



1、_Reading after Pride and PrejudiceRecently I have been reading a novel called Pride andPrejudice, whichwas writtenby Jane Austen.AlthoughI haven tfinished it yet, I still havesomething to write.The writer,JaneAusten,wasan Englishwoman.Shewas borninSteventon,Hampshine,where her father wasa rector. Sh

2、e was the seconddaughter and the seventh child in a family of eight. The first 25 years of her lifeAusten spent in Hampshire. Austin didntgo to regular schools, but she readmany literary works at her parentsguidance. She started writing about the ageof 20, and published six novels. Pride and Prejudi

3、ce (1813) and Emma (1816)are the best-known books of them. Virginia Woolf called her“the most perfectartist among women ”. Most of her novels were all adapted into movies andsuccessful in the world.For living in a small countrytown,contactingthe mediumand smalllandlords,pastor as well as their quiet

4、 and comfortableliving environment,there were no significant social contradictions in her works. She described atruthfulpictureofherworld,especiallythe marriageandlovebetweengentlemen and ladies by her meticulous feminine observation. The style of herworks is humorous and rich in comic conflicts,so

5、many readers love them.精品资料_This type of novels not only at that time attracted broad readers, today; it stillgives the readers unique art enjoyment.The novel describeslove process of heroine Elizabeth and hero Darcy,her elder sister Jane and Mr.Bingley,younger sister Jane and Mr.Bingley,youngersist

6、erLydiaandMr.Wickham,hergoodfriendCharlotteandMr.Collins.The marriage betweenDarcy and Elizabethrevealed the characteristicswhich constituted a successful marriage. One of these characteristics was thatthe feeling couldn tbe brought on by appearances and must gradually developbetween the two people

7、as they got to know one another.The marriage between Jane Bennet and Bingley was also an example ofsuccessfulmarriage. They had the excellent understanding,super-excellentdisposition of Jane and a general similarity of feeling and taste between herand her husband.UnlikeDarcyand Elizabeth,therewasa f

8、law in theirrelationship.The flaw was that both charactersweretoo gullibleand toogood-hearted to ever act strongly against external forces that may attempt toseparate them.Obviously,Lydiaand Wickham s marriagewas an exampleof a badmarriage. Their marriage was based on appearances, good looks and you

9、thfulvivacity. Once these qualities could no longer be seen by each other, the oncestrong relationshipwould slowly fadeaway. Throughtheir relationship,JaneAustenshowedthat hastymarriagebasedon superficialqualitiesquickly精品资料_cooled and led to unhappiness.The marriage between Mr.Collins and Charlette

10、 was based on economicsrather than on love or appearance. It was a common practice during Austenstime for womanto marry a husband to save herself from spinsterhoodor togainfinancialsecurity.However,JaneAustenviewedthisas a typeofprostitution and disapproved it.Elizabeth was a clever, beautiful and s

11、trong-minded woman, who lookeddown upon the hypocrisy in high-society circles. Facing the marriage, she wascourage,visionaryand goodat thinking.Although,she had somewrongopinions on Darcy in the beginning, finally she knew about Darcy justly throughthinking, hence gained the true love. Darcy was a h

12、andsome, rich gentleman,butproudanddidn t wanttomakecontactwithothers,leadingtodissatisfactionsfrom neighbors.Even worse, Darcy left bad impressionsonthe peoplearoundhim and Elizabethalso hatedhim. She hadprejudiceagainstDarcygradually.WhenDarcyproposedto her,sherefusedhimdecisively.Afterthat, Darcy

13、began to reflecton the self-examinationandtreated people with more populist. As time went by, they came across again.Darcy was not only polite, but was popularamong the neighbors.Finally,regardlessofhisaunt s strongobjectionandconceptoffamily,Darcyproposedto Elizabethagain.Elizabethwillinglyconsente

14、d.She begantoappear her lively side to Darcy.The characters have their own personalities.Mrs.Bennetwas a woman精品资料_who was eager tomarry off her daughters. Mr.Bingleywas a friendly youngman. Jane was simple, innocent and never spoke evil of others. Elizabeth wasa clever girl who alwayshad her own op

15、inions.Mary liked reading classicbooks. Kitty didn thave her own opinions but liked to follow her sister. Lydiawas a girl who followed exotic things, handsomeman and was somehow alittle profligate.As far asI am concerned, love is the most beautiful and valuable thingand the basis of marriage. Althou

16、gh material is important, we shouldntgive upseeking for the true love. By contrasting Elizabeth with Lydia, we know the truelove is essential.Then, I think the behavior is the symbol of people. If Darcy was polite andwarm-hearted in the beginning, maybe he would not have been misunderstoodby Elizabe

17、th. Therefore, never be arrogant. It is true that the first impression isimportant,butwe should also recognize someone in longtimeand fromallaspects.Thatrequires we are strong-minded,reasonedandsensible.Betolerant to anyone, and you will be more likely gain happiness.Last but not least, this novel h

18、as an effecton today s Chinese society,which is full of bullionism and hedonism. Many youngers have thequestion,especially girls,“Rose and bread, which is more important ”.Once in a famousdating show called If you are the one, a girl said“Would rather sit in the BMWcar crying, don tsit on the bike laughing ”,which means she would live t


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