1、changes in word meaningchanges in word meaning7.1 types of changeextension of meaningnarrowing of meaningelevation of meaning degradation of meaningtransference of meaningeuphemismstrengthening and weakening of meaningextension of meaningextension of meaning词义的扩大词义的扩大 extension of meaning ,also know
2、n as extension of meaning ,also known as generalizationgeneralization(普遍化)(普遍化), , is the name is the name given to the widening of meaning which given to the widening of meaning which some words undergo.some words undergo. word old meaningextended meaninghandwritingwriting by handby hand or typed w
3、ith a type-writermillplace for grinding grain into flourplace where things are madebutcherone who kills goatsone who kills animalsfor example:for example: a large proportion of a large proportion of polysemic words of polysemic words of modern englishmodern english have their meanings extended have
4、their meanings extended sometime in the course of developmentsometime in the course of development. . some some words are generalized to such an extent words are generalized to such an extent that they can mean almost anything. that they can mean almost anything. thingthing, for example, which used
5、to mean , for example, which used to mean a public assembly or a council in a public assembly or a council in anglo-saxon times, now can refer to any anglo-saxon times, now can refer to any object or eventobject or event. generalization of meaning is also found generalization of meaning is also foun
6、d in many in many technical terms,technical terms, which as terms which as terms suggests are confined to specialized use. suggests are confined to specialized use. for example, for example, allergicallergic ,a medical term in ,a medical term in the sense of to sensitive to medicine, the sense of to
7、 sensitive to medicine, which now is used for averse or which now is used for averse or disinclined to.disinclined to. words commonized from proper names words commonized from proper names have experienced the same process. for have experienced the same process. for example, example, lynchlynch , ,
8、sandwich .sandwich . lynch, used as a noun meaning kill lynch, used as a noun meaning kill without lawful trial, originates from without lawful trial, originates from william lynch(17421820),william lynch(17421820),member of a member of a vigilance committee in pittsylvania (vigilance committee in p
9、ittsylvania (皮茨尔瓦皮茨尔瓦尼亚县)尼亚县)virginia, who made the law known as virginia, who made the law known as lynch s lawlynch s law(林奇定律)(林奇定律). . sandwich comes from a gamblers name to sandwich comes from a gamblers name to denote a kind of fast food, and now can be denote a kind of fast food, and now can
10、be used as a verb meaning place or squeeze used as a verb meaning place or squeeze between .between .narrowing of meaningnarrowing of meaning词义的缩小词义的缩小 narrowing of meaning ,also called narrowing of meaning ,also called specializationspecialization(具体化)(具体化), is , is the opposite the opposite of wid
11、ening meaningof widening meaning. in other words, a . in other words, a word which used to have a more general word which used to have a more general sense becomes restricted in its sense becomes restricted in its application and conveys a special concept application and conveys a special concept in
12、 present-day english.in present-day english. for example :for example : rats and mice and such small rats and mice and such small deer, deer means animal in general. deer, deer means animal in general. corn once meant grain, but corn once meant grain, but now only is used for maize only.now only is
13、used for maize only. garage once meant place for garage once meant place for storage, but now is used for storing cars.storage, but now is used for storing cars. when a common word is turned into a proper noun when a common word is turned into a proper noun(专有名(专有名词)词) ,the meaning is narrowed accor
14、dingly. ,the meaning is narrowed accordingly. city city means the means the business center of london ; business center of london ; prophetprophet, which stands for , which stands for mohammed .mohammed . for economy, some phrases are shortened and only one for economy, some phrases are shortened an
15、d only one element of the original, usually an adjective, is left to element of the original, usually an adjective, is left to retain the meaning of the whole. retain the meaning of the whole. a private = a private a private = a private soldiersoldier. . material nouns ,which used to refer to object
16、s made of material nouns ,which used to refer to objects made of them, now have a more specific meaning. them, now have a more specific meaning. silversilver is used for is used for silver dollar, silver dollar, glassglass for mirror or cup-like container.for mirror or cup-like container.elevation o
17、f meaningelevation of meaning词义词义 升华升华 nelevation or elevation or ameliorationamelioration/ /,milj,miljreirein /n / refers to the process by which words rise refers to the process by which words rise from humble beginnings to positions of from humble beginnings to positions of importanceimportance.h
18、umble or lowagreeable or pleasantword old meaning elevated meaningignorant manfoolishservantpilotpleasantcountaffectionate head of the government ministryhead of a stateniceearlfond minister governordegradation of meaning degradation of meaning 词义降格词义降格j degradation ,derdein or pejoration (贬义化),pidr
19、en of meaning is opposite of semantic elevation. it is a process whereby words of good origin or affective neutrality fall into ill reputation or come to be used in derogatory sense(贬义). names for the common people in the middle ages are tended to be degraded. for example :a boor was merely a peasan
20、t and once has degraded to a rude ,ill-mannered person. churl used to be a peasant or free man has now come to denote uncultivated or mean person.transference of meaning transference of meaning 词义转移词义转移 some words which were used to some words which were used to designate one thing but later designa
21、te one thing but later changed to mean something else have changed to mean something else have experienced the process of semantic experienced the process of semantic transfer, known as transfer, known as transference or transference or transfer of meaning.transfer of meaning.four types:1 associated
22、 transfer 联想转移联想转移 2 transfer between abstract and concrete抽象与具体之间的转移抽象与具体之间的转移 3 transfer between subjective and objective meanings主客观意义的转移主客观意义的转移 4 synesthesia ,snsiz 通感通感 it is known as figuratively it is known as figuratively (比喻)(比喻) extension of meaning. e.g.: extension of meaning. e.g.: the
23、lip of a the lip of a wound, the tongue of the bell(wound, the tongue of the bell(铃舌)铃舌), the , the eye of the needle ,the teeth of the saweye of the needle ,the teeth of the saw,the nose of the shipthe nose of the ship meaning of words between abstract and meaning of words between abstract and conc
24、rete can be transferred between concrete can be transferred between abstract and concrete. e.g. : abstract and concrete. e.g. : room, room, grasp ,stagegrasp ,stage some words were formerly used subjectively some words were formerly used subjectively but later to an objective use, and the but later
25、to an objective use, and the subjective meaning is lost. subjective meaning is lost. e.g.: e.g.: dreadfuldreadful(恐惧的)(恐惧的) once donated once donated full of dreadfull of dread ,a subjective meaning , now is ,a subjective meaning , now is used to mean used to mean causing dreadcausing dread ,shiftin
26、g to an ,shifting to an objective meaning. objective meaning. words associated with one sense are used words associated with one sense are used to describe another sense. to describe another sense. e.g.: e.g.: clear sounding, loud colorsclear sounding, loud colors. . euphemism euphemism 委婉语委婉语 euphemism jufmz()m, an inoffensive an inoffensive exp
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