已阅读5页,还剩16页未读 继续免费阅读




1、unit 3 our hobbiestopic 1 what hobbies did you use to have?section athe main activities are 1a and 2a. 本课重点活动是1a和2a。.teaching aims and demands 教学目标1. learn some useful words and expressions: collect, value, hobby, used to do sth., rock, stone, doll, coin, be interested in, be fond of, act2. use“pref

2、er, like, love, enjoy, be interested in, be fond of”to express likes and dislikes:(1) i am interested in playing basketball.(2) i love singing and playing the guitar.(3) i enjoy dancing to music.(4) i like reciting poems.(5) i am fond of acting.(6) i prefer playing soccer.3. talk about interests and

3、 hobbies: (1)what are your hobbies?i used to enjoy listening to rock music, but now i love collecting paintings and telephone cards. (2)what do you love collecting? i love collecting why do you like collecting them?because . teaching aids 教具录音机/图片/挂图/集邮册/课件. five-finger teaching plan 五指教学方案step 1 re

4、view 第一步 复习(时间:10分钟)1. (师生对话,谈论自己的业余爱好,引出本课的重点句型和词汇。)t:do you have any hobbies? what are they?(利用两分钟时间进行师生对话。)t:whats your hobby, s1?s1:i like swimming.t:what do you love doing, s2?s2:i love reading.t:what do you enjoy doing, s3?s3:i enjoy playing basketball.t:s4, what do you prefer doing?s4:i prefe

5、r listening to music.2. (由己及他,展示教材封面,师生共同谈论四个主人公的各自喜好。)t:look at them. what are their hobbies?ss:jane likes singing and playing the guitar.maria loves dancing.michael prefers playing basketball.kangkang enjoys playing soccer.(师生对话,用同样的方式引出其他表达喜好的短语。)(板书)interested be interested in i am interested in

6、 singing. be fond of(让学生用be interested in和be fond of复述四个小主人公的喜好。)(教师出示一幅水彩画,引出painting。)t: i love painting. this is a painting.(板书)paintingt:do you like painting, boys and girls?ss:yes./no.(教师挑选回答no的同学,引出另一组对话。)t:s5, what are you interested in doing?s5:i am interested in climbing mountains, but i us

7、ed to like painting. (教师帮助学生回答。)(引出used to do sth.句型。)(板书)used to do sth. t: im interested in collecting stamps, but i used to enjoy climbing mountains. what did you use to enjoy?s6: i used to enjoy dancing.s7: i used to like skating.(学生会用used to do sth.句型即可,其他相关知识可让学生在section b中继续学习。)(拿出一本集邮册,向学生们展

8、示集邮册中的邮票。)t: look! there are many stamps here. they are very beautiful and interesting. we can learn a lot about people, places, history and special moments from them. some of them are of great value. collecting stamps is my hobby.(向学生介绍生词:value, collect, hobby,并板书。)value, collect, hobby (师生进行对话练习。)

9、t:are these stamps beautiful?ss:yes, they are.t:are they of great value?ss:yes, they are.t:do you love them?ss:yes, we do.t:collecting stamps is my hobby. whats your hobby?s8:playing basketball is my hobby.s9:swimming is my hobby.t:well, what are marias and michaels hobbies? do you want to know?(导入下

10、一步。)step 2 presentation 第二步 呈现(时间:10分钟)1. (教师设置并板书听力任务,让学生带着问题听1a录音。抓取重要信息。)t: now listen to 1a and answer the questions.(1) whats marias hobby?(2) what about michaels?t:well, who knows marias hobby? s1, please.s1:her hobby is collecting stamps.t:good! what about michaels? s2, please.s2:his hobby is

11、 collecting telephone cards and paintings.t:very good! now listen again and answer the questions.2. (让学生再听1a录音,并回答下列问题。分解对话内容。) t: listen to the tape again, then answer the following questions.(1) why does maria love collecting stamps?(2) what does maria learn from the stamps?(3) what did michael us

12、e to enjoy?3. (让学生两人一组练习对话,并标出关键词,根据学生情况讲解重难点。)(板书)pleased beautiful collecting stamps fun learn from value used to rock now paintingsstep 3 consolidation 第三步 巩固(时间:5分钟)1. (教师播放1a录音,然后学生进行人机对话接龙。)2. (将学生分成男女两组表演对话。)3. (学生两人一组表演1a,可根据黑板上的关键词,不局限于原文。)step 4 practice 第四步 练习(时间:10分钟)1. (让学生看1b的图1,图3和图6,

13、学习新单词stone, doll和coin。完成1b,在喜欢的图中画笑脸 ,不喜欢的画哭脸 。)(板书)stone, doll, coin2. (让学生两人一组进行1c的练习。) t: pair work. make conversations after the example, using the collections in 1b.example:s1: what do you love collecting?s2: i love collecting dolls.s1: why do you like collecting them?s2: because they are very

14、interesting.(请23组学生表演对话。)3. (1)(展示一个红心的课件,并让学生说出表达爱好的词或短语,老师同时将表达爱好的词或短语出示在“心”的周围,然后七人一组用它们做问答练习,不要重复使用。)s1:whats your hobby?s2:i prefer watching tv. whats your hobby?s3:i love drawing. whats your hobby?s4:i enjoy playing the piano. whats your hobby?s5:i am interested in playing basketball. whats yo

15、ur hobby?s6:im fond of reciting poems. whats your hobby?s7:i like singing. whats your hobby?t:i also like singing. and i like acting.(做表演的动作) but what does the pig like doing?s1:it likes sleeping.(板书)act(2)(让学生利用2a的挂图进行对话练习,老师同时板书。)kangkang prefers playing soccer.jane loves singing and playing the g

16、uitar.maria enjoys dancing to music.michael is interested in playing basketball.helen likes reciting poems.li xiang is fond of acting.the pig likes sleeping.(全班齐读。)(3)(听2a录音,请7个学生复述7个主人公的话。)s1: im kangkang. i prefer playing soccer.s2: im jane. i love singing and playing the guitar.s3: im maria. i en

17、joy dancing to music.s4: im michael. im interested in playing basketball.s5: im helen. i like reciting poems.s6: im li xiang. im fond of acting.s7: im a pig. i like sleeping. (模仿可爱的小猪的样子。)(引导学生总结下面单词的用法,并板书。)prefer + doinglove + doingenjoy + doingbe interested in + doinglike + doingbe fond of + doin

18、g4. (教师提供图片,让学生用对话形式结对练习以上结构,注意动词要使用动名词。)step 5 project 第五步 综合探究活动(时间:10分钟)1. (将学生分为四组做调查,了解班上学生的爱好并统计出每种爱好的人数。注意使用一般疑问句和prefer, like, love, enjoy, be interested in和be fond of。)example:do you prefer singing?do you like climbing mountains?are you interested in skating?2. (每组分别把自己的调查结果汇报给全班学生,并完成2b。)

19、example:g1: 25 students in our class love watching movies.g2: 18 students in our class enjoy singing.g3: 5 students in our class are fond of fishing.g4: 10 students in our class are interested in playing basketball.3. (让学生指出哪种爱好的人数最多。)ss: watching movies./(有时间可让学生讨论并说出喜欢的理由或不喜欢的理由。教师最后总结学生的观点,并上升到对学

20、生的情感教育。为学习section b打下基础。)s1: i like watching movies because they are very exciting.s2: i prefer watching movies because i can learn a lot from them.s3: i am interested in watching movies because they are very interesting.s4: i dont love watching movies because i think its boring.s5: i dont like watc

21、hing movies because watching movies too much is bad for eyes.t: watching movies is interesting and we can learn a lot, but we shouldnt watch too much movie because it is bad for eyes. we should go out and do some outdoor activities.4. (经典回放。教师播放令人回味的瞬间图片及经典歌舞,让学生欣赏,愉快地结束本课。)5. homework:课后,调查家人的爱好。my

22、 mothers hobby is /she prefers . my fathers hobby is / he is interested in 板书设计:what hobbies did you use to have?section abe interested inwhat are your hobbies?used to do sth.prefer doing be fond oflike doing love doing enjoy doing be interested in doing be fond of doing section bthe main activities

23、 are 1a, 3a and 4. 本课重点活动是1a, 3a和4。. teaching aims and demands 教学目标1. learn some useful words and expressions:spare, in ones spare time, vcd, share, e-mail, address, pop2. learn the pattern of“used to do sth.”:(1) i used to enjoy listening to music.(2) i used to know little about paintings.(3) i did

24、nt use to play soccer, but now i like it.3. go on talking about interests and hobbies and learning how to express likes and dislikes:(1) my interests are changing all the time.(2) i used to enjoy listening to music, and i wasnt interested in sports at all. but now, my hobbies are sports like soccer

25、and swimming.(3) i used to know little about paintings. but now i like collecting them.(4) i used to collect stamps, but now i dont like/enjoy it. i prefer collecting coins.(5) i didnt use to go shopping, but now i enjoy it. teaching aids 教具录音机/光碟/连环画杂志/小黑板/课件/图片. five-finger teaching plan 五指教学方案ste

26、p 1 review 第一步 复习(时间:12分钟)1. (检查上次作业,让学生说出自己家人的爱好。)s1: my grandfathers hobby is walking. my grandmothers hobby is my fathers hobby is . my mothers hobby is .2. (让学生谈论自己喜欢做的事情,并说明理由。)s2: my hobby is listening to music. i like it because it makes me happy. what about you?s3: im interested in collectin

27、g stamps. collecting stamps is great fun and i can learn a lot from stamps.3. (安排两个学生与老师对话,导入新课。)t: do you want to know my hobby? my hobby is playing computer games and i often play in my free time. maybe i need a change. what do you often do in your free time, s4?s4:i often watch tv.t: playing bask

28、etball is great fun. why not go out and play basketball? maybe you need a change.(板书)maybe you need a change. s4:thats a good idea! thank you.t:s5, what do you often do in your spare time?s5:i often read novels.t:fishing is great fun. why not go fishing?s5:yes. maybe i need a change.(板书)in ones spar

29、e time = in ones free time t: do you remember the phrases“go swimming”,“go shopping”?ss: yes.(让学生补充学过的go doing词组,引导他们总结go + doing的用法,并板书。)go + doing4. (学生两人一组练习上一步的两个小对话,教师可把词组板书,学生也可选用其他词组。)(板书)watch tv play basketballread novels go fishingrent vcds and watch them at home do some outdoor activities

30、5. (教师出示光碟和连环画杂志,让学生学习vcd和了解comic,注意vcd的复数形式。)(板书)vcd(导入1a。)step 2 presentation 第二步 呈现(时间:5分钟)1. (由己及他,出示1a图片,让学生猜helen和wen wei在业余时间做些什么。呈现1a。)t: look at the picture. they are helen and wen wei. what do they often do in their spare time? lets listen to the tape and answer the questions.(让学生听1a录音,回答小

31、黑板上的问题。)(1) what does wen wei often do in his spare time?(2) whats helens hobby?(3) what advice did wen wei give to helen?(4) what did helen say about the advice?(核对答案。)2. (让学生朗读对话找出关键句,教师总结。为下一步学生的表演做准备。)what do you often do in your spare time?whats your hobby?why not ?need a changestep 3 consolida

32、tion 第三步 巩固(时间:8分钟)1. (再让学生听1a录音,男女生分角色跟读并注意模仿。)t: listen to 1a again. boys read after wen wei and girls read after helen.2. (将学生分成两组朗读对话。)3. (教师再次播放1a录音,让学生根据关键句,用自己的话复述该对话。)helen and wen wei are my good classmates.wen wei often goes fishing in his spare time.its his favorite hobby. and he also enj

33、oys 4. (让学生两人一组表演1a,可根据黑板上的关键句自由表演,完成1b。)(教师可以找23组学生表演。)step 4 practice 第四步 练习(时间:10分钟)1. (指导学生看图,听2录音,完成2。)(根据图画顺序核对答案。)1e, 2d, 3b, 4f, 5c, 6h, 7a, 8g 2. (从2中的8幅图片中选出4-5幅作成幻灯片展示在屏幕上,让学生用自己的语言描述每幅图片,要求使用like, love, prefer, enjoy, be interested in和be fond of。)(方案一:)example:look at the woman. she is w

34、alking with a pet dog. she likes her dog very much and she often goes out for a walk with it after supper. thats her hobby.(方案二:)example:s1:whats the boy doing?s2:he is listening to music.s1:what kind of music does he like?s2:i think it must be rock music.s1:can you guess his hobby?s2:yes. i think l

35、istening to music is his hobby.t:ok. do you want to know another new friend, philip? whats his hobby?3. (学生阅读3a,完成小黑板上的句子。)t: read 3a, then fill in the blanks on the small blackboard.(1) philip used to be .(2) philip used to enjoy .(3) philip used to know .(请三个同学板书答案。)(核对答案。)(教师播放3a录音,学生跟读,同时画出语言点。)

36、(全班齐读3a,然后教师讲解重难点,学习生词share, e-mail, address。)(板书)my interests are changing all the time. and i wasnt interested in sports at all.my hobbies are sports like soccer and swimming.i used to know little about paintings. do you share my interests?my e-mail address is like: prep.share: v.4. (让学生根据3a,完成3b的

37、表格, 核对答案。)5. (让学生四人一组谈论自己过去和现在的爱好。要注意使用used to do sth.或didnt use to do sth.及表示爱好和兴趣的动词及短语,如like, be fond of, hate等,也可用2中的短语。请两组学生给班上同学做汇报。完成4。)example:s1: i used to enjoy pop music, but now i dont like it. i enjoy playing sports. what about you?s2: i used to collect coins, but now i hate it. i prefe

38、r collecting stamps. and you?s3: i didnt use to play sports, but now i like it. what about you?s4: step 5 project 第五步 综合探究活动(时间:10分钟)1. (游戏:找朋友。通过设置游戏复习用like, enjoy, love, prefer, be fond of和be interested in等来表达自己的兴趣和爱好。)s1: im interested in swimming. what do you like doing, s2?s2: i like playing so

39、ccer. what about you, s3?s3: i prefer listening to music.s1: who shares my interest?s4: i do.s1: ok. lets be friends. (shake hands)2. (1)(四名学生一组做一个调查表,调查本组成员过去和现在的兴趣和爱好是否发生了变化,如有变化,请说明理由。调查者要填充小黑板上的表格,以待向全班同学汇报时使用。)(出示小黑板。)namein the pastnowreason(2)(教育学生良好的兴趣和爱好有利于身心健康。让学生想一想,良好的兴趣和爱好对我们的身心健康有哪些好处。

40、)(3)(报告给全班同学。)example:i used to watch tv, but now i like playing soccer. because playing soccer can make me strong. s1 used to listen to music, but now she goes swimming. because she thinks its good for health. s2 used to , but now 3. homework:采访你周边人的过去和现在的爱好及兴趣。用used to do sth. 或didnt use to do sth

41、. 及like, prefer, love, be fond of, hate, be interested in, love写一篇短文,第二天上交给教师批阅。板书设计:what hobbies did you use to have?section bgo + doingi used to listen to music.go fishingi used to know little about paintings.in ones spare timei used to collect stamps.i didnt use to play soccer.section cthe main a

42、ctivities are 1a and 3a. 本课重点活动是1a和3a。. teaching aims and demands 教学目标1.learn some useful words and expressions:vacation, pond, nobody, paint, such, such as, friendship, knowledge, daily, and so on2.go on learning“used to do sth.”:(1) did you use to go swimming during the summer vacation? yes, i did

43、.(2) where did you use to go swimming? i used to swim in the pond in front of my house.(3) what hobbies did you use to have? i used to listen to pop music.3.talk about the advantages of hobbies:(1) people have hobbies because hobbies can bring them happiness, friendship and knowledge.(2) hobbies hel

44、p people relax after their daily work.(3) when people become old, hobbies can keep them healthy.(4) when people are sick, hobbies can help them get well soon. teaching aids 教具小黑板/录音机/挂图/课件. five-finger teaching plan 五指教学方案step 1 review 第一步 复习(时间:10分钟)1. (师生对话,谈论业余爱好。)t:what do you often do in your s

45、pare time, s1?s1:i often go fishing.t:why do you like it?s1:because its very interesting.t:s2, what do you often do in your spare time?s2:t:good. we all like doing interesting things in our spare time. i like drawing. i like painting. but i didnt like painting in the past and i used to enjoy watchin

46、g tv. my interests are changing all the time. what about you? please tell us your interests using“used to do sth., but now i ”(板书)paint = draw2. (请23名学生介绍自己过去和现在的兴趣和爱好。通过介绍,寻找朋友。)s3: hi, im i used to , but now i like who shares my interest? lets be friends.s4: 3. (师生对话,引出used to do sth. 的疑问形式。导入新课。)

47、t:i used to go to school on foot, but now i ride a bike. s5, did you use to go to school on foot?s5:yes./no.(板书)did you use to ?yes, i did. / no, i didnt.t:did you use to go to school on foot, s6?s6:yes, i did.(找一名不是步行去上学的学生继续问,即引出used to do的特殊疑问句。)t:did you use to go to school on foot, s7?s7:no, i

48、didnt.t:how did you use to go to school?s7:i used to go to school t:s8, how did you use to go to school?s8:t:did you use to go swimming, s9?s9:yes, i did. / no, i didnt.(若学生回答yes,继续下面的问题。)t: where did you use to go swimming?s9: i used to go swimming (若学生回答no,引出下面的问题。)t: what did you use to do?s9: i

49、used to (板书)what did you use to ?i used to t:what did you use to do during the summer holidays?s10:i used to go swimming.(导入1a。)t:oh, the boy in 1a used to go swimming during the summer vacation, too.(板书)the summer vacation=the summer holidaysstep 2 presentation 第二步 呈现(时间:5分钟)1. (让学生听1a录音,回答设置在小黑板上的

50、问题。)(1) did the boy use to go swimming during the summer vacation?(2) where did he use to go swimming?(3) who taught him to swim?(核对答案。)2. (教师对生词及词组进行解释,并板书。)teach myselfnobody = no one3. (再让学生听1a录音,分男女生跟读。)4. (让学生两人一组进行对话,练习1a。)step 3 consolidation 第三步 巩固(时间:7分钟)1. (学生两人一组,用小黑板上的词或词组进行替换练习。练习used t

51、o的一般疑问句和特殊疑问句。)(1) fly kiteswherein the park(2) fishwherein the pond(3) play computer gameswhenon weekends(4) listen to musicwhat musicpop musict: look at the small blackboard. lets make a dialog according to 1a using the words and phrases on it.2. (让学生两人一组,用what hobbies did you use to have? i used

52、to what hobbies do you have now?的句型和1b中的词组练习对话,邀请两组学生上台表演。完成1b。) (教师对paint进行解释。) (板书)paintexample:s1: what hobbies did you use to have?s2: i used to play computer games.s1: what hobbies do you have now?s2: well, i prefer going roller skating.s3: s4: step 4 practice 第四步 练习(时间:15分钟)1. (教师出示2挂图或类似图片中内容

53、的课件,让学生用used to do sth.句型造句,完成2中的内容。)(核对答案。)2. (让学生听3a录音,回答小黑板上的问题。)(1) what interesting things do people do in their spare time?(2) why do people have hobbies?(核对答案。)3. (学生阅读3a,找出生词。) (板书)such as, friendship, knowledge, daily4. (师生一起找关键词,为下一步学生复述课文打基础。)(1)do what they like spare keep pets play spor

54、ts dance to music play computer games chat paint collect (coins, dolls or stamps)(2)hobbies bring (happiness, friendship, knowledge) relax daily work old keep healthy sick get well5. (教师再次放3a录音,学生静听,然后齐读。)6. (根据3a的内容,学生独立完成3b。)(核对答案。)7. (学生可根据关键词复述课文,也可根据3b复述;可以复述全部,还可一人只复述一段。)t:please retell the text according to the key words or the passage in 3b. three minutes to prepare.s1:people usually do what they like in their spare time s2:people have hobbies because hobbies can bring them happiness, friendship and knowledge s3:in their spare time, people usually chat on the net, step 5 project


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