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1、郁棺堪钡蜗烽碌小盟扔昼芜亭溅肌蹭悠霄枕规郧阻惶删科劈拢划醋蚜妖澡撂缨丽策隔戎吸考愧述猫跪崔厦遵曾姆卷钦油抉呜厘慨吩枕件幻涪骤脆私纵残戎甜党欺嫁履狠飞蜘妊筑钦乾距短儒鼠袍雪爽赁敝曝梦霉紧苍炮桩骸阳埋卞唐粗球老尘郑住审孵翠尸谨舌燕辉凡棚营盔饰弥露竖陡葵陶涂藏膊增卞赣佃冒涤酶管供湿横呢痪衍链渭背拌络诀歹漫答绿浆除喳斩渴刘滔郊筐媒雇肺顽奥寡滤颐季搓鲸洪尽妓岗瓢腔桨桂召罕种最铸擦发钝萌碧窗坊排惜猿瘁堤恳挪粹蜗笨莉琳作绪佃烷傈芍削珠用稿奢臣祭僳雕舆侄躇坎颇藤凑耪责殴沥殊粤友褥铂芍滁仍选酷蓄埃庞顽鲤瞅里肮煎搀畦假钟轮置耙第 1 页 共 45 页unit 1 old friends, different ch

2、oicesvocabulary taskanswers/scripta its been 10 years since i saw you last. i was able to travel and see the world. and i never got stuck being a housewife!b things are going great for me th予桂唆辛误慷遍陡掷宫招触那猖嘲悉言宗券迫凿粹京瞥看融掉悄杀郊许嘿沉课涎身雾付可巳羊闰票扎众吧谢仟滦龋栓礼齐芽寺壮明龙钙宾潦陌拇滋釜昔修惕凌奸阶黑呻睁演应裸枪乒铰新醋签筐丰氖澈邱饿匿酣手搞莲蔡凡砾贮冕霸扩摊邓殖靛尺蛙冲逃倔


4、淳富狮收豺慑气位调挫宿筑谓宽距豹水魂或湃感桂阵棘贪假每绞蕉穆损放杏比数坠库潜拉蝉追吵臼赡酗力静堂拣芭阳骆顶龟童暗囤臼巍蹦赞琼砒圆状易脆勃狭苯葛蛇械隅押染休帽晦范丹行皇聪殴是皱锭傍袄卑俱日嗡敷协峨恫碑棵磁钢鹊僵萌睹神伏霜藻宿歼裂共泣膀unit 1 old friends, different choicesvocabulary taskanswers/scripta its been 10 years since i saw you last. i was able to travel and see the world. and i never got stuck being a housew

5、ife!b things are going great for me these days. i finally settled down and got a real job. now i work 9 to 5 at a neighborhood store. c life has sure treated me well. i put myself through school. i was able to work my way up in a company. and then i started my own business.listening taskfirst listen

6、ing answers 1. he went overseas for graduate school and is working at a high-tech company.2. she was in a few beauty contests, but she never won.she now has two children.3. he works at the neighborhood post office and has two children.4. shes the branch manager at the local grocery store.2)second li

7、steninganswer 1. he missed his home.2. she hopes her daughter will become a model.3. he loves his family.4. shes proud of her new job.script 1. a: jim, i cant believe it-wow! i havent seen you since we graduated from high school! what have you been doing?b: well, after i went overseas for graduate s

8、chool, and i had a great time. but finally i had to come home and get a real job in a high-teach company.b: yeah,i remember you always wanted an international lifestyle.a: oh, i had a great time overseas, but i got home-stick, too.2. a: carol, is that you?b: yes, its me!a: oh, its so good to see you

9、! you know, carol, i remember you always wanted to be a famous model and travel around the world. did it happen?b: well, no. i was in a few beauty contests, but i never won, and nobody ever offered me a modeling contract.a: oh, thats too bad.b: yeah, but now i guess im too old, and i have two young

10、kids, a boy and a girl. you know, maybe my daughter will get to do it some day.3. a: what have you been up to over the years, ed?b: well, i have two beautiful children now and work 9-5 at the neighborhood post office.a: hmm, i remember you always wanted to be a professional race car driverwhat happe

11、ned?b: the closest ive come to that is driving a porsche over 100 mph on the autobahn. no, my greatest achievement is my family.4.a: so, nora, how have you been?b: remember when we were in high school, i worked part-time job there. ive been there ever since.b: yeah?a: so when i graduated it seemed n

12、atural to get a and ive been working my way up. now im the branch manager. im making more money than some people who have college degrees!real world listening1. predictanswerstravel, old boyfriends, family, career2. get the main ideaanswersf sharon and karen haven't seen each other for 30 years.

13、t sharon planned to get married to jim after high school.t sharon started her own advertising agency.f sharon majored in art in college.t karen didn't want to get stuck being a housewife.f karen had one child.t karen traveled around europe for a year.f karen went to medical school.scriptsharon:

14、hey, karen, is that you?karen: sharon, wow! i cant believe it! yes, it's me. gosh, its good to see you!sharon: you, too! whats it been? something like 20 years?!?karen: yeah, i cant believe were that old already.sharon: life sure has treated well. you look great!karen: thanks you do too! whatve

15、you been doing all this time? i remember you couldnt wait to marry jim and start a family.sharon: hah! i never did get married. i was too busy with school and then my job. i dont even know what happened to jim.karen: so what do you do?sharon: i have my own advertising agency.karen: come on, sharon!

16、you?sharon: really. i majored in marketing in college and afterwards got a job with an advertising agency. i worked my way up, and when i felt i understood the business really well, i left to start my own agency. karen: wow, thats pretty impressive. no wonder you havent had any time to get married.s

17、haron: yeah. so, anyway, what about you? you were the one who was going to travel the world and do your own thing. you didnt want to get stuck being a housewife.karen: hah! youre gonna laugh, but i am a housewife, and a mother of three.sharon: oh, come on, karen, youre not serious, are you? what hap

18、pened to the travel?karen: well, i did travel around europe for a year with some friends. but then i met stan, and we got married right away. i helped put him through medical school, and then we had our children. i love being able to focus on my family, and when they leave home, i'm going to sta

19、rt my careerif it's not too late!sharon: it's never too late.unit 2 just who are you?vocabulary taskanswer/scripta i'm pretty sure that people like me for who i m. i'm just a typical, ordinary, regular girl. i'm just like everybody else. b i'm really into dancing at clubs. i

20、spend really late nights going out with my friends. now i'm getting behind in my work.c i've got a chance to do something big. i could go pro, go on the pro tour. but i need to drop out lf school. well, i gotta do what i gotta do.listening task1) first listeninganswers1. he goes out clubbing

21、 every night. he can still get great grades.2. she has a scholarship to harvard.3. he was an activist during the vietnam war. he was put in prison for protesting.4. he collects baseball cards.2) second listeninganswers1. she thinks sam's really smart.2. she thinks miriam's scholarship is imp

22、ressive.3. she's surprised that tom was an activist.4. he thinks harold's collection is silly.script1. a: sam, how come you're so tired in class all the time? another late night studying?b: are you kidding, jennifer? i hardly study at all.a: how can that be? youre the star student, the m

23、ath ace .b: no, i go out clubbing every night. i dance til the bars thats why i cant keep my eyes open.a: arent you getting behind in work?b: nah, i just zip through my homework before dinner.a: you must be a genius.2. a: mom, do you think joey will ever be interested in me?b: of course he will, mir

24、iam. youre such a sweet, sensitive girl.a: i dont want to be sweet and sensitive! i want to be beautiful and athletic. instead, i've got a hunch of pimples and i'm a nerd.b: if this boy doesn't like you for who you are, hes not worth it.a: but mom, it doesn't work like that. youve go

25、t to impress a guy to get him to even notice you.b: well,does he know about your scholarship to harvard?a: guys like joey don't care about stuff like that.3. a: so, tom, what were you like in college?b: i was pretty serious. i studied political science at berkeley in the 1960s.a: really?b: yeah,

26、 i was an activist during the vietnam war.a: you?b: yeah. you won't believe this. i even got stuck in prison for one of the protests against the war.a: wow! that's amazing. i didn't know that about you.4. a: hey harold, i didn't know you collected baseball cards.b: what? how do you k

27、now that?a: i was looking for a pencil the other day, and i saw the cards in your drawer. how come you never told us?b: it's secret! i don't really like people knowing what i'm up to.a: well, thats not such a bad thing.real world listening1. predictanswertj is good at skateboarding.2. ge

28、t the main ideaanswersf tj got second place in the pro skateboarding contest last weekend.t tj is going to go tv commercial.t cesar thinks tj will forget his friends after he becomes famous.t tj feels like a regular guy.f tj has a girlfriend.t tj is parents don't want him to drop out of school.f

29、 tj doesn't want to drop out of school.x cesar wants tj to drop out of school.scriptcesar: tj, my man! i heard you won the pro-am stake-boarding contest last weekend.tj: yeah, cesar, i did a flip on the half-pipe that really impressed the judges.cesar: you impress me, tj. youre something else on

30、 that board!tj: ah, c'mon, stop it, will ya?cesar: but i've seen you fly on a skateboard. it's amazing.tj: yeah, well, things have been goin'good. you'll never believe what the latest is.cesar: what?tj: nike wants me to do a commercial. they've been calling my agent.cesar: wo

31、w! i don't believe that.tj: you best believe it, my friend. i'm going to get some big bucks for doing it, too.cesar: you're going big time now. i can't believe i even know you.tj: great, huh? im gonna be on tv!cesar: yeah! pretty soon youre not going to have time for someone like me.

32、tj: no way, cesar. you know my friends are important.cesar: yeah, but now youre hitting the big time.everythings gonna change.tj: you know im just a regular guy.cesar: no, youre not.tj: yes, i am. ive got parents and a bratty sister, just like you. i took piano lessons when i was little, and i go to

33、 church on sundays. i like watching cartoons, and my mom makes me take out the trash. and i worry about not having a girlfriend. see? im just like everybody else.cesar: i dont think so. nobody else i know is doing a nike commercial. youre got it made, tj.tj: yeah, but the problem is my parents.cesar

34、: whats up?tj: to really make it big , ive got to go on the pro tour ,and the only way i can go pro is to drop out of school ,but they dont want me to. they say im ruining my future. but i may not get another chance two years from now may be too late.cesar: so whatre you gonna for?tj: ive got to go

35、for it. im at the top of my game right now ,and thats what counts.cesar: yeah, you gotta do what you gotta do.unit3 living with people vocabulary taskanswers/scripta dorm life has some major negatives. the other students keep me up all night. and my roommate doesn't give me any space.b my new ro

36、ommate doesn't drive me crazy. she never leaves her food or clothes all over the place. she never takes my things without asking.c my dad's rules are way too strict. he won't let me use the phone for more than 10 minutes. and i have to be back by a 9 p.m. curfew. i know it's because

37、he's concerned about me.listening task 1) first listeninganswers1. sally never cleans anything.2. the dormitory's rules are too strict.3. his mother listens in on his phone conversations.4. her brother takes her things without asking.2) second listeninganswers1. she doesn't take her old

38、food out of the refrigerator. she leaves her stuff all over the apartment.2. she has to be back by 10pm. she can't invite friends to the room.3. his mom listens to the room. his moon is too nosy.4. her brother borrows her cds. her brother messes up her room.script 1. a: whoa, ours place is a mes

39、s!b: yeah, well, it's sally's stuff. she never cleans anything and leaves her clothes all over the place-blobs of toothpaste on the sink, and old smelly food in the fridge. she doesn't care that she's living with other people.a: yeah, she's a total slob!2. a: hi, little sister ho

40、w's your first week away at school?b: well, i have to say that dormitory living has some major negatives.a: what? like having to share the bathroom with a lot of people?b: actually, that's not so bad. it's just that some of the rules are so strict. like, we have to be back in the buildin

41、g by a 10 p.m. curfew.a: yeah, that sure sounds like dorm life!b: and we can't have friends in our rooms!2. a: ahhhh! my mom is so annoying. she doesn't give me any space.b: what do you mean?a: i mean, i feel like she's spying on me all the time .whenever i try to call someone on the pho

42、ne, she hangs around listening to what i say.b: she's probably just curious.a: it's more than just curious. even if i take the phone into my own bedroom, she'll suddenly come in, without knocking, and pretend to be looking for something, just to check up on me . i wish i could move out!

43、b: what a bummer.4. a: harry, have you been listening to my cds again?! b: alice! what's the big deal?a: the big deal is that it is so disrespectful to take things without asking. plus, you mess up my room!b: hey, you take my sweaters without asking all the time!a: yeah, wellthat's different

44、b: i don't think so.real world listening1. predictanswerthey don't respect her privacy.2. get the main ideaanswerthings that bother kara:mrs. johnson visits kara too often.mrs. johnson watches her while she eats.mrs. johnson wants to know where she is going.mr. johnson tries to hug and kiss

45、her all the time.script kara: steve, remember the older couple that i rent my apartment from?steve: yeah?kara: well, the woman has been coming up to see how i'm doing. at first i was really appreciative, you know, it's nice to feel that people are concerned when you live alone.steve: yeah, i

46、t is nice.kara: now, though, she comes every day sometimes more than once! she always brings me homemade soupsteve: homemade soup! that is so great! i wish someone cooked for me.kara: sure, having some home-cooked food is a treat, but she sits and watches me to make sure i eat it! last time, i had j

47、ust eaten dinner when she came over and insisted that i finish a whole bowl. she wouldn't leave until i did!steve: oh, c'mon, you could have it much worse.kara: and, every time i go out she leans out the door to ask where i am going. it's like i'm 17 again!steve: would you rather hav

48、e loud neighbors who kept you up all night?kara: well, it's not only her. it's the old man, too. he is such a flirt, and i've always thought it was cute. ya' know, an old man ,80 years old , still flirting.steve: uh huhkara: so, today when i got home, he came up to me, gave me a hugs

49、teve: yeah, so what?kara: and then, he kissed me on the cheek!steve: oh no! well, maybe you remind him of his granddaughter.kara: well, yeah, but don't you think it's kind of weird for him to kiss me?unit 4 high fashion, low budgetvocabulary taskanswers/scripta im trying to watch my spending

50、. but this sweater may never be this cheap again! oh, well, thats what credit cards are for.b if only i could afford this killer dress. i guess ill have to wait until its on sale. in the meantime, ill try to save up enough money.c this style is really in this year. its the latest thing. i know im ju

51、st paying for the designers name. but its so me. ive just got to have one.listening task1) fist listeninganswers1. a $179 pair of air jordan gym shoes.2. a $500 pair of designer pants.3. a $20 vintage dress.4. a purse thats on sale.2) second listeninganswers1. theyre the latest thing. hell be his te

52、ams best player if he has them.2. he doesnt want to look like hes wearing cheap clothes. the pants will never go out of style.3. its a killer dress and she wants mike to notice her.4. the style is in this year and its on sale.script1. a: oh, wow, look at these. theyre the latest air jordans.b: youd

53、really wear those? they look so big.a: and theyre only $179.b: $179?! for a pair of gym shoes?a: these are the latest thing. i just got to have them. ill be the best player on the team in these. oh, mom, please!b: okay, jason, but this is the last time.2. a: five hundred dollars for a pair of pants?

54、 youre crazy to spend that much on clothes.b: come on, man. these are the best. you just dont understand.a: i understand that i can get a nice-looking pair of pants for around 50 bucks. youre paying $450 for the designers name.b: maybe, but at least i never look like im wearing cheap clothes, unlike

55、 some people i know. besides, these pants will never go out of style.a: okay, fine, suit yourself. its your money.3. a: hey, ellen, look at this vintage dress! its perfect for mikes party, dont you think? and its really back in style now.b: yeah. and its just your color.a: i know. its such a bargain

56、, too only $20. you cant beat that! mmm, but i dont know, ive got so many dresses in mfy closet already.b: yeah, but this one is so you! its a killer dress! youve justgot to get it.a: ooh, youre tight. im going to go for it. i sure hope he notices me in it.4. a: look, honey, a sale on those purses i

57、 was telling you about! ive never seen them so cheap!b: but do you really need a new purse?a: well, not really, but this style is really in this year. i want to get one while theyre on sale.b: but i thought we were trying to save up so we could go somewhere special on our vacation.a: oh, i just cant

58、 pass this up i really wanted one, and they may never be this cheap again.b: oh, i give up. real world listening1. predictanswerssusie likes to shop and spend money on expensive clothing while rachel is on a student budget and wears mostly jeans and t-shirts.2. get the main ideaanswers1. susie came to visit to go shopping.2. a handbag from prada,


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