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1、21、common ship type2、about the company3、about the ship structure4、my work5、sparetime life3客轮 Passenger liner油轮 Oil tanker1、 common ship type4散货轮Bulk carrier The bulk carrier is designed for the carriage of dry cargo such as grain , iron ore etc.集装箱船Container ship5液化天然气船(LNG)Liquefied Natural Gas car

2、rier Gas carriers take liquid which occupies about 1/600 of the volume it would occupy as a gas. Liquid Natural Gas which is mainly methane(甲烷)浮式生产储油轮FPSOFloating Production Storage and Offloading 6滚装船Vehicle ship钻井平台Rig platform7拖船tug挖泥船dredger8浮船坞Floating dock游艇yacht2、about the companySWS builds B

3、ulk Carriers, Oil Tankers and Container Ships. In the offshore sector, the Companys production line covers FPSO, deepwater semi-submersible drilling rigs, Jack-ups, drill ships, VLGC and mini LNG carriers.In 2011, SWS became the first shipyard in China with an annual delivery over 8 million DWT(载重吨)

4、 (36 vessels in total), and hence known as the “Number One Shipbuilding Company in China”.The main business of SWS covers design, construction and repair of marine vessels and offshore products. Gantry crane龙门吊dock船坞分段blockCapesize bulk carrier(好望角型散货船):208K DWT 187K DWT 180K DWT净载重吨(Dead Weight Car

5、go Tonnage,缩写D.W.C.T.)超大型原油轮 (VLCC: very large crude carrier ):320K DWT 300K DWT 阿芙拉型原油轮(Aframax Tanker ): 115K DWT The main tanker products of the Company include Aframax Tanker and VLCC.Container ship(集装箱船): 18000 TEU、9400 TEU、5000 TEUTEU(Twenty feet Equivalent Unit)标准集装箱 The 18,000TEU container s

6、hip under construction is so far the largest containership built in China.FPSO(浮式生产储油轮)Deepwater Semi-submersible Drilling Rig(深水半潜式钻井平台) HAI YANG SHI YOU 981, the first built 6th generation deepwater semi-submersible drilling rig in China has been delivered to CNOOC with the operating depth of 3,05

7、0 meters and the drilling depth of 10,000 meters which can adapt to the relatively bad weather and sea conditions in South China Sea and other major ocean area in the world. 全船结构钢材 20,000 吨全船管子根数 30,000根电缆总长度 780,000米设备数量 1,600台 舱室 100台总体尺度:长:114米,宽74米,高112米沉箱(Ponton)主要尺度:长:114米,宽:20.1米,高:8.5米立柱(Clo

8、um)主要尺度:长:17.4米,宽:17.4米,高:21.5米平台甲板(Deck)主要尺度:长:74米,宽:74米,高:8.5米井架(Derrick)主要尺度:高73.8米生活楼:最多160人居住 净船重量 28500吨Jack-up Drilling Rig(自升式钻井平台)Its none of my business ,I am just passing by.关我什么事?我是来打酱油的。3、about the ship structure316K VLCC埃菲尔铁塔高300米,天线高24米,总高324米cross-sectiontop viewside viewdeck 甲板oil pipebulkhead横隔舱 bottom water tank底部压载水舱dock船坞broadside舷侧hatch cover舱口盖cargo cabin货舱29中纵桁 center girder纵骨 longitudinal内底板 top tank外底板 out shell人孔 manhole30球鼻艏BULB BOW 水尺Draft mark31 救生/救助艇life/rescue boat32funnel烟囱accommodation上层建筑crane吊车flat ca


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