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1、 教学质量教学质量 = 学生学生 + 教材教材 + 环境环境 + 教法教法 教师教师1 + 2 + 4 + 3 n一、一、 外语教师的素质外语教师的素质1、建立英语教育信念,树立科学的教育观2、与英语教学相关的知识3、英语教师应具备的能力l信念制约着教师的行为,比如,l教师若把学生看作知识的接受者,他就会单纯向学生传授知识;l若把学生看成合作伙伴,他就会吸引学生参与学习内容与活动的决策。l这里涉及到诸如如何看待学生,如何看待教育,如何看待知识与能力,情感因素及教师的角色等问题。2、英语教师应具备的知识、英语教师应具备的知识(1) 普通文化知识 (2)英语学科知识(3)一般教学法知识(4)英语教

2、学论知识(5)个人实践知识3、英语教师应具备的能力、英语教师应具备的能力(1)英语教育能力(2)英语作为交际语言和作为教学语言的运用能力(3)课堂教学能力和教材处理能力(4)创造、鉴别、运用英语教学方法和手段的能力(5)洞察、协调能力和科研能力(6)健康的个性心理 善于合作交流的工作风格 良好的心理承受力 宽容、谦逊的品质4. 健康的个性心理健康的个性心理二、英语教学方法二、英语教学方法1、传统派:语法翻译法 直接法 听说法 认知符号学习法2、人文派:沉默法, 集体语言学习法 暗示法, 全身反应法3、交际派:任务型教学法, 活动教学法, 自然法三、环境问题三、环境问题1、语言环境2、教育环境3

3、、语言教学环境四、教材四、教材1、现行教材特点2、教材分析3、教材重组l1更符合社会发展的要求和学生的兴趣更符合社会发展的要求和学生的兴趣l - 教学内容有时代气息教学内容有时代气息l - 注重学科融合注重学科融合l - 更有利于学生思想素质和人人素质的提高更有利于学生思想素质和人人素质的提高l2加大了信息量和容量加大了信息量和容量l - 话题内容有所增加话题内容有所增加l - 词汇量有所增加词汇量有所增加l - 听读写的时间量增加听读写的时间量增加l - 配套的教学资源更丰富配套的教学资源更丰富l3突出语言运用:功能、结构、话题相结合突出语言运用:功能、结构、话题相结合l - 任务型教学:如

4、,读课文后划出路线图任务型教学:如,读课文后划出路线图l - 以话题为核心,如,学校生活,友谊以话题为核心,如,学校生活,友谊l - 从活动中体验:遵循:从活动中体验:遵循:“知识知识- 技能技能-l 经验经验”的过程的过程l - 语言知识系统有所加强语言知识系统有所加强l4注意智力开发,培养思维、创造和自主注意智力开发,培养思维、创造和自主l 学习能力学习能力l - 有弹性、灵活性较大有弹性、灵活性较大l - 提供了评价系统提供了评价系统l1、教材分析、教材分析l2、教材重组、教材重组l备课时要考虑如下几方面的问题:备课时要考虑如下几方面的问题:l教学目的教学目的l教学活动教学活动l教学手段

5、教学手段l预期问题与困难预期问题与困难五、学生五、学生1、构成动机的因素 探索需求 控制需求 活动需求 刺激需求 知识需求 自我提高需求2、激发动机的教学策略、激发动机的教学策略 期望激励 目标激励 及时反馈 评价激励 成功体验 竞争合作 提高诱力 引起好奇 积极归因 兴趣迁移l语音教学l词汇教学l语法教学l技能教学l教学反馈lthe art of teaching is the art of assisting discovery.objectives: phonological competence:a) the ability to recognize and discriminate

6、significant sound features.b) the ability to produce intelligible and acceptable sounds, both segmentally and prosodically.c) the ability to interpret written language phonologically, as in reading aloud, and to recreate spoken language graphically, as in written from dictation and note-taking.limpl

7、icit:lexposure - imitation -speech training - practical phonetics lexplicit: lpractical phonetics - speech training - imitation - exposureeg. yes. - low rise = go on. - high rise = is that so? - high fall = thats right. - fall rise = it may be so. - rise fall = of course it is so.pitch: pitch range

8、can be high, mid, or low. high key - for emphasis, contrast mid key - expected, neutral low key - low information e.g. 1. you can find it.you can find it in the encyclopedia.you can find it in the encyclopedia in the library. 2. see the breeze teasing the tree,weaving the leaves or shaking them free

9、,tossing fleece of sheep, that keepon peacefully feeding, half asleep.lsituation 1la and b are invited to cs house. l c is most welcoming. l a is delighted to be there, l but b is reluctant and rude.lc: how nice of you to come!la: hello!lb: ,hello.lc: do come into the drawing room.la: thank you!lb:

10、,oh. lc: do have some tea, wont you?la: id love to.lb: ,ok.lc: indian or chinese?la: indian, please.lb: ,china.lsituation 2la bored, overworked immigration officer at an airport (role a) and a tired, hungry, bad-tempered traveler (role b)lsituation 2la handsome young man (role a) and an attractive f

11、oreign girl (role b) in a disco.la: whats your name?lb: monika simonson.la: where are you from?lb: sweden.la: what are you doing here? b: im on holiday.la: how long are you staying?lb: six weeks.la. recognize it in written and spoken form;lb. recall it at once;lc. relate it to appropriate object or

12、concept;ld. use it in appropriate grammatical form;le. use it in correct collocation;lf. use it at appropriate level of formality;lg. pronounce it in a recognizable way;lh. spell it correctly;li. be aware of its connotation.one theory of forgetting suggests that information stored in the memory fall

13、s into disuse unless it is activated fairly regularly. this is called the decay theory.in opposition to this theory is the notion of cue-dependent forgetting, which asserts that information does in fact persist in the memory but we may be unable to recall it. in other words, the failure is one of re

14、trieval rather than storage. one final point about forgetting is the rate at which we forget. it is generally believed that of the information we get, 80% is lost within 24 hours of initial learning.new knowledge is most effectively absorbed when it is associated to the already known, and when the a

15、ppropriate conceptual framework or schemata are activated in the mind of the learner. schemata are structured frameworks of knowledge, about the world and about the language.we cant do without memorization, but we should try not to use it all the time. if vocabulary is presented in a meaningful cont

16、ext, in an interesting way, if students have the chance to work out meaning for themselves, to practice using words in real situations, if they are exposed to new words frequently and not allowed to forget them, the role of memory will be much reduced. 1. meaningful tasks2. guided discovery3. imager

17、y4. rote learning5. recycling6. written storage system for learners-teach spoken form first; -teach words in context; -teach lexical items rather than individual words; -present words in a memorable way;-revise often;-check understanding.there are three general categories:semantic fields: e.g. types

18、 of fruit ; differences of degree. e.g. human age: baby - child - teenager - adult phonological sets: “word families”, i.e. derivatives, e.g. biology, biologist, biological grammatical sets: a) grammatical similarity b) notional similarity e.g. he is likely to; its bound to; there is a good chance t

19、hat; e.g. to begin with, in the second place, last of alllintake: notice and re-notice - structure and restructure - proceduralization lthe gradual proceduralization of language is promoted through experience of language use and motivated by communicative need, enabling us to signal useful meanings

20、which recur frequently.1. presentation: begin by presenting the class with a text in which the grammatical structure appears. the aim is to get the learners to perceive the structure - its form and meaning - in both speech and writing and to take it into short-term memory.2. isolation and explanatio

21、n: focus on the grammatical items themselves to see what rules govern them. the objective is for learners to understand the various aspects of the structure: form, meaning and function. 3. practice: consists of exercises done both in the classroom and for home assignments, whose aim is to cause the

22、learners to absorb the structure thoroughly; 4. test: the main objective is to provide feedback.ltwo essential characteristics of a good language-practice task: la clear objective and lactive language uselfind out people who have/has:l- be to hong kongl- study under professor liul- meet someone with

23、 the name “happyl- suffer from frostbitel- borrow books from the national libraryl- visit the great walll- swim in the yangtze riverl- read a novel by james joyce, etc.l1. purposel- does the activity have a communicative purpose?l- are learners aware of learning purpose?l2. authenticityl- is the act

24、ivity concerned with real language in real situations?l- is the language authentic in sense of what a native speaker might sayl3. discoursel- does the activity demand that learners operate with stretches of language bigger than sentences?l4. information gapl- cognitive: facts; opinions, etc.l- affec

25、tive: emotions, attitudes, etc. or no gapl5. choicel- do learners have a choice about what to say and how to say it?l6. feedbackl- does the activity allow feedback to learner? l7. degree of learner involvementl- use of group and pair workl- activity demands problem solving.l- under what degree of le

26、arner controll8. significance of mistakesl- limited significance in relation to the communicative purpose of activityl- high significance in relation to the learning of language forms through the activityl9. contentl- does the language used have real and significant content?l- or is it selected mere

27、ly to exemplify a category (structure, function, etc.)1. be capable of putting across a sense of how grammar interacts with the lexicon as a communicative system. 2.be able to analyze the grammatical problems that learners encounter.3. have the ability and confidence to evaluate the use of grammar,

28、especially by learners, against criteria of accuracy, appropriateness and expressiveness. 4. be aware of the contrastive relations between native language and foreign language. l5. understand and implement the processes of simplification by which overt knowledge of grammar can best be presented to l

29、earners at different1. predictive skill;2. extracting specific information;3. getting the general picture;4. inferring opinion and attitude;5. deducing meaning from context;6. recognizing function and discourse patterns and markers.the bottom-up processing model assumes that listening is a process o

30、f decoding the sounds that one hears in a linear fashion, from the smallest meaningful units to complete texts. the alternative, top-down view, suggests that the listener actively reconstructs the original meaning of the speaker using incoming sounds as clues. in this reconstruction process, the spe

31、aker uses prior knowledge of the context and situation within which the listening task takes place to make sense of what he hears. the knowledge we carry around in our heads is organized into interrelated patterns. they are like stereotypical mental scripts or scenarios of situations and events, bui

32、lt up from numerous experiences of similar events. in short, schema theory is based on the notion that past experiences lead to the creation of mental frameworks that help us make sense of new experiences.content schemata include cultural knowledge, topic familiarity, and previous experience with a

33、field. formal schemata have to do with peoples knowledge of discourse forms: text type, rhetorical conventions, and the structural organization of prose. expectation: interpreting a message by using previous knowledge and contextual cluesrecognition: know which are central and which are peripheralre

34、ducing the load: processing information by chunking, and prediction, channeling our attention to specific parts selection: selecting the more important or new information speech is not usually very organized and may contain redundancy, hesitation, ungrammatical utterances and sudden changes of topic

35、. the listener cannot look back at what he has heard, and cannot control the content or speed. the listeners vocabulary is limited, fails to recognize the signals, or discourse markers in speech. - lack of cultural knowledge of the target language. - lack of attentiveness, motivation, interest in an

36、d knowledge of the topic, etc.1.lessons must have definite goals, carefully stated. 2. be constructed with careful step-by-step planning. 3.should demand active overt student participation 4.provide a communicative urgency 5.should stress conscious memory work 6.should “teach”, not “test” 7.students

37、 shouldnt have to do too much writing 8.activity should be realistic 9.schema-building tasks should precede the listening 10. strategies should be incorporated into the materials. 1.we use knowledge of the language and knowledge of the world to get at meaning;2.we read for meaning by using the minim

38、um number of clues;3.reading is an active and interactive process;4.reading is a creative art. more is contributed by the reader than the text;5.reading is a selective process. it involves partial use of available language clues.1. literal comprehension: focus on ideas and information explicitly sta

39、ted in the selection;2. reorganization: to analyze, synthesize, and /or organize ideas or information explicitly stated;3. inferential comprehension: use the ideas or information explicitly stated, his intuition and his personal experience as a base for conjectures and hypothesis;4. evaluation: resp

40、onse from students which indicates his evaluative judgment by comparing ideas in the selection, against external and internal criteria. it deals with judgment and focuses on qualities of accuracy;5. appreciation: it deals with the psychological and aesthetic impact of the selection on the reader.lth

41、e students should have a desire to communicate.lthey should have some kind of communicative purpose.ltheir attention should be centered on the content (meaning-based) of what is being said.l lthey will have to deal with a variety of language rather than just one grammatical construction.lthe teacher

42、 should not intervene. this would undermine the communicative purpose of the activity. lthere is no material control. by restricting the students options the materials are denying the language variety characteristic of genuine communication.the writing teacher should give: positive affective feedback and negative cognitive feedback. lshe has four basic roles: las audience; las assistants; las evaluators and las examiners: las audience: responding as a genuine and interested reader rather than as a judge and evaluator, to the ideas,


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