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1、unit 3 can you hear a train?一、学情分析二年级的孩子已经有了一年的英语学习经验,对英语学习有浓厚的兴趣,他们的接受能力、模仿能力很强,对周围事物有着强烈的新鲜感与好奇心,绝大多数孩子有强烈的求知欲和表现欲。对于这些有利于英语学习的积极因素,我们应该注意保护并科学地加以利用,使之为我们的教学服务。但这个年龄段的孩子,注意力持久的时间不长,因此在教学过程中,我们要继续加强对学生良好的学习习惯的培养,并尽可能为孩子创设轻松的情境,让他们去感受身边的事物,使课堂更富童趣,并创造一切条件让学生大胆地发表自己的见解,敢于展示自己。针对这样的学生情况,教学设计时首先应注意利用学生


3、、我的家、公园、动物园等相关内容。涉及到生活的方方面面,体现了生活化和实用功能。内容十分丰富,单词和句型方面,呈现出“螺旋式上升”的特点,既复现巩固1a、1b、2a的内容,又深化主题内容,出现新的词汇和语句,运用儿歌、游戏、歌曲等形式出现。课文中所有内容都是依据语用、语境和语义相结合的原则而呈现的,所以学生在学习时,应积极参与到老师特设的语用和语境中,掌握语句和词语的基本语义,逐步获得最基本的运用英语的能力。在写的技能方面,2a增加了对字母书写的要求。 本模块主题为using my five senses,这个模块有三个单元,分别是“unit1 what can you see?”, “uni

4、t 2 touch and feel”, “unit3 can you hear a train ?”。这个三单元都围绕感官这个主题,第一单元是让孩子们互相询问能看见什么,第二单元是让孩子们说出自己的感受,第三单元是让孩子们去询问听到了什么。本单元unit3 can you hear a train ?”是孩子询问对方听到了什么。核心句型是:“can you hear.? yes./no.”, 让孩子们讨论是否会听到某些交通工具或者动物。三、单元教学安排共3个课时四、单元目标1.语言知识目标: 能听懂并认读train,car,bus,ship。 能运用can you hear.?询问对方是否听

5、到什么交通工具或者动物。 能用yes./no.回答对方。2.语言技能目标: 能根据图片或动作识记单词。 能听懂课堂简短的指令并做出相应的反应。 能根据录音模仿说话,把单词,句子说标准,说完整。 能在教师的指导下用英语做游戏。 能画出时间,并向朋友问候。 能在老师的带领下,模仿课文,并做简单的角色表演。3.学习策略目标: 能积极与他人合作,共同完成学习任务。 在学习中能集中注意力。 在课堂交流中,注意倾听,积极思考。 积极运用所学英语进行表达和交流。4.情感态度目标: 通过歌曲、游戏以及各种活动,体会到学习英语的乐趣。 在小组活动中积极参与合作,自主创新。 在鼓励性评价中树立信心,使学生能积极向

6、上,持续发展。五、具体课时教案如下: the 1st period mar. 14, 2016teaching contentslets learn/lets enjoy/lets talkteaching type new lessonteaching aims and demands1. the pupils can identify different means of transport2. they can use the sentence: what can you hear? i can hear3. they can understand the meaning of the

7、sentence: can you hear ? yes./no.main pointsthe new words: train, bus, car, shipthe sentences: what can you hear? i can hearcan you hear ? yes./no.difficult pointsunderstand the meaning of the sentence: can you hear ? yes./no.teaching aidsstickers, students books, ppt, flash cardsteaching procedures

8、activities between the teacher and the studentsteaching intentionsstep 1pre-task preparation step 2while-task procedurestep 3post-task activity step 4 homework1. greetings with the pupils.2. free talk: what can you see? i can see what color are they? theyre what color is it? its3. listen and guess:

9、what is it?e.g., its big. its black and white. its a farm animal. it goes “moomoo”1.learn the new wordsshow a picture of a street with green belts and several vehicles such as buses and cars on the board. have the pupils answer my questions according to the pictures.e.g., what can you see in the str

10、eet? i can see(point to a bus) whats this/that? its a bus.show more flashcards of vehicles and ask the pupils to repeat the words after me.2. enjoy the song have the students to watch the flash for lets enjoy” on p13.then ask them to pick out the pictures of vehicles they saw in the flash. have them

11、 practice the words with me.listen and sing the song together.3. learn the new sentencesask the pupil to listen to the sounds of the different vehicles. ask them to guess what it is.e.g., listen! what can you hear?i can hear acan you hear a ?yes. / no.use different sounds to practice: the sounds of

12、animals and the sounds of vehicles.4. gameask the pupils to imitate the sounds of vehicles. the ask them: can you hear a ? yes./no.let them play the games in groups.tell them they also can imitate the sounds of animals they have learnt.5. look ,listen and readshow the flash of lets talk. ask the pup

13、ils to look and listen. then answer my question: what can eddie hear? can he hear a ?read the sentences together.listen and read p10, p13 five times.imitate some sounds, ask your parents to guess.用动物图片来复习学过的句型,为后面的听声音猜动物和猜交通工具的游戏打基础。还是用句型what can you see?来引入对新单词的学习。用歌谣来练习巩固新单词,其中加上了这些交通工具的声音,使得练习更有趣

14、味性。听声音猜动物,听声音猜交通工具。由旧知what can you hear? 来引入新知can you hear? 过渡很自然,学生掌握起来也很轻松,课堂上也增添不少乐趣。小组玩游戏。模仿不同的声音,让同学猜一猜design for blackboard-writing unit 3 can you hear a train?-what can you hear?-i can hear a -can you hear a ? -yes, i can/no, i cant. bus car ship trainteaching postscript第三单元来源于生活,孩子们能很快的理解课文的

15、内容,并在提前预习的情况下,收到了比较好的效果。the 2nd period mar.16, 2016teaching contentslets talk/ enjoy a story /lets playteaching type new lessonteaching aims and demandsthe pupils can identify the different vehicles.the pupils can use the sentence: can you hear a yes./no.main pointssentences: can you hear a yes./no.

16、difficult pointsthe names of vehiclesteaching aidsppt, flash cardsteaching proceduresactivities between the teacher and the studentsteaching intentionsstep 1pre-task preparation step 2while-task procedurestep 3post-task activity step 4homework1. greetings 2. look, listen and answer about the song of

17、 lets enjoy what can you see in the street? i can seesing the song together1. practice:listen and guessshow some sounds of animals and vehicles. ask the pupils to guess.e.g., what can you hear? can you hear a ?2.lets play (1). listen and tick have the pupils to listen to the recording for lets play.

18、 then ask them to tick the pictures accordingly.(2) make a dialogue e.g., listen! can you hear a ? yes. /no.tell the pupils to choose one or two things, imitate the sounds of them, then use the sentences to make a new dialogue with their friends.3. learn enjoy a story(1)show the flash of lets act. h

19、ave the pupils to look, listen and think: who is the new friend? what can he hear? what cant he hear? where is he?(2) answer some questions about the storywho is the new friend? (its ming. ming is a cat.)what can it hear? (it can hear a dog and a ship.)what cant it hear? (it cant hear the bird.)wher

20、e is it? (it is beside the window.)teach the new words: beside, windowrevise: in, on, under (3) listen again, follow the record.(4) try to say something about ming. ask the pupils to say with me: e.g., ming is a cat. its lovely (cute). it is beside the window. it can hear a dog and a ship. it can

21、9;t hear the bird. its asleep.listen and read p10, p12-13 five times.用歌谣来引入对新单词的分析,学生比较感兴趣,也有利于课堂气氛的活跃。游戏复习巩固上节课所学过的知识,检查孩子们对知识的掌握情况。继续玩一玩听声音猜物体的游戏,告诉孩子们要用上学过的句子,在玩中学。欣赏故事,让学生带着问题去听和看,学习用英语思考,能够说一说关于故事的大概内容,培养学生听关键词句的能力,并让学生试着用英语来复述故事,锻炼学生的口语表达能力。这个也是我在课堂教学中本学期比较注重的一个方面。design for blackboard-writing

22、 unit 3 can you hear a train?enjoy a storyming is a cat. its lovely (cute). it is beside the window. it can hear a dog and a ship. it can't hear the bird. its asleep.what can you hear?i can hear a can you hear a ?yes, i can/no, i cant.teaching postscript孩子们对于声音是很敏感的,能很快速地辨识是哪一种交通工具发出的声音。结合前一节课学过

23、的句型,孩子们都很不错,。the 3rd period mar.18, 2016teaching contentsenjoy a story/lets play/lets enjoyteaching type practiceteaching aims and demandsthe pupils can use the sentence patterns well.they can make a new story according to the story of lets act.main pointspractice the sentences and the storydifficul

24、t pointsmake a new storyteaching aidsstickers, students books , flash cardsteaching proceduresactivities between the teacher and the studentsteaching intentionsstep 1pre-task preparation step 2while-task procedurestep 3homework1. greetings2. listen and sing the song of lets enjoy1. play a game: (1)

25、show some sounds of animals and vehicles, ask the pupils to say what they hear. we can use the sentence pattern can you hear a ? to practice the words.(2)ask some pupils to imitate the other sounds and the others to say what they hear.(3) play some noises for the pupils. ask them: what can you hear?

26、 do you like this kind of sound? tell the pupils do not make any noise in the classroom, at home.2. make a new story(1)show the flash of the story of ming. ask the pupils to look and read the story together. (2)talk about ming: ming is a cat. hes lovely (cute).he is beside the window. he can hear a

27、dog and a ship. he can't hear the bird. hes asleep.(3) show a picture of a dog. first,named it happy. second, tell the pupils happy can hearand happy cant hearthen, ask the pupils to say something about happy. e.g., happy is a dog. its cute. its (colors)he can hear it can hear .it cant heari thi

28、nk its easy for the pupils to do. they can do it in pairs. give them some minutes to practice. invite some pupils to show their story.1. listen and review unit 3.2. draw a picture of an animal you like, try to say something about it.(be chosen)用歌曲,互相招呼中让学生对前一课时的内容进行适当的复习和回顾这里补充了一个德育教育:不要在教室等一些公共场合制造

29、噪声让学生仿照书本ming的故事,根据老师的提示,完成一个新的故事,锻炼学生运用语言的能力。布置了一个分层作业,画一画你喜欢的动物,然后用学过的知识来描述一下。design for blackboard-writing unit 3 can you hear a train?make a new storyhappy is a dog. its big.its brown. it can hear a cat. it can hear a car and a bus. it can't hear the mouse. it likes bones and milk. what can

30、you hear?i can hear a can you hear a ?yes, i can/no, i cant.teaching postscript针对声音来判断交通工具和动物,孩子们通过学习,都能运用所学的句型,和自己的同桌练习对话。the 4th period mar.21,2016teaching contentsrevision & workbook teaching type practice& exercisesteaching aims and demands1、the pupils can practice the knowledge well.2、t

31、he pupils can understand how to do the listening exercisesmain points1、the knowledge of unit 32、the listening exercisesdifficult pointshow to do the listening exercisesteaching aidsflash cards, masks, cdteaching proceduresactivities between the teacher and the studentsteaching intentionsstep 1pre-ta

32、sk preparation step 2while-task procedurestep 3homework 1. greetings with the pupils.2. listen and read the words, sentences, dialogues and rhyme of unit 3 3. ask and answercan you hear a ?yes. /no.what can you hear?i can hearp9-listen and judgetell the pupils to draw a smiling face or crying face for the pictures according to what they hear.check their a


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