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1、外文文献译文场域网络的标准化和灵活的IPv6架构最后一英里的智能电网构架本文旨在为智能电网的最后一英里的基于开放标准IPv6的基础设施提供一个综合和全面的视角,用于支持一系列先进的应用程序(如读表,需求响应,遥测,遥信和电网监控和自动化),同时作为多服务平台也从中受益。在本文中,我们将展示IPv6网络基础设施的各种模块如何提供一个高效,灵活,安全和多业务的基于开放标准的网络。为了讨论电业在转型过程中需要处理的一些问题例如遗留的老设备,网络和应用程序集成,在过渡期推出的混合网络结构的操作,随后的文件会有更进一步的阐述。1. 介绍在过去几年,由于在智能电网基础设施的突出作用,最后一英里网络已经获得


3、煤气表和水表),家庭局域网(HAN)设备的数据交换服务,这些都通过各种无线连接或有线线路连接的技术。这就形成了对部署的IP协议套件的需求,并使的公开标准的使用提供了可靠性,可扩展性,安全性,跨网络和灵活性,从而能为应付数量快速增长的电网配电网络的关键应用提供支持。 IP也使得领区网络(NAN)容易整合到到端到端的网络架构。通过场区网络正在运行的应用程序之一是抄表,每个电表定期把使用数据发向一个事业单位端点的应用服务器。因此,在一个多点到单点(MP2P)模式中,大部分电表的流量是从电表网络到事业单位网络的。随着需求响应,分布式能源资源整合和电动汽车充电等应用程序的出现和扩散,预计整个场

4、区网络的数据流量将大幅增加,交通模式和双向通信的需求会变得复杂得多。特别是场区网络将支持一些利用网络服务来支持一些使用:l 单个仪表通讯:按需抄表,实时警报报告,把某个位置的电表关闭都需要NMS/前端点的点对点(P2P)的通信电表,反之亦然。l DA设备之间的通信。 DA设备的子集需要彼此沟通,以管理和控制在某一特定地区的电网运行,包括在某些情况下点到点之间的相互沟通需要灵活运用。 l HAN应用:HAN应用程序需要同过单个电表作为应用程序的服务器来实现家电和公用事业头端的沟通。例如,用户可以激活直接负荷控制(DLC),授权公用事业公司在电力高峰和/或电价高时远程关闭某些家

5、电(例如,A / C,洗衣机/干衣机)。l 电动车充电:用户不在家时,需要能够进入各自的车辆充电帐户信息查看。这是为了当他们在路上或走亲访友时能够给车充电。验证用户帐户信息将需要通过电表到公用事业头端服务器来实现通讯,以实现在动态位置时同时对大量的移动车辆充电。l 多租户服务:把在客户端的信息合并,并在另一端区分几个服务信息以形成一个复杂的多点对多点网络(MP2MP)。例如,这可能是一个连接多个公用事业设备融合的网络,比如开放的表计系统里所提到的英国国家电信运营商DCC或德国通信盒。 l 安全性:强大的身份验证机制用于验证设备连接到先进计量基础设施(AMI)网络以及加密数据对隐私和网

6、络保护。 l 网络管理:由于FAN网络承载越来越多的流量,并有严格的服务等级目标(SLO),所以监控和维护网络的健康和性能,管理网络相关的数据就变得至关重要。这将要求电网状态和通讯统计的通讯,从仪表到通信表计网络管理系统(NMS)/首末端都是MP2P方式。 l 组播服务:一组仪表可能需要同时使用多播,如由一个网络管理系统(NMS)使用多播请求使软件或参数升级,或对所有的仪表和各种子集仪表发送多播请求。2. 网络协议的关键优势一个端到端的IP智能电网架构可以影响30年互联网协议技术的发展而保证开放标准和互操作性是通过互联网的日常使用和其20亿最终用户证明。注意:使用互联网协议

7、套件并不意味着运行IP的基础设施是已被公开或公开访问的网络,的确许多现有的关键的私营和高度安全的网络,如银行内部网络IP架构,军事和防御网络,公共安全和应急反应网络利用IP架构,这里仅举几例。信息和通信技术(ICT)和较传统的电力行业之间的差异之一是技术的生命周期。通过不修改整个工业流程而能顺利进化步骤,证明了AMI的基础设施选择IP分层协议栈是未来的发展方向。分销系统运营商(DSO)的知识产权的主要好处是:l 开放和基于标准的:网络,运输和应用层的核心组件都被互联网工程任务组(IETF)标准化了,而关键的物理层,数据链路,和应用化协议来自于一般的工业组织,如IEC,ANSI,DLMS /&#

8、160;COSEM,SAE,IEEE,ITU等。l 轻量级:AMI,如智能电表,传感器和执行器网络最后一公里安装的设备不同于PC和服务器。他们在电源,CPU,内存和存储资源上都是有限的。因此,嵌入式网络协议栈必须在几个千字节的RAM和几十千字节的闪存上工作。这种IP协议栈在过去几年已被证明可在这种受限的环境下执行。l 多功能:在智能电网中的最后一英里基础设施要面对两个主要挑战。首先,一个给定的技术(无线或有线)可能不适合所有领域部署的标准。二,通信技术发展的步伐的速度要快于预期的智能电表的15至20年的寿命。分层IP架构是装备精良,以应付任何类型的物理和数据链路层,使得各种媒体的未来证明可用于

9、部署,并随着时间的推移,不改变整体架构的解决方案和数据流。 l 无处不在:所有最近的不管是通用计算机,服务器,还是轻量级嵌入式系统(TinyOS的,Contiki等)都有一个集成的双IP协议栈(IPv4和IPv6),会随着时间的推移增强。这使的新的网络特性设置随着时间的推移更容易去适应。 l 可扩展性:所谓互联网的普通协议,IP已经大规模部署而且其扩展性也被测试过。数以百万计的私人或公共IP基础设施管理的节点在一个单一的实体(类似FAN部署)下已运行多年,为不熟悉IP网络管理的新来者提供了坚实的基础。l 管理和安全:通信基础设施的正确操作需要适当的管理和安全功能。30年来运

10、行IP网络的好处之一是它有很好理解的网络管理和安全协议,机制和工具集,这些都被广泛使用。采用IP网络管理也有利于公用事业运营业务的应用,利用网络管理工具,以改善他们的服务,例如通过网络管理系统(NMS)的帮助确定停电范围。l 稳定和弹性:超过30年的存在,它不再是一个问题,IP是一个可行的的解决方案,考虑到它的大,以及建立知识库。场区的网络,更重要的是如何,我们可以利用的关键基础设施,如金融和防御网络以及关键服务,如语音和视频已经转换积累经验的年从封闭的环境中,以开放的IP标准。这也有利于从专业的IT生态系统,可以帮助设计,部署和运营系统解决方案。l 端到端的:通过采用IP为网络中的任何设备提

11、供了端到端的和双向的通信能力。根据业务的要求实施集中式或分布式数据处理架构。去除中间协议转换网关有利于引进新的服务。3. IPv6分布式网络构架附近的区域网络的联网需求已被广泛记载:成本效益,可扩展性(网络中有数以百万的节点是常见的),安全性,可靠性和灵活性,这些是绝对要求的,而基于开放标准的技术和适应未来的15至20年的寿命是公用事业的最低期望值。这就解释了为什么IPv6的套件是最初的选择,尽管新的IPv6协议的目的是为了解决这种网络的独特需求,这些将在下一章讨论。采用IPv6有利于在最后一英里成功转型为能源网络。然而在描述更多IPv6网络组件的细节之前,如IP地址,安全性,服务质量(QoS


13、单一应用的,网络下的过渡。但私有协议和翻译网关具有从众所周知的严重问题,如高资本支出和高运行成本,还有重大的技术限制,包括缺乏端到端的QoS,快速恢复的一致性,单点故障(除非执行复杂的状态故障切换机制)的条款,限制创新,缺乏可扩展性,容易受到安全攻击等。因此,在许多方面,使用IPv6端到端(IP运行网络中的每个设备)将在服务领域的区域网络是非常优越的。如在图1所示。图1 最后一英里智能电网转变的多服务基础构架(来自Cisco)4. 受限制网络的独特的网络要求NAN网络部署下的设备往往在资源方面受制约,通常命名为IP智能对象。考虑其独特的特点和要求,智能对象的网络也被称为低功耗和有损网络(LLN


15、管理基于节点能力的流量,例如:有源供电的电表可以转发流量并和现有的电池供电的水表共存,或电池供电故障电路指标,作为在LLN路由域的一个支叶。节点故障也可能大大超过传统的IP网络节点,传统IP网络都有电源供电并且高度冗余(多处理器,支持不间断转发(NSF)的,服务软件升级(ISSU)等)。另一个LLNs必要特点是可伸缩性。有些LLNs是由几十个节点构成的;其他是由数以百万计的节点构成的,就像在AMI的网络的情况下,他们通常由子网(或更小的网络)几千个节点所构成的。这就解释了为什么指定协议为大规模,限制性,不稳定的环境带来了自身的挑战。例如,在LLN的金科玉律之一,是“under-react to

16、 failure”与OSPF或ISIS的路由协议相比,网络需要在数十毫秒内重新收敛。面对这一挑战需要一个真正的模式的转变,因为过度反应会导致非常迅速的网络崩溃。此外,控制平面开销应最小化,同时支持动态链路/节点指标,多拓扑路由(地铁),等等。这也解释了导致在本文后面讨论的各种协议为什么经过重新设计,特别是网状路由(RPL)的传统的IP网络开发的几种技术。此外,工作组IETF的轻重量实施指南LWIG正在为受约束的设备的开发实施准则。最后但并非最不重要的是对使用多年的IP协议和算法来部署高度安全的网络的强烈要求,在本文后面讨论。5. IPv6智能电网最后一英里基础构架的技术构件今天,互联网主要是运

17、行在IPv4上的,也有些例外,如IPv6是越来越多地被部署在学术和研究网络,领先的互联网服务供应商或企业,以及政府的网络中。 IPv4与IPv6的比较参见图3。但是,由于自2011年2月由IANA管理的地址池耗尽互联网面临的一个重大转变经合组织。除了小规模的AMI和配电自动化领域用IPv4网络,其余的有机会从一开始就用纯的IPv6版本开始部署。业界一直在IPv6领域努力了近15年了,为了使得采用IPv6能得到和IPv4相同的IP服务(见图5)全面提出了许多建议,和最新的3G蜂窝演变称为LTE(长期演进)(这些建议来自于美国行政管理和预算局USOMB,武装部队FAR,欧盟委员会IPv6

18、的建议,区域互联网注册管理机构的建议,以及IPv4地址枯竭倒数)。此外,正如上面所讨论的所有与新的发展有关的IP智能对象和LLNs,都利用或正在建立IPv6技术。因此,关于使用IPv6的智能电网FAN几个特点来部署的好书在接下来的章节将广泛的回顾一下:l 一个巨大的地址空间可以容纳任何预期数百万的电表的部署(AMI),成千上万的传感器(DA)部署于成百上千的二次变电站,以及一些独立的电表。这包括额外的地址配备的灵活性,在需要安装的小型设备时有助于适应部署的规模以及降低现场工作人员的任务。 IPv6地址的结构也具有足够的灵活性来管理大量的子网络,这些字网络可以创建一些服务,例如电动汽车

19、充电站或分布式可再生能源。l IPv6是在开放的射频无线网(IEEE 802.15.4g,使用数字无绳超低能源)和电力线的通信基础设施(IEEE P1901.2)真正通讯的IP版本,PLC只定义了其协议版本IPv6的6LoWPAN的适应层。 l IPv6的是事实上的低功耗和有损网络(RPL)的IETF工作组ROLL - RPL的标准化的IETF路由协议的IP版本,是一个纯IPv6协议。所有著名的的IP功能,使部署设计上的高度可用和安全的通信基础设施与网络操作中心,公共和/或私营广域网(WAN)和所有的邻居区域网络(NAN)绑定。如图2所示图2:智能电网基本的基础设施最后一英里几个层次



22、/LTE。 一个IP边缘路由器可以与计量节点共存一处,或在变电站以分开的实体存在,而大多数的计量节点是利用RF或PLC技术或同时利用两种技术,通过6LoWPAN/IPv6/RPL链接建立网状NAN。由动态IP路由协议启动的多IP边缘路由器的可能性对防止单点故障来说是重要的,特别是像由现在的集中器导入的私有PLC和RF网。 NAN节点允许动态路由运输,如电动汽车,场域工具或传呼机。 IP边缘路由器能够在不同NAN技术下路由流量,并与其他IP边缘路由器合作,在全球连接骨干网,这是防止厂商锁定和技术锁定的关键要素,因为替代性的广域网和NAN通信技术可以很容易地适应。与之对比,IP

23、(非IP)网关通过NAN与其他网络链接,该网络的一个设备处理状态和协议转换的失败将不可避免地导致通信故障。这也允许DSO在时间和地点上能优化资本投资(CAPEX)和运营成本(OPEX)。以在一些国家的情况的GSM / GPRS为例。 虽然这种成熟的技术是准备好展示并且成本低,但它可能已经是在其生命周期结束时,所以有部署的风险。然而,用它做广域网接入,不仅能轻易的减轻这种风险,把更先进的3G/LTE调制解调器(部分)从一开始就安装在IP边缘路由器上,或当覆盖范围和价格合适时逐渐的把他们替换掉。优化成本的DSO关注的另一个问题是分散部署。NAN技术(RF或PLC的网)通常需要足够密集的节点分组来实


25、们会详细描述FAN网络协议栈的相关技术方面,目前知道已经现在已有过多的IP协议而无需任何改变就可以重新使用。附录4:外文文献原文A Standardized and Flexible IPv6 Architecture for Field Area Networks Smart Grid Last Mile InfrastructureThis paper is intended to provide a synthetic and holistic view of open standards Internet Protocol version 6 (IPv6) based architec

26、ture for Smart Grid Last Mile Infrastructures in support of a number of advanced Smart Grid applications (meter readout, demand-response, telemetry, and grid monitoring and automation) and its benefit as a true Multi-Services platform. In this paper, we show how the various building blocks of IPv6 n

27、etworking infrastructure can provide an efficient, flexible, secure, and multi-service network based on open standards.In order to discuss transition paths for electric utilities that deal with such issues as legacy device, network and application integration, and the operation of hybrid network str

28、uctures during transitional rollouts, a follow-up paper will need to be developed.1、Introduction:Last mile networks have gained considerable momentum over the past few years due to their prominent role in the Smart Grid infrastructure. These networksreferred as Neighborhood Area Networks (NAN) in th

29、is document support a variety of applications including not only electricity usage measurement and management, but also advanced applications such as Demand-Response (DR), which gives users the opportunity to optimize their energy usage based on real-time electricity pricing information, Distributio

30、n Automation (DA), which allows distribution monitoring and control, and automatic fault detection, isolation and management, and serves as a foundation for future Virtual Power Plants, which comprise distributed power generation, residential energy storage (e.g., in combination with Electric Vehicl

31、e (EV) charging), and small scale trading communities. Field Area Networks (FAN)the combination of NAN and communication device offering the backhaul WAN interface(s)have emerged as a central component of the Smart Grid network infrastructure. In fact, they can serve as backhaul networks for a varie

32、ty of other electric grid control devices; multi-tenant services (gas and water meters), and data exchanges to Home Area Network (HAN) devices, all connected through a variety of wireless or wired line technologies. This has created the need for deploying the IP (Internet Protocol) suite of protocol

33、s, enabling the use of open-standards that provide the reliability, scalability, security, inter-networking and flexibility required to cope with the fast-growing number of critical applications for the electric grid that distribution power networks need to support. IP also facilitates integration o

34、f the Neighborhood Area Networks (NAN) into end-to-end network architecture. One application being run over Field Area Networks is meter reading, where each meter periodically reports usage data to a utility head-end application server. The majority of meter traffic was thus directed from the meter

35、network to the utility network in a Multipoint-to-Point (MP2P) fashion. With the emergence and proliferation of applications such as Demand Response, distributed energy resource integration and Electrical Vehicle charging, it is expected that the traffic volume across the Field Area Networks would i

36、ncrease substantially and traffic patterns and bi-directional communication requirements would become significantly more complex. In particular, Field Area Networks are expected to support a number of use cases leveraging network services: Communication with an individual meter. On-demand meter read

37、ing, real-time alert reporting, and shutdown of power to a single location require Point-to-Point (P2P) communication between the NMS/Head-end and the electric meter and vice versa. Communication among DA devices. Subsets of DA devices need to communicate with each other in order to manage and contr

38、ol the operation of the electric grid in a given area, requiring the use of flexible communication with each other, including Peer-to-Peer in some cases. HAN applications. HAN applications typically require communication between home appliances and the utility head-end server through individual mete

39、rs acting as applications gateways. For example, a user may activate Direct Load Control (DLC) capabilities, empowering the utility company to turn off or down certain home appliances remotely (e.g. A/C, washer/dryer), when demand and/or the cost of electricity is high. Electric Vehicle Charging. Us

40、ers need to have access to their individual vehicle charging account information while away from home in order to be able to charge their vehicles while on the road or while visiting friends. Verifying user and account information would require communication through the meter to the utility head-end

41、 servers from potentially a large set of nomadic vehicles being charged simultaneously from dynamic locations. Multi-Tenant Services. Combining information at the customer side and differentiating information into several services at the other side devises for a complex Multipoint-to-Multipoint netw

42、ork (MP2MP). For example, this could be a converged network connecting devices from multiple utilities as suggested by the UK national multi-utility telecom operator DCC or Germany multi-utility communication box as specified in Open Meter Systems. Security. Strong authentication mechanisms for vali

43、dating devices that connect to the Advanced Metering Infrastructure (AMI) network as well as encryption for data privacy and network protection. Network Management. As the FAN carries increasingly more traffic and is subject to stringent Service Level Objectives (SLOs), managing network-related data

44、 becomes critical to monitoring and maintaining network health and performance. This would require the communication of grid status and communications statistics from the meters to the Network Management System (NMS)/Head-end in a MP2P fashion. Multicast Services. Groups of meters may need to be add

45、ressed simultaneously using multicast, e.g., to enable software upgrade or parameters updates sent by a network management system (NMS) to all meters using multicast requests, and multicast queries for meter readings of various subsets of the meters. 2. The Key Advantages of Internet Protocol An end

46、-to-end IP Smart-Grid architecture can leverage 30 years of Internet Protocol technology development RFC 6272 guaranteeing open standards and interoperability as largely demonstrated through the daily use of the Internet and its two billion end-users Stats. NoteUsing the Internet protocol suite does

47、 not mean that an infrastructure running IP has to be an open or publicly accessible networkindeed, many existing mission-critical but private and highly secure networks leverage the IP architecture, such as inter-banking networks, military and defense networks, and public-safety and emergency-respo

48、nse networks, to name a few.One of the differences between Information and Communications Technology (ICT) and the more traditional power industry is the lifetime of technologies. Selecting the IP layered stack for AMI infrastructure brings future proofing through smooth evolutionary steps that do n

49、ot modify the entire industrial workflow. Key benefits of IP for a distribution system operator (DSO) are: Open and Standards-based: Core components of the network, transport and applications layers standardized by the Internet Engineering Task Force (IETF) while key physical, data link, and applica

50、tions protocols come from usual industrial organizations, such as, IEC, ANSI, DLMS/COSEM, SAE, IEEE, ITU, etc. Lightweight: Devices installed in the last mile of an AMI network such as smart meters, sensors, and actuators are not like PC and servers. They have limited resources in terms of power, CP

51、U, memory, and storage. Therefore, an embedded networking stack must work on few kilobits of RAM and a few dozen kilobits of Flash memory. It has been demonstrated over the past years that production IP stacks perform well in such constrained environments. (See IP-light) Versatile: Last mile infrast

52、ructure in Smart Grid has to deal with two key challenges. First, one given technology (wireless or wired) may not fit all field deployments criteria. Second, communication technologies evolve at a pace faster than the expected 15 to 20 years lifetime of a smart meter. The layered IP architecture is

53、 well equipped to cope with any type of physical and data link layers, making it future proof as various media can be used in a deployment and, over time, without changing the whole solution architecture and data flow. Ubiquitous: All recent operating systems releases from general-purpose computers

54、and servers to lightweight embedded systems (TinyOS, Contiki, etc.) have an integrated dual (IPv4 and IPv6) IP stack that gets enhanced over time. This makes a new networking feature set easier to adapt over time. Scalable: As the common protocol of the Internet, IP has been massively deployed and t

55、ested for robust scalability. Millions of private or public IP infrastructure nodes, managed under a single entity (similarly to what is expected for FAN deployments) have been operational for years, offering strong foundations for newcomers not familiar with IP network management. Manageable and Se

56、cure: Communication infrastructure requires appropriate management and security capabilities for proper operations. One of the benefits of 30 years of operational IP networks is its set of well-understood network management and security protocols, mechanisms, and toolsets that are widely available.

57、Adopting IP network management also helps utility operational business application by leveraging network-management tools to improve their services, for example when identifying power outage coverage through the help of the Network Management System (NMS). Stable and resilient: With more than 30 yea

58、rs of existence, it is no longer a question that IP is a workable solution considering its large and well-established knowledge base. More important for Field Area Networks is how we can leverage the years of experience accumulated by critical infrastructures, such as financial and defense networks

59、as well as critical services such as Voice and Video that have already transitioned from closed environments to open IP standards. It also benefits from a large ecosystem of IT professionals that can help designing, deploying and operating the system solution. End-to-end: The adoption of IP provides end-to-end and bi-directional communication capabilities between any devices in the network. Centralized or distribut


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