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1、广东省成人高等教育英语系列教材非英语专业专科英语 3UNIT 5Teaching ObjectivesWarm-up ActivityCommunicative ActivitiesText AText BGrammar FocusEnjoy English广东省成人高等教育英语系列教材非英语专业专科英语 3UNIT 5Teaching ObjectivesWarm-up ActivityCommunicative ActivitiesText AText BGrammar FocusEnjoy EnglishTeaching ObjectivesIn this unit, you will

2、learn: the main idea of two texts;the key words, expressions, structures in Text A and Text B;useful expressions and sentences concerning festivals;writing skills: How to write personal letters?the grammar point: Gerund 广东省成人高等教育英语系列教材非英语专业专科英语 3UNIT 5Teaching ObjectivesWarm-up ActivityCommunicative

3、 ActivitiesText AText BGrammar FocusEnjoy EnglishWarm-up Activity: Pre-reading questionsWho do you think is the most creative person the world has ever seen? What do you know about him?2.Have you ever invented a game that you can play by yourself or with your friends?3.Why do you think being creativ

4、e is important for a person or a nation? 广东省成人高等教育英语系列教材非英语专业专科英语 3UNIT 5Teaching ObjectivesWarm-up ActivityCommunicative ActivitiesText AText BGrammar FocusEnjoy EnglishText UnderstandingText OrganizationLanguage PointsUseful ExpressionsSentences to Be RememberedExercisesBackground Information广东省成人

5、高等教育英语系列教材非英语专业专科英语 3UNIT 5Teaching ObjectivesWarm-up ActivityCommunicative ActivitiesText AText BGrammar FocusEnjoy EnglishText ABackground InformationBill Gates (1) Bill Gates was born on October 28, 1955, in Seattle, Washington. He has designed and developed software for the personal computer and

6、 is a Cofounder of the Microsoft Corporation, one of the most successful companies in history. 广东省成人高等教育英语系列教材非英语专业专科英语 3UNIT 5Teaching ObjectivesWarm-up ActivityCommunicative ActivitiesText AText BGrammar FocusEnjoy EnglishText ABackground InformationBill Gates (2) He has created such popular softw

7、are products as MS-DOS and Windows, and promoted CD-ROM technology, helped make the PC a common and accessible household item.广东省成人高等教育英语系列教材非英语专业专科英语 3UNIT 5Teaching ObjectivesWarm-up ActivityCommunicative ActivitiesText AText BGrammar FocusEnjoy EnglishText ABackground InformationBill Gates (3)He

8、has founded with his wife The Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, which funds global health, education and public library projects.广东省成人高等教育英语系列教材非英语专业专科英语 3UNIT 5Teaching ObjectivesWarm-up ActivityCommunicative ActivitiesText AText BGrammar FocusEnjoy EnglishText AOrganizationThe passage can be divi

9、ded into 4 parts.广东省成人高等教育英语系列教材非英语专业专科英语 3UNIT 5Teaching ObjectivesWarm-up ActivityCommunicative ActivitiesText AText BGrammar FocusEnjoy EnglishText AOrganizationPart 1:Part 2: (Para.1):Bill believes that we can use our creativity to make the world a better place.(Paras.2-7):Computers are the prod

10、ucts of our creativity and they have enabled us to change many things in the world.广东省成人高等教育英语系列教材非英语专业专科英语 3UNIT 5Teaching ObjectivesWarm-up ActivityCommunicative ActivitiesText AText BGrammar FocusEnjoy EnglishText AOrganizationPart 3:Part 4: (Para.8-10):we can use our creativity to solve health p

11、roblems in the developing world.(Paras.11):Through our creativity we can make great achievements in many other areas.广东省成人高等教育英语系列教材非英语专业专科英语 3UNIT 5Teaching ObjectivesWarm-up ActivityCommunicative ActivitiesText AText BGrammar FocusEnjoy EnglishText ALanguage PointsWord understandingcreativity the

12、ability to create 创造力创造力Examples: Creativity is highly valued in this company.He is a man of great creativity. And we have adopted (采纳采纳) many of his suggestions.广东省成人高等教育英语系列教材非英语专业专科英语 3UNIT 5Teaching ObjectivesWarm-up ActivityCommunicative ActivitiesText AText BGrammar FocusEnjoy EnglishText ALan

13、guage Pointscreativity 近义词:近义词:inventiveness 有发明才能,有创造力有发明才能,有创造力Examples: Those people have quick minds and inventiveness.Her inventiveness in painting makes her a great artist.广东省成人高等教育英语系列教材非英语专业专科英语 3UNIT 5Teaching ObjectivesWarm-up ActivityCommunicative ActivitiesText AText BGrammar FocusEnjoy

14、EnglishText ALanguage Pointstransform to completely change the appearance,form, or character of sth or sb especially in a way that improves it 改变;改革改变;改革 Examples: Success and wealth transformed his character.The magician transformed the frog into a princess.广东省成人高等教育英语系列教材非英语专业专科英语 3UNIT 5Teaching

15、ObjectivesWarm-up ActivityCommunicative ActivitiesText AText BGrammar FocusEnjoy EnglishText ALanguage Pointstransform 近义词:近义词:change 改变,变化改变,变化 (change是通用是通用词,词,transform强调改变外貌或形式强调改变外貌或形式)Examples: In autumn the leaves change from green to brown.People have changed their diets a lot over the past

16、few years.广东省成人高等教育英语系列教材非英语专业专科英语 3UNIT 5Teaching ObjectivesWarm-up ActivityCommunicative ActivitiesText AText BGrammar FocusEnjoy EnglishText ALanguage Pointschallenging difficult in an interesting or enjoyable way 挑战性的挑战性的 Examples: Teaching young children is a challenging and rewarding job.The j

17、ob wasnt challenging enough for me. I wanted something more creative.广东省成人高等教育英语系列教材非英语专业专科英语 3UNIT 5Teaching ObjectivesWarm-up ActivityCommunicative ActivitiesText AText BGrammar FocusEnjoy EnglishText ALanguage Pointschallenging反义词:反义词:unchallenging 无挑战性的无挑战性的Examples: At first, you may find the j

18、ob a little unchallenging.广东省成人高等教育英语系列教材非英语专业专科英语 3UNIT 5Teaching ObjectivesWarm-up ActivityCommunicative ActivitiesText AText BGrammar FocusEnjoy EnglishText ALanguage Pointslifetime the period of time during which sb is alive or sth exists 一生一生 Examples: During her lifetime she had witnessed (见证见

19、证) two world wars.I will take teaching as a lifetime job.广东省成人高等教育英语系列教材非英语专业专科英语 3UNIT 5Teaching ObjectivesWarm-up ActivityCommunicative ActivitiesText AText BGrammar FocusEnjoy EnglishText ALanguage Pointslifetime词形区别:词形区别: lifelong (a.) 终生的终生的Examples: She was a lifelong member of the Labour Part

20、y.Its so hard to stop smoking when its been a lifelong habit.广东省成人高等教育英语系列教材非英语专业专科英语 3UNIT 5Teaching ObjectivesWarm-up ActivityCommunicative ActivitiesText AText BGrammar FocusEnjoy EnglishText ALanguage Pointsworth amount of sth that a specified sum of money will buy 值某金额的量值某金额的量 Examples: He felt

21、 as though he had no worth.She has proved her worth on numerous occasions.The thieves stole 1 million worth of jewelery.广东省成人高等教育英语系列教材非英语专业专科英语 3UNIT 5Teaching ObjectivesWarm-up ActivityCommunicative ActivitiesText AText BGrammar FocusEnjoy EnglishText ALanguage Pointsworth 近义词:近义词:value 价值,重要性价值,重

22、要性Examples: For them, the houses main value lay in its quiet country location.The dollar has been steadily increasing in value.广东省成人高等教育英语系列教材非英语专业专科英语 3UNIT 5Teaching ObjectivesWarm-up ActivityCommunicative ActivitiesText AText BGrammar FocusEnjoy EnglishText ALanguage Pointsdisease an illness whic

23、h affects a person, animal, or plant 疾病,病患疾病,病患 Examples: Heart disease runs in our family. She contracted (感染感染) the disease while she was abroad on holiday.广东省成人高等教育英语系列教材非英语专业专科英语 3UNIT 5Teaching ObjectivesWarm-up ActivityCommunicative ActivitiesText AText BGrammar FocusEnjoy EnglishText ALanguag

24、e Pointsdisease 近义词:近义词:illness 病,疾病病,疾病 (illness多指生病的多指生病的事实或经历,事实或经历,disease一般指具体的疾病一般指具体的疾病)Example: He died at home after a long illness.He missed five days of school because of illness.广东省成人高等教育英语系列教材非英语专业专科英语 3UNIT 5Teaching ObjectivesWarm-up ActivityCommunicative ActivitiesText AText BGrammar

25、 FocusEnjoy EnglishText ALanguage Pointsdeveloped (of a country) having many industries and a complicated economic system 发达的发达的 Examples: The charity (慈善机构慈善机构) works with children in less developed countries.This disease has mostly been eliminated (消消除除) at least in the developed nations.广东省成人高等教育

26、英语系列教材非英语专业专科英语 3UNIT 5Teaching ObjectivesWarm-up ActivityCommunicative ActivitiesText AText BGrammar FocusEnjoy EnglishText ALanguage Pointsdeveloped词义区别:词义区别:developing 发展中发展中 (的的)Examples: China is a developing country in Asia.We should give more attention to poverty and hunger in the developing

27、world.广东省成人高等教育英语系列教材非英语专业专科英语 3UNIT 5Teaching ObjectivesWarm-up ActivityCommunicative ActivitiesText AText BGrammar FocusEnjoy EnglishText ALanguage Pointsprogress the process of getting better at doing sth, or getting closer to finishing or achieving sth; slow or steady movement somewhere 进步,发展;前进

28、,进展进步,发展;前进,进展 Examples: Im afraid were not making much progress. Any progress in cancer research may help to save lives.广东省成人高等教育英语系列教材非英语专业专科英语 3UNIT 5Teaching ObjectivesWarm-up ActivityCommunicative ActivitiesText AText BGrammar FocusEnjoy EnglishText ALanguage Pointsprogress近义词:近义词:development 发

29、展,生长,研制发展,生长,研制Example: The land was sold for development. The economic sanctions could not prevent the development of that country. Mr Berkowitz is in charge of product development.广东省成人高等教育英语系列教材非英语专业专科英语 3UNIT 5Teaching ObjectivesWarm-up ActivityCommunicative ActivitiesText AText BGrammar FocusEn

30、joy EnglishText ALanguage Pointsdrug a medicine, or a substance for making medicines 药药 Examples: One disadvantage of the drug is that it is very expensive.Doctors are trying out a new drug for pain relief (减轻减轻) in childbirth.广东省成人高等教育英语系列教材非英语专业专科英语 3UNIT 5Teaching ObjectivesWarm-up ActivityCommun

31、icative ActivitiesText AText BGrammar FocusEnjoy EnglishText ALanguage Pointsdrug同义词:同义词:medicine 药药 (medicine比比drug更为更为 正式,另外正式,另外drug通常用来指毒品通常用来指毒品)Examples: Take two spoonfuls of medicine at mealtimes.She knows quite a lot about herbal (草本的草本的) medicines.广东省成人高等教育英语系列教材非英语专业专科英语 3UNIT 5Teaching O

32、bjectivesWarm-up ActivityCommunicative ActivitiesText AText BGrammar FocusEnjoy EnglishText ALanguage Pointson ones own without any other people, without any help, by oneself 独自地,独立地独自地,独立地 Examples: She doesnt like going on vacation on her own.It takes some time to get used to living on your own.Hi

33、s parents are both in the hospital and he has to do everything on his own.广东省成人高等教育英语系列教材非英语专业专科英语 3UNIT 5Teaching ObjectivesWarm-up ActivityCommunicative ActivitiesText AText BGrammar FocusEnjoy EnglishText ALanguage Pointson ones own同义短语:同义短语:by oneselfExamples: Tom prepared the supper all by hims

34、elf.When you walk into the room, the lights will turn on by themselves.广东省成人高等教育英语系列教材非英语专业专科英语 3UNIT 5Teaching ObjectivesWarm-up ActivityCommunicative ActivitiesText AText BGrammar FocusEnjoy EnglishText ALanguage Pointsdie from to die as a result of 死于死于 Examples: Some children in Africa (非洲非洲) di

35、ed from lack of food today.We never imagined that he would have died from a serious wound.广东省成人高等教育英语系列教材非英语专业专科英语 3UNIT 5Teaching ObjectivesWarm-up ActivityCommunicative ActivitiesText AText BGrammar FocusEnjoy EnglishText ALanguage Pointsdie from 近义短语:近义短语:die of (die of用于具体的死因,用于具体的死因,如疾病;而如疾病;而d

36、ie from用于较为间接的死因用于较为间接的死因)Examples: Nowadays many people die of cancer. Do you still remember Mike, who died of a bad case of flu (流感流感).广东省成人高等教育英语系列教材非英语专业专科英语 3UNIT 5Teaching ObjectivesWarm-up ActivityCommunicative ActivitiesText AText BGrammar FocusEnjoy EnglishText ALanguage PointsSentence unde

37、rstanding we believed that personal computers would change the world. And they have. (Para. 3, L. 1-2)分析:分析:And they have 是省略句,以避免重复,相当于“And they have changed the world”。See an example: 广东省成人高等教育英语系列教材非英语专业专科英语 3UNIT 5Teaching ObjectivesWarm-up ActivityCommunicative ActivitiesText AText BGrammar Foc

38、usEnjoy EnglishText ALanguage PointsExample: Mike said his parents would be sad about the news. And they were really sad about the news. 麦克说他父母为此消息很难过。的确如此。麦克说他父母为此消息很难过。的确如此。 Mike said his parents would be sad about the news. And they really were. 广东省成人高等教育英语系列教材非英语专业专科英语 3UNIT 5Teaching Objectives

39、Warm-up ActivityCommunicative ActivitiesText AText BGrammar FocusEnjoy EnglishText ALanguage Points I believe that computers are the most amazing tools we can use to feed our curiosity and inventiveness to help us solve problems that even the smartest people couldnt solve on their own. (Para.5) 我相信计

40、算机是我们用来满足好奇心及发明创我相信计算机是我们用来满足好奇心及发明创造的最神奇的工具造的最神奇的工具它能帮助我们解决甚至是它能帮助我们解决甚至是最聪明的人凭自身力量也无法解决的难题。最聪明的人凭自身力量也无法解决的难题。广东省成人高等教育英语系列教材非英语专业专科英语 3UNIT 5Teaching ObjectivesWarm-up ActivityCommunicative ActivitiesText AText BGrammar FocusEnjoy EnglishText ALanguage Points分析:分析:1) we can use to feedon their ow

41、n是定语从句,修饰the most amazing tools;2) 在定语从句中,两个动词不定式:to feed和to help作目的状语;第二个不定式是对第一个不定式的解释说明。广东省成人高等教育英语系列教材非英语专业专科英语 3UNIT 5Teaching ObjectivesWarm-up ActivityCommunicative ActivitiesText AText BGrammar FocusEnjoy EnglishText ALanguage Points Im still as inspired by computers as I was back in seventh

42、 grade. (Para. 4, L. 1)My job at Microsoft is as challenging as ever, (Para. 7, L. 1-2)分析:分析:as .as . 用于两个人或事物进行比较,意思是 “像,与一样”。See an example: These houses arent as new as the ones downtown.这些这些房子没有市中心的房子新。房子没有市中心的房子新。 广东省成人高等教育英语系列教材非英语专业专科英语 3UNIT 5Teaching ObjectivesWarm-up ActivityCommunicative

43、ActivitiesText AText BGrammar FocusEnjoy EnglishText AUseful Expressions1It is rooted in my belief that 2as long as I can remember3solve problems4sit down at a computer 5compared to 6feed our curiosity 我坚信我坚信从我记事起从我记事起解决问题解决问题坐到电脑前坐到电脑前与与相比相比满足我们的好奇心满足我们的好奇心广东省成人高等教育英语系列教材非英语专业专科英语 3UNIT 5Teaching O

44、bjectivesWarm-up ActivityCommunicative ActivitiesText AText BGrammar FocusEnjoy EnglishText AUseful Expressions7givea window into 8the things we care about 9asas ever 10 a lifetimes worth of photos 11 putto work 12 the developed world 给给打开面向打开面向的窗的窗户户我们关注的事情我们关注的事情一如既往地一如既往地一生的照片一生的照片利用利用发达国家发达国家广东省

45、成人高等教育英语系列教材非英语专业专科英语 3UNIT 5Teaching ObjectivesWarm-up ActivityCommunicative ActivitiesText AText BGrammar FocusEnjoy EnglishText AUseful Expressions13the worlds toughest problems 14 deadly diseases 15the developing world 16make achievements 世界上最难的问题世界上最难的问题绝症绝症发展中国家发展中国家取得成就取得成就广东省成人高等教育英语系列教材非英语专

46、业专科英语 3UNIT 5Teaching ObjectivesWarm-up ActivityCommunicative ActivitiesText AText BGrammar FocusEnjoy EnglishText ASentences to Be RememberedRead aloud the following sentences from Text A and learn them by heart.广东省成人高等教育英语系列教材非英语专业专科英语 3UNIT 5Teaching ObjectivesWarm-up ActivityCommunicative Activi

47、tiesText AText BGrammar FocusEnjoy EnglishText ASentences to Be Remembered1. Ive always been hopeful about the future and I suppose that is rooted in my belief that the power of creativity and intelligence can make the world a better place. 2. Computers have transformed how we learn, giving kids eve

48、rywhere a window into all of the worlds knowledge. 广东省成人高等教育英语系列教材非英语专业专科英语 3UNIT 5Teaching ObjectivesWarm-up ActivityCommunicative ActivitiesText AText BGrammar FocusEnjoy EnglishText ASentences to Be Remembered3. Theyre helping us to build communities around the things we care about and to stay cl

49、ose to the people who are important to us, no matter where they are. 4. But there are lots of other ways we can put our creativity and intelligence to work to improve our world. 广东省成人高等教育英语系列教材非英语专业专科英语 3UNIT 5Teaching ObjectivesWarm-up ActivityCommunicative ActivitiesText AText BGrammar FocusEnjoy

50、EnglishText ASentences to Be Remembered5. Every year, for example, millions of people die from diseases that are easy to prevent or treat in the developed world. 6. As a father, I believe that the death of a child in Africa is no less sad than the death of a child anywhere else. 广东省成人高等教育英语系列教材非英语专业

51、专科英语 3UNIT 5Teaching ObjectivesWarm-up ActivityCommunicative ActivitiesText AText BGrammar FocusEnjoy EnglishText ASentences to Be Remembered Im excited by the possibilities I see for medicine, for education and, of course, for technology. 8. And I believe that through our natural inventiveness, and

52、 creativity, were going to make some amazing achievements in all these areas in my lifetime.广东省成人高等教育英语系列教材非英语专业专科英语 3UNIT 5Teaching ObjectivesWarm-up ActivityCommunicative ActivitiesText AText BGrammar FocusEnjoy EnglishText AExercises: Table of Contents Vocabulary ExercisesTranslation ExercisesRea

53、ding ComprehensionStructure Exercises广东省成人高等教育英语系列教材非英语专业专科英语 3UNIT 5Teaching ObjectivesWarm-up ActivityCommunicative ActivitiesText AText BGrammar FocusEnjoy EnglishText AExercises: Reading ComprehensionI. Read Text A and answer the following questions.According to Bill Gates, what can help to make

54、 our world a better place?2. Why does Bill Gates say that computers are the most amazing tools? The power of creativity and intelligence. Because they can help us solve problems that even the smartest people couldnt solve on their own.广东省成人高等教育英语系列教材非英语专业专科英语 3UNIT 5Teaching ObjectivesWarm-up Activi

55、tyCommunicative ActivitiesText AText BGrammar FocusEnjoy EnglishText AExercises: Reading Comprehension3. What does Bill Gates mean by saying “millions of people die from diseases that are easy to prevent or treat in the developed world”?4. How does Bill Gates feel about future? He thinks we can use

56、our creativity to help more people get rid of diseases. It is an example to show in what area our creativity benefits the world. He feels very hopeful.广东省成人高等教育英语系列教材非英语专业专科英语 3UNIT 5Teaching ObjectivesWarm-up ActivityCommunicative ActivitiesText AText BGrammar FocusEnjoy EnglishText AExercises: Rea

57、ding Comprehension5. In what areas can we use our creativity to make the world a better place? We can use our creativity in medicine, education and technology.广东省成人高等教育英语系列教材非英语专业专科英语 3UNIT 5Teaching ObjectivesWarm-up ActivityCommunicative ActivitiesText AText BGrammar FocusEnjoy EnglishText AExerci

58、ses: Reading ComprehensionII. Choose the best answer for each of the following. 1. Which of the following changed Bill Gatess life when he was a kid? A. His friend Paul Allen. B. Microsoft. C. The old computer he used in his seventh grade. D. The modern personal computers.广东省成人高等教育英语系列教材非英语专业专科英语 3U

59、NIT 5Teaching ObjectivesWarm-up ActivityCommunicative ActivitiesText AText BGrammar FocusEnjoy EnglishText AExercises: Reading Comprehension2. Why does Bill Gates still feel as inspired by computers as he used to be? A. Because he can solve problems that even the smartest people couldnt. B. Because

60、he believes they can put his creativity to good use. C. Because there are always new types of computers on sale. D. Because they are linked to Internet everywhere.广东省成人高等教育英语系列教材非英语专业专科英语 3UNIT 5Teaching ObjectivesWarm-up ActivityCommunicative ActivitiesText AText BGrammar FocusEnjoy EnglishText AEx


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