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1、课时训练(十二)units 56(八下)(限时:30分钟).词汇运用(用方框内所给单词的适当形式填空) leadfightsolveicebegin1.the monkey king keeps bad people. 2.i think it's a good way the problem. 3.be careful! the road is . 4.the meeting at nine and finished at eleven. 5.my mother my brother and me to the zoo yesterday.&#

2、160;.单项选择6.look, is dancing under the tree. oh, that's my cousin, anna.a.everybody b.anybody c.somebody7.the rain beat the windows. i enjoyed the sound of the rain. a.tob.towardsc.against 8.you're in a hurry. where are you going?to the cinema. sue for me outside. a.waited b.is

3、 waiting c.was waiting9.it is accepted by everyone that knowledge is the most valuable for human beings.  a.standard b.treasure c.invention 10.i saw mr. smith in the office at ten yesterday morning.that's impossible. he an english party with us then. a.has b.hadc.was having 11.i was wr

4、iting a letter i heard a big noise. a.whileb.afterc.when 12.lily has a beautiful . listen! she is singing in the next room! how nice!a.noiseb.soundc.voice13.what were you doing i knocked at the door? i was sleeping.a.unlessb.whenc.while14.who's your favorite teacher? miss green. s

5、he makes us english in an interesting way.  a.believe in b.take part in c.fall in love with15.in warm weather, he often reads under a tree in the library. a.insteadb.instead ofc.doesn't.xx·徐州完形填空what will the future world be like? many people are glad to give their 16.here are two

6、 imaginations about the world of 17. when people talk about the future, we like to think that we'll have our own personal flying car.we would fly at 480 kilometers per hour, avoiding traffic lights, 18 roads and speeding tickets.19, some people point to the disadvantages of flying cars.one

7、big problem is: what will happen if the flying cars 20? then there will be problems with traffic control.also, if 21 become popular, there will surely be too much air traffic.22 it seems that flying cars will face more than a few problems if they are to get off the ground! imagine you have your

8、 own ironman 23.several companies are trying to build a practical robot “exoskeleton”.this is a suit of robot arms and legs which follows your movement.it will 24 the wearer to lift heavy objects, walk a long way and even punch through walls! it is 25 in many ways, especially for people with disabil

9、ities.this suit might help people to walk again after 26 or injury (受伤).but the disadvantage at the moment is the 27.even a simple suit can cost hundreds of thousands of pounds.another problem is battery life.a suit like this needs a lot of 28 and batteries only last about 15 minutes at the moment.o

10、ne other problem is that a badly programmed robot suit could 29 the wearer.you wouldn't want your robot leg or arm bending (弯曲) the wrong way. so in the future, 30 we might be able to fly to work and lift a car above our heads, there are plenty of problems to solve before this will be possi

11、ble. 16.a.suggestions b.instructions c.opinions d.reasons17.a.past b.yesterday c.present d.tomorrow18.a.empty b.wide c.busy d.dirty19.a.moreover b.instead c.in fact d.however20.a.put down b.break down c.write down d.calm down21.a.they b.you c.we d.i22.a.and b.but c.so d.or23.a.gloves b.suit c.h

12、elmet d.shoes24.a.ask b.wish c.invite d.allow25.a.beautiful b.peaceful c.colorful d.useful26.a.disease b.holiday c.work d.party27.a.quality b.price c.need d.number28.a.chances b.power c.rest d.experience29.a.hurt b.attract c.protect d.attack30.a.whether b.unless c.although d.until .xx·自贡还原短文根据短

13、文内容,将下面方框内的句子还原到文中空白处,使短文内容完整、通顺。(每个选项只能用一次)a man died and was on his way to another world, either heaven (天堂) or hell (地狱). he saw a beautiful huge palace. the owner came out and asked the man to stay and live in the palace. the man said, “31. and now i just want to eat and sleep without doing any

14、work.” the owner of the palace said, “32. you can eat whatever you want. and nothing needs to be done by you.” “that is great! this must be heaven!” said the man. and he lived in the palace. 33. but gradually he felt a bit lonely and bored. so he went to the owner and said, “just eating and sle

15、eping every day is very boring. now i'm losing interest in this kind of life. 34.” the owner replied, “sorry, there are no jobs here at all.” after another few months, the man could not stand it any more and went to the owner again. “i really can't stand this kind of life any more,” he

16、said. “if you do not offer me a job, i would prefer to go to hell rather than live here.”the owner of the palace smiled. “where do you think we are now?” he said. “35.” a.could you help me find a job?b.i have been working hard my whole life.c.at first, the man felt very happy with a life of eat

17、ing and sleeping.d.if so, there is no where else better than here for you.e.heaven? we are actually in hell!.阅读回答问题in ancient china, it was common that the eldest son should look after the parents.but confucius' elder brother was disabled, so confucius (孔子) had to take care of his mother till sh

18、e died in 535 bc.one of his teachings was that a person should feel or express great sadness for their parents' death for three years.the reason was that they looked after the child completely until it was three.filial piety (孝道) is very important in confucius' thought.after he had finished

19、mourning (守孝) for his mother, he began to teach and got followers around him.how many students did confucius get? we are not sure.it is believed that 72 of them were very famous.some of his students came from poor families, others were from rich families.he thought everyone should have a right to re

20、ceive education.confucius lived in a time of being unstable (不稳定的), so many of his teachings were connected to social harmony (和谐).he thought, in a family, parents should behave like parents, caring for the young, while children should behave like children, knowing how to look after the old.if such

21、relationships are remained, a country will be peaceful and a family will be harmonious(和睦的).“do not do to others what you do not want done to yourself.”“when one's parents are alive, one should not go far away.”these sayings, together with many others, were beautifully written in chinese ancient

22、 texts.they have been learned by chinese people over the centuries.36.how long should a person mourn for his parents' death according to the passage? 37.did confucius have only 72 students? 38.what was confucius' idea about receiving education? 39.why were many of his teaching

23、s connected to social harmony? 40.where were many of confucius' sayings written?参考答案.1.fighting2.to solve3.icy4.began5.led .6.c7.cbeat against the windows意为“敲打窗户”。8.b9.b句意:人们所接受的是:知识是人类最宝贵的财富。standard标准,规格;treasure宝藏,珍宝;invention发明。故选b。10.c句中的then相当于at ten yesterday morning,表示过去某个时刻正在做某事要用过

24、去进行时,故选c。11.c12.c根据“listen! she is singing in the next room!”可知是指莉莉有甜美的嗓音。故选c。13.b14.c句意:“谁是你最喜欢的老师?”“格林老师。她用有趣的方式让我们爱上英语。”believe in相信;take part in参加;fall in love with爱上。15.b.主旨大意 本文是一篇说明文。文章介绍了未来广泛使用飞车和将来穿上钢铁侠套装的利与弊。16.c考查名词辨析。根据前句的提问:what will the future world be like?“未来世界是个什么样子。”推断本句是,许多人乐意给出他们

25、的观点。故选c。17.d考查名词辨析。根据文章首句的提问:what will the future world be like?“未来世界是个什么样子。”由此推知,本句是,这里是有关未来世界的设想。故选d。18.c考查形容词辨析。句意:我们驾驶时速每小时480公里的飞车能够避免交通灯、繁忙的道路和超速的罚单。故选c。19.d考查副词辨析。句意:有些人指出了飞车的缺点。与前面介绍飞车的优点构成转折关系。故选d。20.b考查动词短语辨析。分析后句then there will be problems with traffic control.“交通管理方面将有问题。”得出本句句意:如果飞车坏了,将

26、发生什么情况呢?故选b。21.a考查代词辨析。根据前文介绍可知,这里都是讲飞车流行会带来的问题。根据句意“飞车流行起来,一定有太多的空中交通”可知这里指的是“飞车”。用第三人称复数作主语。故选a。22.c考查连词辨析。根据前句“also, if 21 become popular, there will surely be too much air traffic.”得出本句的结论“22 it seems that flying cars will face more than a few problems if they are to get off the ground!”引出结论用连词s

27、o。故选c。 23.b考查名词辨析。结合句意及下文“this is a suit of robot arms and legs which follows your movement.”可知,选b。24.d考查动词辨析。句意:它能让穿戴者拎重物、走长途,甚至穿墙。根据句意可知选d。25.d考查形容词辨析。根据前句“it will 24 the wearer to lift heavy objects, walk a long way and even punch through walls!”可知,它在许多方面是有用的。故选d。 26.a考查名词辨析。句意:这套装能帮助受伤或生病的人重新走路。故选a。27.b考查名词辨析。根据空后的内容“even a simple suit can cost hundreds of thousands of pounds.”可知,价格昂贵是它的缺点。故选b。28.b考查名词辨析。根据上句“another problem is battery life.”以及后句中的“batteries only last about 15 minutes at the mo


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