



1、单元过关检测(一 )Unit 1Getting along with others(时间: 100 分钟,满分:120 分)Part Language Knowledge (45 marks)Section A (15 marks)Directions : For each of the follo w ing unfinished sentencesthere are four choices marked A,B, C and D Choose the one that best completes the sentence.1(2014 长·沙十五中高二期中)Having a

2、trip abroad is certainly good for the old couple,butit remains _ whether they will enjoy it.A to seeB to be seenCseeingD seen2 (2014 ·洲二中月考株 ) I dislike _ when others laugh at me in public or thinkpoorly of me behind.A thatB itCthoseD them3 How do you know the exact number of the deaths in the

3、Japanese earthquake? _ the latest CCTV news.A In search ofB According toCAs a result ofD On top of4.is believed_to the perfect combination of ChineseThe pianist Kong Xiangdongfolk music and classic music.A to have contributedB contributingCto contributeD having contributed5 (2014 怀·化三中高二期中 )We

4、had nothing to do but _ on ourselves.A dependingB to dependCdependedD depend6 Jim made_a rule not to borrow money from others all his life, and he kept it!A it B thatCwhat D which7 _ applying for hundreds of jobs , he is still out of work.A Rather thanB DespiteCBecause ofD Besides8 (2014 常·德淮阳中

5、学高二期中) My room gets very cold at night. _A So is mineB So mine isCSo does mineD So mine does9_ some people claim they can predict the future ,there is no scientific basis behindit.A AsB OnceCWhileD Because10 There is no _ that I apologizell to him again.It totallys his fault this time.A useB wonderC

6、wayD doubt11(2014 ·洲二中月考株)I _ here in time ,but I met an old friend of mine.I stoppedand talked with him for some time.A shouldn t have comeB must have comeCneedn t have comeD could have come12 Sense of happiness of citizens has little , _, to do with the size of a city.A if everB if anyCif at

7、allD if anything13 (2014 ·沙十五中高二期中长)I wanted to find a new boyfriend , but my best friend toldme _A to doB not to doCnot toD not doing14 (2014 常·德朗州高级中学高二期中 ) Bill suggested _ a meeting on what to dofor the project.A having heldB to holdCholdingDhold15 To_good relationships with your teach

8、ers and classmates , you should learn toshare ups and downs with them.A keep upB add upCbring upD take up Section B (18 marks)Directions : For each blank in the follo w ing passagethere are four words or phrases markedA, B,C and D Fill in each blank w ith the w ord or phrase that best fits the conte

9、xt.I told my friend Graham that I often cycle the two miles from my house to the town centrebutunfortunately there isa big hillon the route. He_16_,“ You mean fortunately. ” Heexplained that I should be glad of the _17_ exercise that the hill provided.My_18_to the hill has now changed.I used to _19_

10、as I approached it butnowI tellmyself the following.Thishill willexercise my heart and lungs. Itwill help me to_20_and get fit. It will mean that I live longer. This hill is my friend. Finally, I have a smileof_21_as I reach the top of the hill.Problems are there to be faced and overcome. We cant ac

11、hieve anything with a(n)_22_ life. Helen Keller was the first deaf and blind person to_23_a university degree.She wrote,“ Character cant be developed in_24_life. ” Douglas Bader who had both legsamputated(截肢 ) was determined to fly again and went on to become one of the leading flying pilots.Actuall

12、y ,for most of us ,we may not_25_such difficulties as Helen Keller andDouglas Bader both did. Since they both could overcome their own_26_ , and achieved greatsuccess, we everyone also can. If we choose a positive attitude, I am_27_ sure that wecan succeed.Just make up your mind when you meet diffic

13、ulties.16.A.reactedB repliedCcriticizedD reflected17 A.muchB properCextraD necessary18 A.attitudeB accessCentranceD affection19 A.climbB confuseCcommentD complain20 A.put on weightB gain weightClose weightD take weight21 A.satisfactionB devotionCdecorationD caution22 A.toughB difficultCeasyD reasona

14、ble23 A.gainB dropCaccomplishD admire24 A.happy and difficultB funny and meaningfulCkind and prettyD peaceful and quiet25 A.come aboutB come acrossCcome afterD come at26 A.adventuresB fortunesCdisadvantagesD hardships27 A.timelyB frequentlyCformallyD definitelySection C (12 marks)Directions : Comple

15、te the follo wing passage by filling in each blank with one w ord that bestfits the context.Every living thing in an ecosystem(生态系统 ) depends in some way upon other living andnonliving things in the ecosystem.Thelivingthingsinanecosystemare28._producersorconsumers.Producers don teat other livingthin

16、gs.Producers make food.Green plants are calledprimary producers.Plants use nonliving nutrition, such as 29._ chemicals in soil andwater to help them make food.They use energy in sunlight to make food.They also use carbon dioxide in air to make food.Consumers are animals eating 30._ livingthings.Anim

17、als31._only eat plants are called herbivores( 食草动物 ) Herbivores are primary consumers.Rabbits,mice, 32._ plant- eating insects are primary consumers.Animals eating other animals are called carnivores( 食肉动物 )Carnivores 33._bears and hawks are secondary consumers.Ecosystems also have decomposers(分解者 )

18、 Decomposers break 34._ deadplants, animals and animal wastes.They turn dead material and waste 35._ chemicalnutrition.Plants take in the nutrition with their roots.They use the nutrition to make more food.Part Reading Comprehension(30 marks)Directions :Read the follo wing three passages.Each passag

19、e is follo wed by several questions or unfinished statements.For each of them there are four choices marked A,B,C and DChoose the one that fits best according to the information gi ven in the passage.AWhen Boris left school , he could not find a job.He tried hard and pestered his relatives , but the

20、y had problems of their own.He answered advertisements until he could not afford to buy any more stamps.Boris grew annoyed , then depressed, then a little hardened.Still he went on trying and still he failed.He began to think that he had no future at all.“ Why don t you start your own business ?” on

21、e of his uncles told him. “ The world is amoney- locker.Youdbetter find a way of opening it. ”“ But what can I do ?”“ Get out and have a look round,” advised his uncle in a vague sort of way.“ See whatpeople want; then give it to them , and they will pay for it. ”Boris began to cycle around the town

22、 and found a suitable piece of a waste ground in theend.Then he set up his business as a cycle repairer.He worked hard, made friends with his customers and gradually managed to build up his goodwill and profit.A few months later ,he found that he had more work than he could deal with by himself.He f

23、ound a number of empty shops but they were all no good : in the wrong position , too expensive or with some other snag.But at long last, he managed to find an empty shop on a new estate where there were plenty of customers but no competition.Boris and his assistant taught themselves how to repair sc

24、ooters and motor - cycles.Slowly but surely the profits increased and the business developed.At last ,Boris had managed to open the money- locker and found bank notes and gold coins inside.36 Which of the following would be the best title for the passage?A Goodwill is the key to successBThe world is

25、 a money - lockerCNo education , no futureD Difficulty of starting a small business37 Which of the following best describes Boris job hunting experience?A Surprising.B Encouraging.CBoring.D Disappointing.38 Boris start his career by _ A cycling around the townBdeveloping a waste groundCrepairing cyc

26、lesD buying empty shops39 Boris finally chose an empty shop on a new estate because _ A it was not so expensiveBhe had a lot of old customers thereChe could make good use of his skills thereD there were good opportunities there40 We can infer from the last paragraph that Boris _ A still couldn t mak

27、e good profitsBset off in a successful careerCfound a lot of gold coins by accidentD had great difficulty running his businessBFor high school leavers starting out in the working world , it is very importantto learnparticular skills and practice how to behave in an interview or how to find all inter

28、nship(实习 ) Insome countries, schools have programs to help students onto the path to work.Inthe UnitesStates, however, such programs are still few and far between.Research shows that if high schools provide career - related courses, students are likely to gethigher earnings in later years.The studen

29、ts are more likely to stay in school ,graduate and go on tohigher education.In Germany, students as young as 13 and 14 are expected to do internships.Germancompanies work with schools to make sure that young people get the education they need for future employment.But in America ,education reform pr

30、ograms focus on how well students do in exams instead of bringing them into contact with the working world.Harvard Education school professor RobertSchwartz has criticized education reformers for trying to place all graduates directly on the four- year college track.Schwartz argued that this approac

31、h leaves the country smost vulnerable kids with no jobs and no skills.Schwartz believed that the best career programs encourage kids to go for higher educationwhile also teaching them valuable practical skills at high school.James Madison High School inNew York , for example,encourages students to c

32、hoose classes on career- based courses.Theschool then helps them gain on- the-job experience in those fields while they stillre at high school. However ,even for teens whose schools encourage them to connect with work ,the job marketis daunting In the US , unemployment rates for 16 - to 19- year- ol

33、ds are above 20 percent for the third summer in a row.“ The risk is that if teenagers miss out on the summer job experience , they become part of this generation of teens who had trouble in landing a job ,” said Michael ,a researcher in the US.41 In the author s opinion , American high school leaver

34、s _ A have enough career- related coursesBneed more career advice from their schoolsCperform better in exams than German studentsD can get higher earnings in later years42 According to Robert Schwartz ,_A there is no need for kids to go for higher education in the USBstudents should get contact with

35、 the working world at high schoolCeducation reform should focus on students performance in exams D teenagers in the US can t miss out on the summer job experience 43 What can be inferred from the text?A Unemployment rates for US teenagers remain high at the moment.BStudents with career - based cours

36、es never have problems finding a job.CUS companies work with schools to prepare young people for future employment.D High school leavers with no practical skills can t find a job absolutely.44 What s the main idea of the text?A Arguments about recent US education reform.BTips on finding jobs for hig

37、h school leavers.CThe lack of career - based courses in US high schools.D Advice for American high school leavers.45 The underlined word“daunting ” in Paragraph 6 most probably means _ A discouragingB interestingCcreativeD unbearableCMany people think that listening is a passive business.It is just

38、the opposite.Listening well isan active exercise of our attention and hard work.It is because they do not realize this , or because they are not willing to do the work , that most people do not listen well.Listening well also requires total concentration upon someone else.An essential part of listen

39、ing well is the rule known as bracketing Bracketing includes the temporary giving up or setting aside of your own prejudices and desires ,to experience as far as possible someone else s world from the inside ,stepping_into_his_or_her_shoesMoreover ,since listening well involves bracketing , it also

40、involves a temporary acceptance of the other person.Sensing this acceptance , the speaker will seem quite willing to open up the inner part of his or her mind to the listener.True communication is under way and the energy required for listening well is so great that it can be accomplished only by th

41、e will to extend oneself for mutual growth.Most of the time we lack this energy.Even though we may feel in our business dealings or social relationships that we are listening well , what we are usually doing is listening selectively.Often we have a prepared list in mind and wonder ,as we listen ,how

42、 we can achieve certain desired results to get the conversation over as quickly as possible or redirected in waysmore satisfactory to us.Many of us are far more interested in talking than in listening , or we simply refuse to listen to what we don t want to hear.It wasn t until toward the end of my

43、doctor career that I have found the knowledge that oneis being truly listened to is frequently therapeutic(有疗效的 ) In about a quarter of the patients Isaw, surprising improvement was shown during the first few months of psychotherapy(心理疗法) ,before any of the roots of problems had been uncovered or ex

44、plained.There are severalreasons for this phenomenon,but chief among them ,I believe ,was the patient ssense that he or she was being truly listened to ,often for the first time in years ,and for some,perhaps for the first time ever.46.The phrase “ stepping into his or her shoes” in Paragraph 2 prob

45、ably means _ 47.What is mainly discussed in Paragraph 2?A What to listen to.B Problems in listening.CHow to listen well.D Benefits of listening.48.According to the author , in communication people tend to _ A open up their inner mindBset aside their prejudicesClisten activelyD listen purposefully49.

46、According to the author , the patients improved mainly because_ A they had partners to talk toBthey knew the roots of problemsCthey knew they were truly listened toD they were taken good care of50.What type of writing the article likely to be?A Popular science.B Science fiction.CA news report.D A me

47、dical report.Part Writing (45 marks)Section A (10 marks)Directions :Read the follo wing passage.Fill in the numbered blanks by using the information from the passage.Write NO MORE THAN THREE WORDS for each answer.Have you had difficulty communicating an idea in the past? Is it an easy task to talk w

48、ithothers? Most peoplewouldagree thatcommunicationbetween twoindividualsshouldbesimple.It s importantto remember thattalking and communicating are different.Whenyoucommunicate, you are successful in getting your point across. When you talk, you tend to buildbarriers that hinder communication. Here a

49、re some of the barriers to effective communication.Physical barriersare easy tospot. Doors thatare closed, walls that are built,anddistance between people allwork against the effectivecommunication.While most agree thatpeople need their own personal areas in the workplace,setting up an office to rem

50、ove physicalbarriers is the first step to open communication.Perceptual(感知的 )barriers are internal.If you go into a situation where the person youare talking to isn tinterested in what you have to say, you may end up subconsciously abandoning your effort to make your point.Different cultures can hol

51、d back the development of communication if two different cultures conflict. In these cases, it is important to find common ground to work from.Language barriers seem natural, but there are often hidden language barriers. If youwork in an industry that is heavy on technical terms, you should avoid th

52、ese words when speaking with laypersons( 外行 )in your field.Gender barriers have become less of an issue in recent years, but it is still possible for aman to misunderstand the words of a woman, or vice versa. Men and women tend to form their thoughts differently, and this must be taken into account when commu


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