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1、Book 1第一单元课文live infar from.capital citySenior Highwrite downbe enthusiastic about.be friendly to sb.with a special screennothing likeJunior Highreading comprehension住在远离省会城市高中写下对热忱对友好带特殊屏幕一点都不像初中阅读理解have funintroduce sb. to sb. introduce oneself to3. in groups4. by oneself5. in a fun way6. help sb.

2、 do sth.7. in other words8. look forward to (doing) sth. 玩的高兴向介绍 介绍自己3. 按组 4. 独自,单独的5. 用有趣的方式6. 帮助某人做某事7.换句话说 8. 盼望。第一单元词汇拓展inform information2. instruct instruction instructor3. be bored with4. attitude to/towards5. behave behaviour6. describe description7. impress impression8. correct correction9.

3、 encourage10. enjoy 通知 v. 信息 n.指示 教练,指导员3. 对厌倦4. 对的态度5. 行为,举止6. 描写v. 描述 n.7. 使印象深刻 印象8. 纠正 v. 改正 n.9. vt. 鼓励10. 享受,喜欢 fluent adj.misunderstand v.appear disappear v.move v.assist v.cover v./n 流利的误解出现 消失搬家 感动援助包含 封面 课文练习题词汇:main ideaparagraph introduce sb.to sb. self-introduction4. study online5. cine

4、ma screen6. primary school 大意;主旨段介绍 自我介绍4. 网上学习5. 电影屏幕6. 初级中学 interesting interestedboring boredexciting excitedfrightening frighteneddelighting delightedencouraging encourageddisappointing disappointedmoving movedsurprising surprisedamazing amazed11.embarrassing embarrassed 1.有趣的;感兴趣的2. 令人厌烦的;无聊的3.

5、 令人兴奋的;激动的4. 令人恐惧的;害怕的5. 令人高兴的;高兴的 6.令人鼓舞的;_ 7. 8. 动人的;感动的9. 令人吃惊的;吃惊的10. 令人惊异的;吃惊的 11. 令人尴尬的Module 1 Grammer一般现在时:1.经常或反复 2. 主语性格 3. 客观事实,真理4. 按时刻表按时刻表 5.主将从现主将从现 if,unless,when,before二.现在进行时此刻 或现阶段正在进行 be+doingimprove change get come 表逐渐变化always constantly表赞扬,讨厌,不满情绪进行时表将来 1Module 2 Wordsamuse amu

6、sed amusing amusement to ones amusement2. full of energy energetic adj.3. intelligent adj. intelligence n.4. organize vt. organized adj. organization n.使某人高兴 愉快的;有趣的令人愉快的是2. 精力充沛 精力充沛的3. 聪明的 智力;智商4. 组织 有组织的 组织5. be patient with sb. with patience Patience is bitter, but its fruit is sweet.6. be stric

7、t with sb. be strict in/about sth. strictly speaking7. impress impression8. avoid +doing sth.9.appreciate doing sth. appreciation n. 5.对某人有耐心 耐心地忍耐是痛苦的,但它的果实是甜蜜的。6. 对某人严格 对某事要求严格 严格来说,7. 8.避免做某事9. 欣赏/感激做某事 感激 n. 10. revise v. revision n.11. translate v. translation12. formal informal13. relaxed rela

8、xing14. similar similarly15. science scientist scientific10. 复习11. 翻译12. 正式的 非正式的13. 放松的,令人14. 同样的,类似的15. 科学;科学家 科学的 课文习题 1. look through the text2. matchwith3. the following items4. allnot; not all5.dull adj.6. main character7. talk talkative8. teaching effect9. appear appearance浏览短文与匹配以下内容并非所有枯燥的主

9、要特征 交谈 健谈的教学效果出现 长相Module 2 课文知识点first impressionas+从句 conj.explainsothat so thatavoid doingmake mistakescompletely stupidmake progress (in sth.)dare to dounless conjkeep doing sth.第一印象因为解释如此以至于避免做犯错十足的愚蠢 取得进步胆敢做.除非连续不断的12. on time13. appreciate14. admit doing15. during. prep.16. as a result,17. do

10、well in18. Chinese literature19. in fact 20. fall asleep21. tell jokes22. respect sb.12. 按时13. 欣赏14.承认15. 在期间16. 因此17. 在做得好18. 中国文学19. 实际上20. 入睡21. 讲笑话22. 尊重某人Cultural corner:1. conclude vt.2. private school3.state school4. attend private school5. the following6.advantage disadvantage7. control vt.

11、推断私立学校公立学校上私立学校以下的优势 不利条件控制European countriesthe relationship betweenThis is true ofThe same is true ofbe relaxed withhave big problems withstate schoolprivate schoolpay for 欧洲国家 关系也一样也一样与sb.关系融洽有问题公立学校私立学校为付款Module 3 Words1. distant distance2. abandon abandoned3. product production4. shoot shot sho

12、t5. scenery scene sight view6. train vt./n.7. frighten v. frightened adj. frightening adj.8. interview interviewer interviewee9. exhausted exhausting遥远的;距离遗弃;被遗弃的产品 产量射杀 风景,景色训练 火车 7. 使害怕;害怕的 令人害怕的,吓人的8. 面试,面谈;主考官; 被面试者9. 疲惫不堪的,令人。课文练习 P29too+adj.+to dopassage textthe right orderplay an important pa

13、rt in speak highly ofexplain vt.mainly main ideatransport transportation1.太而不能2. 文章3.正确顺序4. 起重要的作用5. 高度评价6.7.8. 运输P42the following statementexcept adj.tour n. tourist adj.apartment block n.annoy vt.1.以下的陈述/叙述2. 除了3. 旅行 游客4. 公寓大楼5. 骚扰;打扰课文知识点recentlyget onget offcook v./nshine v./n shonesuddenlylook

14、likeduring the daypassenger n.be short formuch better1.最近2. 上车3.下车4. 烹饪;厨师5. 照射;光亮6. 突然地7. 看起来像。8. 在白天期间9. 乘客10. 是的缩写11. 好得多12. carry carry out13. government14. notany more15. pass a law16. allow sb. to do携带; 实施,执行政府不再通过法律允许某人做.Culture corner:run v.at a speed ofover=more thanper hourcomplete vt.vacu

15、um n.energy energeticattend the opening ceremonyreach a speed of train service管理;经营;运行以的速度超过每小时完成真空能源 精力充沛的参加开幕式达到速度火车服务导学P34advantage n.passenger n.mention vt.value n.driveforward优势乘客提及价值推动;驱使向前作文指导一:信件/邮件常用的开头方式 1.高兴 : 很高兴收到你的来信。 2. 感谢:谢谢你不错的礼物/巨大帮助/邀请。 3. 关心询问:这些日子还好吗?4. 抱歉:对于十分抱歉。I am very sorry

16、 forHow are you getting on these days?Thank you for your wonderful gift/great help/invitation I am so glad/happy to receive your letter.二 信件/邮件结束语 1. 盼望尽快收到你的回信.2. 替我问候你的家人/同学们。3. 照顾好自己;保持联系。Please send my regards to your family/our classmates.I am looking forward to hearing from you soon.Take good

17、care of you and keep in touch.我们都非常想念你并且非常感激你为我们所做的一切。我们跟往常一样忙碌。我们进行了英语比赛。我得了一等奖。我们积极参加英语角,英语成绩有了进步。We take an active part in English Corner, so we are making progress in English.We had had an English speech contest the other day. I won the first prize. We are busy as usual.We all miss you and very

18、grateful/thankful for what you did for us.11Module 4 课文知识点one of the most attractive places2. on the coast3. feel fortunate doing sth.4. climate5. can be quite cold6. bother sb.7. apartment block8. complete v.9. business district10. put up最有吸引人的地方之一在海岸线上做某事幸运气候可能非常冷打扰某人公寓大楼完成商业区建造;张贴11. approach .12

19、. across the water13. for a while14. shopping mall 11. 接近12. 水域对面13. 一会儿14. 大型购物中心eg: 这是我第一次参观你的家乡。This is my first time that I have visited your hometown.1.自从.以来已经有.时间了。 It is/has been six years since we last saw each other. 2. 这是第次做某事. This/It is the first time +that 从句(现在完成时) This/It was the firs

20、t time+that(过去完成时) 这是我第二次来北京。This is the second time that I have visited Beijing.句型Module 4 cultural cornermention refer towestern Europea number of the number ofremain v.go upcannot afford to buymake moneymean thatfight to survive fought bought brought涉及,提及西欧大量的的数量保持;仍然是上升买不起。挣钱意味着为生存挣扎课本P69练习club

21、activitiescultural study clubsparticularlytale place anise vt.coach leadergraduate n.friendship n.belief n.the same roof n.1.俱乐部活动2. 文化学习俱乐部3. 尤其的4. 举行;发生5. 组织6. 教练 领导人7. 毕业生8. 友谊9. 信念10. 相同的屋檐课本P 75webpage websiteSenior High design v.fair adj.married adj.a little bit ofdialect n.consider doing

22、practise doingbe pleased to dohero网页 网站高中设计公平的已婚的一点方言考虑练习很开心做某事英雄12. competition13. refuse to do14. click on the link12. 竞争13.拒绝14.点击链接语法填空primary schoolsecondary schoolhave a chance ofuniversity collegemain subjectthough conj.degree n.course n.particular jobbe thankful for1.小学2. 中等学校3.有机会4. 大学 学院5.

23、 主要课程6.7. 学位8. 课程9. 特殊的工作10. 为感激课本 82页complete an unusual journeytrip n.realise v.expertby chancefeed v.完成一次不寻常的旅行旅行意识到专家偶然,意外的喂养课本87页Community Youth Clubinclude v.sports competitionsocial workform a special groupbe proud ofregularrewarding adj.be filled withlaughter n.have little contact with 1.社区青

24、年俱乐部2. 包括3.体育比赛4. 社会工作5. 形成了特殊的组织6. 为骄傲7. 定期的;经常的8. 有意的;值得的9. 被充满10. 笑声 11. 与很少联系作文:I am introduce my new school.Every classroom have a computer.I am very like my new school.There are some tree. They looking very beautiful.There are have many trees and many birds. I like my new school very much. haslookstreesI must good good studyI am study in Zhanhua No.2 High school.I very happy.It very beautiful.The new school discipline strict.I believe I will admitted to a college. 1 must work hard.1beThe discipline in our new school is very strict. 1 am very happy.It is very beautiful.I ver


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