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1、2013学年第二学期徐汇区学习能力诊断卷高三年级英语学科 2014.4第 i 卷i. listening comprehension section a directions: in section a, you will hear ten short conversations between two speakers. at the end of each conversation, a question will be asked about what was said. the conversations and the questions will be spoken only on

2、ce. after you hear a conversation and the question about it, read the four possible answers on your paper, and decide which one is the best answer to the question you have heard.1. a. visit the woman.b. go to an interview.c. attend a lecture.d. work in the office. 2. a. at a post office.b. at a fast

3、-food restaurant.c. at a booking office.d. at a check-in desk.3. a. one hour later.b. thirty minutes later.c. twenty minutes later.d. around ten minutes.4. a. $8.b. $12. c. $16.d. $20.5. a. there is something wrong with the yoga class.b. john and tom are good friends.c. tom has attended a yoga class

4、.d. the woman may have dialed a wrong number.6. a. what to take up as a hobby.b. how to keep fit.c. how to handle pressure.d. what to play with.7. a. classmates.b. lecturers.c. strangers.d. relatives. 8. a. he has made a careful plan of writing it.b. he hasnt got a whole picture of it.c. he has quit

5、 writing it.d. he is seeking for a publisher now.9. a. a head waiter.b. a shop assistant.c. a customer.d. a receptionist. 10. a. hes not surprised at the womans playing at a concert tomorrow.b. he wont give the woman a surprise at the concert tomorrow.c. he will also play at the concert tomorrow wit

6、h the woman.d. he understands the womans nervous feeling and thinks it normal. section b directions: in section b, you will hear two short passages, and you will be asked three questions on each of the passages. the passages will be read twice, but the questions will be spoken only once. when you he

7、ar a question, read the four possible answers on your paper and decide which one would be the best answer to the question you have heard.questions 11 through 13 are based on the following passage. 11. a. in small cups.b. in a boat on a river.c. at the bottom of a river.d. on food stored in the groun

8、d.12. a. it came from a river.b. it was extremely pure.c. it was found in large quantities.d. it was dug up from a deep mine.13. a. an early means of travel on rivers.b. an ancient method of fishing in rivers.c. an important discovery at a village.d. the way of trading foods in old times.questions 1

9、4 through 16 are based on the following passage. 14. a. she enjoyed removing others drinks. b. she became more and more forgetful.c. she preferred to do everything by herself.d. she wanted to keep her house in good order.15. a. she is happy to clean windows. b. she loves to clean used windows.c. she

10、 is fond of clean used windows.d. she likes clean windows as my mother did.16. a. my mother often made us confused.b. my family members had a poor memory.c. my mother helped us to form a good habitd. my wife was surprised when she visited my mother.section c directions: in section c, you will hear t

11、wo longer conversations. the conversations will be read twice. after you hear each conversation, you are required to fill in the numbered blanks with the information you hear.blanks 17 through 20 are based on the following conversation.the mans interviewthe time for the interviewat 17 in the morning

12、.position applied for 18 his worrieshe thinks he lacks 19 and he is poor at languages.languages capable of use 20 and french.complete the form. write one word or number for each answer.blanks 21 through 24 are based on the following conversation.how long will the conference last?it will last for 21

13、. what is between the conference rooms? there are 22 between them.why does the woman need smaller conference rooms?for 23 .what do we learn about the conference centre?the conference centre is made up of the main conference hall, smaller conference rooms, and a(n) 24 . complete the form. write no mo

14、re than three words for each answer.ii. grammar and vocabularysection adirections: after reading the passages below, fill in the blanks to make the passages coherent and grammatically correct. for the blanks with a given word, fill in each blank with the proper form of the given word; for the other

15、blanks, use one word that best fits each blank.(a)the california state assembly recently approved the so-called paris hilton bill, which prevents dogs 25_ occupying the drivers seat in a moving vehicle. the bill passed 26_ democrats wanted to make an example of miss hilton. they think she is a

16、“little rich girl” who always gets her way; plus, her daddy is a big contributor to the republican party. “the judge 27_ have put her in jail for four months,” said one democrat when paris got only a four-day jail sentence for driving while drunk.28_ (drive) around town with her little dog lovey han

17、ging out the driver's window, paris is a familiar sight throughout los angeles. pictures of her and lovey are common in newspapers and magazines.“that dog is a deadly threat to everyone on the streets and the sidewalks,” said assembly leader fabian nunez. “we wrote this bill to protect the publi

18、c. theres no telling 29_ the dog might cause her to drive into a crowd of pedestrians. 30_ paris wants to be with her dog, let her chauffeur do the driving. the state assembly is responsible for protecting people, and we take that responsibility seriously.”the assembly bill passed by a vote of 44 to

19、 11. the state senate(参议院) 31_(expect) to approve the bill, and governor schwarzenegger has promised to sign it. “i love dogs,” he said, “but when it comes to 32_ (protect) the people of california, dogs will have to take a back seat.”the eleven assembly members who objected to the bill were all rep

20、ublicans. “while californians,” said republican tom ridge, “are being attacked daily by murderers, rapists, and muggers, who do the democrats protect citizens froma 33_ (spoil) little girl and her dog!”(b)he almost killed somebody, but one minute changed his life. this beautiful story comes from she

21、rman rogers book, foremen: leaders or drivers? .in his true-life story, rogers illustrates the importance of effective relationships. during his college years, rogers spent 34_ summer in an idaho(爱达荷州) logging camp. when the superintendent had to leave for a few days, he put rogers in charge. “35_ i

22、f the men refuse to follow my orders?” rogers asked. he thought of tony, an immigrant worker who roared all day, giving the other men a hard time. “fire them,” the superintendent said. then, as if 36_ (read) rogers mind, he added, “i suppose you think you are going to fire tony if you get the chance

23、. id feel badly about that. i have been logging for 40 years. tony is the most reliable worker ive ever had. i know he hates everybody and everything. but he comes in first and leaves last. there has not been an accident for eight years on the hill 37_ he works.”rogers took over the next day. he wen

24、t to tony and spoke to him. “tony, do you know im in charge here today?” tony grunted(发哼声). “i was going to fire you the first time we fought, but i want you to know im not,” he told tony, adding what the superintendent 38_ (say). when he finished, tony dropped the shovelful of sand he had held and

25、tears streamed down his face. “why he no tell me dat eight years ago?”that day tony worked harder than ever before - and he smiled! he later said to rogers, “my first foreman who ever say, good work, tony and it made me feel like christmas.” rogers went back to school after that summer. twelve years

26、 later he met tony again who was now superintendent for railroad construction for one of 39_ (large) logging companies in the west. rogers asked him how he came to california and happened to have such success. tony replied, “if it not be for the one minute you talk to me back in idaho, i keel somebo

27、dy someday. one minute change my whole life.” effective managers know the importance of taking a moment to point out 40_ a worker is doing well. but what a difference a minute of affirmation can make in any relationship! section bdirections: complete the following passage by using the words in the b

28、ox. each word can only be used once. note that there is one word more than you need. a. reassuresb. wellc. distinguishd. encountere. objectsf. inoffensiveg. revealsh. afterwardsi. implicationj. genuine k. unpleasanttelling tales“heres a nice bit of gossip!” do i have your attention? probably. we lis

29、ten, but 41_ we often feel terrible with ourselves. thats the problem with gossip: its something that as a social species we are primed to enjoy, but it can also be 42_ and harmful. not all gossip is bad. small talk establishes relationships and 43_ the other person that our intentions are friendly.

30、 so gossip, in the sense of exchanging bits and pieces of news about ourselves and others, can be perfectly 44_. if i say to you, “lets meet for coffee and have a bit of a gossip,” im inviting you to a social 45_ in which two people chew the fat. there is nothing wrong with that: life would be very

31、dull if we were unable to talk about what goes on around us. but its not that simple. if we say that somebody is a gossip, we do not mean that he or she enjoys gentle social chat: it carries a crueler 46_. a true gossip enjoys spreading stories about other people - stories in which others do not usu

32、ally come out 47_. the gossip is one who spreads bad gossip; good gossip is still fine, but its not what gossips spread. the distinction between good and bad gossip is not always clear. it would be easy if we could 48_ the two by saying that bad gossip is just about people; but innocent gossip may b

33、e about people too. the best way to tell the difference is to look at the intention behind the remarks. bad gossip 49_ itself in its desire to make the 50_ of the story look foolish. it also intrudes on their privacy. so we all know the difference. now then, did you hear about . iii. reading compreh

34、ensionsection adirections: for each blank in the following passages there are four words or phrases marked a, b, c and d. fill in each blank with the word or phrase that best fits the context.“what are you going to be when you grow up?” is a question that you may have been asked. you may not even kn

35、ow there are a variety of geography-related jobs. the association of american geographers lists nearly 150 different geography jobs. so, if you are interested in people, places, and environments, consider a job in geography. your work will not be limited to mapsit might range from 51 data to plannin

36、g projects, or making decisions about the environment.processing geographic data a geographers main activity is analyzing geographic information to answer geographic questions. jobs processing geographic data begin, of course, with collecting the information. one on-the-ground job in data collection

37、 is that of a surveyor. surveyors 52 and measure the land directly. they may mark boundaries, study the shape of the land, or even help find sewer(下水道) and water systems beneath the earth. high-tech information-gathering jobs include working with geographic information systems (gis) data. some examp

38、les of these jobs include remote sensing specialists and gis analysts. data analysis jobs require the ability to think 53 , high-level computer skills, and a college education.once data have been processed, a geographer may study the information to use in planning projects such as a new urban area,

39、a(n) 54 evacuation(撤退) plan, or the placement of a new highway. planners can also help determine how to make a neighborhood a better place to live. these jobs, too, require good critical thinking, writing, and computer skills, as well as a college education. planners are 55 to the success of a commu

40、nity.advising businesses and government about half of jobs using geography are in business and government. all kinds of businesses use geographic information to help build and 56 their operations. a location analyst studies an area to find the best location for a client. the client might be a large

41、retail store chain that wants to know which location would be best for opening a new store. the location analyst can study gis reports on such elements as transportation networks or population in an area and give the business owners the positive and 57 points about a location being considered.in 196

42、7, the mexican government was looking for a location to create a new international tourist resort. they used location analysts to find an area that had good beaches and was easy to reach from the united states. the 58 was cancún, today one of the worlds most desirable vacation sites. businesses

43、 connected with natural 59 such as forests also rely on geographers. geographers help them understand the relationship between their business and the environment where their business is located. in 1967, cancún was a small island on mexicos caribbean coast. it had white sand beaches, many birds

44、 and mangrove(红树) trees, but few people. after it was selected as a resort site, it was quickly 60 . today, cancún has more than 100 hotels and 500,000 permanent residents. many work in the tourist industry that serves the millions of visitors who come each year from all over the world. physica

45、l and human geographyphysical geographers are sometimes called earth scientists. some study such topics as geomorphology (地形学), that is, the study of how the shape of the earth 61 . others study weather and climate. still others study water, the oceans, soils, or ecology. jobs in these fields requir

46、e 62 scientific training.some geographers study economic, political, and 63 issues as they relate to place or region. human geographers are usually hired by government agencies to analyze a specific problem. these geographers work 64 with political scientists, economists, and sociologists. together,

47、 they provide possible solutions to problems from many different aspects of life in an area. and, of course, geographers teach the subject at all levels of 65 , from elementary schools to universities. but no matter what geography jobs people might hold, they are always trying to answer the basic ge

48、ographic questions: “where are things located?” and “why are they there?” 51. a. performing b. analyzingc. appreciatingd. downloading52. a. map b. minec. shape d. honour53. a. creativelyb. critically c. wildlyd. moderately 54. a. disasterb. radioactivityc. excursiond. vacation55. a. qualifiedb. dete

49、rminedc. valuabled. feasible 56. a. surviveb. expandc. managed. boom 57. a. negative b. effectivec. depressived. profitable 58. a. sceneryb. destinationc. resultd. foundation 59. a. potentialsb. histories c. resourcesd. sciences 60. a. specializedb. pollutedc. governedd. transformed 61. a. proceedsb

50、. stretches c. extendsd. changes 62. a. peculiarb. specialc. reasonabled. enthusiastic 63. a. psychologicalb. contemporaryc. religiousd. social 64. a. closely b. peacefullyc. loyally d. sensitively 65. a. demonstrationb. revolutionc. examinationd. education section bdirections: read the following pa

51、ssages. each passage is followed by several questions or unfinished statements. for each of them there are four choices marked a, b, c and d. choose the one that fits best according to the information given in the passage you have just read.(a)the dangers of dietingthanks to our modern lifestyle, wi

52、th more and more time spent sitting down in front of computers than ever before, the number of overweight people is at a new high. as people crazily search for a solution to this problem, they often try some of the popular fad(时尚) diets being offered. many people see fad diets as harmless ways of lo

53、sing weight, and they are grateful to have them. unfortunately, not only dont fad diets usually do the trick, but they can actually be dangerous for your health. although permanent weight loss is the goal, few are able to achieve it. experts estimate that 95 percent of dieters return to their starti

54、ng weight, or even add weight. while the irresponsible or unwise use of fad diets can bring some initial results, long-term results are very rare.nonetheless, people who are bored with the difficulties of changing their eating habits often turn to fad diets. rather than being moderate, fad diets inv

55、olve extreme dietary changes. they advise eating only one type of food, or they prohibit other types of foods entirely. this results in a situation where a persons body doesnt get all the vitamins and other things that it needs to stay healthy.one popular fad diet recommends eating lots of meat and

56、animal products, while nearly eliminating carbohydrates(碳水化合物). a scientific study from britain found that this diet is very high in fat. according to the study, the increase of damaging fats in the blood can lead to heart disease and, in extreme cases, kidney failure. furthermore, diets that are to

57、o low in carbohydrates can cause the body to use its own muscle for energy. the less muscle you have, the less food you use up, and the result is slower weight loss.veteran(老兵) dieters may well ask at this point, “what is the ideal diet?” well, to some extent, it depends on the individual. a united states government agency


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