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1、WRITING A RESEARCH PROPOSAL12021/6/7ContentI Introduction: what is a proposalII Requirements to Masters thesisIII Suggested process for developing a proposalIV Refining a research question V Details to include in a research proposalVI Criteria for assessing research proposals22021/6/7I Introduction:

2、 what is a proposal the proposal students write is both a work plan for their further work and the basis of the text that will eventually become their thesis or dissertation (Paltridge & Starfield, 2007:65).32021/6/7research proposal is often the key element to the successful thesis and ,as such

3、 ,the most important step in the whole process (Madsen ,1992:5)The proposal is the students starting point in what may be end up being somewhat different project from where it started (Paltridge & Starfield, 2007:65).42021/6/7II Requirements to Masters thesisResearch questionsResearch Methodolog

4、y (research design) 1) an original investigation or the testing of ideas;2) competence in independent work or experimentation;3) an expert knowledge of the published literature on the topic under investigation;4) evidence of the ability to make critical use of published work and source materials;5)

5、an appreciation of the relationship between the research topic and the wider field of knowledge;6) the ability to present the work at an appropriate level of literary quality.Literature review /relevant background literatureLiterature reviews and research questionsLiterature reviews and research que

6、stionsRhetorical strategy52021/6/7Doctoral thesesA doctor thesis has greater breath depth and intention than a masters thesis. A distinct contribution to knowledge, as shown by the topic under investigation, the methodology employed, the discovery of new facts, or interpretation of the findings.6202

7、1/6/71 Choosing a topic draw up a shortlist of topics select a topic for investigation2 Formulating research questions formulate a general question focus the question decide on the aims and objectives of the study or formulate a hypothesisIII Suggested process for developing a proposalNunan(1992) &a

8、mp; Bell (1999)72021/6/74 Writing proposal draw up an initial research plan Testify Write a detailed proposal3 Data think about the data that need to be collected to answer the questionNunan(1992) & Bell (1999)82021/6/7IV Refining a research question1) The general principles of research question

9、: Large & ambitious narrow & deepEven the simplest idea can mushroom into an uncontrollably large project (Stevens and Asmar, 1999: 15)92021/6/72) Common mistakes(1) They must not promise what they cannot deliver;(2) a dissertation and the answer provided are not connected in any discernible

10、 way (not match);(3) the question is broad that the answer the student provide relates to it in only the haziest way;(4) the question is specific while the answer given is too vague or ill defined to relate closely it. (5) part of the question is left unaddressed or answered. (Dunleavy, 2003:19)1020

11、21/6/73)Some traps big and hard- to- research questions; gap-filling thesis112021/6/74) General types of research questions住在中西部乡村住在中西部乡村社区社区的墨西哥移民的墨西哥移民, 在面对文化调适能力时在面对文化调适能力时采用了何种适应历程?采用了何种适应历程?住在中西部乡村社区的墨西哥移民住在中西部乡村社区的墨西哥移民, 其文化调适能力与心理其文化调适能力与心理苦痛之间有关吗苦痛之间有关吗?住在中西部乡村社区与住在西南部城市的摩西哥移民其文化调住在中西部乡村社区与住

12、在西南部城市的摩西哥移民其文化调适能力是否有差异?适能力是否有差异? Descriptive questions: explore the nature of certain phenomenon and events. relationship questions: study the relationship between two or more concepts. difference questions :study the difference between different groups and the change of one subjects. 122021/6/75)

13、 Some suggested standards A research question should be in form of clearly stated questions; Based on previous literature; The variables can be measured in some way; The cost can be afforded; It should add value after the question is answeredour contribution.Keep a critical eye on the extent to whic

14、h we have transformed, enhanced, or differentiated the starting materials of your analysis. 132021/6/7ReadingCommunicatingBeing rational 6) The tip for refining the research questionassignment142021/6/7Read broadly and widely to find a subject about which you are passionate.Read up-to-date material-

15、ensure that your idea is achievable and no one else has done or is doing it.152021/6/7 Question driven: problem firstAre there previous study?To what extend is the problem solved?Is the solution satisfying?162021/6/7Literature driven : literature firstWidely reading is inevitable (知识贫乏症:容易走极端:什么都是新的

16、(盲目乐观型);人家都研究过了(盲目悲观型);容易说错话)Wide horizonThe relationship between theories (net work)Academic base:Insight Return 172021/6/7Consulting other students who are further down the track, especially those who have the same superior with you.discuss your ideas with your supervisor and lots of other people.

17、attend specialized conferences in your area-take note of the focus of research and learn from the experts in your field.Return 182021/6/7Narrow your focus to a single question: be disciplined and not over ambitious.be prepared to change or modify your question if necessary.Be able to answer the ques

18、tion: Why am I doing this project(and not a different one)Return 192021/6/7Assignment:First week: draw a shortlist of possible research topics, and write a sentence about each one. Discuss with your supervisor and your peers students about the issues that might arise with each of them, such as pract

19、icality, originality, focus and scale of the project. Second week: choose a topic from the list. To discuss this again with your supervisor.Third and forth week: refine your research question and write a proposal.202021/6/7V Details to be include in a research proposal1 A clear focused statement of

20、the overall purpose of the proposed research2 research questions: A clearly focused research question/hypothesis that is:l worth askingl capable of being answered.3 definition: precise definition of the key terms in the research questions or hypothesis that will allow them to be clearly observed, me

21、asured and identified throughout the study.212021/6/74 relevant background literature:lwhat conclusions were reached in the previous research, by who and when;l whether these conclusions are in agreement or conflict with each other;l the main issues or controversies that surround the problem;l signi

22、ficant gaps in previous research is in this particular area;lan indication of how this previous research is relevant to the proposed study;222021/6/75 research approach:a well-defined list of procedures to be followed in carrying out the research.abroad description of any particular theoretical fram

23、ework to be used in the analysis and the reasons for this use in the study; a brief statement describing how the sample population will be selected for the study and the reason for the approach to selectiona pilot study in which the research instruments will be trailed and evaluated and an analysis

24、carried out the trial data.232021/6/76 Problems and limitationsa section which highlights any anticipated problems and limitations in the proposed study including threats to reliability and validity and how these will be countered.242021/6/77 meaning/significance of the research a statement which il

25、lustrates why the study is significant; that is why the research question or hypothesis worth asking.252021/6/78 Ethical problemsconsideration of ethical issues involved in carrying out the research such as whether informed consent needs to be obtained, and if so, how this will be done.262021/6/7 9

26、a proposed timetable10 a proposed budget for the research 11 A list of references12 Appendices (if appropriate)which contain any material that will be used or adapted for the study, including any permission that might need to be obtained to use it.272021/6/7VI Details to include in a research propos

27、alsectionfunctionTitleTo summarize in a few words what the research will be aboutSummaryTo provide an overview of the study which you will expand on in more detail in the text that follows.Overall purposeTo provide a clear and concise statement of the overall purpose of the researchRelevant backgrou

28、nd literatureTo demonstrate the relationship between the proposed study and what has already been done in the particular area; that is to indicate the “gap” the study will investigate282021/6/7sectionpurposeResearch questionsTo provide an explicit statement of what the study will investigateDefiniti

29、ons of termsTo provide the meaning of the key terms that have been used in the research question(s)Research methodologyTo give an illustration of the steps the project will go through in order to carry out the research. Anticipated problems and limitationsTo show he awareness of the limitations of t

30、he study, what problems may be met in carrying it out, and how they will be dealt with292021/6/7sectionpurposeSignificance of the researchTo say why the study is worth carrying outResources required /budgetTo say what resources the research will require and what other costs may be anticipated in carrying out the study. EthicsTo provide a statement as to how participants will be advised of the overall nature of the study, and how info


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