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1、unit 10 under the blue sky在蔚蓝的天空下在蔚蓝的天空下课文译文第段课文译文第段课文译文第段课文译文第段课文译文第段词组(词组()词组(词组()词组(词组().完成句子完成句子(课本(课本p92).完成句子完成句子(课本(课本p92)ii.语法练习语法练习(课本(课本p92)ii.语法练习语法练习2(课本(课本p92)unit 10 under the blue sky people in large cities feel that sky is no longer as blue as it used to be. a blanket of smog covers

2、these industrial cities. smoke from chimneys and waste gases from cars fill the air and there is less fresh air for people to breathe.(第一段)第一段)unit 10 under the blue sky people in large cities feel that sky is no longer as blue as it used to be. a blanket of smog covers these industrial cities. smok

3、e from chimneys and waste gases from cars fill the air and there is less fresh air for people to breathe.(第一段)第一段)现在住在大城市的人们觉得天空不再现在住在大城市的人们觉得天空不再像以前那么蓝了。像以前那么蓝了。unit 10 under the blue sky people in large cities feel that sky is no longer as blue as it used to be. a blanket of smog covers these indu

4、strial cities. smoke from chimneys and waste gases from cars fill the air and there is less fresh air for people to breathe.(第一段)第一段)烟雾笼罩着工业城市的上空。烟雾笼罩着工业城市的上空。unit 10 under the blue sky people in large cities feel that sky is no longer as blue as it used to be. a blanket of smog covers these industr

5、ial cities. smoke from chimneys and waste gases from cars fill the air and there is less fresh air for people to breathe.(第一段)第一段)空气中弥漫着烟囱冒出的黑烟和汽车空气中弥漫着烟囱冒出的黑烟和汽车排放的废气,排放的废气,unit 10 under the blue sky people in large cities feel that sky is no longer as blue as it used to be. a blanket of smog cover

6、s these industrial cities. smoke from chimneys and waste gases from cars fill the air and there is less fresh air for people to breathe.(第一段)第一段)人们很难呼吸到新鲜空气。人们很难呼吸到新鲜空气。black dust makes everything dirtyplants, buildings, peoples clothes, the furniture in houses; even the beautiful little birds flyin

7、g in the air are dressed in black and gray.(第一段)(第一段)black dust makes everything dirtyplants, buildings, peoples clothes, the furniture in houses; even the beautiful little birds flying in the air are dressed in black and gray.(第一段)(第一段)黑色的灰尘弄脏了所有的东西黑色的灰尘弄脏了所有的东西black dust makes everything dirtyplan

8、ts, buildings, peoples clothes, the furniture in houses; even the beautiful little birds flying in the air are dressed in black and gray.(第一段)(第一段)植物、建筑、人们的衣服、房子里的植物、建筑、人们的衣服、房子里的家具,家具,black dust makes everything dirtyplants, buildings, peoples clothes, the furniture in houses; even the beautiful li

9、ttle birds flying in the air are dressed in black and gray.(第一段)(第一段)连飞在空中的小鸟都披上了黑灰色的连飞在空中的小鸟都披上了黑灰色的外衣。外衣。 air pollution now harms everyone in the world. coal is used in industry and also for heating and cooking. smoke from burning coal is one of the causes of air pollution. now there is another ma

10、in cause of air pollution in large cities.(第二段)(第二段) air pollution now harms everyone in the world. coal is used in industry and also for heating and cooking. smoke from burning coal is one of the causes of air pollution. now there is another main cause of air pollution in large cities. (第二段)(第二段)空气

11、污染现在危害着世界上的每一个空气污染现在危害着世界上的每一个人。人。 air pollution now harms everyone in the world. coal is used in industry and also for heating and cooking. smoke from burning coal is one of the causes of air pollution. now there is another main cause of air pollution in large cities. (第二段)(第二段)煤用于工业上,也用来取暖和做饭。煤用于工

12、业上,也用来取暖和做饭。 air pollution now harms everyone in the world. coal is used in industry and also for heating and cooking. smoke from burning coal is one of the causes of air pollution. now there is another main cause of air pollution in large cities. (第二段)(第二段)燃烧的煤产生的黑烟是空气污染的主燃烧的煤产生的黑烟是空气污染的主要原因之一。要原因之

13、一。 air pollution now harms everyone in the world. coal is used in industry and also for heating and cooking. smoke from burning coal is one of the causes of air pollution. now there is another main cause of air pollution in large cities. (第二段)(第二段)现在在大城市中空气污染有另一个主现在在大城市中空气污染有另一个主要的原因之一。要的原因之一。the se

14、rious problem is that too many cars are running in the streets. it often causes traffic jams in large cities. at the same time, the excessive waste gases which are given out by cars badly damage the air quality.(第二段)(第二段)the serious problem is that too many cars are running in the streets. it often

15、causes traffic jams in large cities. at the same time, the excessive waste gases which are given out by cars badly damage the air quality.(第二段)(第二段)严重的问题是路上有太多的车在行驶。严重的问题是路上有太多的车在行驶。the serious problem is that too many cars are running in the street. it often causes traffic jams in large cities. at

16、the same time, the excessive waste gases which are given out by cars badly damage the air quality.(第二段)(第二段)经常会导致大城市中的交通堵塞。经常会导致大城市中的交通堵塞。the serious problem is that too many cars are running in the streets. it often causes traffic jams in large cities. at the same time, the excessive waste gases (w

17、hich are given out by cars )badly damage the air quality.(第二段)(第二段)同时,汽车排出的过量废气严重地破同时,汽车排出的过量废气严重地破坏了空气质量。坏了空气质量。 according to the natural resources defense council (nrdc), in the united states, about 50,000 people a year die of diseases related to air pollution. the death rate is higher than that o

18、f traffic accidents or aids. (第三段第三段) according to the natural resources defense council (nrdc), in the united states, about 50,000 people a year die of diseases related to air pollution. the death rate is higher than that of traffic accidents or aids. (第三段第三段)根据自然资源保护协会的报告,根据自然资源保护协会的报告, according

19、to the natural resources defense council (nrdc), in the united states, about 50,000 people a year die of diseases related to air pollution. the death rate is higher than that of traffic accidents or aids. (第三段第三段)在美国每年大约在美国每年大约5万人死于与空气污染万人死于与空气污染相关的疾病相关的疾病 according to the natural resources defense

20、council (nrdc), in the united states, about 50,000 people a year die of diseases related to air pollution. the death rate is higher than that of traffic accidents or aids. (第三段第三段)这一死亡率比交通事故或艾滋病都高。这一死亡率比交通事故或艾滋病都高。 the unreasonable production often leads to air pollution, water pollution and much da

21、mage to the environment. how can we realize that the earth is our home and we should protect it for our children?(第四段)(第四段) the unreasonable production often leads to air pollution, water pollution and much damage to the environment. how can we realize that the earth is our home and we should protec

22、t it for our children?(第四段)(第四段)不合理的生产经常导致空气污染、水不合理的生产经常导致空气污染、水污染并对环境造成很大的危害。污染并对环境造成很大的危害。 the unreasonable production often leads to air pollution, water pollution and much damage to the environment. how can we realize that the earth is our home and we should protect it for our children?(第四段)(第四段

23、)我们怎么才能够意识到地球是我们的我们怎么才能够意识到地球是我们的家园,家园, the unreasonable production often leads to air pollution, water pollution and much damage to the environment. how can we realize that the earth is our home and we should protect it for our children?(第四段)(第四段)我们应该为了我们的孩子们来保护它我们应该为了我们的孩子们来保护它呢?呢? not only the go

24、vernment but also we the citizens should work more actively to fight against pollution and to protect the environment. in addition, we should also be aware of our own actions.(第五段)(第五段) not only the government but also we the citizens should work more actively to fight against pollution and to prote

25、ct the environment. in addition, we should also be aware of our own actions.(第五段)(第五段)不仅政府而且我们市民都应当更加积不仅政府而且我们市民都应当更加积极地反对污染,保护环境。极地反对污染,保护环境。 not only the government but also we the citizens should work more actively to fight against pollution and to protect the environment. in addition, we should

26、also be aware of our own actions.(第五段)(第五段)此外此外,我们也应该,我们也应该留意留意自身的行为。自身的行为。little things like reusing, not littering around and walking or biking instead of driving cars would help to protect and to improve the environment. we hope that some day the blanket of smog over large cities will disappear a

27、nd we can see the blue sky again.(第五段)(第五段) little things like reusing, not littering around and walking or biking instead of driving cars would help to protect and to improve the environment. we hope that some day the blanket of smog over large cities will disappear and we can see the blue sky agai

28、n.(第五段)(第五段) 一些小的事情像回收利用、不乱扔垃一些小的事情像回收利用、不乱扔垃圾、以步行或骑自行车代替开车都圾、以步行或骑自行车代替开车都有助于保护和改善环境。有助于保护和改善环境。little things like reusing, not littering around and walking or biking instead of driving cars would help to protect and to improve the environment. we hope that some day the blanket of smog over large c

29、ities will disappear and we can see the blue sky again.(第五段)(第五段) 我们希望有朝一日大城市的上空的阴我们希望有朝一日大城市的上空的阴霾会消失,霾会消失,little things like reusing, not littering around and walking or biking instead of driving cars would help to protect and to improve the environment. we hope that some day the blanket of smog o

30、ver large cities will disappear and we can see the blue sky again.(第五段)(第五段) 我们能再次看到蔚蓝的天空。我们能再次看到蔚蓝的天空。useful expressions1.no longer=not any longerasasused to do be used to doing sth4. be/get dressed(in)不再不再和和一样一样过去常常过去常常习惯于做某事习惯于做某事打扮,穿着打扮,穿着5. traffic jam6. at the same time7. give out8. according to9. die of10. related to交通阻塞交通阻塞同时同时排出,释放排出,释放根据,按照根据,按照死于死于与与有关的有关的11. lead to12. not onlybut also13. fight against14. in addition15. be aware of16.instead of导致导致不仅不仅而且而且反对反对此外此外留意留意代替代替.完成句子完成句子i. ()()(课本课本 p92)1 . yo u h a v e t


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