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1、2020-2021学年高一上学期第一次月考英语试题注意:本试卷满分150分,考试总用时120分钟。第一部分 听力(共两节,满分30分)做题时,先将答案标在试卷上。录音内容结束后,你将有两分钟的时间将试卷上的答案转涂到答题卡上。第一节听下而5段对话。每段对话后有一个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最 佳选项。听完每段对话后,你都有10秒钟的时间来回答有关小题和阅读下一小题。每段对 话仅读一遍。1. What does the man still need?A. A hat.B. Shoes.C. A scarf.2. What will the man eat for lunch?A.

2、 Spaghetti.B SaladC Sandwiches3. What will the woman probably do on Friday?A. Play a gameB. See an art show.C Look after her little brother.4. How does the man suggest the woman get to the theater?A. On foot.B. By train. C. By bus.5. What does the man probably do?A. H己,s a cookB. HJs a fanner.C. HJs

3、 an office worker第二节听下而5段对话或独白。每段对话或独白后有几个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C三个 选项中选出最佳选项。听每段对话或独白前,你将有时间阅读各个小题,每小题5秒钟: 听完后,各小题将给岀5秒钟的作答时间。每段对话或独白读两遍。听第6段材料,回答第6、7题。6. How many points are the last two questions worth each?A. Two.B. ThreeC. Four.7. What is the relationship between the speakers?A. Teacher and student.B. B

4、oss and assistantC. Classmates.听第7段材料,回答第8、9题。& How does the woman feel about tennis?A. InterestedB Confident. C Unsure9. What will the man do tomorrow?A. Take tennis lessons.B. Buy a new tennis racket.C Bring his tennis racket to work 听第8段材料,回答第10至12题。10. What is the probable relationship betwe

5、en the speakers?A. Classmates.B. Teacher and student.C. Librarian and student.11. Which chapter was about the human body?A. Chapter 3.B. Chapter 4. C. Chapter 5.12. What will the woman probably do next?A. Attend a classB. Do some example questions.C Read her biology textbook 听第9段材料,回答第13至16题。13. Wha

6、t is the woman preparing for?A. Eating a mealB. Watching a movie.C. Cleaning up the kitchen.14. How does the man know what the woman will do?A. He knows her habitsB. She told him her plansC He suggested what she should do.15. What kinds of films does the man like?A. Funny onesB. Scary ones.C Serious

7、 ones16. Where are the speakers?A. At homeB. At a restaurant.C. At a movie theater.听第10段材料,回答第17至20题。17. Where did Tom live?A. In a small town. B In n big city. C In a countryside.18. Why did Tom go to the island?A. To have a tour. B To look for gold C To see his aunt.19. What did Tom do when everyo

8、ne thought he was dead?A. He hid in a caveB. He wrote letters to everyoneC He appeared at his own funeral20. WhaFs the main theme of the story?A. Making friendsB. Learning to love others.C Surviving in dangerous situations.第二部分 阅读理解(共两节,满分40分)第一节(共15小题:每小题2分,满分30分)阅读下列短文,从每题所给的A、B、C和D四个选项中,选出最佳选项。AT

9、eaching materials for learning Chinese are provided here. There are sites where you may find interesting instructions suitable for you Here are some sites to begin your surfingYou may start with these pages from this website just to get a little taste of it without working too hard. A Is For LoveFla

10、sh cards for learning a few Chinese words Listening to the sound of ChinesePlay a few words of Chinese on your computer. A few Chinese wordsEach word is enlarged for easy study.If you are studying Chinese, these tools can help Zhongwen siteMore than a dictionary! Cbvis SinicaExcellent program by Pro

11、fessor David Porte匚 It displays a whole document in Chinese GB or BIG5, and gives individual words definition, pronunciation as well as much more information when you click on that word If you are studying Chinese, this is a very useful tool. Chinese Character Visual DictionaryIf you like to know mo

12、re, go to the following sites on the Internet. The Chinese OutpostPronunciation, Character and Grammar By Mark Andrew Bake匚 The best. A must-visit site. Leain Cantonese / Mandarin Online Internet Based Chinese Teaching and Learning Rainland Kids discover Chinese Site is in Gei manyIf you want to hav

13、e a better understanding of China, go to this one Wanfhng DataAs an affiliate (分支)of Chinese Ministry of Science && Technology, Wanfang Data has been the leading information provider in China since 1950s With a wide range of database resources and value-added services, Wanfang Data has becom

14、e a gateway to understanding Chinese culture, medicine, business, science, etc.21. This passage is most probably fromA. a TV programmeB a teacher lectureC. a newspaperD the Internet22. If you want to know each Chinese character's definition, pronunciation and much more infbrmation, youM better s

15、urfA. Zhongwen siteC Ciavis SinicaB. A Is For LoveD. A few Chinese words23. If you want to know China about its culture, medicine, business, science, youdbetter surf A. Learn Mandarin onlineB. Wanfang DataC. Rainland kids discover ChineseD. The Chinese Outpost24. The underlined word "gateway in

16、 the last paragraph probably refers toA. an opening in a wall that can be closed by a gateB. a place through which you can go to another placeC the space when a door is openD. a means of getting or achieving somethingAs we all know, the best way of learning a language is using it. The best way of le

17、arning English is talking in English as much as possible Sometimes you'll get your words mixed up (j昆合)and people will not understand you Sometimes people will say things too quickly and you can't understand them But if you keep your sense of humor, you can always have a good laugh at the mi

18、stakes you make Dont be luiliappy if people seem to be laugliing at your mistakes Ifs better for people to laugh at your mistakes than to be angry with you, because they don't understand what you are saying Tlie most important thing for learning English is: “DonY be afi*aid of making mistakes be

19、cause everyonu makes mistakes.25. The writer thinks that the most important thing for you to learn a languageA. readingB practising C talking about it D listening26. When you make a mistake, you shouldA. never make any mistakes again B tell others not to make the same mistakeC punish yourself for ma

20、king itD keep your sense of humor27 .The passage tells us: “"A. It is normal (正常的)that we make some mistakes in learning EnglishB. Everyone must make mistakesC We can avoid making mistakes in learning a languageD. Laughing can help one learn English wellAmerica is a mobile society. Friendships

21、between Americans can be close and real, yet disappear soon if situations change Neither side feels hurt by this. Both may exchange Christmas greetings for a year or two, perhaps a few letters for a while 一 then no more If the same two people meet again by chance, even years later, they pick up the

22、friendship This can be quite difficult for us Chinese to understand, because friendships between us flower more slowly but then may become lifelong feelings, extending (延彳申)sometimes deeply into both families.Americans are ready to receive us foreigners at their homes, share their holidays, and thei

23、r home life. They will enjoy welcoming us and be pleased if we accept their hospitality (好客)easily.Another difficult point for us Chinese to understand Americans is 什although they include us warmly in their personal everyday lives, they don,t show 什ieir politeness to us if it requires a great deal o

24、f time. This is usually the opposite of the practice in our country where we may be generous with our time. Sometimes, we, as hosts, will appear at airports even in the middle of the night to meet a friend. We may take days off to act as guides to our foreign friends. The Americans, however, express

25、 their welcome usually at homes, but truly can not manage the time to do a great deal with a visitor outside their daily routine. They will probably expect us to get ourselves from the airport to our own hotel by bus. And they expect that we will phone them from there Once we arrive at their homes,

26、the welcome will be full, warm and real. We will find ourselves treated hospitably.For the Americans, it is often considered more friendly to invite a friend to their homes than to go to restaurants, except for purely business matters So accept their hospitality at home!2& The writer of this pas

27、sage must beA. an AmericanB. a Chinese C a professorD a student29. Which of the following statements is TRUE according to the passage?A. Friendships between Americans usually extend deeply into their families.B. Friendships between Americans usually last for all their livesC. Americans always show t

28、heir warmth even if they are very busyD. Americans will continue their friendships again even after a long break30. From the last two paragraphs we can learn that when we arrive in America to visitan American friend, we will probably beA. warmly welcomed at the airportB offered a ride to his homeC t

29、reated hospitably at his homeD treated to dinner in a restaurant31. A suitable title for this passage would probably be “A. Friendships between ChineseB Friendships between AmericansC Americans? hospitalityD. Americans9 and Chinese's views offriendshipsDBy now, most people know they should be ea

30、ting more vegetables But are there ways to get more from the vegetables you already eat? A research shows that when it comes to vegetables, its not only how much we eat, but also how we prepare them, that decides the vitamins and other nutrients that enter our body.Many studies show that people who

31、eat lots of vegetables have less heart disease, and eye problems and even cancer. But raw vegetables are not always best. The researchers found that 198 Germans who eat raw food were short of lycopene, the matter found in tomatoes and other red vegetables “There is an idea that raw foods are always

32、going to be better/9 says Steven K Clinton, a professor at Ohio State University. "For fruits and vegetables, sometimes a little bit of cooking can be helpful."A number of factors decide how the vegetables do good to people's health before they reach the table, including where and how

33、they were grown and stored before being bought. No single cooking way is best. Some nutrients are easily lost in cooking if they are cooked in different ways.Vitamins C and B are often lost. In January, another report said that boiling was better for carrots than frying or serving them raw. Frying w

34、as the worst way to cookWhat cooked with the vegetables can also be important? When the vegetables were cooked with fat, the diners can get more nutrients Fat can also make the taste of vegetables better, meaning that people will eat more of them. Putting on some other things that make it taste bett

35、er一a little saltcan make the food taste better.32. The writer mainly wants to tell us thatA. people should eat more vegetablesB the way people eat vegetables is importantC eating vegetables is good for usD. how much vegetables one should eat33. The people who eat the raw vegetables for a long time w

36、illA. have the eyes problemsB have heart diseaseC. be in need of lycopeneD. hate eating tomatoes34. The following decide how the vegetables do good to people EXCEPTA. the place where the vegetables are grownB. the way how the vegetables are storedC the way how the vegetables are preparedD the price

37、at which the vegetable are sold35. From the last paragraph, we can knowA. It's better to cook vegetables with the fatB the more fat in the cooking, the fewer vegetables people will eatC It,s better to cook the vegetables without saltD the fat will increase the nutrition of the vegetables第二节(共5小题

38、;每小题2分,满分10分) 根据短文内容,从短文后的选项中选出能填入空口处的最佳选项。选项中有两项 为多余选项。Being responsible is universally agreed to be one of the keys to success 36Instead, it takes a long time for kids to develop this difficult yet beautifulhabit So, how should parents teach their kids to be responsible for their duties?Start earl

39、y. If you haven't taught your kids responsibility, you can't suddenly scold them for acting irresponsibly. Begin teaching responsibility when your kid is very young 37Guide your childien. It is important for a parent to understand kids,skill levul and give them tasks suitable for the skill l

40、evel. 38First, show your kids where thewatering pot is kept and then show how the plants are watered. Also, explain why plants need regular watering Even your toddlers (蹒跚学步的小孩)can help out as long as you guide them carefullyTalk about responsibility. 39Children who hear this word from an earlyage a

41、lso quickly understand the meaning of responsibility. When you give your kids tasks, be sure to tell them that it is tliek “responsibility” to complete the tasks.40The best way your kids will learn to act responsibly is by observingyou and other family members Show your responsibility by acting in a

42、 responsible manner at all times in front of your children By observing your actions your kids will slowly learn to be responsibleA. Be a role model.B. Avoid constant rewards.C Unluckily, responsibility cant be learned in a short time.D Your praise will go a long way in making your kids responsibleE

43、 The earlier you start off, the sooner you can teach your kids to be responsibleF. Child experts often ask parents to use the word "responsibility in front of kidsG For example, you can give your 5-year-old kid the responsibility of watering the plants 第三部分 语言知识运用(共两节,满分45分)第一节 完形填空(共20小题;每小题1.

44、5分,满分30分)阅读下面短文,从短文后各题所给的A、B、C和D四个选项中,选出可以填 入空白处的最佳选项。Sudha Chandran, a classical dancer from India, had to have her right leg cut after a car accident. She was also 41 on her career roadThough the accident brought her bright career to a 42, she didn't give up. Inthe 43 months that followed, Sud

45、ha met a doctor who developed an artificial (人造 的)44 made from njbber filled with sponge (海绵).So 45 she wanted to go back to 46 after she had been fitted with an artificial leg. Sudha knew that she believed in 47 and could realize her dream, 48 she began her courageous journey back to the world of d

46、ancing 49 to balance, bend, stretch, walk, turn, twist and twirl.After every public recital (个人表演),she 50 ask her dad about her performance “ You 51 have a long way to go" was the answer she used to get 52 In January 1984, Sudha made a historic 53 by giving a public recital inBombay She perform

47、ed in such a great manner that it54everyone to tearsand this 55 pushed her to the number one position again. That evening when she asked her dad the 56 question, he didn't say anything. He just touched her feet as a praise.Sudha's comeback was 57 moving an event that a film producer 58 to ma

48、ke the story into a hit film.When someone asked Sudha how she had 59 to dance again, she said quite simply, “YOU DON'T NEED FEET TO DANCE.” 60 is impossible in this world. If you have the will to win, you can achieve any thing.41. A. left aloneB. kept outC. cut offD put out42. A. topB. heightC p

49、ointD. stop43. A. painfulB. unforgettableC. busyD. free44. A. flowerB. legc. giftD. box45. A. strangelyB. graduallyC stronglyD. heavily46. A. homeB. schoolC. dancingD. walking47. A. the doctorB. herselfC. the stageD. her dad48. A. thereforeB. evenC. sinceD. however49. A. startingB. rememberingC want

50、ingD. learning50. A. couldB. wouldC.shouldD might51. A. yetB. everC. stillD. also52. A. in returnB. in turnC in surpriseD. in anger53. A. changeB. comebackC. movementD. promise54. A. madeB. letC. movedD. forced55. A. storyB performanceC decisionD accident56. A. usualB. newC normalD interesting57. A.

51、 suchB. thisC. veryD. so58. A. allowedB. decidedC refusedD pretended59. A. managedB. triedC. thoughtD. imagined60. A. EverythingB. NothingC. SomethingD Anything第二节(共10小题:每小题1.5分,满分15分)阅读下面短文,在空白处填入1个适当的单词或括号内单词的正确形式。Different Countries Have Different Kinds of EnglishesVoyages of people from England

52、play an important part in 61.(spread) theEnglish language.62.present, English is frequently spoken as63.official or common language in many countries, such as America, Singapore,Malaysia and some African countries, all of which are based on British English. The Englishes spoken in these countries ca

53、n 64. (understand) well by nativeEnglish speakers But actually, these Englishes have been changing gradually in accents, spellings, expressions and the usage of vocabulary. Because of this fact, you can make use of the differences 65.(tell) which country the foreigners ofyour block are from. For exa

54、mple, if a boss 66.(fluent) commands his driver,uCome up straight to my apartment 67.elevator and take some gas for mytmcks and cabs': instead of requesting, uPlease come to my flat by lift and take some petrol for my 68.(lony) and taxis", you can recognize 69.(he)American identity while th

55、e latter 70.(suggest)that he is British.第四部分 写作(共两节,满分35分)第一节 短文改错(共10小题:每小题1分,满分10分)假左英语课上老师要求同桌之间交换修改作文,请你修改你同桌写的以下作文。文中共有10处语言错误,每句中最多有两处。每处错误仅涉及一个单词的增加、删除或修改。 增加:在缺词处加一个漏字符号(A),并在其下而写出该加的词。删除:把多余的词用斜线()划掉。修改:在错的词下划一横线,并在该词下而写出修改后的词。注意:1.每处错误及苴修改均仅限一词;2. 只允许修改10处,多者(从第11处起)不计分。Dear Mary,I would l

56、ike to tell you everything about my trip. Yesterday it was sun and windy. I went to the park for a trip with my classmates. Since the park is far away, we took a bus to there. What beautiful the park was! We swam in the pool then played volleyball. We took a lot of food and eat it for lunch under a big tree. Then we listened to musics and had a rest. In the afternoon, we went fish and took lots of photos. We both had a very wonderful


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