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1、窗体底端安全规章制度-english2 e55e5eyy<<隐藏 窗体顶端窗体底端规章制度文件 Regulation & Policy document 未经公司书面授权,任何人不得擅自传播,复制,交流与使用本文档的部分或全部内容. 上海贝尔阿尔卡特安全规章制度 ALCATEL SHANGHAI Bell SAFETY REGULATION AND POLICY 编制 Prepare: 周建明 All rights reserved. Passing on and copying of this document, use and communication of its

2、contents not permitted without authorization from Alcatel Shanghai Bell. 审核 Review: 批准 Approve: 版本 1.0 Edition 文件编号 Document Number 日期 2002 年/11 月 Date /25 日 8DA 00080 0004 ASCVQ 密级 Level 1/25 规章制度文件 Regulation & Policy document 更改历史 Revision history 传播,复制,交流与使用本文档的部分或全部内容. 未经公司书面授权,任何人不得擅自 版本 E

3、D 日期 DATE 更改次第 更改章节 CHANGE CHANGE TIMES ITEM 编制 PREPARE 审核 REVIEW 批准 APPROVE All rights reserved. Passing on and copying of this document, use and communication of its contents not permitted without authorization from Alcatel Shanghai Bell. 版本 1.0 Edition 文件编号 Document Number 日期 2002 年/11 月 Date /25

4、 日 8DA 00080 0004 ASCVQ 密级 Level 2/25 规章制度文件 Regulation & Policy document 目录 Contents 传播,复制,交流与使用本文档的部分或全部内容. 1. 目的 Purpose -4 2. 范围 Scope -4 3. 定义与缩略语 Definitions and Abbreviations -4 3.1 定义 Definitions -4 3.2 缩略语 Abbreviations -4 4. 相关政策和条例 Relevant documents -4 5. 原则 Principle -5 6. 内容 Articl

5、e -5 未经公司书面授权,任何人不得擅自 All rights reserved. Passing on and copying of this document, use and communication of its contents not permitted without authorization from Alcatel Shanghai Bell. 6.1 钥匙管理制度 Key Management Policy -5 6.2 出入制度 Movement Policy (exit &entry policy)-7 6.3 来访参观接待规定 Visitation an

6、d Reception Regulation -10 6.4 车辆行驶停放规定 Vehicle Movement Regulation -12 6.5 剧毒品使用与保管须知 Storage and Use of Poisonous Products -14 6.6 总值班须知 Night Watcher Rules -17 6.7 办公室(实验室)安全值班制度 Work Office (Laboratory) Work Safety Policy -18 6.8 安全事故报告规定 Safety Report Regulation -20 版本 1.0 Edition 文件编号 Document

7、 Number 日期 2002 年/11 月 Date /25 日 8DA 00080 0004 ASCVQ 密级 Level 3/25 规章制度文件 Regulation & Policy document 6.9 申办临时出入证须知 Policy for Application of Temporary Pass -21 6.10 实行 Date of Effect -传播,复制,交流与使用本文档的部分或全部内容. 23 6.11 奖惩 Reward and Penalty -23 7. 附录 Appendix -24 All rights reserved. Passing on

8、 and copying of this document, use and communication of its contents not permitted without authorization from Alcatel Shanghai Bell. 未经公司书面授权,任何人不得擅自 版本 1.0 Edition 文件编号 Document Number 日期 2002 年/11 月 Date /25 日 8DA 00080 0004 ASCVQ 密级 Level 4/25 规章制度文件 Regulation & Policy document 1. 目的 Purpose

9、 为了规范上海贝尔阿尔卡特股份有限公司的日常安全管理,保障公司员工人身和财传播,复制,交流与使用本文档的部分或全部内容. 产安全,维护内部正常的经营,科研,生产秩序,特制定本规定. To standardize safety of daily management operations of Alcatel Shanghai Bell, protect staff safety and public property, defend normal operations of internal department, research, and operation process. As suc

10、h, such a policy was initiated. 未经公司书面授权,任何人不得擅自 2. 范围 Scope 适用于公司总部,分部,ASB 大学,总部以外的研发机构和租用的办公场地和仓 库;公司驻外销售部门(大区,大客户,分公司,办事处)根据实际情况参照执行. For use by the headquarters, branches, ASB University, other subsidiaries with new start-up mechanisms and tenant of present office area and warehouse; sales organ

11、izations outside the HQ (regions, KAM' branches and offices) according to the s, real circumstances. 3. 定义与缩略语 Definitions and abbreviations All rights reserved. Passing on and copying of this document, use and communication of its contents not permitted without authorization from Alcatel Shangh

12、ai Bell. 3.1 定义 Definitions 3.2 缩略语 Abbreviations 4.相关政策和条例 Relevant documents 上海市公安局外来人员管理条例 Management Ordinance for Non-permanent Residents of Shanghai Public Security Bureau 上海贝尔阿尔卡特股份有限公司违纪处罚规定(试行) Alcatel Shanghai Bell CO.,LTD Punishment Regulation(Tentative) 5.原则 Principle 日期 2002 年/11 月 Date

13、 /25 日 8DA 00080 0004 ASCVQ 版本 1.0 Edition 文件编号 Document Number 密级 Level 5/25 规章制度文件 Regulation & Policy document 6.内容 Article 6.1 钥匙管理制度 Key Management Policy 传播,复制,交流与使用本文档的部分或全部内容. 6.1.1 一般情况下,公司各门锁钥匙由警卫集中统一保管,员工凭胸卡借用,当天 借,当天还,严禁将钥匙带离公司. During normal operations, keys are to be maintained by

14、the security guards. Only staff with staff ID can borrow the keys and they must be returned on same day. Removal of the key from the company is strictly prohibited. 6.1.2 各楼面房间钥匙,一般由清洁工负责借还.清洁工下班时,如遇职工未走,应 告知其走时将门, 窗,灯等关上,并把情况告诉警卫人员. The keys of each floor are to be managed by the cleaning staff. If

15、 working late, the last person to leave should ensure the doors, windows and lights are all switched off. Such circumstances should be reported to the security staff as well. 6.1.3 借用钥匙必须凭胸卡,并登记,注明部门,姓名,工号,日期,时间,借用钥匙 房间号;归还时应签名. Borrowing of keys requires a staff ID, registration, department informa

16、tion, name, employee number, date, time, room number of key needed and signature when the key is returned. All rights reserved. Passing on and copying of this document, use and communication of its contents not permitted without authorization from Alcatel Shanghai Bell. 未经公司书面授权,任何人不得擅自 6.1.4 重大节日和集

17、体休假期间借用钥匙,必须凭加班单或本部门主管或以上经理签 名,或当场请主管或以上经理电话证明. In the event of major public holidays and group leave, borrowing of the key requires overtime-work-permit or department supervisor or manager or higher-ranking staff to authorize by signature or verbal confirmation. 6.1.5 长期借用钥匙,分为长期借用后仍需警卫巡逻和不需警卫巡逻两种情

18、况.前一 种情况,长期借用者必须向保管钥匙的警卫提交由本部门经理(N-2)批准的书面申请 后(自由格式),才能办理借用手续;后一种情况,长期借用者必须填写"房间钥匙长 借申请及安全职责表"(附录 1)后到保管钥匙的警卫处办理;办理长期借用钥匙手续 后多余钥匙双方当面封存,由警卫保管. 日期 2002 年/11 月 Date /25 日 8DA 00080 0004 ASCVQ 版本 1.0 Edition 文件编号 Document Number 密级 Level 6/25 规章制度文件 Regulation & Policy document In case of

19、 long term borrowing of the key, there are 2 situations: the 1st situation where security patrol is still required and the 2nd situation where security patrol is not required. For the 1st situation, the borrower of the key must provide the security with the 传播,复制,交流与使用本文档的部分或全部内容. relevant departmen

20、t' approval form (freestyle), before requesting the key; the 2nd s situation requires filling in of "Long Term Room-Key Borrowing" Safety and Responsibility Application Form (Appendix 1). The spare keys shall be sealed and maintained at the Security Office. 6.1.6 特殊情况需借用封存的备用钥匙, 必须经长期借

21、用者本人同意或凭本部门主管 或以上经理签名,也可当场请长期借用者或主管及以上经理电话证明,由警卫人员陪同 开,关门,借用者须把钥匙重新密封. Special circumstances requiring use of the sealed or spare key, requires the borrower' personal approval or department supervisor or manager or higher-ranking s staff signature. The borrower or supervisor or manager or higher

22、-ranking staff present can approve the borrowing of the key with the security guards accompanying the opening and closing of the doors, the borrower must then reseal the key. 6.1.7 一切有锁的办公桌,柜,箱,不管存放什么东西,人离开时必须上锁,禁止将 钥匙插在锁孔里;必须妥善保管好钥匙;在人离开时重要文件,资料,公,私贵重物品 All rights reserved. Passing on and copying o

23、f this document, use and communication of its contents not permitted without authorization from Alcatel Shanghai Bell. 未经公司书面授权,任何人不得擅自 必须锁入抽屉或箱柜内. All the company equipment with locks, e.g. desks, wardrobes and boxes, are required to be locked with no keys left on them. All keys are required to be

24、kept appropriately; when anyone leaves, all the important documents, information, personal or public valuables must be locked in the cabinets or wardrobes or boxes. 6.1.8 遗失公司钥匙,应即刻报 FCD 消防安保部;若遗失钥匙造成公司损失的,则根 据损失大小追究相应的责任. Loss of keys should be reported to the FCD Fire & Security Department; if

25、 the loss of key results in company' losses, all losses will be investigated for responsibility s according to severity of loss. 6.1.9 严禁私配公司办公室门,桌,柜,箱的钥匙. 版本 1.0 Edition 文件编号 Document Number 日期 2002 年/11 月 Date /25 日 8DA 00080 0004 ASCVQ 密级 Level 7/25 规章制度文件 Regulation & Policy document Any

26、 duplication of company keys is strictly prohibited. 6.2 出入制度 Movement Policy 传播,复制,交流与使用本文档的部分或全部内容. 6.2.1 公司员工一律凭胸卡进入公司,在公司内必须把胸卡佩戴在醒目位置.当天忘 带胸卡者,必须到警卫(3 号楼的在职工通道,1,2 号楼的在大门口)处办理临时卡后方 可进入.办理临时卡时必须要由有胸卡的员工证明,支付 5 元人民币工本费以示提醒, 警卫给予开具内部收据. All staff-entry requires a staff badge, which should be worn

27、conspicuously. If a staff badge is not available, the staff should approach the security post (Building III Staff Entrance, or the gates in Buildings 1 or 2) to request for a temporary access badge. It requires a staff with a staff badge as witness and a levy of RMB 5 Yuan as a reminder. The securit

28、y guards shall issue a receipt. 6.2.2 进出 1#楼和 3#楼的职工,一律走职工通道或货物通道,接送客人时方可从大堂 出入.客人来访一律从大堂进出. Staff entering buildings 1 or 3 to work may use the staff entrance or the loading entrance. Receiving of guests and visitations by guests can be done at the main lobby. 6.2.3 重大节假日期间,员工凭加班单或经部门经理电话证明,方可进入公司.

29、休息 All rights reserved. Passing on and copying of this document, use and communication of its contents not permitted without authorization from Alcatel Shanghai Bell. 未经公司书面授权,任何人不得擅自 日职工进出公司必须拉卡. During major public holidays, workers with overtime-work-permit or department manager' verbal appro

30、val can have access to the company. Access to the company s during the holidays requires a recording of the attendance card. 6.2.4 非公司人员进入公司一律要佩戴本公司签发的仍在有效期内的临时出入证,来 访卡,参观证或贵宾证.持临时出入证者,应从职工通道进出.非本公司员工于双休日 或节假日进公司,必须凭加班单或接待部门经理电话证明,并需公司员工始终陪同. Non-company personnel accessing the company must wear a c

31、ompany-signed temporary pass with valid access date, or visitor pass, visit permit or V.I.P. permit. Personnel with a temporary pass should use the staff entrance. Non-company personnel accessing the company during the weekends or holidays are required to 版本 1.0 Edition 文件编号 Document Number 日期 2002

32、年/11 月 Date /25 日 8DA 00080 0004 ASCVQ 密级 Level 8/25 规章制度文件 Regulation & Policy document have the overtime-work-permit or receiving department manager' verbal approval, s with the company of a company staff. 6.2.5 货物出公司一律凭本部门经理或其指定人员签字的出门证, 出门证上应注明出传播,复制,交流与使用本文档的部分或全部内容. 门货物品种,数量和经办人姓名.经办人应

33、主动让警卫员验货验证,物证相符方可出 门.货物在 12 号地块和 24 号地块之间流动,可不办出门证,但必须向警卫说明并自觉 登记.若紧急情况来不及开出门证,或找不到签字人员而开不出出门证,则可在警卫处 登记,但须在约定的时间内补办出门证. Goods leaving the company require a department manager or designated staff signature for leaving permit. The leaving permit should specify the type of goods, volume of goods and s

34、taff name. The staff should contact the security guards for verification of the goods and permit. Goods verified can leave the company premises. Goods movement between the Area 12 and the Area 24 do not require permits, but requires informing the security guards and registration. In case of emergenc

35、y, where there is insufficient time to process a permit, or where the relevant signatory is not found, registration can be done at the security post, but requires an appointed time to process. 6.2.6 车辆进入公司必须接受警卫指挥,按规定停放. 未经公司书面授权,任何人不得擅自 All rights reserved. Passing on and copying of this document,

36、use and communication of its contents not permitted without authorization from Alcatel Shanghai Bell. Vehicles accessing the company require directions by the security guards and are to be parked according to the regulations. 6.2.7 外单位送,接货车辆应自觉登记,并接受警卫检查.出租车一律不准进入公 司,特殊情况在得到警卫同意后方可进入,但预约的出租车可停在 12 号

37、地块大门口内 侧. All vehicles loading or unloading require registration and inspection by the security guards. Taxis are not allowed in the company premises unless in special circumstances requiring permission by the security guards. Such pre-appointed taxis should be parked at the interior of the gate of

38、Area 12. 6.2.8 自行车,助动车进出大门一律推行并停在自行车车棚里. All bicycles or non-fueled transport equipment should be parked at the bicycle lots. 版本 1.0 Edition 文件编号 Document Number 日期 2002 年/11 月 Date /25 日 8DA 00080 0004 ASCVQ 密级 Level 9/25 规章制度文件 Regulation & Policy document 6.2.9 上班期间(8:30 - 17:00),员工一律不准无故自由外出

39、,不准在公司花园内 散步. 传播,复制,交流与使用本文档的部分或全部内容. During the working time (8:30 17:00), staff must not leave the company premises unauthorized or stroll in the company garden. 6.2.10 早晨 8:15 后,员工不准在公司附近的马路上吸烟,聊天等,应尽快进公司做 好班前准备工作. After 8:15 in the morning, the staff should not smoke or chat near the company pre

40、mises, but should prepare for work. 6.2.11 外来施工队进公司施工,必须预先签定安全协议书,施工人员凭"临时出入 证"和本人身份证方可进入公司现场工作;公司监工人员须始终陪同. Non-ASB personnel working on projects in the company should sign a safety agreement. Such personnel should use the temporary pass with their own ID to work in the company. A company

41、 staff should always accompany such personnel. 6.2.12 警卫员有检查出入人员证件及货物出门证之责和权利. The security guards have the rights and responsibility to check all staff ID and goods leaving the company. 6.3 来访参观接待规定 Visitation and Reception Regulation All rights reserved. Passing on and copying of this document, us

42、e and communication of its contents not permitted without authorization from Alcatel Shanghai Bell. 未经公司书面授权,任何人不得擅自 6.3.1 来宾(包括用户,供应商,社会各界人士,政府官员及外宾)来公司称为来 访.来宾来访时应出示有效证件(身份证,护照,介绍信,学生证等),内宾在大门口 登记,外宾在接待大厅登记.所有来宾一律从接待大厅进出. Guests (including customers, suppliers, socialites, government officials or

43、foreign guests) coming to the company are known as visitors. Guests visiting should produce the relevant identification (identity card, passport, invitation letter, student pass, etc). The domestic guests should register at the gate while foreign guests should register at the lobby. All guests shoul

44、d be received at the main lobby. 6.3.2 客人来访,必须由公司员工接送.被访者接到客人来访通知后,应尽快(可委 托他人)到规定地点(1#,3#楼的在接待大堂,2#楼的在大门口)迎接,协助客人填写 会客单,领取有关出入证后带其进入公司;会客结束,被访者应在会客单上签字,并把版本 1.0 Edition 文件编号 Document Number 日期 2002 年/11 月 Date /25 日 8DA 00080 0004 ASCVQ 密级 Level 10/25 规章制度文件 Regulation & Policy document 客人送至迎接处(

45、2#楼的可送至卷帘门处),把会客单和出入证交还警卫或大堂接待小 姐(2#楼的经卷帘门警卫签字后,由来访者交给 12 号地块大门警卫).若客人需分别传播,复制,交流与使用本文档的部分或全部内容. 拜访多个员工,则第一个接待者应到规定地点迎接,接待完后通知第二个接待者来带领 客人或把客人送至第二个接待者处,以此类推,最后一个接待者接待完后把客人送至规 定地点.1#,2#,3#楼的来访证互不通用, 必须分别办理. Guests must be received by a company staff. The staff notified should immediately (or possibly

46、 assign others) meet at designated location (the lobbies in buildings 1 or 3, or the entrance of building 2) to receive and help the guest fill in the visitor' form and s obtain a temporary pass to enter the company; After the visit, staff concerned should sign visitor' form and escort the g

47、uest to the reception area (Building 2 the rotating s door) and hand the visitor' form and the temporary pass to the security guard or main s lobby receptionist ( Building 2 after the form is signed by the security guard at the rotating door, the guest can pass the form to the security guard at

48、the gate of Area 12). If the guest is visiting several company staff, each staff being visited should either contact the next staff being visited or escort the guest to the next staff. The last staff being visited shall escort the guest to designated location. All visitor passes must be processed re

49、spectively at buildings 1, 2 or 3. All rights reserved. Passing on and copying of this document, use and communication of its contents not permitted without authorization from Alcatel Shanghai Bell. 未经公司书面授权,任何人不得擅自 6.3.3 私事来访,原则上不接待.但出于礼貌,可在大堂或警卫室简短接待,不能进 入工作区.任何人不准将小孩,亲友带入公司(包括节假日,值班和加班时间). Person

50、al visits are not permitted in principle. But out of courtesy, such visitors can be received for a short period at the main lobby or security post. Such visitors will not be allowed in work areas. No staff can bring any children or relatives into the company (including weekends, holidays, during or

51、after working hours). 6.3.4 来宾参观公司(主要指生产车间),接待人员必须预先办妥书面的参观申请, 审批手续,凭批准的参观单在 1#楼大堂接待小姐处领取参观证后才能参观(仅参观 2# 楼的,在大门警卫处领取参观证),参观者需进入防静电区域的,必须穿防静电鞋套. 重要参观,接待部门应事先通知保卫,后勤.任何人未经部门经理同意和有关部门批 准,不准带领外来人员参观. 版本 1.0 Edition 文件编号 Document Number 日期 2002 年/11 月 Date /25 日 8DA 00080 0004 ASCVQ 密级 Level 11/25 规章制度文件

52、 Regulation & Policy document Guests visiting the company (especially the manufacturing workshop), the receiving staff is required to complete an application form, examination and approval procedure first. Based on approval of the visitation form, obtain visitation pass from the 传播,复制,交流与使用本文档的部

53、分或全部内容. receptionist at Building 1 to visit. (Those visiting Building 2 should obtain visitation pass from the security post). Where the visitor is entering an anti-static area, he should wear an anti-static boot lace. For important visits, the receiving department should contact the security group

54、and logistic group. Anyone without approval by department managers or relevant departments is not allowed to bring any non-company personnel to visit. 6.3.5 内宾参观由企业传播及公共事务部负责审批;外宾参观由外事办公室负责审 批. Domestic visitors are to be examined and approved by CMD. Foreign visitors are to be examined and approved

55、 by FAO. 6.3.6 参观部位必须在规定的范围内,任何超出范围的参观要求,或在公司内拍摄照 片,录像,电视等特殊要求,均需在申请中明确提出并得到批准后方可实行. Visits must be maintained within the boundaries of the regulation. Any visitation request beyond the boundaries of the regulation or photography, videotaping or television broadcasting, or any other such special req

56、uest, must include a specific application-detailing request, and only upon approval can such requests be complied with. 6.3.7 来访卡(贵宾证,参观证)当天有效,来访人员离开公司时与会客单一起主动交 还给警卫或接待小姐;每个警卫人员应主动请来访者交还来访证和会客单;警卫核对前 一天的会客单,提醒缺少会客单的接待者交还其客人的来访证和会客单,并由其向客人 说明,第二次发生此类情况,该客人将被视为"不受欢迎的人". Visitor pass(V.I.P permit or visitor permit) is valid in One Day. It will be returned to the guards or the receptionist by visitor himself with Visitor sheet when he leaves ASB. The guards must remind visitor return their passes actively and accept it if the guest forgets


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