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1、HRM Practices of Employee Engagement and Employee Involvement at HarrodsFrankMay 19, 2016Harrods iTable of ContentsIntroduction1Discussion2Employee Engagement2Leadership which is Visibly Empowering2Engaging Managers2Representation of Voice of Employees in all Spheres of Company2Integrity2Drivers of

2、Employee Engagement3Strongest Driver for Engagement4Institute of Employment Studies Engagement Model4Employee Engagement at Harrods5Internal Employee Magazine7Morning Briefing7Intranet7Quarterly Employee Forum8Other types of Employee Voice8Leadership Style at Harrods8Autocratic Style of Leadership9D

3、emocratic Style of Leadership9Laissez Faire Leadership Style10Conclusion12References13Harrods 15IntroductionIn the highly competitive environment of today, managers agree that modern businesses are demanding higher productivity along with more efficiency than the previous times. Organizations are ma

4、king effort for increasing the performance for placing the company ahead of competitors. Previously, the satisfied employees who were content with their experience of work were considered to be an important factor for success as a satisfied employee wanted to stay in the company and contributed to t

5、he workforce productivity and stability (Sanchez & McCauley 2006). However, this has changed due to which stable and satisfied customers are not enough in brining the necessary results. According to Abraham (2012), these employees might meet the demands of work but will not result in higher perf

6、ormance. To compete effectively, employers should go beyond the satisfaction and focus on inspiring employees for applying the full capabilities and potential to the work as the inability to do so will result in making part of the resources to remain unavailable to the company (Baker & Leiter 20

7、10). Hence, organizations expect the employees to show enthusiasm, initiative at work and take responsibility for their development along with striving for high performance and quality, be dedicated and energetic in what they do which shows that the organizations want companies to be engaged and inv

8、olved. It has also been stated that the employee engagement is the best tool in the efforts of company for gaining the competitive advantage and staying competitive (Rashid et al 2011). Based on the increasing importance employee engagement and involvement, this paper is focused on analysing the way

9、 employee engagement and involvement activities are taking place at Harrods. DiscussionEmployee EngagementAccording to MacLeod and Clarke (2009), employee engagement is a workforce approach which is designed for ensuring that the employees are committed to the values and goals of the organization mo

10、tivate to contribute to the success of organization and are able to enhance their own sense of well being. Moreover, in their intensive report, they identified a series of positive outcomes which are related with the engagement for the employers, employees and the country. They also focused on highl

11、ighting factors which are commonly agreed to be present behind successful approaches of engagement which are called the enablers of engagement. These enablers are as:Leadership which is Visibly EmpoweringThis comprised of a strong strategic narrative of the company which includes where it has come f

12、rom and where it is heading (Insights 2014).Engaging ManagersThis was defined as those managers who focus on their teams along with the scope on their work. They regard their staff based on their needs in terms of a coach and an individual and challenge the people.Representation of Voice of Employee

13、s in all Spheres of CompanyEmployees are considered to be the central to the solution and they participate to find it.IntegrityThere is integrity of the organization and the values of organization are recognized and are alive in the behaviours of the organization (Insights 2014). Moreover, in the pr

14、actical terms, it is important to understand what the HR professional consider to be the signs of engaged workforce. In this regard, the Institute of Employment Studies have highlighted behaviours which are considered to be a characteristic of those who are engaged which are:· Belief in organiz

15、ation· Desire to make things better at work· Understanding the bigger picture and context· Helpful to and respectful of the colleagues· Willingness of going that extra mile· Keeping up-to-date with the developments taking place in the field.Drivers of Employee EngagementRese

16、archers have focused on diagnosing for determining the drivers which will increase the level of employee engagement. According to Penna (2007), meaning at work can be a valuable method to being the employers and employees together for benefitting both in which employees will experience the space to

17、be themselves, the sense of community and opportunity of making contribution. Hence, employees want to work in those organizations in which they are able to find the meaning at work. In this regard, the researchers of Penna (2007) have developed a new model which is called the hierarchy of engagemen

18、t which is similar to the Maslows hierarchy model. The basic needs of benefits and pay are present in the bottom line and once they are satisfied, the employee starts looking for the development opportunities, the possibility of promotion followed by leadership style which will be introduced in the

19、model. After all of these lower level aspirations have been satisfied, the employee starts focusing on the alignment of the value meaning which is represented as a true sense of connection as being a common purpose along with a shared sense of meaning. Moreover, the Development Dimensions Internatio

20、nal highlighted that managers need to do five things for creating a highly engaged workforce which are:· Aligning efforts with strategy· Empowering· Promoting and encouraging collaboration and teamwork· Helping people to develop and grow· Providing recognition and support wh

21、ere needed (DDI 2005)Strongest Driver for EngagementThe strongest sense is being involved and valued as its components related to different aspects which are identified as being relevant to the engagement which are:· Involvement in the decision making· The extent to which the employees are

22、 able to voice the ideas and the managers listen to these views and value the contribution of employees· Opportunities for the employees to develop their jobs· Extent to which organization is focused on the well being and health of employers (Robinson et al 2004).Institute of Employment St

23、udies Engagement ModelThis model highlights that a focus on the increasing perception of a person regarding their involvement and value to the organization will provide dividends in context of increased levels of engagement (Robinson et al 2004). It uses the main driver of the employee engagement an

24、d the diagnostic tool asserts that feeling involved and valued in the main driver of engagement along with representing the main component of feeling involved and valued. The identification of these elements as shown in the figure below provides a pointer to the organizations to those aspects of wor

25、k life which need attention if it wants the engagement level to be improved and maintained. Figure 1: Drivers of Employee Engagement (Robinson et al 2004)Employee Engagement at HarrodsThe MacLeod report Engaging for Success was published in 2009 which highlighted the way organizations benefit throug

26、h the involvement in every aspect of decision making. This resulted in prompting the managers at Harrods to investigate the relations of employees specifically employee turnover. According to Price (1977), employee turnover is defined at the number of members in the organization who have left in the

27、 period which is being considered divided by the average number of members in the organization in the period. It is also used to measure the relationship of employees in organizations as they leave it irrespective of the reason. The statistics at Harrods highlighted that the company needed to take s

28、erious actions for improving the employee engagement and reducing the employee turnover. A high turnover of employees has significant impact on the organization in terms of the performance as well as costs which includes the increasing need for training the new employees and loss of expertise. Based

29、 on these results, the company conducted the first comprehensive survey of employees to determine their views about working at the Harrods. This survey has become an important part of Harrods HRM programme. The results of the survey are used to develop strategic plans for changing the focus towards

30、employee trust and employee engagement. There were for main elements in the strategic plan which were:· Change in the organizational structure as the senior managers felt that the organization way extremely hierarchical in nature. The new structure will be flatter in which employees will be giv

31、en more responsibilities. This resulted in enabling the job enrichment, offering opportunities to the employees to further take responsibilities for enhancing their level of job satisfaction.· Changing the leadership of the company by creating an environment in which the employees are encourage

32、d to take decisions by themselves. The senior managers will develop the mission of the business while the employees at the ground level are delegated more responsibilities of leadership. The model employed was of transformational leadership in which the vision will be developed at the top management

33、 and everyone will be engaged with the vision through their personal leadership. · Improved communication as better communication will inform all the employees regarding the strategy of the company which will outline the direction and aims of business. They will also inform the employees regard

34、ing the operational plans which will affect their work directly. One of the main improvements was to encourage the employees to inform the management regarding their views.· Ensuring that each employee models and understands the brand values.These elements of change resulted in developing a cul

35、ture at Harrods which was people-focused for better encouraging the employees. The organizational culture refers to the sum of rituals and values which act as a glue for integrating the organization members. It is a carrier of meaning as it provides not only the shared view of what is along with why

36、 is (Watkins 2013).One of the main reasons due to which Harrods is successful is that it provides its employees with a voice for change as each employee is encouraged to give feedback on each aspect of the way Harrods operates (Businesscasestudies 2016). The opportunities for the employees and manag

37、ers to become engaged in sharing the ideas and views are as:Internal Employee MagazineHarrods have a creative and popular magazine for the employees named “Your Harrods” which has a list of new starter, interviews with the important people, snapshots of people, features of charity, interesting compe

38、titions and a column on Agony Aunty. Morning BriefingInforming the floor teams at the shop regarding what is going to happen that day along with the latest statistics on sales.IntranetIt enables the sharing of information with the employees as they are able to select the aspects on which they will b

39、e focused on instead of having the information being pushed onto them,Quarterly Employee ForumIt is a group which is made of volunteering employees which enables them to contribute to the strategy of company and present issues. Other types of Employee VoiceHarrods also introduced Bright Ideas scheme

40、 through which it encourages employees to share innovative ideas for improvement at Harrods (Businesscasestudies 2016).These initiatives have resulted in having engaged and informed workforce which have yielded many tangible benefits. Each employee survey conducted has a higher return from the emplo

41、yees along with an improvement in the employee engagement indicators. In the most recent survey, 91 percent of employees have stated that they are proud for Harrods and the turnover of employees has reduced by fifty percent in the last five years (Businesscasestudies 2016). Harrods places high impor

42、tance on the values of brand due to which it is important that they values become reflected in the way employees behave. The employees are required to live up to the Harrods brand as the customers are aware of it and they expect excellence. Moreover, the engaged employees are committed ones who help

43、 organizations in achieving the target and living to the values. This shows that Harrods has successfully employed various drivers and enablers of employee engagement to enhance its performance as well as the overall employee engagement.Leadership Style at HarrodsThe leadership style is defined as t

44、he pattern of behaviour which leaders display while working with others and is also regarded as the pattern of interaction between the subordinates and the leaders (Miller et al 2002; Hersey & Blanchard 1993). It comprise of controlling, directing along with various methods and techniques which

45、are used by the leader in motivating subordinates in following the instructions. There are three main factors which determine the style of leadership namely the characteristics of leader, subordinates and the environment of the organization (Kavanaugh & Ninemeier 2001). The styles of leadership

46、can be classified based on the behaviour and power of leader autocratic, democratic and laissez faire in which the styles are distinguished in terms of the influence which the leaders have on the subordinates (Rollinson 2005).Autocratic Style of LeadershipThis leadership style placed more emphasis o

47、n the performance and low on the employees or the people. The main focus on power is with the leader and all the interactions in the group are top down from the leader (Mullins 1999). Hence, the leader exercises unitarily all the authority of decision making by determining the procedures and policie

48、s to achieve relationships, work task, goals, punishment and the control of reward. According to McGregor (1960), the autocratic leader is related to the Theory X manager having the same theoretical assumptions present in the scientific management and the rational-economic model. Moreover, in this l

49、eadership style, team work is non-existent and communication is poor (Cole 2004). These leaders rely mainly on the hard work, manipulation, power, control and authority for getting the job done. In this system of leadership, formalized and centralized process, procedures and structures are defined a

50、nd are enforced for ensuring that the subordinates perform their jobs efficiently. Democratic Style of LeadershipThis style of leadership focuses more on the employees due to which there is more interaction in the group. The functions of leadership are shared with the group members and the leader is

51、 regarded as the part of team (Mullins 1999). The main principles of this type of leadership are helpfulness, friendliness and the encouragement of participation (Wilson et al 1994). According to McGregor (1960), this style of leadership is based on participation, benevolence and believing in the pe

52、ople and equated it to Theory Y manager which represents increase in the productivity of worker, commitment, involvement and satisfaction. The main assumption of this leadership style is that all people by nature are trustworthy and self-motivated in terms if challenging work and responsibility due

53、to which they encourage conditions of organization to foster satisfaction, high performance and teamwork. Hence, planning in the system of democratic leadership is accomplished through employee involvement with the objectives which are clearly and transparently established with the accompanying targ

54、ets on performance. The decision making in this system of leadership is flexible and decentralized having clearly defined responsibilities along with an open environment of participative work (Puni et al 2014). This form of leadership results in higher productivity, commitment, cooperation and satis

55、faction of employees. It results in reducing the need to control, formal procedures and rules which result in lowering the absenteeism of employees and their turnover. Hence, it developed committed and competent employees who are willing to give their best, take responsibilities and communicate open

56、ly (Bass & Avolio 1990). Laissez Faire Leadership StyleThe focus on this style of leadership is neither on people nor on performance. The main assumption is that the human beings are uncontrollable and unpredictable and trying to understand people is a waste of energy and time. Hence, the leader

57、 tries to respect every constituency in the organization along with maintaining a low profile, trying to avoid the development of waves of disturbance and depending on few loyalists for getting the job done (Puni et al 2014). The leader works and lives with whatever the structure is placed without a

58、ny criticisms or suggestions. The objectives and goals are developed only when they are required. Hence, employee development is not an issue or concern to the laissez faire leader as he believes that the employees can take care of themselves (Puni et al 2014). The analysis of employee engagement ac

59、tivities at Harrods revealed that the company follows the democratic leadership as it has started to make the organizational structure flatter which will result in decentralized and clearly defined responsibilities along with the presence of participative work environment. The management of the company is committed to fully developing the people so that the overall performance of the business can enhance. The development of employees is encourages at Har


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