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1、 After six years construction, theQinghaiTibetRailroad was completed in 2006 and it has been successfully operational for two years. QTR crosses about 632km of permafrost regions. A large fraction of the permafrost region is warm, ice-rich permafrost, which makes it much more difficult to construct

2、any infrastructure system on it. Permafrost scientists and engineers have utilized the state-of the-art technology to actively cool the permafrost under the railroad embankment and to ensure stability of railroad embankment. For the first time, a crushed rock layer was used to cool the permafrost un

3、der the embankment in such a huge project. This paper provides an overview of these measures used to cool the permafrost and discusses potential long-term problems. Although theQinghaiTibetRailroad is referred as a “green” project, potential long-term environmental impacts should not be underestimat

4、ed. The QinghaiTibet Railroad was built from 2001 to 2006. It stretches 1,956 kilometers from Xining to Lhasa. About 960 kilometers is located 4,000 meters above sea level.The highest point is 5,072 meters. At least 200 meters higher than the Peruvian railway in the Andes, the former worlds highest

5、track. To drive seven tunnels through the rugged slopes. To raise 675 bridges over valleys and rivers.140,000 workers and 2000 medicsstruggled for 5 years to complete the highest, most extreme railway in the world!The map of The Qinghai-Tibet Railway The railway project has raised serious concerns a

6、bout its possible environmental consequences because the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau, covering more than 360,000 km, is a unique and fragile high-altitude ecosystem . The mean annual temperature of the plateau ranges between 4C and 6C, and the aver-age altitude is 4000 m. The railway planners developed a

7、“green policy” that emphasized protection of soils, vegetation, animals, and water resources .An Environment-Friendly Railway Locations where earth was removed and construction sites were placed were carefully selected. Vegetation was then removed from these sites and was restored after the work was

8、 complete. Where possible, the railway path was directed around sensitive natural zones, and construction work was confined to the smallest possible area surrounding the railway. Planners detoured around wetlands and lakes wherever possible, and when this was not possible, they built bridges rather

9、than surface routes to minimize the impact. 哪里的土壤易移动以及建筑工地的选址需要仔细选择。植被先从这些地方移开,哪里的土壤易移动以及建筑工地的选址需要仔细选择。植被先从这些地方移开,等工作完成之后再恢复回去。有可能的话,铁路线直接从敏感自然区域周围通过,等工作完成之后再恢复回去。有可能的话,铁路线直接从敏感自然区域周围通过,建筑工作被限制在线路周围尽可能小的区域。设计者尽可能使线路绕开湿地和湖建筑工作被限制在线路周围尽可能小的区域。设计者尽可能使线路绕开湿地和湖泊,当实在不行的时候,他们宁愿架设桥梁而不在他们表面修路以使影响最小化。泊,当实在不行的

10、时候,他们宁愿架设桥梁而不在他们表面修路以使影响最小化。In addition, planners established five nature reserves along the route Kekexili(Hoh Xil), Qinghai Sanjiangyuan, Chang Tang, Lin-chou Pengbo, and La-lu, and six more are planned . In these reserves, a large number of endangered species such as the Tibetan antelope and blac

11、k-necked crane (Grus nigricollis) live. To protect animals and plants, additional bridges and passages for animals will be built in sections of the railway that go through the reserves.此外,规划者在沿线可可西里、青海三江源、长塘、林州、彭泊和拉鲁建立了五个自然保护区,还有六个正在规划中。在这些自然保护区内生活着一大批濒危物种例如藏羚羊和黑顶鹤。为了保护动物和植物,将在通过这些保护区的路段建立额外的桥梁和动物通道

12、。The Tibet Autonomous Regions tourism administration estimated that an additional 3,000 to 4,000 tourists would arrive in Tibet daily once the Qinghai-Tibet Railway begins operation.Local tourist destinations have taken measures to ensure precious cultural relicsdont sufferfromthe increased numbers.The Potala Palace in Lhasa will restrictthe number of daily visitors to 1,800.Liao Lisheng, an official with the Tibetan tourism administration, sai


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