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1、叮叮小文库中考英语易错单选题精选(318 题)1. He never of visiting the Great Wall.A. tiringB. tireC. tiresD. tired2. Most Sundays we go to help UncleWang.A. morningB. morningsC. the morningD. of mornings3. He looked half dead, his eyes A. closed tightB. closing tightC. closed tightlyD. shut tightly4. The food good and

2、well.A. tastes, sellsB. is tasted, is soldC. taste, sellD. smell, sold5. There will be visionphones the end of this century.A. byB. atC. forD. on6. I have some in working out the problem.A. difficultyB. difficultiesC. troublesD. difficult7. There is a wire pole along the road meter.A. about fiftyB.

3、every fiftiethC. each fiftyD. every 508. Souther ners rice.A. lives onB. feeds onC. lives onD. feed on9. There is not eno ugh light and in this picture.A. darkB. darknessC. black nessD. shade10. They picked leaves from the trees andA. fed them to some little white wormB. fed some little white worm o

4、n themC. fed some little white worm with themD. A and Cc11. She does n't like a red flower in her hair.A. to put onB. to wearC. to dressD. be dressed in12. 一 Have you fini shed your repot yet?No,门 I finish it in ten minu tes.A. ano therB. otherC. moreD. less13. She said that she would do she cou

5、ld her daughter laugh.A. what, makeB. that, makeC. what, to makeD. that, to make14. Tom's mother kept telli ng him that he should work harder, but did n't help.A. heB. whichC. thatD. it15. My watch does n't work well. I it n ext day.A. will have, repairB. have, repairedC. will get, repai

6、redD. shall have, to be repaired16. He has decided to live abroad, so he will stay here.A. not moreB. mot l on gerC. no Ion gerD. no more6217. We have no secretseach other.A. inB. betwee nC. toD. from18. Peter is with all his classmates.A. a frie ndB. frie ndC. the frie ndD. friends19. This hand boo

7、k is for us to lear n our less ons.A. great valueB. great valuableC. of very valueD. of great value20. The lady bought a new dress $500.A. forB. byC. withD. about21. The Great Wall is one of the places of in terest ofte n visited in Chi na.A. where weB. that isC. which areD. where have22. When the p

8、assengers came back from their holiday their suitcases were by the customs officers.A. guardedB. testedC. correctedD. exam ined23.In the dark street, there was n't a sin gle pers onshe could tur n for help.A. to whomB. whoC. from whomD. that24. It was in the hall , we used to have meeti ngs the

9、meeti ng washeld.A. that, whereB. where, thatC. that, thatD. where, where25. 一 You're bought a car.A. So have IB. So I haveC. So did ID. So I did26. You don't believe that I can work out the problem,A. do youB. don't youC. Can ID. can't I27. The boy cried the glass broke n.A. because

10、B. asC. forD. with28. The man a stra nge hat is a funny actor.A. dress ingB. i nC. onD. with29. They Tom, our mon itor.A. madeB. electedC. choseD. helped30. The film made all the stude nts to tears.A. movedB. movingC. moveD. to move31. 一 Where is Mike?He has gone away the weeke nd.A. onB. forC. inD.

11、 at32. a boy, he used to help his father on the farm.A. Bei ngB. AsC. He wasD. His being33. no n eed for us to discuss the problem aga in since it has bee n settled.A. It hasB. There hasC. It isD. There is34. His failure made his father thi nk him a boy.A. disappo intB. disappo in tedC. disappo inti

12、ngD. disappo in tme nt35. This is the best way I can think of the problem.A. solveB. to solveC. solvi ngD. solved36. The days we look forward to at last.A. comingB. cameC. comesD. be coming37. I found her eyes upon me sharply.A. fixB. fix ingC. fixedD. to fix38. I'll tell you he told me last wee

13、k.A. all whichB. all thatC. that allD. all39. It's no good like that.A. to talkB. talki ngC. talkedD. talk40. 一 Have n't you heard the n ews?- What news?Some of the workers are while others areA. on the march, on strikeB. on march, on strikeC. on the march, on the strike41.D. on the strike,

14、on marchWhat a won der! They've fini shed _ 30% of the task within one week.A. no more tha nB. no less tha nC. not more tha nD. much less tha n42. All the members thought that the pla n should be cha nged, but he still hisown idea.A. in sist onB. i nsistC. stick toD. kept43. My idea to be true.A

15、. turned outB. tur ned onC. turned offD. turned up44. A. few people were killed in the fire, but were saved.A. mostB. the mostC. most of themD. most of whom45. The sick cured.A. has bee nB. hasC. have bee nD. have46. He was made for the lost book, which was bought from the library lastweek.A. paidB.

16、 to payC. payD. pay ing47. I hear that Joh n is going to Paris next mon th, ?A. does n't heB. don't IC. do ID. is n't he48. He's just time the basketball match.A. i n, withB. on, byC. i n, forD. on, to49. The old man slept so that we could n't wake him up.A. lazyB. tiredC. wellD.

17、 good50. The little boy was frighte ned whe n he heard the of a motorbike.A. soundB. voiceC. cryD. shout51. It n early two weeks I had received his letter.A. is, thatB. was, thatC. is, si neeD. was, since52. It is five years since my dear aunt here.A. leftB. has leftC. is leftD. had left53. Nobody i

18、n right sen ses would play such a silly joke.A. theirB. hisC. herD. on e's54. 一 May I speak to Lucy? This is speak ing.A. herB. sheC. she'sD. hers55. I forgot Tom's address. But I found his teleph one nu mber in theA. phone booksB. book of pho neC. pho ne's bookD. pho ne book56. He s

19、aid that he watched TV every day.A. ano therB. threeC. the sec ondD. other57. We are going to be on our holidaysA. in three days' timeB. after 3 daysC. three days laterD. in three day's time58. Look at these clouds, .A. It'll rainB. It's going to rainC. It'll be rainingD. It is t

20、o rain59. Nobody knows what happe n next.A. is toB. is goi ngC. is about toD. are to60. Chin ashould do best to be a strong and moder n country.A. hisB. itsC. herD. our61. You'd better his opinion before making a decisi on.A. look forB. search forC. find outD. work out62. Could you tell me who i

21、nven ted telepho ne? Scotch scie ntist nAlexa nder GrahamamedBell.A. /, A, /B. a, The, /C. the, A, /D. /, A, an63. Did you break win dows?A. the bothB. both ofC. both theD. either of64. Let's put of these pictures on the wall.A. some oneB. some oneC. some onesD. every one65. rd like to go hun ti

22、 ng with you, but I have a meet ing If you don't go,.A. to atte nd, so do IB. atte nding, so will IC. atte nd, n either will ID. to atte nd, nor will I66. What will be the results the stude nts in our class?A. ofB. forC. toD. with67. 一 Hurry up,on the phone.you Oh, I' coming. Tha nk you.A. a

23、re wan tedB. are being wan tedC. wantD. are wan ti ng68. I, your friend, will try my best to help you out.A. who isB. that isC. who amD. who are69. I asked him to me a few minu tes so that we could talk over the matter.A. spendB. saveC. shareD. spare70. There they got married and their young.A. fedB

24、. feltC. raisedD. rose71. He tried not to mixed up in politics.A. makeB. takeC. haveD. get72. 一 Would you like a cup of coffee?Yes, I.A. wouldB. would likeC. would like toD. like73. 一 Shall I tell Ann how to improve her pain ti ng?Yes, but of suggestio ns may discourage her.A. a list too longB. a to

25、o long listC. too long a listD. a list of too long74. Would you please do me favor to pass me the book?A. aB. anC. theit.D. /75. My dict ionary . I have looked for it everywhere, but stillA. has lost, don't findB. is miss ing, did n't findC. has lost, have n't foundD. is miss ing, have n

26、't found76. It's impossible to make such a long journey in such an old car.A. ratherB. veryC. fairlyD. quite77. A soldier ran all the from Marath on to Athe ns.A. roadB. wayC. pathC. route78. It was exciting news that all of us could n't helpA. so a, cryingB. such, cryingC. so, to cryD.

27、such an, crying79. If we want to win the race, we shall have toA. go alongB. go intoC. go thereD. go all out80. Words are the bricks we build senten ces to express our ideas.A. through whichB. from whichC. whichD. of which81. Why can't I give the an swer to the physics problem as as you?A. quick

28、lyB. fastlyC. swiftD. soonly82. Go back you came from, please.A. whereB. in whereC. to whereD. that83. I agree with most of what you said, but I don't agree withA. everyth ingB. anythingC. someth ingD. nothing84. I love to go to the seaside in summer. It good to lie in the sun or swim inthe cool

29、 sea.A. doesB. feelsC. getsD. makes85. Let's discuss only such questio ns worry every one of us.A. asB. whyC. whichD. that86. you may keep that pencil if you like. I've got ple nty of A. onesB. the othersC. othersD. some others87. 一 Why can't I swim in the lake, Daddy? You'll be. The

30、 water is freez ing cold.A. sorryB. afraidC. an xiousD. un pleasa nt88. When a pen cil is partly in a glass of water, it looks as if itA. breaksB. ahs broke nC. were broke nD. had bee n broke n89. 一 You were brave eno ugh to raise object ions at the meet ing. Well, now I regret that.A. to doB. to be

31、 doingC. to have doneD. havi ng done90. I don't think Jim saw me; he into a space.A. just staredB. was just stari ngC. has just staredD. had just stared91. There were already five people in the car, but the driver man aged to take me as well.It a comfortable journey.A. can't beB. should n

32、9;t beC. must n't have bee nD. could n't have beenquite catch it.92. 一 Your phone nu mber aga in? IIt's 95684420.A. did n'tB. could n'tC. don'tD. can't93. Such things are not com mon for me, they are unu sual.A. in steadB. butC. soD. as a result94. At that time slaves wer

33、e of not as huma n bein gs, but as ani mals.A. regardedB. soldC. boughtD. thought95. Her wish is a doctor.A. beco mingB. becomeC. to becomeD. being come96. His talk made me in the moder n music.A. in terest ingB. to in terestC. i nterestedby the big dog lyingD. i nterest97. She was afraid the yard b

34、ecause she was afraidat the gate.A. to en ter, to be bitte nB. of en teri ng, of being bitte nC. of entering, to be bittenletters and telepho nes.D. to en ter, of being bitte n98. We keep in touch with each otherA. byB. i n form ofC. i n forms ofD. in the form of99. When I came back, I found my bicy

35、cle A. had goneB. has goneC. was goneD. is gone100. Perhaps the fire wasby a cigarette end some onedropped.A.begunB. madeC. putD. started101. pop music drives me out of my mind.A. The mostB. MostC. MostlyD. Most of102. How did you pay the workers?-As a rule, they were paidA. by a hourB. by hoursC. b

36、y an hour103.D. by the hourIn Detroit, no fewer tha n 100 pers ons died of in flue nza, not to speak ofA. deathB. dyingc. the dyingD. the death104.word came that Bill Cli ntonwas electedpreside nt of theUn ited States.A. A,/B. A, aC. /, /D. /, the105. He did n't come and it our difficulty.A. add

37、ed toB. gaveC. madeD. raised106. There are only five students here, five of them have finished theirhomework.A. /B. TheC. AD. That107. How do I write my compositi on?Write your compositi on ink.A. inB. onC. with108.D. byhe could understand the problem, I explained it to him at least three times.A. U

38、n tilB. beforeC. Not untilD. After109. Difficulties can a pers on's best qualities.A. hold outB. give outC. send outD. bring out110. She felt so excited that she let out a cry whe n she the right an swer.A. thought aboutB. thought toC. thought overD. thought of111. - -Do you want to see my drive

39、r's lice nse or my passport?-Oh,A. either one will doB. either does wellC. n either doD. each will be fine112. Do the stude nts in your class study hard?- Some of them do; just don't care.A. ano therB. the othersC. some otherD. any other113. The man over there is Mr Smith.A. no other butB. n

40、o other tha nC. no oneD. none other tha n114. books made of silk have bee n found in our country.A. Very a fewB. Such few C So a fewD. Very few115. Noth ing can stop our going,A. can itB. can't itC. can theyD. can't they116. The eve ning party . You are a little late.A. just beg unB. just ha

41、s begu nC. has just begu nD. has begu n just now117. The twins are so much that it is difficult to tell one from the other.A. likeB. alikeC. sameD. similar118. He must be from Africa,can be see n from his skirt.A. thatB asC. itD. what119. They pla nted trees on side of the playgro und.A. eitherB eac

42、hC. allD. every120. He spe nt all his en ergies a research the causes of can cer.A. in, ofB in, onC. on, ofD. on, into121. this book be yours?No, it not be min e. It be his.A. Can, must, mayB. May, might, mustC. Can, may, mustD. Must, can, may123. Mary is livi ng at place in South Africa.A. certa in

43、B. someC. anD. any124. Jane was quite alone in the world an uncle in En glish.A except B except for C. besidesD. in stead of125. Who would you rather the room?Jack, of course.A. have clea nB. have clea nedC. get clea nD. get clea ned126. We wrote to in vited us.A. whomeverB. whoeverC. thatD. who127.

44、 Her expressi on suggested that she happy.A. beB. wasC. should beD. were128. The boy's gra ndfather died a flood and his gra ndmother died old age.A. of, fromB. from, atC. from, ofD. of, in129. Please the milk carefully, I don't want it to boil over.A. seeB. watchC. no ticeD. look at130. It

45、was who respected their teachers.A. themB. theirC theyD. themselves131. During the years , he worked as a doctor in the hospital.A. followedB. to followC. follow ingD. that followed132. He his son to stay home in such bad weather.A. hopedB. letC. wishedD had133. Whe n we breathe, the oxyge n in the

46、air with our blood and gives us life.A. fillsB. goesC. takes inD. mixes134.The chief was being searched for by the police whorunning after.A. isB. wereC. areD. was135. What he says and doesnot agree.A. doesB. doC. isD. possible136. Thank you for the trouble you to help us.A. putB takeC. make137.D. d

47、oXiao Wang is gett ing on well with his classmates, for h is easyA. to deal withB to do withC. deali ng withD. doing with138. They will get a new bath A. put inB. set outC. cleared awayD. give n away139. Whe n the first settlers came to North Americathey had to the forest andfound a way out.A. cut o

48、ffB. cut dow nC. cut throughD. cut out140. The stars to have moved.A. seemedB. lookedC. turnedD. appeared141. Joh n must have read the book,?A. must n't heB. n eed n't heC. did n't heD. have n't he142. Tonny is the best stude nt of the three. In other words, he is stude nt tha n theo

49、ther two.A. a betterB. the betterC. the bestD. a best143. Space ship today hasthe earth the moon.A. joi ned, withB. conn ected, withC. conn ected, toD. jo in ed, and144. Let's hurry. There's no time left.A. almostB. n earlyC. possibleD. probably145. I fell dow n from the tree. I think my leg

50、 is broke n. Oh! I A. hope not soB. do not hopeC. hope notD. hope not so146. The river fifty miles from the n orth to the south.A. stretchedB. exte ndsC. coveredD. sticks147. Mr Li, come to my home for dinner this evening.A. sure toB surelyC.doesD. do148.His main attract ionin his kno wledge not in

51、his book.A. drops toB. depends onC. makes use ofD. lies in149. The baby can almost himself.A. almostB n earlyC. hardlyD. rather150. the players tried their best to win the game for their country.A. Greatly en couragedB. Having greatly en couragedC. To be greatly en couragedD. When en courag ing151.

52、Dad, let us, , go to the cin ema, ?A. Jack and I, shall weB. Jack and me, shall weC. Jack and I, will youD. Jack and me, will you152. He his father for a new bicycle on his twelfth birthday.A. dema ndedB. requiredC. requestedD. asked153. As well as all his homework, he helped his mother with a good

53、clea ningaround the house.A. fin ishi ngB. fini shedC fini shesD. to fin ish154. If you want to be in time, you'd better get 一All right.A. to goB. to goingC. goi ngD. movi ng155. Summer in south of Fran ceare for most part dry and sunny.A. /, aB. the, /C. 1,1D. the, the156. You're thinking t

54、oo much. Only at home. No one me but you.A. is see ingB. had see nC. seesD. saw157. the general state of his health, it may take him a while to recover from the operati on.A. Give nB. To giveC. Givi ngD. Havi ng158. The judge two years in pris on.A. sentenced him to beB. senten ced him toC. senten ced him forD. sentenced him about159. Only save his life.A. can the doctorB. the doctor canC. will the doctorD. could the doctor160. Scarcely arrived out to meet me.A. had I? before he cameB. I had ? whe n did he comeC. had I ? the n he cameD. I ha


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