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1、年黑龙江省哈尔滨市八年级(上)期末英语试卷Which pair of the words with the underlined letters has the same sound?()A. alm ost c overB. lau gh enou ghC. cr owdcd bel owWhich of the following words has a different sound from the underlined letter of the word*1 discuss11?()A. h umanB. j unkC tr ust

2、Which word of the following doesnft have the same stress as the others?()A. Without.B. Cartoon.C. Dentist.Boys and girls, this test is neither too easy nor too hard for you Be more careful andyou will makemistakes in the exam ()第6页,共27页A. fewerB. lessC. more-I wonderthe tudents have a physical exami

3、nation.-Once a year.(A. how soonB. how oftenC. how longOld habits die hard.That's why youstop going online too much before the habittakes old.()A. shouldn'tB. mustn'tC. should-This room is too small. I'd like to ask for-Sure. We have rooms available here()A. the otherB. anotherC olhe

4、r-Why do you enjoy watching sitcoms? TheyYe meaninglessYes. You can*t expectmuch from them, but they help me relax.()A. to learnB learningC learnMike plays the drums so wonderfully!Everyone is good at something, but he is tmly.A. talentedB. talentC. talentsWe don't know the love of our parentswe

5、 become parents ourselves oneday.()A. afterB. whenC. until11 -There is someone knocking at the door -It must be the repairman (彳i芻理工) Ihim to repair our fridge two hoursago.()A. am callingB calledC call12. My sister is studying in New York. It is too far from Beijing, so weget to seeher.()A. usually

6、B. alwaysC. hardly ever13. For those whoyou, you should care back From now on> try to care for yourloved ones just a bit more each day. ()A. hear fromB care aboutC are similar to14. -Our neighborhood (街区)is so dirty. Shall we clean it this afternoon or tomorrow?-. Any time is OK.()A. Ifs up to yo

7、uB. Have a good timeC. I can'tstand it15. All the top students have one thingcommon. na strong desire (j息望)to learnbest”.()A. ofB. withC. in16. -Dad, aboutour classmates wear glasses-Oh, thafs terrible You all should take good care of your eyes()A. ilinety percentsB. ninety percent ofC ninetyper

8、cent17. Exercise isood for the mindthe body. As the say goes, UA healthy bodyis a healthy mind”. So start exercising before it's too late!()A. both, andB neither, norC either, or18. Tlianksgiving is a special day in North America. In the US, this festival is always on thefourth Thursday in Novem

9、ber, but init falls on the second Monday inOctober.()A. JapanB CanadaC Russia19. More and more people love watching movies during their holidays While watchingmoves in the cinema, you'd betterturn on your mobile phone©take care of your garbag (垃圾)®get in on time so that you might not d

10、isturb (打扰)otherstake some photos or videos(5)not talk loudly ()A. ®®B.C.20. Larry usually does four kinds of activities to spend his free time. He has twenty hours todo these things every week. According to the form below, he spenthours indoing sports last month.()ActivityWalkingWatching

11、TVDoing kung fuReading booksPercentage per week?15%1/435%A. 10B. 20C. 40How to be a friend of yourself We live among people. We often pay attention to(21) relationships with others, however, we forget the first step: being friends of ourselves. How can we have good relationships with others if wc(22

12、) good relationship with ourselves? The following can help you a lot.Fist, fogive (原谅)yourself It's true (hat you arc no( perfect, and neither is everybody else IFs(23)to make mistakes> So, give yourself forgivenessSecond, face the things you can*t change in a right way. There is(24) you cann

13、ot change, such as your background (背景)and your past. So leam to(25) them. If you face the things you can't change just smile and move on.Third, (26) your achievements (成就)(27). You can tty writing down your achievements, which do not have to be big things. Tliere are (28)small but important ach

14、ievements in our life. If you have some good friends, thafs already an achievement.Last but not least, stop comparing (比车爻)yourself with others No two (29) are the same in the world No one will take(30)place You can never be like other people and others can never be like you Your(31) is not decided

15、by other people Instead, it is decided by your own life purpose (目 标).根据短文内容选择最佳答案.21.A. developB. developingC. developed22.A. don't haveB. haveC won't have23.A. necessaryB. impossibleC. normal第5页,共27页24.A. everythingB. somethingC nothing25.A. acceptB. refuseC. break26.A. makcupB. turn-downC

16、. take- seriously27.A. a lotB. quite a fewC. a little2&A. leafB. leafsC. 1 eaves29.A. yourB. myC. their30.A. successfulB. success fullyC. successWhat is the future of Al (人工智能)? Will it be a good thing? We saked students what they thought TinaI believe Al will be more useful in our future lives

17、It's now used in many fields, like phones and medicine. No one really knows what will happen if machines become smarter than humans However, I* m sure Al will help us solve many problemsBillI am worried that people create something that can be better than themselves In the near future, Al will d

18、evelop at a high speed Humans may be replaced because Al robots will do lots of human jobsMaryI really think that Al will change the way we work, the way we live, and the way we think. If we could put a CPU inside our brain soon well be able to improve our math and memory. How exciting!愛JohnThink of

19、 what's happening right now Some robots are used to kill animals under human orders So I think Al will be very dangerous for humans We need to be careful about what we ask machines to doWord Box: spend 速度 replace 取代 imagine 想象 memory id忆根据语言材料内容选择最佳答案.31 Among the four students above, are worrie

20、d about the future of ALA. twoB. threeC. all32. John thinks that Al will bein the futurer.A. usefulB. smarterC dangerous33. What does Tina think of Al? A. It will develop at a high speed.B It will help us solve many problems.C 1( will change the way we work34. Bill thinks humans may be replaced beca

21、use .A. we can*t improve our memoryB. Al robots wil do many human jobsC wc can't put CPU in our brains35 Who feels excited about the development of Al in the future? A. Tina.B. Bill.C. Mary.Four good friends Mouse, Crow (乌鸦),Turtle (乌龟)and Deer (鹿)lived in the forest. Every day they met at the l

22、ake and told each other interesting stories.One day Deer did not come to the lake to drink water. The other three were worried."I saw a hunter (猎人)in the forest this morning, H said Crow. ”I'm afraid Deer might be hurt. H"Fly over the forest. Crow, ” said Mouse. ”Please see if you can

23、find our friend Deer. H It took him a few minutes before Crow saw Deer caught in a trap (陷阱)made of ropes He flew back right away to ask the other two for help When they arrived, Mouse and Crow began to break the ropes. Turtle kept talking to Deer to help her feel better.Just then, the hunter came t

24、o check his trap. ”Everyone, leave now, M said Turtle. Deer at once ran away with Mouse. Turtle just lifted a foot up when the hunter got close. MMy trap is empty, M said the hunter. "But, a turtle is better than nothing. I will eat turtle soup tonight. N The hunter picked Turtle up and started

25、 for home.HNow we all must help our friend Turtle, ” said Deer.Deer lay down on the way She seemed dead Crow flew and landed on Deefs head The hunter saw Deer> so he put Turtle down to get Deer As soon as the hunter left Turtle, Mouse ran up and helped Turtle hide in the forest Deer jumped up and

26、 ran off. The hunter went back to get Turtle> but he found him gone"How scary! There is magic here, H he said to himself in great fear. Then he rushed out of the forest and never came back again.There was magic in the forest that day. Have you guessed what it is?根据短文内容判断正、误(注意:考生将答题卡相应的位置涂黑.

27、正确的涂”AJ错 误的涂"B”)36. The four animals met at the lake and shared stories with each other almost everyday. 37. 1( took Crow quite a long time to find Deer caught in the trap.38. After Deer ran away, Turtle moved so slowly that the hunter caught him easily. 39. The hunter didn't get any of the

28、 four animals in the end 40. The story is to tell us that the real magic is friendship XThere are several ways you can find out about the countries and places you wish to visit You can talk to friends who have travelled to the places, you can go and see a colour them Or you can read travel books It

29、seems that there are three kinds of travel books The first are those that give a personal, subjective idea of travels which the writers has got himself. These books can be useful if the writers share their travwling experiences with others. The second kind are those books which give objective(客观白勺)i

30、nformation of things to be done and seen. If a person who has a good education has written such a book about the facts of a place, then it is more useful. The third kind are those books which are callccfa guide%。some place or other. If (hey are good, they will describe and explain the place in detai

31、l (纽J节) Like the first kind, they can be interesting and exciting but their main purose (目白勺)is to help the reader plan his travel in the most helpful way.Whatever kind of travel book you choose, you must make sure that the book does not describe everything as interesting, exciting or fantastic. You

32、 must also keep an open eye on its date of publication (出版)because travel is a very helpful matter and many things change quickly in the 2000s. Finally, you should make sure that it*s easy to find the useful information for your travel.根据短文内容选择最佳答案.41. The first paragraph mainly talks about A. why y

33、ou want to know a couiHry or a place of interestB. how you learn about the countries and places you want to visitC the best way to learn about a country is to read travel books42. Travelers can get the most help fromof travel books before planning their trip.A. the first kindB. the second kindC. the

34、 third kind43 The underlined word H subjective” means”Hin Chinese.A.主观的B.目标的C.外观的44. Which of the following is NOT TRUE according to the passage? A. The writer of the first kind of travel books gives his ideas after he travels B The second kind of travel books may give you objective facts about the

35、place. C There are two things you should pay attention to when choosing a travel book.45. The date of publication must be noticed because .A. the writers of travel books may be difl erentB. the information in travel books is always changingC. not all travel books can describe evenlhing as very inter

36、esting46. The world is an interesting place. Different people like different things. Some people likeloud music Other people don't (61) Many people like sports, but they do not all like the same sports In some countries, cricket (板球运动)is a very popular sport In others it is not popular at all. N

37、o one plays it or watches it on TV However> most people like soccer The World Cup is verjf popular. (62) Different people like different foods. Some people do not like meat. (63)Somepeople do not like potatoes or bread. They prefer rice.(64) Most people have their favourite colors. Some people li

38、ke brightcolors. Others prefer pale colors.Many people like travelling Different people like different places Some people like to go to the country They like the fresh air Some people like to go to the cities because they like shopping(65) What do you like? Have you got an idea?A. They like soft mus

39、icB. Not everyone likes the same color.C. Millions of people watch the games on TV.D They eat fruit and vegetables most of the timeE. Some other people enjoy beautiful places like the mountains or beaches.47. A: Hi, Helen. (ILB: Hi, Rick. Yes, I was on vacation last month.A: _(2)_B: Yes, I went to G

40、uizhou with my family.A: Wow!B: Yes, I did. It was wonderful! (4) What about you? Did you do anything special last month?A: Not reallyA. We took quite a few photos thereB. How do you do?C Did you go anywhene interesting?D Lons time no seeE I just stayed at home most of the time to read and relax.F.

41、How did you like it?G Did you see huangguoshu Waterfall?48. A: Hey, Nick, can you come to my house on Saturday? My cousin Sam from Xi'an is going to be here.B: Oh, Sam!I remember we went bike (1) together last fall when he visited you.A: Yes, that*s rightB: I'd love to comet but I'm afra

42、id I (2) I have an exam on Monday so I must (3) for it.A: That's too bad!Oh, but Sam isn't leaving until next Wednesday. Can you hang (4) with us on Monday night?B: Sure! (5) you on Monday!Think, lose, he, be halfway to, real, bad, one, carefullyStudents often have a lot of problems and worr

43、ies Laura Mills thinks the (1) thing is to do nothing She thinks you' 11 feel worse if you don't talk to anyone about your problems Laura once (2) her wallet, and worried for days She was afraid to tell her parents about it. She even walked three miles to school each day because she didn'

44、;t have any money. She just kept (3) , HIf Itell my parents, theyll be angry! HIn the end, she talked to her parents and they were (4) understanding Her dad said he sometimes made careless mistakes (5) . They got her a new wallet and asked her to be more (6) , HI will always remember to share my pro

45、blems in the future!MLaura says.Robert Hunt agrees with Laura. He thinks the (7) step is to find someone you trust to talk lo. If you cannot talk to an expert like Robert, you can discuss your problems with your parents because they have more experience.In English, we say that sharing a problem is l

46、ike cutting it in half. So you (8) solving a problem just by talking to someone about it!49. When people say culture*, we think of art and history But one very famous symbol in American culture is a cartoon We all know and love the black mouse with two large round ears Mickey Mouse Over 80 years ago

47、, he first appeared in the cartoon Steamboat Willie. When this cartoon came out in New York on November 18,1928,it was the first cartoon with sound and music. The man behind Mickey was Walt Disney. He became very rich. In the 1930s, he made 87 cartoons with Mickey.On November 18, 1979, Mickey became

48、 the first cartoon character to have a star on the Hollywood Walk of Fame. Today's cartoons are usually not so simple as little Mickey Mouse» but everyone still knows and loves him Who has a pair of ears more famous than Mickey's?阅读短文,根据英文释义及首字母提示拼写单词.cthe ideas, beliefs, and customs th

49、at are shared by people in a societyato start to be seen阅读短文,完成同义词转换,每空一词.Today's cartoons are usually not so simple as little Mickey Mouse.Little Mickey Mouse are usually (3) today's cartoons 根据短文内容回答问题.What color is Mickey Mouse? Who made eighty-seven cartoons with Mickey in the 1930s? Was

50、 Mickey the first cartoon character to have a star on the Hollywood Walk of Fame?50. Parties are fun and exciting and you can have a great time But you need to learn how to be a good guest or host (主人)Be on timeIfs important that guests get to the party on time. Usually hosts won*t start activities

51、until everyone has arrived.uPleaseMandnthank you*'A party can be so exciting but you can't forget to say npleaseuwhen you offer (提供)cakes And remember to say "thank you M if you get birthday gifts Games and activitiesWhen you1 re a guest, you should be active (积极的)in all the games and a

52、ctivities at the party, even if you are a little shy or think some activities are boring You know hosts have worked hard to plan a fun activity for everyone.Tliank-you notesAfter the party, you should send a note to the guests to thank them for coming to the party and for the gifts. You can also mak

53、e a telephone call.根据短文内容完成表格,每空一词.How to Be a Good Guest or Host at a (1)ForguestsThe (2) why guests must arive on timeThe party won't begin until everyone has arived How to behave(表现) when being in games and (3)Being activeForhostsWhen hosts need to sayHPleaseHandHthank youHSayingHpleaseHwhen

54、offeringcakesSayingHthank yoiTwhen (4) birthday giftsHow hosts show their (5) to guestsSending a note to the guests for their coming and giftsMaking a telephone call51假如你是正在中国游学的美国学生Amy,你每年都会制左一份新年计划请根据以下信息,写一篇日记,总结过去一年计划的完成情况,并制左新的一年的计划,第6页,共27页写作要点:1. 每年你都会对自己许下一些承诺2. 介绍去年计划的完成情况:(D变得更加开朗;(2) 读完了一

55、本名著(classic):(3) 学会了包饺子.3. 谈谈你今年的新年计划是什么,以及你打算如何完成每个计划. 写作要求:1. 不得使用真实姓名、地点和班级、学校名.2. 适当加入细节,使内容充实、行文连贯.3. 字迹工整、语言精练、表达准确、条理淸晰.4. 至少80词.Januaiy 1st SunnyToday is New Year's Day. 第6贞,共27页答案和解析1.【答案】B【解析】A. almost ozlmaust 几乎,co-er 'kva 盖,其中o字母的读音分别为/au /,/a/;B. laughla:f笑,enoughi nAf足够,其中gh字母

56、的读音都为/f/;C. crowded 'kraudid拥挤的,bclowb'31在.下而,苴中ow字母的读音分别为/au/, 2;根据对比可知B选项的两单词划线部分读音相同.故选:B.哪个选项的两单词划线部分读音相同?多看单词的音素,参考老师的/录音的正确发音来朗读,控制好舌的位垃正确,发音自 然就正确.字母类似汉字的笔画,各笔画挨着构成汉字,各字母挨着构成单词;音素类 似汉字的拼音,学汉字/普通话在熟读拼音基础上,见音会读,读多就记住了,最后达 成见字会读.对英语单词也是,读多了就见单词会读.希望大家信心满满,掌握英语.2. 【答案】A【解析】diSCUSsdl's

57、kAsM论,其中u字母的读音为/a/;A. h uman 'hju:man 人,其中U字母的读音为/ju:/:B. j uiikd3k无用的东西:,其中u字母的读音为厶/;C. trusttiAst信任,英中U字母的读音为加:根据对比可知A选项不同于其他. 故选:A.哪个的读音与"disc uss"的划线字母不同?多看单词的音素,参考老师的/录音的正确发音来朗读,控制好舌的位置正确,发音自 然就正确.字母类似汉字的笔画,各笔画挨着构成汉字,各字母挨着构成单词;音素类 似汉字的拼音,学汉字/普通话在熟读拼音基础上,见音会读,读多就记住了,最后达 成见字会读.对英语单词也是,读多了就见单词会读.希望大家信心满满,掌握英语.3. 【答案】C【解析】A. Withoutwi'daut没有,其中重音在第二音节:B. Cartoonka:'tu:n漫画,其中重音在第二音节;C. Dentist f dentist 牙科医生,英中重音在第一音节:根据对比可知C选项不同于其 他.故选:c.哪一个单词的重音和貝他的不同?


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