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1、北外网院高起专、高起本入学考试英语题目汇编part ivocabulary and grammar词汇和语法 1choose the best answer from a, b, c and d. write your answers on the answer sheet. 从a, b, c, d选项中选择一个正确的答案写在答题卷上。1. the film “a world without a thief” is on in the theater nearby tonight.what _ pity! i havent got _ ticket for it.a. a; ab. a; th

2、ec. the; thed. the; a 2. after the earthquake, many people _ hunger and cold; we must do something to help them.a. bearb. standc. sufferd. have 3. scarcely had her husband arrived home _ his wife started complaining.a. whenb. thatc. thand. and4. i advised my daughter that she should not say anything

3、 in the presence of the president g.w bush until _.a. being askedb. askedc. having been askedd. to be asked5. im not sure _ attend the meeting or not.a. how tob. when toc. if tod. whether to6. a baby might show fear of an unfamiliar adult, _ he is likely to smile and reach out to another infant.a. i

4、fb. so thatc. whiled. whenever7. be sure to meet him at the airport on time, _?a. will youb. aren't youc. can youd. don't you8. how did you _ the football match yesterday ?_.a. think, very boringb. like, very boredc. feel, very boredd. find, very boring9. your task is to clean the floor _ th

5、e windows.a. as well asb. alsoc. eitherd. too10. when i entered the teachers office, she _ at me and then buried her nose to the homework again.a. staredb. lookedc. noticedd. glanced11. the boy required that he _ treated as a kid.a. would not beb. wasntc. not bed. was not going to be12. will you spa

6、re me a few minutes now ?_. but ill be free this afternoon.a. no, i dontb. of course, i willc. yes, with pleasured. im afraid not13. the lorry driver was badly _ when his lorry crashed into a wall.a. painedb. hurtc. hitd. damaged14. you _ go now. its getting late.a. had ratherb. would ratherc. had b

7、etterd. would better15. we must do something to stop the pollution, and _ we must make all the people realize how serious the problem is.a. after allb. above allc. in alld. at all词汇和语法2choose the best answer from a, b, c and d. write your answers on the answer sheet. 从a, b, c, d选项中选择一个正确的答案写在答题卷上。1.

8、 this boy turned out to be a promising politician after _ hard work.a. twenty-yearsb. twenty years ofc. twenty years d. twenty year2. many people have realized that this project will _ many years to complete.a. spendb. costc. take d. use 3. she looks quite young, but actually she is _ above forty th

9、is year.a. wellb. too c. very d. so 4. he enjoys talking about his experiences _ a war pilot.a. ofb. on c. for d. as 5. it will be three years _ these college students get an opportunity to work for the olympic games.a. since b. that c. whend. before6. the girl was standing by the sea, her long hair

10、 _ in the wind.a. dancingb. dancedc. to dance d. was dancing 7. the operation of the patient will cost more money than _ available now.a. areb. will bec. isd. being 8. this performance at the concert _ her as a singer of great talent.a. createdb. foundedc. establishedd. supported 9. i would like ano

11、ther drink and _.a. so does johnb. so would johnc. john does tood. john will too10. she doesnt look well today. she _ herself recently.a. must overworkb. might overworkc. used to overworkd. must have overworked 11. they had discussed the problem for a long time, but came to no _.a. resultb. conclusi

12、onc. endd. opinion 12. kitty talks as if she _ on the spot.a. isb. werec. has beend. be 13. a genius is someone who can achieve something that few people are _.a. capable ofb. able toc. likely tod. possible of 14. he has already received the message _ flight 321 to new york is delayed.a. thatb. when

13、c. whichd. whether 15. it was already dark _ i got home.a. as soon asb. as long asc. no sooner hadd. by the time 词汇和语法 3choose the best answer from a, b, c and d. write your answers on the answer sheet. 从a, b, c, d选项中选择一个正确的答案写在答题卷上。1. i dont like talking on _ telephone; i prefer writing _ letters.a

14、. a, theb. a, 不填c. the, thed. the, 不填2. tom remembered _ there with his father several years ago.a. having beenb. to bec. had beend. to have been3. there was a small room into _ we put all the books.a. whichb. wherec. thatd. it4. scarcely had her husband arrived home _ his wife started complaining.a

15、. whenb. thatc. thand. and5. the players tried their best despite the fact that there was no hope of _ winning the game.a. theirb. theirsc. themd. they6. your advice on this issue is of great _ to us.a. priceb. costc. usefulnessd. value7. betty went out _ the fact that she had a bad cold.a. except f

16、orb. in spite ofc. instead ofd. besides8. how did you _ the football match yesterday? _.a. think, very boringb. like, very boredc. feel, very boredd. find, very boring9. only after you have obtained enough data _ reach a sound conclusion.a. can youb. you canc. will youd. you will10. what a wonderful

17、 meal! ive never eaten _ one before.a. a betterb. a bestc. the betterd. the best11. you _ go now. it's getting late.a. had ratherb. would ratherc. had betterd. would better12. would you repeat your name and address? i didn't quite _ it.a. catch b. sayc. understandd. listen to13. _ we go to h

18、im or he comes to us will not make any difference.a. whether b. thatc. ifd. what14. after a year's hard work, he won the first _ in the national contest.a. rewardb. awardc. prized. price15. kitty talks as if she _ on the spot.a. isb. werec. has beend. be词汇和语法4choose the best answer from a, b, c

19、and d. write your answers on the answer sheet. 从a, b, c, d选项中选择一个正确的答案写在答题卷上。1. i dont like talking on _ telephone; i prefer writing _ letters.a. a, theb. a, 不填c. the, thed. the, 不填2. lincoln was born _ poor farmers boy and died _ president of the united states.a. the, theb. a, 不填c. the, 不填d. the, a

20、3. it is a pity that we have to stay at home when we have _ weather.a. so fineb. so a finec. such a fined. such fine4. the novel became even more popular _ it was made into a movie.a. unlessb. untilc. befored. after5. i hope there are enough apples for each student to have got _.a. itb. onec. themd.

21、 those6. it is generally believed that teaching is _ it is a science.a.an art much asb.much an art asc.as an art much asd.as much an art as7. if nobody has anything more _, lets call it a day.a. to be addingb. addedc. to addd. adding8. only after you have obtained enough data _ reach a sound conclus

22、ion.a. can youb. you canc. will youd. you will9. i _ piano lessons every two weeks for a year, but i will make it every week from next month.a. haveb. am havingc. would haved. have been having10. there are five minutes left. hurry up, _ youll be late.a. andb. orc. sod. for11. i believe that the effo

23、rts to improve the working conditions, _ taken by the manager, will be welcome.a. likeb. asc. thatd. what12. the doctor suggested that your mother _ her right hand.a. must avoid usingb. must avoid to usec. avoid usingd. avoid to use13. the players tried their best despite the fact that there was no

24、hope of _ winning the game.a. theirb. theirsc. themd. they 14. the room is in a terrible mess; it _ cleaned.a. shouldnt have beenb. mustnt have beenc. wouldnt have beend. cant have been15. about 20% to 30% of american children are either over-weight or at risk of becoming _.a. thisb. suchc. itd. so词

25、汇和语法5choose the best answer from a, b, c and d. write your answers on the answer sheet. 从a, b, c, d选项中选择一个正确的答案写在答题卷上。1. there is always _ traffic in the city center at rush hour.a. strongb. heavyc. manyd. hard2. nobody believes that _ many things have happened in _ a small house in the countryside.

26、a. so, sob. so, suchc. such, sod. such, such3. all the buses from here go to star square. you can take _ bus.a. anyb. somec. eitherd. all4. _ i prefer the film camera, i have decided to buy a digital camera this time.a. sinceb. althoughc. ifd. because5. nobody was badly hurt in the traffic accident,

27、 _?a. wasnt he b. werent hec. were theyd. werent they6. the children had been _ of the danger, but had taken no notice.a. askedb. advisedc. warnedd. explained7. when i said some students were lazy, i _ to you.a.am not referringb.wasnt referringc.havent referredd.hadnt referred8. tom remembered _ the

28、re with his father several years ago.a. having beenb. to bec. had beend. to have been9. although they had only been invited for lunch, they _ until dinner time.a. stayed awayb. stayed onc. stayed overd. stayed up10. i really regret _ with him last night. i couldnt control myself.a. to fightb. to hav

29、e fought c. to be fighting d. having fought11. he lifted a rock only _ it on his own feet. a. droppedb. dropc. to dropd. to have dropped12. _ terrible weather weve been having these days!a. how ab. what thec. howd. what13. we must do something to stop the pollution, and _ we must make all the people

30、 realize how serious the problem is.a. after allb. above allc. in alld. at all14. if he had not been ill and missed many classes, he _ in the exam.a. would failb. would have failedc. would not faild. would not have failed15. glad to meet you. _.a. you toob. me tooc. im gladd. see youpart iicloze 完型填

31、空 1choose the best answer from a, b, c and d. write your answers on the answer sheet. 从a, b, c, d选项中选择一个正确的答案写在答题卷上。one day, a woman from the daily news called to say that she wanted to do an article on me. when she had finished _ (1) me for the article, she asked, “what are you planning to do next?

32、”well, at the _ (2), there was actually nothing i was planning on doing next, and what came out was, “im thinking about _ (3) the guinness book of world records for the fastest-talking female.”the newspaper article came out the next day, and the writer had included my parting _ (4) about trying to b

33、reak the worlds fastest-talking _ (5) record. at about 5:00 p.m. that afternoon, i got a call from larry king asking me to go on the _ (6). they would pick me _ (7) at my house.then i called guinness to find out _ (8) to break a fast-talking record. they told me i would have to recite something. i b

34、egan _ (9). i was both _ (10) and excited at the same time.at 8:00, the car picked me up. i practiced the whole way there, and by the time i reached the _ (11), i was tongue-tied. i asked the woman in charge, “ what _ (12) i dont break the record?” “larry doesnt _ (13) if you break it or not,” she s

35、aid. “he just cares that you try it on his show.” so i asked myself, “whats the _ (14) that can happen? ill look like a fool on television!” anyway, i could live through that. and what if i broke the record? so i decided just to try my best, and i succeeded. i broke the record, becoming the worlds f

36、astest-talking female _ (15) speaking 585 words in one minute!1. a. studyingb. interviewingc. callingd. praising2. a. station b. universityc. timed. century3. a. setting b. breakingc. playingd. holding4. a. giftsb. reports c. speechesd. remarks5. a. adultb. kidc. femaled. male6. a. showb. stagec. mo

37、vied. book7. a. out b. upc. downd. in8. a. whatb. whetherc. whend. how9. a. practicingb. singingc. learningd. reading10. a. horribleb. tiredc. nervousd. happy11. a. studiob. classroomc. labd. office12. a. unlessb. ifc. thoughd. how13. a. wonderb. mindc. cared. know14. a. bestb. mostc. leastd. worst1

38、5. a. inb. onc. withd. by完型填空 2choose the best answer from a, b, c and d. write your answers on the answer sheet. 从a, b, c, d选项中选择一个正确的答案写在答题卷上。youve sent out your resume, _ (1) for that dream job. a potential employer has invited you for a job interview. so what do you do now? prepare! before you g

39、o to the interview, know _ (2) qualifications (资格) and experiences may set you apart from _ (3). interviewers will ask many standard questions. _ (4) understanding which questions to expect, you can better prepare your answers. why should we hire you?when answering this question, _ (5) the work expe

40、rience that qualifies you for the job. if your experience is _ (6), emphasize the skills that you can bring to the new job. but dont lie. _ (7) kills your chances faster than a potential employer catching you in a lie.example answer “i have experiences in a similar company. i brought in record sales

41、 for that company. i believe i can do _ (8) for your company.” what salary do you expect to earn at this job?try _ (9) a specific salary. if your price is _ (10), you could destroy your chances of being offered the job. _ (11), ask the salary range offered to someone with your experience. if the int

42、erviewer doesnt ask about your salary _ (12), dont bring up the issue before you _ (13) a job. the interviewer may think you are only _ (14) in the money.example answer “im sure we can _ (15) a reasonable salary. whats your normal pay for someone with my experience?” 1. a. hopeb. hopedc. hopingd. to

43、 hope2. a. whatb. thatc. whetherd. why3. a. otherb. the otherc. othersd. the others 4. a. forb. byc. fromd. in5. a. depend onb. focus onc. carry ond. take on6. a. smallb. fewc. limitedd. restricted7. a. something b. anythingc. everythingd. nothing8. a. the sameb. a samec. samed. same thing9. a. avoi

44、ding to nameb. avoiding naming c. to avoid to named. to avoid naming10. a. too high or too lowb. too high and too lowc. so high or so lowd. so high and so low11. a. sob. insteadc. besidesd. or12. a. wishb. expectationc. hoped. desire13. a. are being offered b. are offered c. have been offered d.will

45、 be offered14. a. contentb. excitedc. interestedd. satisfied15. a. agree tob. agree withc. agree ind. agree on完型填空3choose the best answer from a, b, c and d. write your answers on the answer sheet. 从a, b, c, d选项中选择一个正确的答案写在答题卷上。to communicate well with other people, you must learn to speak well, rig

46、ht? yes, but speaking isnt _ (1). some experts say only 30 percent of communication comes _ (2) talking. your gestures and other actions _ (3), too. _ (4) in different cultures, the same action can have different meanings.everyone around the world knows the “ok” hand gesture, _ (5) they? be careful

47、not _ (6) too much! in spain, the ok sign is considered rude. if you go shopping in japan, it means youd like your change in coins _ (7) paper money. in france, making the ok sign means you think something is worthless. _ (8) a gesture as common as the ok sign is not generally understood. check _ (9

48、) you use it so as not to get yourself into trouble.if you understand everything in this article _ (10), nod your head. does that mean yes? not among some malaysians. the malaysians _ (11) with something by shaking their heads from side to side. to many foreigners visiting malaysia, this is clearly

49、a no _ (12). wow, _ (13) different!understanding even _ (14) key gestures from different cultures can make you a better communicator. so _ (15) time you go overseas, find out the local gesture, and let your body talk.1.a. anything b. somethingc. nothingd. everything2.a. from b. toc. ford. in3.a. do

50、b. mindc. matterd. decide4.a. so b. butc. thatd. what5.a. do b. dontc. ared. arent6.a. assume b. assuming c. to assumed. to assuming7.a. in case of b. instead ofc. in spite ofd. in need of8.a. even b. even ifc. asd. as if9.a. after b. untilc. befored. while10.a. so far b. so muchc. that fard. that m

51、uch11.a. accept b. differc. agree d. disagree12.a. sense b. meansc. wayd. sign13.a. what b. howc. whyd. this14.a. little b. a littlec. fewd. a few15.a. last b. laterc. other d. next完型填空4choose the best answer from a, b, c and d. write your answers on the answer sheet. 从a, b, c, d选项中选择一个正确的答案写在答题卷上。“mabel, mabel, strong and able, keep your elbows off the table.” i was only 3 or 4 years ol


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