓所致。惊吓所致。 hold upCan y

19、ou hold up the stone for some minutes?你能举起这块石头持续几分钟吗?你能举起这块石头持续几分钟吗?We were held up on our way to the airport in a traffic jam.我们在前往机场的路上,因为堵车而延误了。我们在前往机场的路上,因为堵车而延误了。hold back 阻挡,抑制;隐瞒,阻挡,抑制;隐瞒, 保留;踌躇不前保留;踌躇不前hold on 等一会儿,别挂等一会儿,别挂(打电话时打电话时);坚持;继续;坚持;继续hold down 压制,镇压;缩减压制,镇压;缩减hold on to 紧紧抓住;保留;留

20、下,不卖(某物)紧紧抓住;保留;留下,不卖(某物)hold out 伸出;维持伸出;维持 ;保持;保持举起;抬起;阻碍;使停止;支撑举起;抬起;阻碍;使停止;支撑 hold up/ hold on/ hold back/ hold out Nobody can _ the wheel of history. During the rush hour they were _ in the heavy traffic. We can stay here for as long as our supplies _. Hello. May I speak to John?Yes, but he is

21、not here, please _ and wait a minute.一试身手一试身手hold backheld uphold outhold on give awayDont give away my secret. The mayor gave away the prizes at the sports meet.市长在运动会上颁发奖品。市长在运动会上颁发奖品。He gave away most of his money to charity.In any way, you never give away the good chance.give in 屈服;投降;交上屈服;投降;交上

22、give off 散发出散发出(光、热、烟、气、味等光、热、烟、气、味等)give out 分发分发 (=hand out);放出;耗尽;发布;放出;耗尽;发布(消息消息) give way to 给给让路让路/让步;被让步;被代替代替give up 放弃,认输放弃,认输give back 恢复;归还恢复;归还他把大部分钱都捐给了慈善事业。他把大部分钱都捐给了慈善事业。无论如何,你不要丧失了好机会。无论如何,你不要丧失了好机会。不要泄露我的秘密。不要泄露我的秘密。赠送;泄露;丧失;牺牲;分发,颁发赠送;泄露;丧失;牺牲;分发,颁发 give out/ give off/ give in/ gi

23、ve up/ give away People _ much more by their gestures than by their words. As time goes by, all the cars and buses will not be allowed to _ poisonous smoke. After such a long journey, both my strength and money _. In the crowded bus the young people _ their seats to the old men. The heroic girl woul

24、d rather die than _.一试身手一试身手give awaygive offgave outgave upgive in3. stare vi. 凝视;盯着看凝视;盯着看Its not polite to stare at people for a long time. 长时间盯着人看不礼貌。长时间盯着人看不礼貌。Stopping staring out of the window and do some work. 别盯着窗外看了,快点干活吧。别盯着窗外看了,快点干活吧。The book I was looking for was staring me in the face.

25、 我找的书就摆在我面前。我找的书就摆在我面前。be staring sb. in the face 清楚地摆在某人面前清楚地摆在某人面前辨析:辨析: stare, glare, glance stare 指由于生气、害怕或吃惊而睁大眼睛注视某指由于生气、害怕或吃惊而睁大眼睛注视某物。物。glare 指怒目而视。指怒目而视。glance 指快速地看某人或某物一眼。指快速地看某人或某物一眼。她羞涩地从她的扇子后面看了他一眼。她羞涩地从她的扇子后面看了他一眼。Everyone glared at the two who kept talking when the others were studyi

26、ng in the classroom.She glanced shyly at him from behind her fan.教室那两个人不停地讲话,大家都瞪眼看他们。教室那两个人不停地讲话,大家都瞪眼看他们。4. 辨析:辨析:require, demand, request, ask, order1) require “要求要求”,强调根据事业、需要或纪律、强调根据事业、需要或纪律、法律等而提出的法律等而提出的“要求要求”。 如:如:This job requires you to be very careful and quick-thinking. 这项工作要求你们非常细心并且反应要

27、快。这项工作要求你们非常细心并且反应要快。2) demand 表示表示“非答应不可的要求非答应不可的要求”,它和,它和require相比较,口气更强硬。相比较,口气更强硬。如:如:They demanded an immediate answer from Jack. 他们要求杰克立刻做出回答。他们要求杰克立刻做出回答。注意:当它的主语是物时,意为注意:当它的主语是物时,意为“必须具备必须具备”,如:,如:This work demands care and patience. 这项工作需要仔细和耐心。这项工作需要仔细和耐心。3) request 本意是本意是“通过正式手续或非常有礼貌地请通过

28、正式手续或非常有礼貌地请求对方做某事求对方做某事”All that I request of you is that you should be early. 注意:注意:request是一种书面语,在口语中,尤其是在家是一种书面语,在口语中,尤其是在家庭成员和亲密朋友之间常用庭成员和亲密朋友之间常用ask代替。代替。4) ask 表示表示“要求,请求要求,请求”,是最常用的词。,是最常用的词。如:如:I ask him to come with me. 我请他和我一起来。我请他和我一起来。5) order 表示表示“命令命令”,是上级要求下级办到的事情,是上级要求下级办到的事情,具有强制性。

29、具有强制性。如:如:The officer ordered that the work (should) be started after dark. 军官下令天黑开始工作。军官下令天黑开始工作。我所要求的只是你应该早些来。我所要求的只是你应该早些来。活学活用活学活用用用request, ask, demand, require的适当形式填空的适当形式填空(1)He _ me where Tom was.(2)The police _ that all the persons in the house come out immediately.(3)All I _ of you was that you come earlier.(4)Mr.Green _ his students to keep silence. askedaskeddemandeddemandedrequestedrequestedrequiredrequired句式分析句式分析5. 5. One person then holds up his hand, One person then holds up his hand, palm palm outwardsoutwards and and five f


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