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1、 Washington Irving (17831859) A short story writer Father of American Literature 浪漫主义时期最具代浪漫主义时期最具代表性的人物表性的人物Washington Irving(1783-1859 )American author, short story writer, essayist, poet, travel book writer, biographer, and columnist. He was regarded as an early romantic writer in the American li

2、terary history. Irving has been called the father of the American short story.IntroductionHe is best known for The Legend of Sleepy Hollow, in which the schoolmaster Ichabold Crane meets with a headless horseman, and Rip Van Winkle, about a man who falls asleep for 20 years.华盛顿华盛顿欧文被萨克雷称为欧文被萨克雷称为“新世

3、界新世界文坛送往旧世界的第一使节文坛送往旧世界的第一使节”。.Life Experience Washington Irving was born on April 3, 1783 in New York City, New York. Born with strong preference for literature, he read widely and wrote a lot of poems, essays, though he become a lawyer after schooling. By the time when he was 23 years old (1809),h

4、e had roamed England, Holland, France Italy and Hudson Valley.Life Experience After collecting sufficient original materials for writing and a good practice of editing a journal ,he formed his particular political Idea and writing style . He began his researches on A History of New York , written un

5、der the name of Diedrich Knickerbocker. A History of New York came out in 1809, thus won him wide popularity.Life Experience Washington Irving was engaged to marry Matilda Hoffmann, who died on April 26, 1809 at the age of 17. Irving never became engaged, or married anyone. In 1815 Irving sailed aga

6、in for England. Thus began to remain abroad for 17 years. Life Experience He settled down in a small village and began the writing of The Sketch Book The book appeared serially in the years of 18191820. It established Irvings reputation at home and abroad and designated the beginning of American Rom

7、anticism. Washington Irving died in Tarrytown, New York on November 28, 1859.Writing style Imitative, but highly skillful His writing with great humor Vivid and true characters Avoid moralizing as much as possible Never shocking and a bit sentimental at time . “The story is the man .”Contribution He

8、 was the first romantic writer, the first to get international fame . He was the father of American literature He made short story as a genre His stories based on the legends of Europe and gave his readers a glimpse of a world beyond their own shores. His colorful legends of the Hudson River Valley

9、helped awaken American to an appreciation of their nation and its native literature.Major Works A History of New York 纽约外史纽约外史 The book is a parody of the Dutch Colony, in which Irving ridicules the human activity by combining true history with imagination, with a good deal of reference to contempor

10、ary events and personalities, particularly political ones. Major Works2 The Sketches Book 见闻札记见闻札记记The Legend Of Sleepy Hollow 睡谷的传说睡谷的传说Rip Van Wink 瑞普瑞普凡凡温克尔温克尔The Legend Of Sleepy Hollow睡谷的传说睡谷的传说Sleepy Hollow the listless repose(平静的平静的) of the place this sequestered(与世隔绝的与世隔绝的) glen Villagers be

11、lieve in some sayings about superstition and ghosts. They think ghosts often haunt this region. the Headless Horseman Main Characters Ichabod Crane 依卡博得依卡博得 克兰克兰 Katrina Van Tassel 卡特里娜卡特里娜 范塔塞尔范塔塞尔 Brom van brunt 布罗姆布罗姆 范布伦特范布伦特The Writing Characteristics Highly skillful His writing with great humo

12、r Vivid and true characters Avoid moralizing as much as possible 瑞普瑞普凡凡温克尔温克尔The characters Rip Van Winkle (the hero) he is a lazy, coward and henpecked man . Dame Van Winkle (the heroine) she is a virago . (悍妇)The Brief of the Story Rip Van Winkle is a short story by Washington Irving published in

13、1819, as well as the name of the storys fictional protagonist. It was part of a collection of stories entitled The Sketch Book of Geoffrey Crayon. The story has become a part of cultural mythology: even for those who have never read the original story, Rip Van Winkle means either a person who sleeps

14、 for a long period of time, or one who is inexplicably (perhaps even blissfully) unaware of current events.The Content The peoples reaction to Rip after 20years: None whom he knew, which somewhat surprised him . Their dress was of a different fashion from that to which he was accustomed. They all st

15、ared at him with equal marks of surprise and invariably stroked their chins. The Change of Country: It was larger and more populous . There were rows of houses which he had never seen before . His familiar haunts had disappeared . Strange names were over the doors . Strange faces at the windows . In

16、 a word, everything was strange .The writing characteristicsSymbolismMetaphor 瑞普瑞普凡凡温克尔温克尔作品赏析作品赏析瑞普的象征意义瑞普的象征意义 Fred Mednick think : “Rip Van Winkle has been seen as a symbol of several aspects of America, Rip like America, is immature(不成熟)(不成熟), self-centered(自责)(自责), careless, imaginative(富(富有想象力

17、的)有想象力的), and jolly as the overgrowing.”瑞普的象征意义瑞普的象征意义 Irving said: “The great error (错误)(错误)in Rips composition was an insuperable (难以克服的)(难以克服的)aversion(厌恶)(厌恶) to all kinds of profitable (有利可(有利可图的)图的)labor.” “In a word, Rip was ready to attend to anybodys business but his own; but as to doing fa

18、mily duty and keeping his farm in order, he found it impossible.” “In fact, he declared it was of no use to work on his farm; it was the most pestilent(致死的,致死的,有害的)有害的) little piece of ground in the whole country; everything about it went wrong, and would go spite of him.” His children, too, were as

19、 ragged and wild as if they be longed to nobody. His son Rip, an urchin(顽童)(顽童) begotten in his own likeness, promised to inherit(继承)(继承) the habits, with the old clothes of his father.” The very village was altered; it was larger and more populous. There were rows of houses which he had never seen

20、before, and those which had been his familiar haunts had disappeared. Strange names were over the doors; strange faces at the windows; everything was strange He entered the house, which, to tell the truth, Dame Van Winkle had always kept in neat order. It was empty, forlorn(孤独凄凉的)(孤独凄凉的), and appare

21、ntly abandoned(被抛弃的,无约束的)(被抛弃的,无约束的). This desolateness(荒芜的)(荒芜的) overcome all his connubial (意味着)(意味着)fears, the lonely chambers(侍从)(侍从) rang for a moment with his voice, and then all again was silence. “God knows.” exclaimed (大声说)(大声说)me at his wits end; “Im not myself - Im somebody else thats som

22、e yonder (你,你们)(你,你们) no thats somebody else got into my shoes I was myself last night, but I fell asleep on the mountain, and theyve changed my gun, and everythings changed, and Im changed, and I cant tell whats my name, or who I am!” “The story might be taken as an illustration of Irvings argument

23、 that change, and revolution, upset the natural order of things, and of the fact that Irving never seemed to accept a modern democratic America.”瑞普逃避的根源瑞普逃避的根源 Rips sole domestic adherent (拥护者)(拥护者)was his dog wolf, who as much hen - pecked as his master, for Dame Van Winkle regarded them as compani

24、ons in idleness (懒)(懒)and even looked upon wolf with an evil eye, as the cause of his masters going so often astray. The moment wolf entered the house his crest fell, his tail drooped to the ground or curled between his legs, he sneaked about with a gallows air, casting many a sidelong glance at Dame Van Winkle, and at the least flourish(繁荣)(繁荣) of a broomstick(扫扫帚柄)帚柄) of ladle, he would fly to the door with yelping precipitation. Fred Mednick think the Dame is another


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