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1、william wordsworth &my heart leaps up bywilliam wordsworth (1770-1850) a famous english romantic poetlife experiencevmother died when he was eight and father died when he was 13 vseparated from his sister dorothy in 1778 and did not see her again until 1787 vvisited france in 1790 and influenced

2、 by the turmoil(骚动)(骚动) of the french revolution vin 1795 he stayed in a cottage in dorset, where he met samuel taylor coleridge and robert southey. lake poets (湖畔诗人)introductionintroduction of lake poetsvwilliam wordsworth, samuel taylor coleridge, and robert southey became known as the lake poets,

3、 because they lived in the lake district in the northwestern part of england. according to the critics, such as, francis jeffrey, thomas de quincey, the lake poets shared only friendship and a brief periods of collaboration, but they dont share similar philosophies or poetic styles. vwordsworth used

4、 his imaginative powers to idealize nature, coleridge explored the philosophical aspects of poetry. southey centered his efforts on travel and adventure romantically. literary careervin 1798 ,william wordsworth and samuel taylor coleridge write their collection lyrical ballads . its the beginning of

5、 the english romantic movement . vabout 1798 he started to write a large and philosophical autobiographical poem, completed in 1805, and published in 1850 after his death. “the prelude.” 序曲 vin 1843 he succeeded robert southey (1774-1843) as englands poet laureate(桂冠诗人). vwhen many poets still wrote

6、 about ancient heroes in grandiloquent style, wordsworth focused on the nature, children, the poor and common people. in his poems, he liked the simplicity and purity of the language and he used ordinary (fresh and lively) words to express his personal feelings. vhe once said, “poetry is the spontan

7、eous overflow of powerful feelings: it takes its origin from emotion recollected in tranquility” v诗歌是强烈感情的自然溢出,它源于平静中集聚的情感my heart leaps upmy heart leaps up when i behold a rainbow in the sky;so was it when my life began; so is it now i am a man; so be it when i shall grow old, or let me die! the ch

8、ild is father of the man; and i could wish my days to be bound each to each by natural piety. by wordsworthsee with attention connect tightly虔诚虔诚 我心雀跃当天边彩虹映入眼帘 我心为之雀跃;初生时即便如此;至今长大成人亦是如此;将来老去还是如此, 否则我宁愿死去!赤子为成人之父;我愿自然虔诚的意念,将我生命里的每个日子串联起来。why does the poet choose rainbow?its the symbol of beauty and i

9、ntegrity.(genesis, chapter 9 in bible). according to the genesis(创世纪)(创世纪) in bible, god destroyed mankind with flood because of humans corruption (leaving noah 诺诺亚亚only). god made the rainbow as a promise to noah that he would never flood the world again. and now, rainbow is always considered as th

10、e symbol of beauty and integrity(诚(诚信)信). the bow of covenant promise 彩虹之约彩虹之约my heart leaps upmy heart leaps up when i behold a rainbow in the sky;so was it when my life began; so is it now i am a man; so be it when i shall grow old, or let me die! the child is father of the man; and i could wish m

11、y days to be bound each to each by natural piety. by wordsworth in the first sentence, the poet saw the rainbow in the sky; he leaped up and recalled the story in the bible. the rainbow here, means oath(誓言)(誓言), hope and renaissance. my heart leaps up when i behold a rainbow in the sky;power of natu

12、re give you hope and bring you peacethe continuity in the tenses,in the world;the continuity of our thought and spiritso was it when my life began; so is it now i am a man; so be it when i shall grow old, or let me die!the child is father of the man; the childhood shows the man as morning shows the day. -miltonthe rainbow now comes from the pledge between god and human, they have continuity. the feeling when we see the rainbow for the religious emotion to bible, and also, for our childhood. each today comes from yesterday, they are co


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