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1、、听音,选择(共10题,1、2、3、4、5、6、7、8、9、A.A.A.A.A.A.A.C.A.A.C.10、A.C.havewhatbagleavesB.B.thinB.washwritewriteOct.10thShe' sTheyPEP五年级英语下册期末试题每小题 1headbed听力部分(45分)分)C.B.C.B.thinkclotheshandwetdadC.wantletterreportl ef tC.loveC.hankB. watchB. writeTVanB. Oct.running toarerunningTwo tigerscomeHerearetwowhat

2、 coloure-mailt h20usB.toB.tigers每小题C.He'usHerecomeOct.12ths running to ustwo tigers1.() Today is April4d.2.()I like springbest .3.()My mother is writing an e-mail to my uncle.4.()I usually eat dinner at 7:30 in the evening5.()Amy is catching birds .6.()I do my homework.7.() Zoom is counting inse

3、cts .8.()Look , the littlepanda is sleeping .9.()Tigers can climb trees .1 0.()Today is Tree-planting Day.二、听问题,选答句(共5小题,每小题 2分)()1、A.Yes, I do.B.Yes, I am.C.Yes,()2、A. It ' s warm.B. It ' s hot. C. It ' s cool.()3、A.He' s readinga book . B. I'm writing;C. She' s writinga let

4、ter.()4、A. Happy birthdayto you. B. Yes, thank you.C.Thank you.()5、A. It ' s swimming . B. It ' s flying.C. It '四、听音,填词(共5题,每空1分)1、I often get up at.2、What' s yourseason? I likefallbest.3、Why do you like fall?it ' s always cool.4、When is your birthday?It ' s in5、Sarah isinsec

5、ts.判断对错(共分)10题,1Iclimbing.s二、听音can.e-mail五、听一段对话判断下列五个句子的对错。(10分)1、 It isusuallyvery hot.2、I getup earlyon my birthday.3、Afterschool,gohome andplay computergames.4、 I take candytomyclass.5、We have a bigdinnerandeata birthdaycakeand六、ice-cream.55分选择填空。(共)1.Hello.A.A.A.A.A.C.A.A.A.A.C.10分)Sarah.CanI s

6、peakyour mom,please?That is;onB. I am; forC. This is; to2.CousinAlice ' s birthdayisApril.atB.inC.on3.playfootballat3:00 the afternoon.A.onB.forC. iniscan4.5.6.likeswim) couldWhat'sfall summer.C.yourAugust is theB. ninthWhat isI ca

7、nWhy, BecauseB.doswimants? No, hedoesn' tYes, theycanfavourite season?B.MikeFebruary is my favourite.month of theC. eighthdoing?swims in the riveryoulikesummer?inB.)10. Apples are sweet选择合适的句子,补全对话WhatWhatbestF. IsG. HowA:theriver.year.HeC. is walkingWhy,Andfall.A. onC.Which, BecauseB. inC.,写字母编

8、号。10分)day is its the dateE.yourmanytodayD. WhiB.Why do youlikefall?Why dobirthdayyoulikeinfallseasons are therech s eason d o you lsummer,too?in a year?)i keB:Thereare fourseasonsin a in fall.?in winter. It ' s in January.?A:B:I like fall best.A:B:Becausemy birthdayA:No, my birthday isB:

9、A: It 's January10th.八、阅读理解(共A.判断对错。(My name is Tom15分)10分).I am twelve years old. My birthdayis in fall.her isfarmerscool andare busy.windy. It ' s golden andIt ' s my favouriteseason .Because I can eats. Myfather ' sbirthdayis in fall,too.Our birthdayare onday.usuallyOn our birthda

10、yswego hiking.Sometimes we have a picnic.We have a lotmany fruitthe sameof fun oThe weatnthat day.()1、Tom is 12 .()2、Tom likes summer best.()3、Tom s father ' s birthdayis in fall.()4、 It ' s cool and windy on Tom' s birthday()5、Tom and his fatherusuallyhave a picnicbirthday.on theirMiss

11、Tailoris a primaryschoolteacher.Allthe students likeuch.Todayis November 1st.In theevening,Miss Tailorgets two letters.Oneis a birthdaycard. It ' sfrom herstudent,Jack.Itis abig surprise,becauseB. 选答案。(5分)her very mher birthday is the next from Jack. It says: " Dearmonth. TheMiss Tailor,Ise

12、cond letter is also 'm sorry for thebirthday card. Itis a mistake. Pleasedon' t read the carduntil(直到)next()1. Miss TailorA. November B.month.s birthday is inDecember()2. The birthday card is for A. Miss Tailor B. Jack()3. Miss Tailor is a .A. student B. teacher)4. The two letters are from A

13、. JackB. Miss Tailor()5. Miss Tailor gets the letters A. in the morning B. in the evening九、短文选词填空(共 10分)(appleswinterrainsplantski snowman in coldhot oftenswimcoolsometimes)I love summer .It ' salways.Icaninthesea.Spring is beautiful,butitoften.It 'shard toFlowers inthe rainInfall , I canpic

14、kI can eat a esIt ' s veryitsnowsI canandmakea 十、根据答句写问句。(共 5分)1、A:?B : I often watch TV on the weekend.2、A: ?B: No, I am answering the phone .3、A: ?B : They are fighting .4、A: ?B: It ' s cold and windy today.5、A: ?B: It ' s January 1st.十一、根据所给的单词组合成句子。(共 5分)1、 seasondolikewhichyo

15、u_best2、doingwhatarenow you_3、7:00gettheusuallyI.upatmorningin4、birthdayisyourwhen?5、 bookamareadingI五年级综合练习(A)听力材料及答案、.1.This is my head. (B )2. What are you doing?( A )There is a cat o nt he bed.( B )I n s pr i ng, t hel eaves are green.( A )Thank you very much. ( C )I usually wash clothes

16、on the weekend. ( A7.I8.usually write an e-mail to my grandma on Sunday .(BMy birthday is Oct.12th. (C )9.10.Where are Amy and ChenJie ?They are running to us .(Look, her come two tigers .( B )C )-*、3.1. Today i s April 3rd.()2. I like springbest .(My mother is writing an e-mail to my uncle.(V )V4.5

17、.I usually eat dinner at 7:30 in the evening .(x)Amy is catching buterflies .(x).10.2.What do you do in the evening? I often read books. (x)What is Zoom doing ? He' s counting insects .( V)Look ,themother pandaissleeping.(x)Can tigers climb trees ? No, they can' t .(x)What sthedate to

18、day?It ' s March12th.(V)1. Areyoufrom China? (B)What' stheweather likein spring?(C)3.5.四..五.B:A:B:AWhat syouraunt doing?(A)4.Happy birthday. (CWhat isthebirddoing ?(B )1. I usually get up at 7:15.What s your favourite season? I like fall best.Why doyoulike fall?Becauseit ' salwayscool.When isyour birthday?It ' s i nMy.Sarah is watching insects .A HlloAiy.Wat&


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