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1、1. Whats DIY exactly, Suzy? It stands for “do-it-yourself”. When you do DIY, you make, repair or decorate things yourself instead of paying someone to do it.0 exactly adv. 确切地,精确地 Tell me exactly where she lives. 确切地告诉我她住哪儿。 stand for 代表;象征 后加名词,动名词X often stands for an unknown number. X常常代表未知数。What

2、 does UFO stand for?  UFO代表什么? or 属并列连词,表示选择关系,强调多中选一。"Tea or coffee?" John asked. “喝茶还是喝咖啡?” 约翰问。 instead of 而不是,代替 Shall we have fish instead of meat today? 我们今天吃鱼不吃肉,好吗? Give me the red box instead 

3、;of the yellow one. 把那个红色的盒子给我,不是这个黄色的。We'll have tea in the garden instead of in the house. 我们将在花园里,而不在屋子里喝茶。( ) 1.You can choose to watch TV at home _ go shopping with me. A. and B. but C. so D. or2. not onlybut also不仅而且1 连接主语:&#

4、160;      Not only I but also Tom and Mary are fond of watching television.不仅我,而且汤姆和玛丽都喜欢看电视。  Not only men but also women were chosen.  不仅仅是男的,女的也有被选中的。2连接谓语动词

5、   Lucy not only sings well, but also dances well.注意:not onlybut also连接的动词一般不重复,这与汉语不同。如汉语说“我不仅懂英语,而且懂俄语”,英语则说“I know not only English but also Russian”,而不说“I not only know English but also know Russi

6、an”.再如:“气体不仅改变形状,而且改变体积”,英译为“A gas changes not only in shape but also in volume.”(注意介词常重复)1、not onlybut also的用法  用于连接两个表示并列关系的成分,着重强调后者,其意为“不仅而且”;其中的also有时可以省略。如: She not only plays well, but als

7、o writes music.  她不仅很会演奏,而且还会作曲。 He not only writes his own plays, he also acts in them.  他不仅是自编剧本, 还饰演其中的角色。 He works not only on weekdays but on Sundays 

8、as well.  他不仅平时工作,星期日也工作。 说明:若连接两个成分作主语,其谓语通常与靠近的主语保持一致。如: Not only you but also he has to leave. 不只是你,他也得离开。 语法一祈使句    祈使句是用来表示命令、请求、建议、号召等的句子,它的主语you(听话人)通常省略谓语动词用原形,句末用感叹号或句号。朗读时一般用降调。大致有三种类型:be型:肯定形式:系动词原形b

9、e表语其它 Be quiet, everyone! 大家请安静!否定形式:Dontbe表语其它Dont be lazy! 不要懒惰!do型:肯定形式:行为动词(宾语)其它Come in, please! 请进来!否定形式:Dont行为动词原形其它Dont worry. Ill soon be all right. 你们不要担心,我很快就会好的。let型:肯定形式:Let宾语动词原形其它Let me have a look.让我看一看吧。否定形式:a. Let宾语not动词原形其它 Let him not go there.别让他去那儿。 Lets not waste time.咱们不要浪费时间

10、了。b. Dontlet宾语动词原形其它Dont let her go there.别让她去那儿。【说明】 祈使句的否定式多以do not(通常缩写为don't)引起,也可用never引起。但“Do+祈使句”表示一种强烈的感情或请求,do起强调作用。Never be late again.千万不要再迟到了。Never do it like that.千万不要那样做了。Do come back at once! 务必马上回来!Do be careful.千万要小心! please用在祈使句中可以表示一种客气的语气,但please用在句末时,必须用逗号与其余部分分开。Open the wi

11、ndow, please.请把窗户打开。 Let引导祈使句时,后面需跟上人称代词或称呼语,人称代词一般只用第一、第三人称。    Let Jack wait a minute. 让杰克等一会。 Lets go to school. 我们一起上学去吧。 在祈使句中,Lets和 Let us是有区别的。Lets包括说话者,而Let us不包括说话者在内。这点从反意疑问句时可明显看出。    Lets go skating, shall we?(表示内部的建议) Let us try again, will you?(表示向别人发出请求)【

12、小试牛刀】( ) 1._ exercising, and you'll be healthier. A. Keep B. To keep C. Keeping( ) 2.I m worried about my English. _harder_ you will catch up with your classmates!A. Working; and. B. To work; or C. Work; and. D. Worked; or.( ) 3. buy your ticket from a ticket machine. There are lots of people th

13、ere.A. Not B. not too C. Dont D. Dont to( ) 4.Look at the sign, what does it mean? It means “_”. A. Dont talking B. No talking C. Not talk二用括号内所给动词的适当形式填空。1. Its an important meeting. _ _ (not, be) late.2. _ _ (not, make) any noise! Your mother is sleeping.3. _ _ (not, speak) with your mouth full of

14、 food and _ (be) polite.4. _ _ (not, talk) and _ (read) aloud.5. _ _ (not, leave) your homework for tomorrow, Larry.6. _ _ (not look) out! A car is coming.7. _ (give) us ten years and just see what our country will be like.8. _ (not, let) the baby cry.9. Wear more clothes or you _ _ (catch) a cold.1

15、0. Lets _ _ (not, say) anything about it.三句型转换1. Will you please read it again more slowly? (改为祈使句) _ _ again more slowly, please.2. If you don't listen to me, I'll go. (改为同义句) _ _ me, or Ill go.3. Let's watch the sports games. (改为反意疑问句) Let's watch the sports games, _ _?4. The teach

16、ers often tell the students not to be careless. (改为祈使句)_ _careless, please.5. If you move, you'll die. (改为同义句) _ _ or you'll die.二had better用法had better是固定词组,相当于一个情态动词,用来表示一种建议和劝告,意思是“最好”、“还是好”。其用法有以下几点: 1. 人称和数的形式:had better中had无人称、数和时态的变化。 即主语不论是第几人称,句子不论是什么时态,都要用had be

17、tter的形式。如: Now you(he,we) had better listen to the teacher.你(他,我们)现在最好听老师讲。2.  缩写形式:had better可以与作主语的人称代词缩写。如:I'd better,You'd better等。3.  易被误解的两种形式:had虽为过去形式,但无过去的意义;better虽为比较级形式,但无比较意义。   4. 各种句式:1)肯定句形式:“主语+had better+动词原形+.” 这里的had不

18、能用have来替换。如: You'd better go to hospital at once.你最好立即去医院看病。 Tom, you'd better go there today.汤姆,你最好今天去那儿。It's raining outsideYou'd better put on your raincoat外面在下雨,你最好穿上雨衣。   2)had better的否定式:“主语+had better not+动词原形+”,不能借助助

19、动词didn't来否定(即不能用“didn't have better+动词原形”)。如: You had better not miss the last bus.你最好不要错过末班公共汽车。 You had better not leave for Nanjing the day after tomorrow.你最好后天不要动身去南京。 注意:否定副词not绝不能放在had的后面。如:不能说:You hadn't better go. 而应该说:You had better not go. 3)had better的疑问式:Hadnt/ 

20、;Had +主语+ better+动词原形+?,   其肯定答语形式为:(Yes,) 主  语+d better. 或Yes, 主语+ should/ had. 否定答语形式为:(No,) 主语+d better not. 或No,主语+shouldnt/ hadnt.  had better通常不以普通疑问句的形式出现。但有时用于否定疑问句,常用Hadn't+主语+better.?结构,作为一种劝告形式,比

21、肯定形式的语气更婉转一些。如:-Hadnt you better do your homework at home?你是不是最好在家做功课? -(Yes,) Id better. 或Yes, I should/ had. 是的,我最好在家做功课。 -Had we better leave early? 我们是不是最好早些离开? -(No,) wed bett

22、er not. 或No, we shouldnt/ hadnt.  不,我们最好不要早离开。 4)had better在反意疑问句中。 在反意疑问句中,疑问部分一般用"had+主语?",但有时可用"will you?"表示一种请求或建议。如: You'd better not go out today, had you? 今天你最好不要外出,好吗?I must stay at home this afternoon. You had better come to my house, wi

23、ll you?今天下午我必须留在家里,你最好来我家,好吗? 4)在祈使句中,had有时可以省略。如: Better not do it. 最好别做那事。 Better not wait for them. 最好不要等他们。5. had better可用于的时态。 1).had better用于指现在。如: Now you had better listen to the radio.你现在最好听收音机。 You had better be quiet.你最好安静一些。 2).had better用于指将来。如: You had better start tomorrow.你最好明天动身。We

24、had better buy the more expensive one. It will last much longer and so it will be cheaper in the end. 3) .had better用于进行式,表示讲话人提出建议时,动作正在进行。如: We had better be watching the TV play. 我们最好现在就看到电视剧。 We had better be starting back now. 我们最好现在就动身回去。 4) .had better + have + V-ed可表示"本该做而没有做的事"。如:

25、 You had better have done it .如果你把那件事办妥就好了。(但实际上你没有那样做) You had better have stayed with us .要是当时你和我们呆在一起多好啊。(实际上没有) 6. had better在表示对别人劝告、建议时,不宜用于与陌生人、长辈及上级的交谈中。 对长辈说话时,最好不用had better。比较有礼貌的说法是:It might be better for you.; It would be better for you.。如: It might be better for you to help me,Grandpa.

26、爷爷,您最好能帮我一下。练习 下列各句都有一处错误,请改正。 1. Youd better to wait for me at the school gate. 2. I have better write to him now. 3. You had not better go there. ( ) 4. You had better _your homework first.    A. finishes    B. not to finis

27、h    C. finish     D. not  finishes (  ) 5 You_ ask that man over there. Maybe he knows the way.  A. had better not to  B. had not bett

28、er  C. had better  D. had better not( ) 6 You'd better _ there. It's dangerous. A. not go B. not to go C. not go to D. not to( ) 7 Would you mind if I open the window? _, I got a cold. A. Youd better not. B.

29、 Never mind. C. Of course not. D. All right.三否定前缀I think do-it-yourself is meaningful. It is really interesting to do it. I dont think do-it-yourself is important. I think do-it-yourself is unimportant. It isnt really interesting to do it. It is really uninteresting to do it.Prefix 前缀 前缀是添加在单词前形成新的单

30、词的一个字母或者一组字母。The prefixes un-,in- and im-One of the most common prefixes for adjectives is un-. It means “not”. We add it to some adjectives to give them the opposite meaning.certain uncertain comfortable uncomfortableimportant unimportant interesting uninterestingfriendly  unfriendly  wel

31、come  unwelcome active inactive correct incorrect patient impatient possible  impossible 不可能的perfect    imperfect 不完美的 polite  impolite 无礼的personal  impersonal 非个人的前缀dis-,dis- “不”、“无”,加在某些动词或名词前构成反义词。like  dislike 不喜欢 agree 

32、disagree 不同意 Honest dishonest 不诚实的 Appear disappear 不见,消失  order disorder 无秩序,混乱 believe   disbelieve 不信   ability  disability 无能,无力 基础检测一英汉互译1.自己动手做     2.没问题    3.代替   4.做一些纸玫瑰 5.代表       6.清楚的

33、说明 二单项填空  ( ) 1. Students _ the classroom with balloons and colored paper.   A. make    B. repair    C. paint   D. decorate ( ) 2. Its going to rain.&

34、#160;You had better _ the window closed when you go out.     A. let     B. to let     C. leave   D. to leave ( ) 3. In Chinese culture,

35、 the full moon _ the gathering of friends and family.     A. Stands up   B. stands for   C. looks like   D. looks at  ( ) 4. What a nic

36、e day! We should go sightseeing _ watching TV in the hotel.     A. Because of    B. out of    C. Together with   D. instead of  ( ) 5.&

37、#160;Jack! Is there _ in todays newspaper?      A. Anything important   B. something important   C. important anything    D. important something  ( ) 6. _! 

38、; Its the music of Mozart. Be quiet.   A. Hear   B. Sound   C. Sing   D. Listen  ( ) 7.  _ I open the window?    A. will    B.

39、0;shall   C. Do   D. need 三根据提示用所给词的适当形式填空。  1. Jim is _ (fix) his bike now.   2.Whats DIY _ (exact)?   3. There are two _ (brush) on the table.  5. Do you

40、 need _ (some) tools?  4. Here _ (be) a pair of scissors. You can use them.  一、副词比较级一般来说,中文意思是“的”的词是形容词,而中文意思是“地”的词是副词。一)、副词概念副词(adverb)是一类用以修饰动词(相当于英语的verb)或加强描绘词组或整个句子的词,用来修饰、限制动词或形容词,表示时间、频率、范围、语气、程度等如:I get up e

41、arly in my family 我在家里起得早 Tom runs fast in his school. 汤姆在学校里跑得快。副词认识, 写出汉语意思fast early slowly high late far well 翻译下列的短语1.飞得高 2. 跳的低 3. 游得慢 4. 起得早 5. 跳得远 6.睡得迟 7.跑得快 6. 玩得好 二)、形容词变副词的规则 规则变化: 1. 大部分形容词,加ly。 如:careless-carelessly,quiet-quietly,different-differently 2. 以le结尾的形容词,变le为ly。 如:possible-po

42、ssibly, terrible-terribly, comfortable-comfortably, gentle-gently, simple-simply 3. 以y结尾的形容词, 变y为i +ly。 如:easy-easily, angry-angrily, noisy-noisily, happy-happily, heavy-heavily, healthy-healthily 不规则变化:1. 本身既是形容词也是副词,无需改变。 如:fast-fast, early-early, high-high, hard-hard, late-late, far-far, wide-wid

43、e, alone-alone 2. 形容词和副词为完全不同的单词。 如:good-well 3. 初中阶段唯一一个需要去掉字母e的单词。 如:true-truly4. 虽然以ly结尾,但却是形容词,不能直接用来修饰动词。 如:friendly, lively, lovely, lonely, Likely 副词用法练习: 1. Look at the children on the playground. They are flying kites _ (happy). Lets join them.2. Why do you think you did so _ (bad) in

44、your test?3. We can _ (easy) forgive a child who is afraid of the dark, but we cant forgive an adult who is afraid of the light.4. Congratulations! Youve answered all the questions _ (correct). 5.  The computer is _ (wide) used in our daily life. We can do many things with it. 6.

45、  I changed into my sports shoes so that I could walk more _ (comfortable). 三)、副词比较级的变化规则副词和形容词一样,副词也有原级、比较级,其变化规则和形容词一样一 规则变化:1. 单音节词, 加er(1)副词和形容词同形,单音节,在词尾加er fast _ hard _ loud_(2)以字母“e”结尾的副词,加”r” late - _(3以辅音字母y结尾的副词,先变i,再加er early _2.双音节和多音节词,前面加morehappily_ carefully _gracefully _

46、politely-_3.有些副词有两种形式,都可以slowly slower / more slowly quickly quicker / more quicklyloudly louder / more loudly softly softer / more softly neatly neater / more neatly二.不规则变化well better badly- worse little less much more late later far-farther练一练:写出下列副词的比较级 low_ high_ slowly_ _ fast_ late_ early_ far

47、_ well_ hard _ quickly brightly_ carefully_ 三)、副词比较级和最高级的意义英语中的形容词和副词,在句子里表示“比较”、“最”时,要用特别的形式,即:比较级和最高级。原来的形式称为原级。如: 1The black pen is very long. 黑色的钢笔很长。 2The blue pen is longer than the black one. 蓝色的钢笔比黑色的长。 3Li lei runs faster than Li Ming. 李雷比李明跑得4. I get up earlier than you. 我比你起得早。四)、形容词、副词比较

48、级的用法级别比较程度表达方式和意义例 句备 注原  级同等程度肯定形式As+原级+as(像一样)Art is as interesting as music.Play as well as you can. 否定形式not + so (as) +原级+as(不如那样)English is not so difficult as science.She does not study so well as I do.  比较级不同程度(用于两者比较)比较级+than(比)Jim is older than Luky.I like pork better than beef.


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