七年级英语上册 Unit 1 My name’s Gina词汇篇试题 新版人教新目标版_第1页
七年级英语上册 Unit 1 My name’s Gina词汇篇试题 新版人教新目标版_第2页
七年级英语上册 Unit 1 My name’s Gina词汇篇试题 新版人教新目标版_第3页
七年级英语上册 Unit 1 My name’s Gina词汇篇试题 新版人教新目标版_第4页
七年级英语上册 Unit 1 My name’s Gina词汇篇试题 新版人教新目标版_第5页
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1、unit1 词汇篇 _1.熟练掌握重点单词、词组的用法2.理解并运用关于介绍自己和他人的表述1. zero, one, twonine  零,一,二,九zero是基数词。数词可分为两大类:基数词和序数词。表示“多少”的词为基数词;表示“第几”的词为序数词。基数词有zero, one, two等。序数词我们刚学了一个first(第一)。2. first name 意为“名”,也可以用given name表示。im kate green. my first name is kate.3. last name意为“姓”,也可以用family name表示。 4. chi

2、na  n. 中国,in china在中国。n. chinese 汉语;中文;中国人adj. chinese 中国的;中国人的;汉语的5. nice to meet you!   见到你很高兴!  英美人初次见面或经过第三方介绍认识时,常说“nice to meet you!”,其答语是“nice to meet you, too.”, too前常用逗号。6. whats your name?   你叫什么名字?  这是以疑问代词what开头的询问对方姓名的特殊疑问句,句中whats是what is的缩写形式。该句型后面可以加上please,表

3、示客气、礼貌。其答语为“my names/name is+姓名.”或“im/i am+姓名.”,也可直接回答名字。whats your name, please?  请问你叫什么名字?my names tony./im tony./tony.  我叫托尼。7. is he jack?  他是杰克吗?   no, he isnt.   不,他不是。 is he jack?是以is开头的一般疑问句,其肯定答语为yes, he is.,否定答语为no, he isnt.。当问句问的人物为女性时,答语为yes, she is./no, she

4、 isnt.,若主语是第二人称时,问句为are you?这时答语为yes, i am./no, i am not.。8. whats your telephone number, li xin?  李欣,你的电话号码是多少?  此句用来询问对方的电话号码,还可用“what number is your telephone?”,答语用its或my telephone number is。单项选择1.(2015重庆万州甘宁中学期中)- ?-my name is mary .a. how are you b. what's your namec. what's t

5、hisd. are you mary2. (2015云梦石林鹿阜中学期中)-hi! my name li ping. -hi! i li hua .a. am ; is b. is ; am c. are ; amd. are ; are 3.(2015重庆万州二中期中)-paul, this is my brother . - .a. you are fine b. that's okc. nice to meet youd. thank you4.(2015河北涉县索堡中学期中)- her phone number ?-it's 275-3876.a. whatb. wha

6、t'sc. howd. how's5.(2015河北石家庄新华期中)i'm jane white. my name is white. you can call me jane or white. a. family; mr.b. first; mr.c. first; mrs.d. last; ms.6.(2013浙江湖州中考)-hello! is that jenny speaking ?-sorry , i'm afraid you've got the wrong .a. numberb. namec. addressd. message7.(2

7、012四川宜宾中考)if a=3 and b=4,what's the answer to the problem: a+b+1=? the answer is .a. twelveb. ninec. eightd. seven解析及答案:1. 根据答语“我的名词叫玛丽”可知,问句是询问对方姓名的。而且,问句是特殊疑问句,分析选项可知,故选b。2. 第一句的主语my name 是第三人称单数,系动词用is;第二句的主语是i,系动词用am;故选b。3. 当两人初次见面或经别人介绍初次熟悉时,常常说nice to meet you .故选c。4. 根据答语275-3876可知,问句是询问电

8、话号码的句子,用what's.number ?句型。故选b。5. 根据西方人姓名的构成方式可知,jane white中的white是她的姓,因为jane是女性,而写婚姻状况不明确,故人们可以叫她ms. white。故选d。6. number号码;name名字;address地址;message信息。句意:你是珍妮吗?回答是抱歉,我恐怕你打错了号码。故选a。7. 数学计算题。a=3, b=4,所以a+b+1=8。故选c。基础演练一、单词拼写(单句首字母填空) 1. - hello, my name is tom smith.- hello, i'm mary. n  

9、to meet you.2. - what's your p   number?- it's 2787096.3. i have a good f  . his name is tom.4. jack is in c   now.5. i study(学习) in a m   school.答案:1. nice2. phone3. friend4. china5. middle二、按要求填空(句子类)根据等式用正确的数字填空(数字用英语表达)。1. +   = 2. -   = 3. ×   = 4

10、. -   = 5. ÷   = 答案:1. two2. four3. one4. five5. three巩固提高三、排序题(连词成句)1. is, key, this, your  ?2. is, qq, what, your, number  ?3. his, name, last, is, green  .4. mike, middle, is, in, school, not, the  .5. gina, in, her, are, china, and, friend  .答案:1. is this

11、your key2. what is your qq number3. his last name is green / green is his last name4. mike is not in the middle school5. gina and her friend are in china四、翻译(根据中文提示完成句子)1. cindy是我的名字。cindy is my    .2. 我是布鲁斯,见到你真高兴。   bruce.        .3. 她的qq号码是983161180.   qq &

12、#160;   983161180.4. - 她是alice吗?- 不,不是。她的名字叫grace。-     alice?-  ,    . her name is grace.5. 她是他的英语老师。     english teacher.答案:1. first name2. i'm, nice to meet you3. her, number is4. is she, no, she isn't5. she's his一、单项选择1. - what's that?- it&

13、#39;s   pen.   pen is yellow. a. a; theb. an; thec. a; and. an; a2. -   ms. brown's first name?- jane. a. whatb. what'sc. howd. how's3. -   you linda?- yes, i  . a. is; amb. are; isc. is; isd. are; am4. this is an english boy. eric is   name. a. heb. hisc. s

14、hed. her5. one and eight is  . a. sixb. sevenc. eightd. nine6. the girl is grace miller. miller is her   name. a. firstb. onec. schoold. last7. - what' s her telephone number?-   is 363-4458. a. itb. thisc. thatd. her8. - is this your jacket?-  . it's jenny's jacket.

15、a. yes, it isb. yes, she isc. no, it isn'td. no, she isn't9. bob is   friend.   is a good boy. a. my; hisb. my; hec. i; hisd. i; he10. - nice to meet you.-   a. good morning!b. thanks. c. i' m ok.d. nice to meet you, too.答案:1-5 abdbd6-10 dacbd二、完形填空(重庆市江津区2015年期中) this is

16、peter smith. his 1 name is peter. his 2 name is smith. this is 3 school. his school 4 number is 20048567. his teacher is miss white. miss white 5 a good teacher. li ming is a chinese boy. li ming is his good 6 at school. look! 7 a pencil box. is the pencil box 8 ? i dont know. lets 9 li ming 10 4956

17、548.1. a. first b. family c. last d. one 2. a. first b. good c. last d. this 3. a. you b. that c. his d. it 4. a. computer b. name c. phone d. id card5. a. no b. not c. is d. am 6. a. father b. friend c. boy d. class7. a. whats b. this is c. thats d. the names 8. a. li ming b. li mings c. li ming is

18、 d. the li ming 9. a. ask b. call c. write d. look. 10. a. in b. of c. at d. for 答案:1-5 accdc6-10 bbbbc _ _一、单项选择1. - is it   map?- no, it isn't. it's   orange. a. a; ab. an; anc. a; and. an; a2. - hello! i'm jim.- hi, jim! i'm mary.  . a. nice to meet youb. thank you

19、c. fine, thank youd. bye3. he   in shanghai now. a. beb. amc. isd. are4. - what's six and two?-  . a. sixb. sevenc. nined. eight5. my name is mary brown. mary is my   name. a. lastb. familyc. firstd. middle6. -  - it's red and green. a. what's this?b. what's that?

20、 c. what color is it?d. what is it?7. - how   your friend?- he   fine. a. are; isb. is; isc. am; isd. are; are8. - are   grace?- yes,   am. a. you; youb. he; hec. she; id. you; i9. - is he dale?-   his name is bob. a. yes, he is.b. no, he isn't. c. yes, she is.d. no, she

21、 isn't.10. - is this your pen?-  ,   my pen. a. yes; it'sb. yes; this isc. no; it'sd. no; this is二、完形填空 hello! i'm jack. i'm 1   beijing, china. dale is my friend. 2   last name is brown. he is in china, 3  . i'm in no. 2 middle school. my student(学生)

22、 4   is 130934. dale is in beijing no. 5 middle school. he 5   in my school. we can 6   in the evening. jenny and cindy are dale's 7   sisters. jenny's cup and pen are 8  . blue is her favorite(最喜欢的) 9  . cindy is two. she can say " 10   are you?"

23、 now. the girls are nice.1.a. atb. onc. ofd. in2.a. heb. hisc. shed. her3.a. toob. yesc. nod. to4.a. nameb. keyc. numberd. phone5.a. isn'tb. aren'tc. isd. are6.a. sayb. meetc. seed. spell7.a. fiveb. fourc. threed. two8.a. yellowb. whitec. purpled. blue9.a. schoolb. colorc. friendd. jacket10.

24、a. howb. what colorc. okd. please三、阅读理解afirst name: michaellast name: phelpsprofession(职业): swimmerweight: 79 kg first name: shuhaolast name: linprofession: basketball playernumber: 171. the swimmer's last name is  . a. michaelb. phelps c. michael phelpsd. phelps michael2. michael phelps is

25、 a  . a. swimmerb. teacherc. girld. player3. the basketball player's   is lin. a. first nameb. last namec. full named. name4. what's the basketball player's number? a. 17.b. 79.c. 1988.d. 1985.5. what is the chinese meaning(汉语意思) of "weight"? a. 身高b. 年龄c. 体重d. 腰围b hi,

26、 i am a chinese boy (中国男孩). my name is chen yang. my first name is yang. my last name is chen. my english name is dale. i like(喜欢) red. my telephone number is 178267. i have a good friend. he is english(英国人). his name is jim smith. jim is his first name and smith is his last name. his chinese(中文) na

27、me is huang qiang. his phone number is 362597.6. what's my first name? a. yang.b. chen.c. chen yang.d. chenyang.7. what's my english name? a. tom.b. jim.c. dale.d. bob.8. my telephone number is  . a. 362597b. 362567c. 178297d. 1782679.   is my good friend. a. tom smithb. jim smithc. tom greend. jim green10. my friend's(朋友的) chinese name is  . a. chen yangb. huang qiangc. bobd. frank四、阅读与表达(表格式) hello! i'm wang fumin. i am a chinese student. i have an english teacher. her name is mary brown. her telephone number is 1819176. my telephone number is 76637


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