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1、vol 32 no.ljan. 20133220131收稿日期i 2012 05 21修回日期i 基金項目, 作者简介:(1965 )2012 07 16(973)(20ucb013504)19s<5(51025932)chinese joimial of rock mechanics and engineering岩石微观胶结模型及离散元数值仿真方法初探1 2 1 2 1 2(1.200092 2.200092)摘要:pfc20关键词:中图分类号:tu45文猷标识码:a文章编号:1000 6915<2013;01 0015 09a microscopic bond model f

2、or rock and preliminary studyof numerical simulation method by distinct elementmethodjiang mingjing1 2 chen he1 2 liu fang1 2(1 department of geotechnical engineering tongji university shanghai 200092 china 2 key laboratory of geotechnical andunderground engineering ministry of education tongji univ

3、ersity shanghai 200092 china)abstract based on a senes of lincroscopic mechanical tests oil the bonded granules idealized by two glued aluminum rods a microscopic bond contact model for rocks was proposed and unplemenced into a commercial distinct element code. the customized code was then used to s

4、imulate the uniaxial and biaxial compression rests the direct tension test and the brazilian test on rock. the numencal results were compared with available experimental data to verifyr the bond contact model. the results demonstrate that the distinct element method mcoqorated uith the proposed mode

5、l can capture the fundamental mechanical behaviors of rocks. the relationship curve between the bond broken number of bonds and the axial stress can be used to distinguish different stages of crack propagation and to predict the crack initiation stress the crack damage stress and the peak stress.key

6、 words rock mechanics distinct element method(dem丿 bond model crack propagauon crack damage stress1引言© 1994-2013 china academic journal electronic publishing house. all rights reserved, vol 32 no.ljan. 2013nungjmg_jiangtongji edu cn© 1994-2013 china academic journal electronic publishing h

7、ouse. all rights reserved, 16 2013© 1994-2013 china academic journal electronic publishing house. all rights reserved, 16 2013id. 0. potvondv 1>5jjpfc附昨的咛y盘法向接触模型busaidiparallel-bondcontact bondn. cho i8deme.christian p pfcdempfccontact-bondparallel-bond分离器胶结尤*»: jj e少冷胶絡元um2fig. 1 micr

8、oxopic bond contact model111"121© 1994-2013 china academic journal electronic publishing house. all rights reserved, 16 2013© 1994-2013 china academic journal electronic publishing house. all rights reserved, 16 2013pfc2(a)103r,2(b)1mohi-coulomb心 2(c)pfc2152胶结模型的建立2.1模型简介(h 123©

9、1994-2013 china academic journal electronic publishing house. all rights reserved, 2um2fig.2 mechanical responses of bond contact model111'121/?t =0.21r +0.7834fig 4 relationship between tenslon strength and bondthicknessfig 3 idealized model of bonded granules113'1 jao(1)0.783 1<n226kb2(

10、c)m. j.hang2.2微现胶结试验简介m. j. jiang u>1732 12mm50 nun© 1994-2013 china academic journal electronic publishing house. all rights reserved, l82013© 1994-2013 china academic journal electronic publishing house. all rights reserved, l82013© 1994-2013 china academic journal electronic pub

11、lishing house. all rights reserved, l82013fig 5 shear strength ratio between epoxy resin and cement under different normal forces7fig 7 shear strength envelop of cement bond contact modelwith zero bond thickness© 1994-2013 china academic journal electronic publishing house. all rights reserved,

12、 l82013© 1994-2013 china academic journal electronic publishing house. all rights reserved, l82013kn© 1994-2013 china academic journal electronic publishing house. all rights reserved, l82013fig 6 toraoa strengtli rauo benveen epoxy resin and cement8fig 8 torson strength envelop of cement

13、bond contact modelwith zero bond thickness© 1994-2013 china academic journal electronic publishing house. all rights reserved, l82013undei different noimal forces2( 】)厂 f 、厶knkn/(n m)01602 22 556 933 439 56 505 665 343 911.238 099 163 519 65s91215.7b532 470 2table 1 shear and torsion strengthes

14、 of cement bond granules with zero bond thickness1.602 2 kn2.536 9 nf= 1.602 20r:0m r= 0.783 kn & g, ftg = 0.132 87 £=0.167 92 ft= 1.52 705© 1994-2013 china academic journal electronic publishing house. all rights reserved, l82013© 1994-2013 china academic journal electronic publi

15、shing house. all rights reserved, l820133离散元胶结模型的验证3.1岩石试样的制备© 1994-2013 china academic journal electronic publishing house. all rights reserved, 32 19 © 1994-2013 china academic journal electronic publishing house. all rights reserved, 32 19 156 000100.17 nun0.08 nun0.121 minm. j. jiang98

16、0.2180.2170.2160.214 0.212 0.2080.2040.20ua丿fig 9 particle size distribution curve of granite rock sample1抽丿10%529 kpa02170.2b 0 209 0 205 0 2010.1970 1930丄s9 0 1850.1s10 0000.0050.01010fig 10 granite rock sample and its initial void rauodistnbution3c. d. martin u203.2岩石压缩试验离散元模型验证w f. brace(np. tap

17、ponmer5(11)(3)w f. bracer230%50% (4)70%80%70%/幅m ')e *(n m j)砒nm l)b(n m )怎(n m l)& n/(n m丿p2 7000.21 44x10j,9 6xlojo7.2xiojo4.sxl0jc25xl044310;s.oxlo4112table 2 matenal parameters of rock sample© 1994-2013 china academic journal electronic publishing house. all rights reserved, 202013&

18、#169; 1994-2013 china academic journal electronic publishing house. all rights reserved, 202013fig. 11 stiess-stiam curve for ginnite obtained expenmenrally1211iso© 1994-2013 china academic journal electronic publishing house. all rights reserved, 202013fig 12 axial stress-axial strain curves o

19、bserved m numencal and experimental uniaxial coinpression tests© 1994-2013 china academic journal electronic publishing house. all rights reserved, 202013d. 0. potvondv p 73jjm/s0.0021 000c. thomtoq2513 demfig 13 relauonship curve benveen axial stress and bond broken nuinbei obseived in dem num

20、encal tests12c. d. mama ll9"2050 mpa130 mpa0 50 mpa50 mpa(32.7%q丿50130 mpa(85%q)3130 mpa13© 1994-2013 china academic journal electronic publishing house. all rights reserved, 3221 © 1994-2013 china academic journal electronic publishing house. all rights reserved, 3221 © 1994-201

21、3 china academic journal electronic publishing house. all rights reserved, 3221 urund erground research labomtonj© 1994-2013 china academic journal electronic publishing house. all rights reserved, 3221 © 1994-2013 china academic journal electronic publishing house. all rights reserved, 32

22、21 c. d. martin【亠”】15n£padem6.258163demtable 3 results of bboratory testsand dem numericalsmiulationmpa0 mpa 2 mpa 4 mpa/ mpa4 )gpa【叼1501s52201s6962.1750 000.14015220s21817.7164.1553 900 162© 1994-2013 china academic journal electronic publishing house. all rights reserved, 3221 © 199

23、4-2013 china academic journal electronic publishing house. all rights reserved, 3221 dem(b) dem3.3岩石拉伸试验离散元模型验证url10106.93 mpa"."】dem14(a)14(b)0.2828 imn15 demfig 15 stress-strain curve obtained from dem direct tenaontest© 1994-2013 china academic journal electronic publishing house.

24、all rights reserved, 3221 © 1994-2013 china academic journal electronic publishing house. all rights reserved, 3221 dem16demfig 16 failure patterns of rock samples observed in experimental and dem direct tension testsurl2044.97 mmn£pa17fig 14 dem rock sample and its aze used for direct ten

25、sion testmm22 nunpfc19-2021.28 nim8.8wall450.3© 1994-2013 china academic journal electronic publishing house. all rights reserved, 2220l3© 1994-2013 china academic journal electronic publishing house. all rights reserved, 2220l3(b) dem17 dbmfig 17 sample for brazilian tests2180.06%8.8mpa d

26、em8.6 mpa1919demfig 19 failure patterns of rock sample observed inexpenmental and dem numerical tests4结论© 1994-2013 china academic journal electronic publishing house. all rights reserved, 2220l3© 1994-2013 china academic journal electronic publishing house. all rights reserved, 2220l3%18f

27、ig 18 stiess-strain cuives observed in numencal andexpenmental brazilian tension testsc+pfc2d(2)(4丿2參考文 ltt( references):i19ss 2 6 (li he ydiguongzhi xu jiang etal. rock fnctuxe mechamcsm. chongqing chongqing umvcity press 1988 2 6.(in chinese)potyojoy d o cundall p a lee c a modeumg rock uung©

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