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1、Unit SixHappinessThe Text Introduction What is happiness? What makes us happy? Can money really buy happiness? For centuries philosophers and social scientists have pondered these questions. There are so many different definitions for happiness. It seems that the most acceptable one is that happines

2、s is a state of mind or feeling characterized by contentment, love, satisfaction, pleasure or joy.Research has identified a number of attributes that correlate with happiness: relationships and social interaction, extraversion, marital status, employment, health, income and proximity to other happy

3、people.In this article, the author discusses how people can feel happy by living a rich live although they are economically not as well-off as millionaires or billionaires. Some research results are given to tell people that money is not the decisive factor to lead a happy life. True and lasting hap

4、piness is to live a life rich in value, meaning and purpose. And being happy and living rich are experiences you can start to cultivate any time no matter how much or how little money you are already making.Language Points1. fascinate v. (Par. 2): to interest someone a lote.g. Science has always fas

5、cinated me.Anything to do with aeroplanes and flying fascinates him.fascinating a.: extremely interesting The book gives a fascinating glimpse of the lives of rich people.I found the whole film fascinating.2. equivalent a.& n. (Par. 3): having the same amount, value, purpose, qualities, etc; som

6、ething which has the same amount, value, purpose, qualities, etc as something elsee.g. She will do the equivalent job in the new company but for more money.Is $150 equivalent to about £130? There is no English equivalent for 'bon appetit' so we have used the French expression. Twenty th

7、ousands people a year die of the disease-that's the equivalent of the population of this town.equivalence n.e.g. There's a general equivalence between the two concepts.3. equate v. (Par. 3): to consider that two things are similar or connected equate something with something e.g. Some people

8、 equate wealth with success.equate to something : to be equal to something: e.g. a rate of pay which equates to £6 per hour4. depression n. (Par. 4): a mental illness in which a person is very unhappy and anxious (= worried and nervous) for long periods and cannot have a normal life during thes

9、e periods. Tiredness, loss of appetite and sleeping problems are all classic symptoms of depression.e.g. If you suffer from depression, you should get professional help.5. body dysmorphia n. (Par. 3):also called body dysmorphic disorder (BDD), is a problem with the appearance of a certain part of th

10、e body. The cause of BDD is not clear, but it may be genetic or caused by a chemical imbalance in the brain. People with BDD are excessively worried about a part of their body which they think to have a defect. Any area of the body may be involved in BDD, but the face is the most common.People with

11、BDD might not be able to keep a job and sometimes they try to avoid socializing with other people. They can also have difficulty to have relationships.6. a condition where someone distorts their view of themselves to such a degree that they cannot bear to look in the mirror because they believe them

12、selves to be hideously ugly. (Par.4): It is a condition that someone changes the view about themselves so much that they dare not look themselves in the mirror because they think they will look strangely ugly in the mirror. distort v.: to change the appearance, sound, or shape of something so that i

13、t is strange or uncleare.g. Radio signals can be distorted by tall buildings.His statement has been completely distorted by the media.hideously adv.: in an extremely ugly way e.g. hideously fat/uglya hideously misshapen body7. it is an internal filter that searches for everything that is wrong and b

14、locks out everything that is right (Par. 5): There exists a sort of filter inside the person which will keep anything that is wrong and let go anything that is ernal a.: existing or happening inside a person, object, organization, place or country e.g. He stood injuries to his arms, legs an

15、d several internal organs.The company conducted its own internal investigation into the robbery.The government warned other nations not to interfere in its internal affairs.8. they filter out all the areas of their life where they are already rich and focus on whats missing from their lives instead.

16、 (Par.6): Like people with body dysmorphia, they deal with money in the same way, i.e. they remove all the area in which they are already rich and only give special attention to what they dont have.filter out : to remove something, using a filter e.g. The pump filters out mud.9. Within the realms of

17、 physical reality (Par. 7): with the permission of your physical condition realm n.: area e.g. Her interests are in the realm of English teaching.reality n.:the state of things as they are, rather than as they are imagined to bee.g. The reality of the situation is that unless we find some new fundin

18、g soon, the school will have to close. He escaped from reality by indulging in alcohol.10. switch v. (Par. 9): to change suddenly or completely, especially from one thing to another, or to exchange by replacing one person or thing with another e.g. She started studying German at college, but switche

19、d to finance in her second year. After the robbery, the gang switched cars (= left one car and got into another).11. dump v. (Par. 9): to get rid of something unwanted, especially by leaving it in a place where it is not allowed to be e.g. As it was such an unpopular tax policy that the government d

20、ecided to dump it.Several old cars had been dumped near the mountain. They continue to dump the toxic chemicals in the North Sea.12. payoff n. (Par. 9): the result of a set of actions, or an explanation at the end of something e.g. The payoff for years of research is great.13. cultivate v. (Par. 9):

21、 to try to develop and improve something e.g. She has cultivated an image as a tough teacher.14. take for granted (Par. 10): to believe something to be the truth without even thinking about it e.g. I didn't know that Mary hadn't been to collegeI think I just took it for granted.One of the pr

22、oblems with relationships is that after some time you just take each other for granted.Chinese Translation富裕生活的秘诀保罗·麦肯锡 在过去的33年中,我每天早晨都会对着镜子问自己:“如果今天是生命中的最后一天,你还会去做你今天要去做的事情吗?”当连续几天我得到的答案都是否定的时候,我知道该对自己生活做些改变了。史蒂夫·乔布斯亿万富翁,苹果电脑公司的创建者(1)伦敦大学进行了一项非常有趣的研究。此项研究的课题组研发了一个幸福度量表。这个幸福度量表的目的是为了测量人们每时

23、每刻相对的幸福感。之后,他们又设计出了一个公式,用来计算一般人每年要多赚多少钱才能获得从富有生活中所获得的幸福感。(2)例如,从丰富的社会生活所获得的满足感与每年增加63844英镑的收入所带来的满足感相同,与心爱的人生活在一起所获得的幸福感与年薪增加82500英镑带来的幸福感相同。而良好的健康状况则是幸福感中最有价值的,拥有一个“健康证明书”相当于年薪增加304000英镑的满足度。(3)尽管如此,金钱还是买不到幸福。比起以前,我们收入更高、吃的更好、受到更好的教育、有更好的住房, 但是自二十世纪五十年代起我们却越来越不如以前幸福了。据统计,世界上从未像现在这样有这么多的抑郁症患者。(4)造成这

24、种状况的原因会让你非常诧异财富畸形症:多年来,我一直致力于调查那些身体畸形患者。身体畸形症是一种病症,即扭曲对自己身体缺陷的看法,这种扭曲达到了无法忍受照镜子的程度。他们认为自己的身体的某部分极其丑陋,丑陋得不敢自视。(5)其实,这与他们的身体外观并没有任何关系。而是因为他们身体内部好像有一个过滤器,过滤掉一切好的方面,却保留了不好的方面。因此,这些人会把注意力集中在外表上他们自己不喜欢的微小的缺陷。比如说,总是关注自己脸上的皱纹或皮肤上褶皱,却忽视自身其他优点。(6)有趣的是,很多人对待财富采取同样的态度-他们忽略掉所有他们已经很富有的生活方面,却把精力集中在他们生活中缺失的方面。 (7)我

25、经常与我的客户做一个练习,要求他们想象不管是由于什么原因,在他们的生活中,钱对他们来说已不再是一个问题。在他们身体状况允许的情况下,他们可以自由地追求任何他们想要的,去做他们想做的任何事情,拥有他们想拥有的任何事物。 (8)然后,我要求他们列两份清单。第一份清单:列出他们有了钱以后将会改变的所有事物。第二份清单:列出他们有了钱以后仍会保持不变的事情。结果令人惊讶,没有多少人在有了更多的钱以后,会去改变他们原有的生活。 (9)当然,他们可能会换个工作,有更多的假期,买更好的车或住更大的房子,但他们不会抛弃他们的朋友,他们还会去他们最喜欢的餐厅吃饭。他们不会去看原来就不喜欢看的电影,不会对原来就不

26、感到可笑事物发笑。(10)调查的结果如下:当你有了更多的钱却不去改变你生活中的方方面面,就说明你已经生活得很富足了。(11)真正、持久的幸福绝不会依存于你的银行存款数目。真正的幸福应该是过一种有价值、有意义、有目的的生活。所以,富有的生活其实是一种体验,无论你赚的钱是多还是少,你都可以在任何时候开始追求这种体验。 (12)你越是把注意力集中在那些让你已感到富足的方面,你就越会意识到你现在其实已经很富有。 事实上,在很多方面你已经跟我们这个星球上最富有的亿万富翁有同样的财富。 例如:每当你睡了一个好觉,你拥有睡眠财富。一个亿万富翁可以购买更昂贵的床垫,但他们买不来一个更恬静的睡眠。 每当你走进餐

27、厅,点菜用餐时,你有可能和最富有的男人或女人拥有完全一样的经历。每当你走在海滩上或看夕阳,你将和经济上富裕的人欣赏着同样的美丽的景色。 (13)戴安肯尼迪和芬克尔在他们的著作毛利岛百万富翁中,很直截了当且令人震惊地指出: “有些人认为一切都有价格。好吧,如果这是真的,要多少钱你会出卖你的视力?你会接受100万美元出卖你视力吗?10亿美元怎么样呢?那你过去的记忆值多少钱呢?你会为了什么而出卖你所有的记忆?你是否愿意交易你所有的回忆,不管是好的还是坏的, 100万美元能否剥夺你所有的过去?”(14)用这样的计算方法来计算的话,在现实中你有多少财富呢?在一个由一至十的度量表上,当你审视你的整个生活的

28、时候,你会认为你有多少财富呢? (15)虽然这可能是一个让一些人感到不舒服的练习。有一点是明确的,那就是,那些我们认为在我们的生活中理所当然的东西永远是无价的。在这个意义上说,之所以如此多的人感到贫穷,是因为他们已经那么富有了。他们不再关注那些在他们生活中一直不变的、好的东西,只意识到了那些发生了意想不到的问题的方面。 (16)那么,为什么人们通常不珍惜我们已经拥有的东西呢?令人惊讶的是,其答案不在于我们的价值观,甚至不在于我们的社会,问题出在我们根深蒂固思维模式。Key to the ExercisesPart One: Reading Pre-reading Activities:ITop

29、ic PreviewAnswers will vary.II. Vocabulary previewA. 1. b, a, c 2. b, c, a 3. a, b, c 4. b, c, aB. 1. distorted2. regardless3. abundance4. reality5. imagine6. equate7. pursued8. internal9. depression10. equivalent11. fascinated12. exclusionPost-reading ActivitiesI. Discussion 1. Reference answer: I

30、am not living a rich life which I want. I will change my life style to cherish what I have got. 2. They then devised a formula to calculate how much extra money the average person would have to earn every year to get the same level of happiness as they would from the simple pleasures of a rich life.

31、3. It refers to the pleasure or satisfactory you get from living an active social life, living with a loved one, having a good health and the alike. 4. Peoples idea on money or wealth is distorted. They filter out all the areas of their life where they are already rich and focus on whats missing fro

32、m their lives instead?5. As a society we are better paid, fed, educated and housed than ever before in history, yet since the 1950s we have become less and less happy. Statistics show there has never been so much depression in the world as there is right now 6. Answers may vary.7. The more you focus

33、 on those areas where you are already rich, the more you will realize how wealthy you already are. There are many ways in which you are already as rich as the wealthiest billionaire on the planet. Any time you have a good nights sleep, you are sleeping rich. A billionaire may be able to buy a more e

34、xpensive mattress, but they cant buy themselves a more restful night. 8. We should change our way of thinking on wealth and happiness. Appreciate what we already have and become aware that what we take for granted in our lives is actually priceless. They are valuable wealth for us. So we are already

35、 rich enough. II. Vocabulary Review and ExpansionA. 1. D2. B3. C4. D5. C6. A7. D8. BB.VerbNoun NounNounsingsingerterrorterroristactactorartartistparticipateparticipantmusicmusicianaccountaccountantCanadaCanadianexpectexpectantengineengineerdefydefiantmountainmountaineeroccupyoccupantcamelcameleersup

36、erintendsuperintendantauctionauctioneerbegbeggartechnologytechnicianemployemployeebeautybeauticianpaypayeebiologybiologistMore words ending with the suffixes ee, -or, -eer,-ian, -ant, -ist:VerbNoun NounNoun trusttrusteeinventinventortraintraineeconductconductorinterviewintervieweeteachteacheraddress


38、miciandescenddescendantviolinviolinistcontestcontestantphysicphysicistdescenddescendantIII. ClozeA. (1) fascinating(2) equivalent(3) equated(4) depression(5) imagine(6) distorted(7) pursue(8) reality(9) regardless(10) abundance(11) exclusion(12) internal B.(1) different(2) person(3)for(4) mean(5) ha

39、ppy(6) people(7) have(8) money(9) however(10) fact(11)happiness(12) line(13)unemployed(14) attitude(15) thinkingPart Two: WritingExercisesA.Hong WANGR304, Bld. 3, Nan Xiu CunWushan, Tianhe DistrictGuagzhou city, Gaungdong(020) 83647087Whong88OBJECTIVETo apply for the position as a director of traini

40、ng with a large corporation committed to employee education and development.EXPERIENCE1998-2001 Cheng Nan Electronic Corporation, Director of TrainingResponsible for the continuing education, training, and certification of new and experienced employees.Prepared presentations and manuals.Taught emplo

41、yees new and more efficient ways to perform their jobs.Traveled to more than 20 branch offices and manufacturing plants.Presented over 40 training courses.1996-1998 Snow Day Software, Shanghai, Training SpecialistTrained new employees on company equipment and on how to use software programs.Prepared

42、 training materials.Presented six courses over two years.EDUCATION1996 M.S. Human Resources Management with a concentration in Training and Development, SCUT (South China University of Technology)1994 B.S. Human Resources, SCUT(South China University of Technology)COMPUTER SKILLSWindows, Microsoft W

43、ord, WordPerfect 10, Excel, PowerPoint, PageMaker, Netscape Navigator, Internet ExplorerB. Answers will vary.Part Three: Translation TipsExercisesA1. 他想劝说我们同意接受这项不切实际的建议,但还是徒劳无获。2. 政府试图阻止学生参加游行,尽管要做到这一点是相当困难的。3. 他来到纽约,就国际形势来看,时机正合适。4. 在天赋的基础上,他坚持训练,技艺与日俱增。5. 我们都知道,地球绕太阳运行。6. 这样一个好建议你竟然不采纳,真是太傻了。7. 我

44、工作稍有进步,他们就热情肯定。8 实验中的良好结果给了他很大的鼓励。9 任何人如果停止学习新知识,就肯定会落后。10.这种举动并没有错,这是人类用道德观念进行推理的本能在起作用。这种本能应得到鼓励,而不是被人嘲笑。B. 伦敦大学进行了一项研究,这项研究极具吸引力。此项课题组研发了一个幸福度量表。这个幸福度量表的目的是为了测量人们每时每刻的,相对的幸福康乐感。之后,他们又设计出了一个公式,用来计算一般人要赚多少钱才能获得与丰富的生活中得到的朴实的快乐相等量的幸福感。例如,活跃的社会生活带给人们的是等同于年收入增长63,844英镑的满意度。Part Four: Supplementary ReadingExe


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