1、专题06 记叙概括话题指导实例指导1记一次难忘的经历 写作技巧:在进行记叙丈体写作时,通常应把握好下几个要素: 1人称:命题主要要求考生以第一人称或第三人进行写作的居多;第一人称主要写自己的经历,第三称则主要写他人的经历或事迹。 2时态:由于记叙文叙述的事情通常发生在过去,因而,其时态应以一般过去时为主(必要时可以使用其时态)。 3写作顺序:一般按照事情发生的先后顺序进行写或叙述。 篇章结构:记叙文一般要从以下几个层面展开写: 1简单叙述写作目的介绍一次难忘的经历,同时可将其作为短文的主题句或主题段; 2详细叙述事情的发生、发展和结局,这是文章的主体,要注意突出重点; 3文章末尾可简要谈谈自己
2、的感受或许论得与失等。 精要点拨:可将本篇作丈的写作要点归纳如下: 1老师宣布做游戏; 2老师在黑板上画了一张没有眼睛的脸并要求学生补画眼睛; 3李平自愿上去; 4李平被蒙上眼睛; 5他把眼睛画在了额头上;6习作者的感悟。【参考范文】 An Unforgettable Class Wehad a most interesting class this morning. We became excited when Mr Wang said, "Let's play a game together." We were eager to know what kind o
3、f game it would be. Mr Wang said nothing but turned to the blackboard. At once a face without eyes appeared on the blackboard. "Please add the eyes to the face," Mr Wang said. Oh, what an interesting job! Li Ping volunteered to finish the task and at the same time his eyes were covered by
4、a piece of cloth. Li Ping went to the board. We burst into laughter when he turned around. The eyes were on the forehead! How funny it looked!2 / 13 What a good lesson Mr Wang gave impressed us deeply. 一两件事情写就行,不宜太多;第三部分可以写一下你的收获或者感受。在写作过程中,要注意描述时的帧序。可以适当运用一些连接词,例如:first,firstly,to begin with, to st
5、art with, further , secondly, still, furthemore, third , thirdly , whats more , last but not least, also, and then, next, moreover , besides, finally等。【学生习作】 To persuade people to give up smoking,I volunteered in an activity organizing by our school last week whose theme was the dangers of smoking .
6、 In the morning we met at the School gate,and then we went to the nearest park,which many people were doing morning exerciseWe had a discussion there,which attracted more attentionNext,we gave out brochures where there was knowledge of the dangers of smoking to people aroundAt the same time , more a
7、nd more people came to ask some questionsIt's smoking that ruin their bright future. They have really learned a lot from this activity. With the help of us ,more and more people have made up their mind to give up smokingWe have really learned a lot from this activity . We realized that only if w
8、e try to avoid bad habits can we enjoy the true happiness of life. 【教师点评】 文章作者运用记叙性的语言描述了作为一个志愿者的亲身体经历及感受,准确把握了记叙文的六要素,运用了第一人称和一般过去时来描述事件整个,与题目的要求相吻合。同时运用了一些连接firstly,next,and then等,将事件很有条理的描述出来。从语言上看,作者具有深厚的语言功底。文中使用了高级词汇以及搭配,如:get a good command of ; not onlybut also , do harm to,become addicted t
9、o , make up their minds,form the good habits 等等, 而且正确且恰到好处的运用了定语从句,运用了what引导的主语从句,so that 引导的结果状语从句,使文章增色不少,同时提高了档次。从整体上看,段落分明,层次清晰,是一篇不错的记叙文。从整体上看基本完成了写作任务,运用一般过去时以第一人称描述了发生在上周的事情,符合题目要求。同时,作者在写作过程中思路比较清晰,运用了一些衔 Firstly, we had a Class meeting Which made us realize the dangers of smokingNext we tol
10、d people that smoking did great harm not only to our health but also to our mind,especially for us teenagersAnd then many people came to ask us some questionsWhat impressed me most was a Senoir 3 student who became addicted to smoking because of the pressure of the following college Entrance Examina
11、tionWith our efforts he decide to stops smokingNOW more and more people have made up their minds to give up smokingWe should study hard and make progress every dayWe Should form good habits so that we can spend most of our time learning thing useful and valuable实例指导3Our Spring Outing【写作任务】 假设你是红星中学高
12、三、班的学生李华;为校刊英语园地写一篇题为“Our Spring Outing”的英文稿。请根据以下四幅图的先后顺序,叙述上周你们班准备春游到春游结束的完整过程。 注意:词数不少于60.提示词: 游乐园 amusement park垃圾箱 bin【写作指导】记叙文是以记叙人物的经历或事物的发展变化过为主的一种文体。一般说来,它大致分为两类:一是记人为主,围绕这个人物叙事;二是以写事为主,即事件为中心组织材料。现笔者从中学生写英语作文实际出发,介绍一些基本的英语记叙文的写作方法技巧。 本题相对较容易,因为题目中提供了比较具体的情景,而且是学生常见的语言情景。但要注意表达要点要全面,也要注意不能只
13、描述事实而忽视议论。由于是记述过去发生的事,应用一般过去时,人称应用第一人 记叙文写作方法和要领1明确写作目的。如果记叙时涉及几个人或几件事,这就要对记叙的事情做出分析,分清主线和副线,围绕主线安排酣线。记事时,要注意主题突出;写人时,抓住其典型事例。2文章尽量包括五个要素。五个要素为:What(什么事),Who(什么人),When(什么时候),Where(什么地点),Why(什么原因),How(怎么样)。3要安排好写作顺序。记叙文最常按照事情发生时间顺序进行叙述,有时还可采用倒叙、插叙等方方法。4确定人称和时态。记叙文多用第一人称(从“参与者”的角度)或第三人称(以“观察者”的身份)叙述行文
14、,要根据具体情况选用时态。5多在塑造人物、展开情节上下功夫,使文章引人胜。写作注意事项1在记叙文中,不要过多地使用“I”,“We”这样句型,以免给人乏味的感觉。在以第三人称进行叙述时,要避免过多的评论而失去客观性。2尽管采用倒叙、插叙等方法可产生某种特定的效果,但就目前中学生的实际英语水平而言,最值得提倡的还是顺叙的记叙顺序,因为这种顺序无论从时态,是过渡词等方面都较容易掌握。 3要紧紧围绕主题,并尽量避免加入过多主观判断。 4由于有写作时间和字数的限制,叙述时要详略得当。 范文用第人称描写了“我”和同学们春游的经过,且涵盖了四幅图的内容,并注意运用了一些较高级词汇,如:came up wit
15、h,respectively等。同时也运用了一些较复杂句式,如:However,when reached the top,we等,使文章增色不少。更为可贵的是,文章连贯性较强,运用了诸如finally,the next day,however等关联词或词组。实例指导4双城记 【写作任务】 双城记是狄更斯有名的一篇小说。请你根据下列内容,写一篇故事梗概,简单介绍这篇小说。1背景:法国大革命时期的巴黎和伦敦。2主要角色:马奈特医生(Dr. Manette)、 厄弗里蒙侯爵兄弟(the Marquis Evremonde)等。3情节:法国革命前,一个名叫马奈特的外科医生因为向政府揭发贵族厄弗里蒙兄弟
16、将农村的一对兄妹无端迫害致死的罪行,被持有贵族特权的厄弗里蒙兄弟所陷害,马奈特医生平白无辜地被投入巴士底监狱,在狱中被关了整整18年。后来,厄弗里蒙侯爵失去恩宠,马奈特医生才获释出狱。1739年法国大革命的风暴终于袭来了。巴黎人民攻占了巴士底狱,把贵族一个个送上断头台。注意:文章总词数:120左右;2)参考词汇:陷害frame;恩宠disfavor; 巴士底监狱出the Bastille prison。【思路指导】故事概括类文章属于说明文。读者阅读一本书或一篇文章后,用最简练的语言将其大意介绍出来,目的在于向别人介绍这本书或这篇文章写的是什么内容,当然允许对其思想价值进行极概括的交待,让人明白
18、述一番,要注意故事的连贯性。2故事概括类文章一般要包括以下内容:1)故事发生的背景:即故事发生的时间和地点。 2)故事中的主要人物。3)故事情节。4)故事的结局。3这类文章一般具有以下语言特点:1)时态以一般现在时为主。2)人称相对统一,主要采用第三人称。【范文欣赏】A tale of two cities , written by Dickens,is set in Paris and London at the time of the French RevolutionThe main characters in the story are Dr. Manette who is a doc
19、tor and the Marquis Evremonde. Before the French Revolution, Dr. Manette is framed and put in the Bastille Prison by the Marquis Evremonde and his brother because of his exposing their crime of causing a boy and his younger sister's death without reason. And he is in prison for up to eighteen ye
20、ars. Afterwards, theMarquis Evremonde is disfavored and Dr Manette is set free. When the French Revolution happened ha 1739, people took over the Bastille Prison. In the end, all the noblemen are executed one by one. 实战演练because of , take ones place , ask sb. to do sth. ; the most important thing is
21、 for her to 习作题目下列图画描述了查尔斯太太为丈夫买上衣后的经历,请根据图画内容,用英语写一篇 90-120 词左右的短文,以便刊登在 GUIDE TO ENGLISH TESTS 上。注意:1. 题目自拟:2. 短文应包括图中要点。 Mr. Charles and His New ShirtOne day Mrs. Charles went to a department store and bought a beautiful shirt for her husband. When she got back home with the shirt her husband was
22、 smoking in the sofa with a newspaper in his hand. Mrs. Charles asked her husband to try on the news shirt, but it was too large. Suddenly she came upon a good idea. She put the shirt into a basin of hot water, dried it and asked her husband to put it on, but it was too small, which made Charles qui
23、te unhappy. When their son saw this, he made fun of his father. Then Mrs. Charles made her son try on the new shirt, but it was too large for the little boy. Mr. Charles couldn't help laughing at this.下列图画描述的是你的一段亲身经历,请根据此图为一家中学生英文报的故事专栏写一篇短文。生词:违章者 offender n. 十字路口 crossroad(s) n.The other day
24、my brother and I went to the cinema by bicycle. My brother was riding with me sitting on the seat behind. As we came to the crossroads a young man and a girl came up and stopped us. “ Weve found you at long last, ” they said, but we didnt know them. Pointing to a policeman not far away, the young ma
25、n explained, “ He stopped us about an hour ago and made us catch the next offender. So come on, stand here. Hope you don ' t have to wait as long as we did. Good luck. ”一个星期天的上午,小丽和爸爸一起去公园,碰见了下图所发生的事情。请根据提示和图画内容,用英语写一则小故事,以便刊登在某一对外发行的英语刊物上。注意 1. 短文必须包括图画所表现的主要内容,可以适当增减细节,使其连贯、完整;2. 词数:100120.精品范
26、文 One Sunday morning Xiao Li and her father went to the Peoples Park Dont Lose Your CourageNever shall I forget the first English lesson given by Miss Liu. On that day, when she entered the classroom, we found that she was a young and beautiful lady with a big smile on her face. Then she introduced herself saying that we should call her Miss Liu instead of Teacher Liu, a moment later, she let all of us go to the blackboard and say something about ourselves in English in turn. When it was my turn, I felt so shy and fearful that I didnt dare to say a word before the class
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