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1、 lesson 31success storyreview polo wayle cut row kick laugh suddenly towards nearly sight usual bank strike realizecut acrossfall intorun awaycut sth. into piecescatch sight ofsothatout of sight, out of mind.in sight on fine afternoonsby the wayleas usualkick a balla passing boatcall outthe wayle is

2、 a small river that _ _ the park near my home. i like _ (sit) _ the wayle _ fine afternoons. _ was warm last sunday,so i went and sat _ the river bank _ _. some children were playing games _ the bank and there were some people _ on _ river. suddenly, one of the children _ a ball very _ and it went _

3、 a _ boat. some people on the bank _ _ to the man in the boat, but he did not _ them. the ball _ him so hard _ he nearly fell into the water. i _ to look at the children, but there werent any _ _: they had all _ _! the man laughed when he _ what had _. he _ _ to the children and _ the ball back to t

4、he bank.听听写写 咯咯! who are successful in your opinion?what is success?success = money?success = power?success = money + power?success = fame?success = happiness? success= hard work +talentin my opinion1-vercabulary bicycle save helper grandson repair experience retire company workshop employ2listening

5、 what was frank before he retired?2. where did he work when he was a boy? what was frank before he retired?2. where did he work when he was a boy?before he retired, frank was the head of a very large business company.as a boy he used to work in a small shop.3reading4. how many helpers did he employ

6、at that time?5. how many workers did he have after a few years?6. what did his wife want him to do?at that time he had only two helpers.he employed 728 people after a few years.his wife wanted him to repair their grandsons bicycle.4language focusyesterday afternoon frank hawkins was telling me about

7、 his experiences as a young man昨天下午弗兰克昨天下午弗兰克.霍金斯向我讲述了他年轻时的经历。霍金斯向我讲述了他年轻时的经历。 experience n.&v. he is a man with a lot of experience. seeing my uncle after 10 years is an unforgettable experience. grandpa has experienced many difficulties. he is experienced in computers.不可数名词不可数名词“经验经验”可数名词可数名词“

8、经历经历”及物动词及物动词“经历经历”形容词形容词“有经验的有经验的”before he retired, frank was the head of a very large business company, but as a boy he used to work in a small shop.在退休前,弗兰克是一家非常大的商业公司的经理,在退休前,弗兰克是一家非常大的商业公司的经理, 但但他小时候却在一家小铺里做工。他小时候却在一家小铺里做工。2. retire v. 退休退休 he is getting old and he is going to retire.3. used t

9、o do 过去经常做某事过去经常做某事 be used to do 被用来做某事被用来做某事 be used to doing 习惯(做)某事习惯(做)某事 he used to stay up late but now he is used to going to bed early.it was his job to repair bicycles and at that time he used to work fourteen hours a day.他那时的工作是修理自行车,并且通常是一天工作十四他那时的工作是修理自行车,并且通常是一天工作十四个小时。个小时。4. it 做形式主语做

10、形式主语 it is easy for him to solve the problem. 不定式做真实主语不定式做真实主语 it is my wish to become a teacher. it is a good pleasure to talk to you.he saved money for years and in 1958 he bought a small workshop of his own.他靠多年积蓄,于他靠多年积蓄,于1958年买下了自己的一个小铺子。年买下了自己的一个小铺子。5.save money 攒钱攒钱 lets take a taxi to save t

11、ime. he saved my life.6. of ones own 属于某人自己的属于某人自己的 when i was five i had the first doll of my own. on ones own=by oneself=alone 单独,独自单独,独自 last night i was at home on my own.in his twenties frank used to make spare parts for aeroplanes. at that time he had two helpers.二十多岁的时候,弗兰克曾生产飞机零配件。那时他有二十多岁的时

12、候,弗兰克曾生产飞机零配件。那时他有两个帮手。两个帮手。7. in ones twenties / thirties 在某人在某人20/30多岁的时候多岁的时候 he achieved his goal in his late fifties. 快六十岁得时候快六十岁得时候 the great poet died in his early twenties. 二十出头的时候二十出头的时候 in the 1980s 在二十世纪八十年代在二十世纪八十年代in a few years the small workshop had become a large factory which employ

13、ed seven hundred and twenty-eight people.几年之后小铺子已经发展成了一个雇有几年之后小铺子已经发展成了一个雇有728人的大工厂。人的大工厂。8. employ vt. 雇用,利用雇用,利用 employment n. 雇用,利用雇用,利用 employer n. 雇主雇主 employee n. 雇员雇员he has been employed by the school for 10 years.you should employ your spare time wisely.frank smiled when he remembered his ha

14、rd early years and the long road to success.弗兰克回想着他早年的艰难经历和走过的漫长的成功之弗兰克回想着他早年的艰难经历和走过的漫长的成功之路,微笑了。路,微笑了。9. the long road to success 通往成功的漫长道路通往成功的漫长道路 the key _ the front door the answer _ the question the solution _ the problem the way _ the hospitaltotototohe was still smiling when the door opened

15、 and his wife came in. she wanted him to repair their grandsons bicycle! 他正笑着的时候门开了,他的妻子走了进来,她叫他正笑着的时候门开了,他的妻子走了进来,她叫 他去修理孙子的自行车。他去修理孙子的自行车。10. want sb to do想要某人做某事想要某人做某事 want to do (自己)想做某事(自己)想做某事翻译:翻译:他想赶在天黑之前回家。他想赶在天黑之前回家。你你到底到底想要我做什么?想要我做什么?he wanted to get home before dark.what on earth do yo

16、u want me to do?the main idea: success doesnt come easy. no pains no gains. from rags to riches.yesterday afternoon frank hawkins was telling me _ his experiences _ a young man. before he retired, frank was the _ of a very large business company, but _a boy he _to work in a small shop. _ was his job

17、 to repair bicycles and at that time he _to work fourteen hours a day. he _ money for years and in 1958 he bought a small workshop _ his own. in his _ frank used to make spare parts _ aeroplanes. _ that time he had two _. in a few years the small workshop had become a large factory which _seven hund

18、red and twenty-eight people. frank smiled _ he remembered his hard early years and the long road _ success. he was still smiling _ the door opened and his wife came in. she wanted him _ _ their grandsons bicycle!1.experience n.&v.经验:不可数名词经历:可数名词2.used to do 过去经常做某事 be used to do 被用来做某事 be used t

19、o doing 习惯(做)某事 5.save money 攒钱 lets take a taxi to save time.节省时间 he saved my life.救命 6. of ones own 属于某人自己的 when i was five i had the first doll of my own. on ones own=by oneself=alone 单独,独自 last night i was at home on my own. 7. in ones twenties / thirties 在某人20/30多岁的时候 he achieved his goal in hi

20、s late fifties. the great poet died in his early twenties 二十出头的时候 8. employ vt. 雇用,利用 employment n. 雇用,利用 employer n. 雇主 employee n. 雇员 9. the long road to success 通往成功的漫长道路 the key to the door the answer to the question the solution to the problem the way to the hospital6exerciseswhile my wife (wor

21、k) in the kitchen, i _ (sit) in the garden. i (look) at cars which (pass) in the street, when a small car (stop) outside my gate and a man _ (get)out. i was most surprised to see that the man was ted hale. we _ (be) at the same school years ago. in those days, ted _ (come)to our house nearly every d

22、ay and we often _ (go) out together. we _ (be) great friends, but one day we (quarrel) and i never _ (see) him again. as he _ (get) out of his car, i _ (call) my wife and we both (hurry) out to greet an old friend.用动词的适当形式填空:用动词的适当形式填空:was workingwas sittingwas lookingwere passingstoppedgotwerecamew

23、entwerequarreledsawgotcalledhurried1. it _ the passengers who were in real trouble. a. were b. was c. is d. are2. _ in a small temple _ dr. bethune saved the wounded soldier. a. it was, which b. it is, where c. it was, that d. it is, thatit 的用法:的用法:3. _ hemingway lived in cuba that he wrote the old

24、man and the sea. a. during the time b. when c. while d. it was when4. _ no use pretending not to know the rules. a. it, you b. its, yours c. its, your d. its, you5. who was _ you met in the library? a. that b. it that c. it d. this6. _, all of us went swimming. a. it was a hot day b. being a hot day

25、 c. it being a hot day d. because the hot day 7. _ her work was still not as good as she wanted it to be? a. it was why that b. why is it that c. it is why that d. why was it that 8. it was last month _ i took part in the party. a. that b. where c. when d. /9. _ you were born? a. was it where that b

26、. it was where that c. where was it that d. where it was that10. the chairman thought _ necessary to invite professor smith to speak at the meeting. a. that b. it c. this d. him11. it is what you do rather than what you say _ matters. a. that b. what c. which d. this12. _was it that he managed to ge

27、t the information? oh, a friend of his helped him. a. where b. what c. how d. why13. -well, i do think that rabbit is beautiful. - _. a. so it is. b. so is it. c. it is so. d. it so is.14. was _ bill, _ played basketball very well, _ helped the blind man? a. that, that, who b. it, that, that c. it,

28、who, that d. that, who, he15. it was _ he said _disappointed me. a. what, what b. that, what c. what, that d. that, that16. it is the ability to do the job _ matters not where you come from or what you are. a. one b. that c. what d. it17. -do you like _ here? -oh, yes. the air, the weather, the way

29、of life. everything is so nice. a. this b. these c. that d. it18. i like _ in the autumn when the weather is clear and bright. a. this b. that c. it d. one19. who_ helped you work out it? a. was he b. it was who c. was it that d. it was that20. can you tell me who_ helped you work out it? a. was he

30、b. it was who c. was it that d. it was that21. it was _ given a gift at the party. a. they who each were b. them who each were c. they who each was d. them who each was22. it was not _ she took off her dark glasses _ i realized she was a film star. a. when; that b. until; that c. until; when d. when

31、; then23. “ it was 3 oclock_ we arrived at the village.” “oh, it was at 3 oclock _ we arrived at the village . a. when; when b. when; that c. that; that d. that; when24. it is ten years _ miss gao returned to china. a. that b. when c. since d. as 25. it wont be too long_ she finds a suitable joba. that b. since c. before d. for 26. it _ten years since the whites _ in the village a. was, had lived b. has been, have lived


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