1、新世纪大学英语系列教材综合教程1 Unit 1:learning a language Portuguese :Mother tongue :Spanish : Broaden :Confident :Cope :Communicate Frequently Obtain Remarkably Catch on to sth Rhythm Regarding Plus Accustomed Get accustomed to Process Enjoyable Personal According to Advertisement Claim On ones part Fluently Flu
2、ent Reference Qualified Ridiculous Or else Natural Efficient Efficiently Its no use doing sth Argue Individual Personality No doubt Extent To an /some /what /a certain /such an extent Helpful Advantage Have an advantage over Extreme Go to extreme Assume Precise Equivalent Vice versaTranslation Provi
3、de (sb)with Let alone Intonation Base Base sth. On /upon sth. Behaviorist Be fond of doing sth Psychology Continual Parrot Chimpanzee Theorist In ones opinion Unlike Relate Means Communication Formula Relevant Particularly Rid Dislike Character Care Furthermore Intelligent Steadily Solemnly Apparent
4、lyConfusion Semester Astonish GlimpseIllustration Edition Adventure Dive Unit 2:growing upTeenager Adult Create Conflict Implied Statement Trash Involve Overcome Infant Soft spoken Local Beam Midst Honorable Industrious Groan Compliment Emphatically Rebellion Stubborn Enroll Frown Awkward Glare Hop
5、Savor Wander Intersection Idiot Survey SustainDentGuilty Complain Complaint Protest Choke Insurance Panic Recognition Better Trudge Eve Celebrate Rarely Hug Recall Wrap Apart Independent Instance PrimitiveCivilized Enormously Figure Shelter Physically Ambitious Frustrated Restless Scare Annoy Terrif
6、y Drag Tight Possessive Whereas Protective Unit 3:knowing yourself Psychology Category Introvert Extrovert Behave Relationship Distinguish Combination Characteristic Aggressive Complex Compose Element Emotional Intellectual Reflective Handle Reveal Variation Sociable Trait Influence Creative Humor E
7、ntertain Heredity Inherit Ancestor Resemblance Evidently Opportunity Aspect Circumstance Impact Complicated Affect secure Divorce Harmful Exert Adjustment Adolescence Athlete Preference Specific Reflect Represent Expand Horizon Thirst Optimistic Isolate Primary Selfish Impress Consequence Critical M
8、ixture Mentally Mature Indicate Confront Neutral Swing Seek Enthusiastically Sensitive Desire Sacrifice Stable Restrict Normally Ballance Unit 4:care of elderly Background Specialized Occupied Aging Resource Solution Doll Fade Arouse Chilly Exquisite Porcelain Bow Kidskin Joint Reverent Trim Lace Pe
9、tticoat Linen Delicate Miracle Crash Smash Victim Pneumonia Spill Subdued Exclaim Compassionate Ceramic Resemble Commission Specify Supply Wig Fabric Ribbon Duplicate OutfitVolunteer Creation Gaily Crack Cradle Frail Explanation Recognize Inspire Occasionally Myth Statistics Moreover Eventually Requ
10、ire Responsibility Interview Dependent Relative Obligation State Deserve Available Community Appreciate Potential Select Consideration Expect Mutual Unit 5:parents and children Piggy bank Plastic Typewriter Typist Cashier Tax Lap Pine Gathering Spot Recent Senior PromOccur Straight Increasingly Deep
11、en Scent Mow Unusually Arch Eyebrow Inquiry Disturb Blade Shred Acquaint Squawk Ease Alarmingly Admit Surgery Option Sturdy Accomplishment Soak Giant Sway Breeze Tighten Depress Mildly Toss Appointment Shrink Matter Invisible Border Define Landscape Confidence Navigate Obstacle Essential System Coun
12、sel Stir Domestic Grateful Authority Departure View Concern Rear Acknowledge Unit 6:Christmas spirit Christmas Decorate Budget Exhaust Stressful Commercial Memorable Occasion Wretched Trap Irritable Shabby Joint Greasy Monotonous Miserable Scold Defend Slap Minor Interrupt Blast Dripping Ragged Rund
13、own Franc Wearily Weary Hoarsely Hoarse Tip Press Lean Ancient Straighten Permission Motion Merry Depart Explode Bomb Hobble Folk Feast Magic Radiant Bellow Uninhibited Enthusiasm Embrace Lad Deliver Champagne Round Dull Release Smother Request Item Merely Satisfactory Supply Irritate Messy Kneel Ov
14、erwhelm Barely Necessity Policy Slip Traditional Straight Counter Obviously Underneath Resume Soul Unit 7:relationship and communication Scholarship Settle White lie Illegally Illegal Vital Desert Tend Resort Hesitation Adoption Account Analysis Bound Arise Curiously Technological Mobile Pager Inves
15、tigation FacilitateContact Verbal Undesirable Desirable Sound ConfusedPhysiological Belief Circulation Concentration Distraction Slam Rate DisposalUnconsciously Range Switch Gesture Automatic Psychological Factor Impression Appearance Tune Ensure Acceptable Encounter Blank Count Career Significant E
16、ndure Desperately Assistance Attach Assist Bless Sincerely Inquire Impatient Abruptly Blame Approach Burden Strain Recovery Combat Tremble Unit 8:college life Freshman Anticipation Definitely Workload Challenge Amount Deadline Frustration Previous Patience Diverse Anticipate Mission Inspiring Conduc
17、t Innate Attain Academic Principle Priority Compromise Snake Recreation AdditionThrive Consistency Perform Band Rugby Association Debate Disclose File Folder Advocate Effectively Retention Schedule Assignment Polish Revision Procrastinate Jot Principal Promote Context Clarify Participation Demonstra
18、te Concisely Concise Illuminate Hypothetical Frame Confirm Devise Employ Assign Undertake Crucial Infancy Pressure Motivate Economic Peer Charge Self induced Tuition Various Sum Accumulate Loan Financial Tough Determination Loan Cheerful Steer Major Profession Severe Obligate Fulfill Expectation Daw
19、n Tension Multiply Deliberately Perceive Ultimately Unique 新世纪大学英语系列教材综合教程2Unit 1:living in harmony Harmony Selfishness Religion Vitality Forgiveness Workmate (colleague/co-worker/)Universal Ironically Host Swiftly Cripple Cling Determinedly Heal Proverb Revenge Grave Shallow Initial Relatively Cons
20、tant Confrontation Resentment Tackle Innocent Functional Impressive Peel Chipboard Jury Wart Flaw Contentment Reaction Upset React Nurture Alternative Sin Prince Fantastic Aware Civil Fascinating Entitle Fiction Capture Jail Rough Execute Cigarette Shrug Instant Spark Leap Generate DimensionRoute La
21、yer Construct Dignity Status Authentic Envy Genuine Unit 2:the value of life Mud (妈的,去日化所踩到烂泥了)Runny Rag Silence Thrilling Doom Condemn Criminal Sphere Confine Mortal Emphasize Vigor Keenness Appreciation Stretch Panorama Adopt Motto Certainty Picture Unimaginable Endless Petty Listless Characterize
22、 Deaf Blessing Observation Hazily Conscious Stricken Appreciative Symmetry Birth Rough Bud Sigh Awaken DelightfulTexture Delightful Remarkable Reveal Quiver Brook Rug Unending Drama Stream Longing Convenience Respective Literature Slide Cease Rock Indirect Poetry Glorious Remedy Instrument Wrinkle T
23、remble Rack RoyalPropose Unit 3:the road to success RanchRealistic Reconsider Shadowland Fame Reward NeglectFreelance Prospect Storage Superintendent Manual Genuine Uncertainty Contract Siren Tempt Acquaintance Station Buck Tease Resolution Afterward Pace Cupboard Crate Plunge Crumple Grocer Wither
24、Rumor Steak Dash Sacrifice Gradually Slavery Trace Dazzle Limelight Corrode Dime Tide Huddle Bleak Portrait Medal Press Persistence Creep Establish Trade Resolve Ambition Evident Fare Lodging Exhausted Portion Refresh Sufficient Surrounding Unload Cargo Vessel Consent Occurrence Surplus Undergo Exis
25、tence Institute Favourable Worthless Meantime Dust Dirt Closet Rub Particle Remark Institution Unit 4:optimism and positive thinking Optimist Optimism Bottom line Reverse Shape Ample Rational Curse Perspective Despair Highlight Crisis Luxury Conversely Prophecy Attendant Odd Liver Disgusting Negativ
26、ism Affirmation Tradition Incredible Accomplish Naive Solver Raise Criticize Channel Constructive Unlimited Expansion Outcome Nonsense Concerning Reject Horror Iron Wrinkle TenseDisplay Distract Overall Qualification Entertain Overnight Ignore Inner Quit Transform Replace Accordingly Unit 5:moral va
27、lue Moral Foundation Quarter Perseverance Virtue Turtle Brief Compassion Queen Consult Morale Falter Productive Incentive Gloom Atmosphere Poison Suspicion Workshop Stump Casual Emerge Obvious Performance Conduct Violate Sacred Failing Constitute Integrity Generosity Executive Visible Despite Dilemm
28、a Literature Ethic Eminent Figure Industrial Shift Function Charm Lubricate Interaction Superficial Deceptive Fake Musician Guarantee Fulfilment Deposit Strength Responsible Dependability Ingredient Infinite Variety Vulnerable Lapse Regardless Critical Confide Staff Fist Crossroads Brake Halt Cop Ho
29、nor Restrain Convention Amazing Damn Structure Awful Internal Revenue Enforce Manner Fake Ounce Unit 6:being creative Essence Uncreative Complexity Contradictory Integrate Dialectical Laser External Beam Recharge Battery Gene Trail Strategy Pole Childishness Genius Insight Superior Correlate Converg
30、ent Divergent Flexibility Originality Rely Alternate Extroverted Thick Sideline Current Extroversion Introversion Distinguish Exhibit Humble Conservative Novelty Economist Emphatic Nerve Innovation Objective Credibility Expose Threshold inventive Forefront Discipline Eminence Vicious Sculpture Devas
31、tating Expertise Sake Strive Jingle Physicist Mysterious Physician Consist Gravity Chip Philosopher Logical Eliminate Loose Similarity Grip Smooth Pilot Ridicule Unit 7:learning to work together Cooperate Concept Teamwork Interviewee Requirement Employment Analogy Corporate Opposition Reserve Strike
32、r Midfielder Defender Handicap Inspiration Rash Leadership Guidance Continuously Loyal Oneness Herd Vision Valid Complement Competent Assess Merit Inappropriate Rejection Rebuff Dismiss Unparalleled Presentation Conventional Professional Curb Norm Alter Compromise Viewpoint Gracious Pave Feedback Co
33、nvey Competitive Streak Unit 8:adversity Bean Adversity Soften Contributor Identify Recognizable Abuse Handicap Limp Playwright Mature Haul Bootstrap Consciousness Courageous Polio Presidency Depth Depression Outspoken Remainder Spokesperson Limitation Temper Clumsy Tap Lord Hunchback Historic Sourc
34、e Throat Grab Claim Stuff Muscle Accurate Component Acquisition Convert Maintain Identification Breed Strategic Rude Impulse Definition 新世纪大学英语系列教材综合教程3Unit 1:FriendshipNotion:Criterion:Setting:Describe.as:Label:Appropriate:Thin:Classical:Distinguish between:Utility:Impermanent:Ground:Break up:Persu
35、e:Take pleasure in (doing) sth.:In so far as:Regulate:Saying:As the saying goes:Tribulation:Trials and tribulations:Statesman:Orator:As to:Purity:Pure:Equity:Liberality:Greed:Lust:Violence:Conviction:Have the courage of ones (own) conviction:Bond:Shared:Share:Possess:Superiority:Preserve:Commitment:
36、Good:Virtuous:Bind:Network:Permanent:Unite:Attribute:Unit 2:LoveHold on:Defy:Overwhelming:Given:Indulge:Crush:Fancy:Moustache:Puppy:Puppy love:Bubble:Interact:Gender:Social:Await:Unhesitant:Groom:Long-term:Settled:Give and take:Magnificent:Build.on/upon:Blossom:Affection:A meeting of minds:School:Ro
37、mance:Short-lived:Flesh:Lavishly:Ideal:Era:Constraint:Restraint:Unpretentious:Curl:Glance:Remindful:Bygone:Holiness:Proximity:Jump/climb on the bandwagon:Bandwagon:Haste:Attraction:Compatibility:Compatible:Via:Sensibility:Baggage:Purely:blame sth. on sth./sb.State of affairs:Originate:Mindset:Distor
38、t:Passion:Acquire:Opportunism:Selflessness:Selfless:In short:Harden:Lover:Sincerity:Self-sufficient:Let sb. loose (on sth.):Forge:Lasting:Bond:Frivolous:Unit 3:HappinessPursuit:Improvement:Depression:Crime:Dissatisfaction:breadline:The breadline:A/per head:Banish:Individualism:Poll:Better off:Relati
39、ve:Counterproductive:As a whole:Relative to:End:Leisure:Inefficiently:Reinforce:In terms of/in.terms:Derive:In part:Rank:Zero-sum:Point of view:Rat race:Destructive:Decrease:Weight:Enable:Apprenticeship:comparison:Inevitable:Hierarchy:Unavoidable:Talented:Occupation:In effect:Evaluate:Subjective:Fun
40、damentally:Intrinsic:Deteriorate:Unprecedented:Religious:Worldview:Postwar:Solidarity:leave sth./sb. with sb. :Collective:Everlasting:Youngster:Humankind:Serve as:Self-centered:Unit 4:HealthRespect:Maternal:Cut off:In the flower of ones youth:Remote:Namely:Terror:Descendant:Miscarriage:Widow:Relate:
41、Melancholy:Dismal:Habitually:Habitual:Popular science:Statistical:Probable:Brevity:As regards:On the ground(s) that:Wholesome:Guard against:Undue:Absorption:Absorb:Vivid:In the hope of:Suck:Indifferent:Owing:Incapable:Concern oneself with:Render:Allowance:Knit:Jumper:Oppress:Justification:Justifiabl
42、y:Cheat:Ignoble:Recede:Merge:Waterfall:Decay:Carry on:Unit 5:EducationCyberspace:Peculiarly:Keyboard:Distance learning:Electrically:Electrical:Jack:Flunk:For want of:Virtual:Be the case:Decline:Campus:Hit on/upon:Rural:Resident:Secretarial:Shorthand:Mound:Electronic:Bulletin board:Grade:Tariff:Conve
43、ne:Dispense:Sage:Liberal:Comment:Reflect on:In turn:Passively:Passive:Twiddle:Thumb:twiddle ones thumb:Tick:Tick away:Hallmark:Auditorium:Incorporate:Practically:Kid:Telecommute:Uproot:Entity:Model (after):Monastery:Medieval:Go after:Interference:Interfere:Step in:Calm down:Enlighten:Assembly:Standa
44、rdize:Inspection:Clock-watch:Discrete:Transcript:Duly:Liberal arts:Curriculum:Bring back:Aid:Collaborative:Conference:Oddly enough:Way:Way back:In favor of:Participant:Unit 6:Interculture CommunicationCulture shock:Transplant:Abroad:Ailment:symptom:Cure:Precipitate:Result from:Symbol:Intercourse:Ori
45、ent:Orient oneself (to):Facial:Efficiency:Efficient:A fish out of water:Broad-minded:Series:Prop:Regression:Regress:Tremendous:Irrationally:Irrational:Glorify:Get over:Culture:Capacity:Dictate:Chopstick:Transmit:Build up:By means of:Ethnocentrism:Ethnocentric:Identify oneself/sb. with sb./sth.Tenden
46、cy:Attribute:Peculiarity:Anti-social:Censure:National:Enter into:Due to:Hostility:Maid:Open up:Allocate:Participant:Carnival:Ritual:As such:Role playing:Unit 7:The Olympic SpiritChampion:Olympics:Spectator:Figure:Evaporate:Tumble:Rise to ones feet:Flash:Spin:Spirited:Tribute:Consultant:Dozens of:Bri
47、ng out:Mount:Stand:Athletic:Fiber:Skate:Luge:Sled:Take shape:Gymnast:Press:Bring up:Eloquently:Eloquent:Compete:Discus:Consecutive:Narrowly:Freestyle:Confess:Come in:Contender:Contrast.with.:Dash:Split second:Feature:Poignant:Sprinter:Hurdles:Trip:Barrier:Crawl:Semifinal:Injure:Limp:Deafen:Podium:Li
48、ke crazy:Olympian:Grind:Squeeze:Rink:Cyclist:Put in:Boxer:Head for:Relentlessly:Relentless:lCarinetist:Diligently:Diligent:Solo:Fill in for:Emergency:In an emergency:Break:Capitalize:Unit 8:Man and SocietyFree market:Cutthroat:Dog-eat-dog:Fuel:Greedy:Self-interest:Jungle:Regulation:Pull together:Dep
49、lore:Wool:As a result of:Varied:Spin:Yarn;Retail:Distribution:Globe:Consumer:Prosperous:Symphony:Orchestra:Unequaled:Privilege:Recording:Prestigious:Prestige:Studio:Parallel:Slot:Championship:Publication:Inseparable:Scarcity:It follows that:Follow:Scarce:Bushel:Bid:Voluntarily:Voluntary:In exchange for:Beat up:Coordinate:Product:Stockholder:All manner of:Repeat:Employer:Reliable:Dealership:Non-economic:At the expense of sth.:Identica
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