已阅读5页,还剩23页未读 继续免费阅读




1、Lessons 89-90 For saleNew words and expressionsbelieve v. 相信,认为believe + that从句 (宾语从句)eg:He believes that his girlfriend will come back to him. 他相信他的女朋友会回到他的身边。 I believe that he is honest. 我认为他是诚实的。believe sb 相信某人的话believe in sb 信任某人 eg:1. 我不相信你说的话。 I dont believe you. 2. 我们互相信任。 We believe in each

2、 other. 3. 你应该信上帝。 You should believe in God. New words and expressions believe it or not:信不信由你 (口语)eg:信不信由你,Mary就要结婚了。 Believe it or not , Mary is getting married. make believe 假装.装作.eg:那些男孩装扮成老师。 The boys made believe (that)they were teachers.belief n.信念、信仰believer n. 信徒、信奉者New words and expressio

3、nsmay 情态v. (用于请求许可)可以eg:You may go home now, Lucy. 你可以回家了,露西。 May I sit down? certainly. May I come in? Yes, please. May I use your phone? why not.New words and expressionshow long1) 多长(时间的长短)How long has he worked here?他已经在这工作多久了?He has worked here for ten years.他已经在这工作十年了。2) 物体的长度How long is this

4、stick?这根棍子有多长?How long is this desk?New words and expressionsHow often 多经常(问频度)eg:How often do you go swimming? 你多久去游一次泳? I go swimming three times a week. 我每周去游三次。How soon 多久eg:How soon will you come back? 你多久回来?New words and expressionssince 自从 (一般用在现在完成时)eg:Hes lived here since 1982. 自从1982年他就住在这

5、儿了。why adv. 为什么eg:Why were you absent yesterday? 你昨天为什么缺席? (be absent from)New words and expressionssell (sold ,sold)v. 卖,出售for sale 供出售,有待出售 on sale 减价出售eg:These books are on sale.sell sth to sb = sell sb sth 将某物卖给某人eg:He sold his house to a banker. He sold a banker his house. 他将房子卖给一个银行家。New words

6、 and expressionscost v. 花费 主语是物 sth costs (sb) + 金钱:某物花了(某人)多少钱eg:A new computer costs a lot of money. 买一台新电脑要花一大笔钱。 (doing) sth costs (sb) + 时间:某物(做某事)花了(某人)多 少时间eg:Remembering these new words cost him a lot of time. 他花了大量时间才记住这些单词。 注意:cost 过去式和过去分词都是 cost,并且不 能用于被动句。New words and expressions cost:

7、物作主语 spend:人作主语 take:接双宾语spend time/money on sth:在.上花费时间/金钱eg:I spent two hours on this maths problem. 我花了两个小时在这道数学题上。 spend money for sth:花钱买.New words and expressions花费spend time/money (in)doing sth:花费时间/金钱做某事eg:They spent two years (in)building this bridge. 他们花了两年时间造这座桥。 take:接双宾语It takes sb+时间+t

8、o do sth:做某事花了某人多少时间eg:It took them three years to build this road. 他们用了三年时间修完了这条路。New words and expressionsworth 值.钱be worth + 名词、代词或动名词eg:The picture is worth 500 dollars. 这幅画值500美元。 The clock is hardly worth repairing. 这台钟简直不值得修理。New words and expressionsworthy adj. 值得.的be worthy of + doing/n.eg:

9、The question is worthy of being discussed. 这个问题值得讨论。be worthy to do 值得做.eg:The method is worthy to be tried. 这个方法值得试一试。New words and expressionsworthwhile adj. 值得花费时间、金钱的It is worthwhile doing /to do sth:值得做某事it做形式主语eg:It is worthwhile buying the dictionary. 这本词典值得买。a worthwhile task 值得做的工作worthless

10、 adj. 无价值的New words and expressionsLesson 89 For saleListen to the tape then answer this question.Why couldnt Nigel decide?His wife must see it first. His wife has the last word.NIGEL:Good afternoon. I believe that this house is for sale. IAN: Thats right. NIGEL:May I have a look at it, please? IAN:

11、 Yes, of course. Come in. 1) sale是sell的名词形式for sale 供出售,待售on sale 廉价地出售,减价出售eg:My car is for sale. These books are on sale.TextNIGEL:How long have you lived here? IAN: Ive lived here for twenty years.1)现在完成时结构:have + done(过去分词)2)how long 询问时间段的特殊疑问词,一般用于 完成时态中3)live (长久)居住 stay (暂时)居住,待. live in the

12、 house stay at a hotel4)for twenty years 持续20年(长达20年) for+时间段 Textlive是持续性v. 如:study,teach,be,wait等,常与 since、for引导的词语连用eg:I have lived here for more than thirty years. 我已在此住了30多年。 I have been here since last October. 从去年十月起,我一直在这里。 She has taught us since I came to this school. 自从我来到学校,她一直教我们。Text非持

13、续性v.一般不用于现在完成时中eg:I have bought the car for five years. I bought the car five years ago. I have had the car for five years. 非持续性v.如:arrive、start、stop、 borrow、return、 break、 sale、 buy、 catch、 open、 die、finish、 get等等错误正确正确TextNIGEL:Twenty year! Thats a long time. IAN: Yes, Ive been here since 1976. be

14、en是系动词be的过去分词,be是典型的持续性v.,可以与for、since引导的时间状语连用since(介词) 自.开始,这是介词短语eg:I have known her since three years ago. 我自从三年前就认识她。TextNIGEL:Then why do you want to sell it? IAN: Because Ive just retired. I want to buy a small house in the country. NIGEL:How much does this house cost? IAN: 68,500. want to do

15、 sth:想要做某事 I want to have a drink. 我想要喝杯酒。want + n.: 想要.东西 I want a car. 我想要辆车。在乡下(完整:It costs 68,500.)TextNIGEL:Thats a lot of money! IAN: Its worth every penny of it. NIGEL:Well, I like the house. but I cant decide yet. My wife must see it first. IAN: Women always have the last word. = have the fi

16、nal sayeg:Its my mother who has the last word in my family. 在我家,我的妈妈说了算。keep ones word 遵守诺言eg:Ok,Ill keep my word. 好吧,我遵守诺言。Text总结课文主要词组及句型.is for sale 待售have a look at = look at 看一看how long 多长in the country 在乡下How much does . cost? 花费.钱;卖.钱be worth. 值得I cant decide. 我不能决定have the last word 最后拍板Grammar现在完成时两种不同用法:一、过去发生的事对现在的影响 结构:have/has + 过去分词 一般是瞬时性动作 标志词:already、just、yet、never、evereg:Have you finished it yet? He has already arrived.二、从过去某时开始一直持续到现在的动作或状态 结构:have/has + 过


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