unit5 Daily schedule_第1页
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1、 Unit 5 How to Make a Daily Scheduleschedule 英英edjul 美美skdul n. 时间表;计划表; vt. 安排,计划;将列入计划表 on schedule adv. 按时;按照预定时间 ahead of schedule adv. 提前 time schedule 时间表 behind schedule 落后于预定计划 schedule control 进度控制;工程管理 flight schedule n. 航行时刻表 class schedule 课程表;课程安排 training schedule 训练进度表 daily schedule

2、日程表,日课表 1.Stick with your schedule for the week.在这一周里坚持你的计划。2.A tight schedule means we cant delay any longer. 一张紧凑的时间表表明我们不能再耽搁。3.Everything went according to schedule. 一切都是按计划进行的。moment /mmnt/ 1. In a moment he was gone. 不一会儿他就不见了。2. At this moment a car stopped at the house. 就在此时,一辆汽车停在那座房子前。3. H

3、ell be here to see you at any moment . 他随时会来这里看你。4. At the moment, no one is talking to me. 此刻没人和我说话5. They changed their minds at the last moment and refused to go. 他们在最后一刻改变了主意,拒绝前往。6. Hes the man of the moment, isnt he? 他是当前的红人,对吧?7. The moment I closed my eyes, I fell asleep. = As soon as I clos

4、ed my eyes, I fell asleep. 我一闭上眼睛就睡着了。control kntrl vt. 控制;管理;抑制 n. 控制;管理;抑制;操纵装置 过去式controlled 过去分词controlled 现在分词controlling 1. Her manner was quiet and very controlled. 她举止恬静很有涵养。2. All the newspapers are under government control. 所有的报纸都处在政府控制之下。3. Nobody knows who is in control of the club. 没有人知

5、道谁掌管这个俱乐部。4. He lost control of his car. 他失去了对他的车的控制。5.The fire is burning out of control. 火势失控。6. The situation is under control. 局面得到了控制。7. I will take control of him and make sure that he does what I want.exactly /zktl/ adv. 恰好地;正是;精确地;正确地 1. Eve nodded, almost approvinglyprvli . Exactly. 伊夫几近赞许地

6、点点头。“正是如此。”2. “You hate him,dont you ?” “Not exactly.I just think hes a bit annoying.Thats all.” 不尽然;不完全如此3. Hes not exactly homeless, he just hangs out in this park. 他不完全是无家可归,他只是常住在这个公园里。4. This was not exactly what I wanted to hear. 这根本不是我想听的。5. Try to pair this card with one exactly the same fro

7、m the other pack. 设法将这张牌与另一叠牌中完全相同的一张牌配成一对。activity ktvt n. 活动;行动;活跃 1.Children are supposed to get 60 minutes of physical activity every day. 儿童应该每天获得60分钟的体育活动活动。2.Come with us, maybe you can serve me in this activity. 来吧,也许在这次行动行动中你会给我帮上忙。active adj. 积极的;活跃的;主动的 比较级more active 最高级most active With

8、three active little kids running around, there was plenty to keep me busy. 有3个好动的小孩到处跑,就够让我忙的了。actively adj. 积极主动地They have never been actively encouraged to take such risks. 他们从未被积极地鼓励去冒这样的风险。specific spsfk adj. 特殊的,特定的;明确的;详细特殊的,特定的;明确的;详细的的 n. 特性;细节;特效药特性;细节;特效药 比较级比较级more specific There are seve

9、ral specific problems to be dealt with. 有好几个特定问题要解决。有好几个特定问题要解决。Specifical spisifikl adj. 特殊的;明确的(等于特殊的;明确的(等于specific)I specifically asked for this steak rare. 我明确要求了要把这份牛排做成半熟的。我明确要求了要把这份牛排做成半熟的。specification ,spesfke()n n. 规格;说明书;详述规格;说明书;详述Unfortunately the specification does not say what those

10、other means should be. 遗憾的是,该规范并没有指明这些其它方法是什么。遗憾的是,该规范并没有指明这些其它方法是什么。specify spesfa vt. 指定;详细说明;列举指定;详细说明;列举They specified a spacious entrance hall. 他们明确要求门厅要宽敞。他们明确要求门厅要宽敞。instance nst()ns n. 实例;情况;建议 =examplefor instance 例如 in the first instance 首先;起初;在初审时 in this instance 在此情况下 court of first ins

11、tance 一审法院 at the instance of 在的请求下;经的提议 Connecting to your instance.连接到您的实例。Can you give me an instance of his bad behavior in school?Catch sb doing sth 发现某人在做某事发现某人在做某事Catch ones attention 吸引某人的注意力吸引某人的注意力 1.I caught her smoking in the bathroom. 2.The boy knocked on the window to catch my attentio

12、n.catch oneself 发觉自己讲错而突然住嘴发觉自己讲错而突然住嘴 catch up with 赶上,追上;逮捕;处罚赶上,追上;逮捕;处罚 catch the train 赶火车赶火车 catch fire 着火着火 catch hold of 抓住;拥有抓住;拥有 catch my breath 喘气;随着我的呼吸喘气;随着我的呼吸 catch you later 待会见,回头见待会见,回头见 catch phrase 妙句;引人注意的文句妙句;引人注意的文句 catch the eye 引人注目引人注目 since 因为;由于;既然;自因为;由于;既然;自以来;自以来;自以后以

13、后 1. She has pined away since she got lovesickness. 她自从得了相思病而益发憔悴。2. Since you have no spirit, I have to settle for beer. 既然你没有烈性酒,我就喝点啤酒吧。3. She had a sort of breakdown some years ago, and since then she has been very shy. 她几年前曾遭遇精神崩溃,从那以后她一直怯生生的4. They worked together in the 1960s, and have kept i

14、n contact ever since. 他们在20世纪60年代曾一起工作,自那时起就一直保持着联系。concentrate kns()ntret v.聚集 ;浓缩;全神贯注concentrate on 集中精力于;全神贯注于 concentrate upon 专心于;集中在When working, one should concentrate and not allow oneself to be distracted.工作时要集中精力, 不要分心。concentration kns()ntre()n n. 集中注意力;专心Neal kept interrupting, breaking

15、 my concentration. 尼尔不断打扰,打断我的注意力。concentration of sth 集中;聚集 high concentration 高浓度,高强度 concentration on 注意力集中于 concentration camp 集中营 adjust dst v. 调整,使调整,使适合;校准适合;校准 ;适应;适应adjust and control 调控调控 adjust price 调整价格调整价格 Adjust (oneself) to (doing) sth 适应适应 He adjusted himself very quickly to living

16、in a foreign country.adjustment n. 调整,调节;调节器调整,调节;调节器structural adjustment 结构调整,薪级结构调整结构调整,薪级结构调整 price adjustment 价格调整;调价价格调整;调价 speed adjustment 速度调节,速度调整速度调节,速度调整 life adjustment 生活适应教育(一种教育理论)生活适应教育(一种教育理论) adjustment cost 调整的成本;理算费用调整的成本;理算费用consider knsd v. 考虑;认为;考虑到;细想 consider as vt. 认为(把.看作

17、) all things considered 从全面考虑 consider doing something 考虑做某事 1. You have to consider what to do next. 你必须考虑下一步该做什么。2. She considered the boy as her own son.3. Were concidering buying a new car.adj. considerable 相当大的;重要的,值得考虑的considered 经过深思熟虑的;被尊重的n. consideration 考虑;原因;关心;报酬responsibility r,spnsblt

18、 n. 责任,职责;义务take responsibility 承担责任 responsibility for(doing) sth.责任;负责 sense of responsibility 责任感,责任心 social responsibility 社会责任 responsibility system 责任制 He could not retreat from his responsibility in this accident.在这次事故中他不能逃避他应负的责任。responsible rspnsb()l adj. 负责的,可靠的;有责任的responsible for 是的原由;为负责 responsible person 负责人 be responsible to sb 对某人负责 responsible department 负责单位 Our duty is to hold ourselves responsible to the people.我们的责任, 是向人民负责。sense of responsibility / duty责任感,责任心责任感,责任心sense of humor 幽默感,幽默幽默感,幽默 sense of b


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