1、案例题目:Unitl Women of achievement教材分析:本节课主要是围绕第一单元“女性成就”这一话题展开,本课是本单元第二课时,是阅读课。阅读课是每单元教学的重要环节。 通过介绍几位生活在不同国度的杰出女性,探讨女性在社会生活中的地位,价值和贡献,关注她们所面临的困难,讴歌她们在社会各个领 域的成就。培养学生能完成设定任务,注意查找有效信息,客观地评 价分析人物。并能用英文准确描述心目中伟大女性。学习者特征分析:本节课的学习者特征分析主要根据对现阶段高中生的思维发展分析及教师对学生的了解而做出的:处于高一年级的学生,善于和同学交流,乐于表达自己,渴望达到同学和教师的赞许;并已在
2、初中英 语学习中有了一定的英语语言积淀,学生能够用简单的英语围绕简答 的友谊话题进行交流,学生对英语运用有了一定的兴趣,老师通过提出问题,正确引导学生思考,发散学生思维。教学目标:1、知识与技能目标:能理解 achievement, condition, welfare, institute,conn ecti on,campaig n, orga ni zati on, specialist, behavior,n est, observati on, respect, en terta inment, support, com muni cati on, strike, career, a
3、rticle, rate, determ in atio n在课文中的含义,能运用 devoteto, look downupon/on,carefor, deliver a baby进一步熟悉朋友方面的相关话题。2、过程与方法目标:能够通过完成设定的任务来感知任务型教学的基本方法;能够通过小组间的调查来体验协作学习的过程和方法;能够仔细倾听老师和同学的发言,有语言表达和同学交流的愿望。培养学生查找资料, 整合资料,发散思维与团队合作能力,以及对所学语言的表达能力。3、情感态度与价值观目标:通过小组合作学习,培养学生团队合作意识和协作精神, 能够相互配合完成一段通顺流畅的说话训练。进一步激发学
4、生学习英 语的兴趣,培养学生的实际生活能力,了解伟大女性,增长阅历,让 学生了解更多成为伟人的不容易,激发学生学习意志。教学方法:1、教法说明:(1)协作学习策略:建立小组讨论、交流、合作的课堂氛围。(2)操练法策略:教师提供一定的句型供学生谈论话题时参照使 用。(3)情景创设策略:运用生活中与教学内容相关的情景,设计问题, 引发学生讨论,激发学生的学习兴趣。2、学法说明:(1) 自主学习;能根据需要进行资料的收集整合,使学生在查找 资料的过程中学习,并充实了教学内容。(2) 合作探究学习:在小组讨论中,相互合作,从而获得知识、 技能和情感体验,发展学生的综合能力。教学过程:Stepl. Wa
5、rming up用多媒体播现代伟大女性的片段。把学生的注意力转移到课堂上。Stepll.Leadi ng in引出话题 Women of achievement。学生通过观看视频,回答教 师提出的问题。教师通过播放视频,激发学生兴趣,激活学生已有图 式。教学语言参考:Now I have two questi ons.1. Do you think womenare as important and equal as men?Give some examples to expla in the situati on.2. Who do you admire most of all the gr
6、eat and successful wome n in the world? Why?用生动形象的图片吸引学生的注意力,激发学生兴趣,让学生全身心投入到课堂教学活动中。Step III. Pre-task教学语言参考:T: Now let ' s play a guessing game:I will describe some people to you, please guess who they are accord ing to my descripti on.She is Dr Sun Yat- sen's wife,was one of the top leade
7、rs in moder n Chin ese history. She concerned herself with welfare projects,leading China Welfare Institute especially for womenand childre n. Who is she?S:S ong Qin gli ng.T:Y es, you are right. Now, I n eed one of you to in troduce a great woman to our classmates, you can use the material that you
8、 have found last night. OK, let ' s continue our guessing game.S: She was an English prison reformer, social reformer and, as a Quaker, a Christia n phila nthropist. Shewas a major driv ing force behind newlegislationto makethe treatment of prisonersmore huma ne, and she was supported in her eff
9、orts by the reig ning mon arch. Since 2002, she has bee n depicted on the Bank of En gla nd £5note. And who is she?S: Elizabeth Fry.T:OK, you all did a good job ,from your performa nee, I can know that you guys have a detail review and won derful survey after class. I am very happy with that. A
10、nd here I still have a question,could you tell me what' s the qualities that youthi nk a great woma n n eeds? Discuss it with your grow members.S:kno wledgeable,c on fide nt,i ntellige nt,resp on sible,brave, modest,devoted,warm-hearted,e nergetic.T: Yeah, and this words can also be describe oth
11、er man, now,I will in troduce ano ther man to you .“ He was a model soldier, on December 18,1940, he was bornin a poor peasant family in a little mountain village of Human Province.He didn 't go to school till 1950.At the age of 18,he worked as a steel worker, He was often praised for his good j
12、ob. He loved the Party and the people, and constantly didgood forothers. After his death, Chairman Mao called on the people to“Learn from him”. The whole n ati on were moved by his deeds. His spirit will live in our heartforever ” Who is he?S: Lei Feng.T:Yeah, so clever, he is Lei Feng!.He devoted h
13、imself to help others. He is a pers on who deserve our respect.Please pay atte nti on to the phrases:devote to , deserve ., respect .1. 进行小组讨论,派代表发表观点。通过小组讨论,可以让学生 们了解拥有什么样品质的人才有可能成为伟人。2. 回答教师问题,并简单介绍自己的理由,让学生对这些社会问 题有所思考。3. 从猜测游戏中总结出描述人物的形容词,重点词组,运用到实 际的表达中。Task 2阅读课文找出本文的主旨大意和一些简单的细节理解。同伴活动,从文章中找出
14、Jane Goodall的生平简历。对Jane Goodall的生平简 历有一个更系统的了解。锻炼学生从阅读材料中获取信息和处理信息 的能力。教学语言参考:T:You all did a good job in our last part, nowwehave another task, tur n to page 2,read the text and find out the main idea, and use 4 or 5 sentences to describeJane's life.Pay atte nti on to use thesewords(k no wledge
15、able,c on fide nt,i ntellige nt,resp on sible,brave,modest,devoted,warm-hearted,e nergetic.)to makeyour senten ces more beautiful .T:Ok, time ' s up.The firstquestion, what' s the main ideaof this text?Any volun teers?S:This text talk about wome n ofachieveme nt T:What kinds of achievement?
16、Is it aboutAfrican 'swildlife?S: Y es.T: Ok, excelle nt, tha nk you,sit dow n please! S has a goodidea about our first question. How about the task that use 4or 5 sentences to describeJane's life?I need a volunteer to comehere and express his or her idea will give you 3mins to finish it,ok?S
17、:Ok.T:She has done a good job,right?S:Y es.T:She has a good prese ntati on /oral En glish/ goodexpression/ beautiful sounds.What should welearn from Jane?S:T:I think we can use some new wordslike:ki ndn ess/modest/c on siderateto describe Jane ,right? Anyother phrase can be used to express?T:That
18、9;s ok,a nything else?T:Great!Homework1. Follow the tape to read the text untilyou can read it incorrect sense groups.2. : Writing:“Great woman in my mind”教学语言参考:So you see, you can have a good analysis of the text and know the general idea of the text,also,you can use today ' s newwords and phrases to describe a great woma n and man,as to emphasise your readi ng and have a good sense of En glish,you n eed to do the homew
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