1、Difference between Chineseand western wedding 小组成员:李大盼 黄德贞 肖俊 卢兵 王俊怡 曹明2021-10-282021-10-28I am going to introduce something different between Western and Chinese wedding, mainly by some picturesMarriage preparation 古时古时婚姻婚姻过程一般须经三书六礼,即聘书、礼书、迎书以过程一般须经三书六礼,即聘书、礼书、迎书以及纳采、问名、纳吉、纳征、请期、亲迎等礼节。及纳采、问名、纳吉、纳征
2、、请期、亲迎等礼节。 The The ancient marriage process is generally subject to ancient marriage process is generally subject to three books and six rites, letter of appointment, three books and six rites, letter of appointment, ceremony book, welcome book Nace asked the name of ceremony book, welcome book Nace
3、 asked the name of Nagy, satisfied that the levy, please, pro-Ying Nagy, satisfied that the levy, please, pro-Ying and other manners. and other manners. 现代,婚礼前大多数中国人置办新的东西,包括婚纱,床现代,婚礼前大多数中国人置办新的东西,包括婚纱,床上用品,一般定在比较好的饭店或在自己家里。而西方结上用品,一般定在比较好的饭店或在自己家里。而西方结婚用品不追求全,且一般不照婚纱照,认为新郎如果结婚婚用品不追求全,且一般不照婚纱照,认为新郎如
4、果结婚前看到新娘可能会给婚姻带来不幸。前看到新娘可能会给婚姻带来不幸。Modern, most Modern, most Chinese people before the wedding repairing Chinese people before the wedding repairing something new, including wedding dresses, bedding, something new, including wedding dresses, bedding, generally set at a better hotel or in their own g
5、enerally set at a better hotel or in their own homes.Western wedding supplies do not pursue, and homes.Western wedding supplies do not pursue, and generally did not have to take the wedding, before generally did not have to take the wedding, before the groom if the marriage to see the bride may the
6、groom if the marriage to see the bride may give marriage brings misfortune.give marriage brings misfortune.Wedding carchurchThe bride and bridegroomSome kinds of weddingCollective weddingdifferencescolor在传统婚礼中在传统婚礼中,新娘一般穿着新娘一般穿着红色罗衣红色罗衣,头戴凤冠头戴凤冠,上面还有上面还有一块红色丝巾一块红色丝巾.而新郎就穿着而新郎就穿着红色的长衫马褂红色的长衫马褂,头戴红色大头
7、戴红色大沿帽。沿帽。In the traditional wedding, the bride usually wear red Luo Yi, head Daifeng Guan, above there is a red scarf. While the groom wore a red gown jacket, wearing a red brimmed hat. 中国stylePhoenix has an important position in Chinese mythology.Dragon Master Yang Feng-yin, and yang represents th
8、e men, Yin said the woman. Therefore, the bride Fung said. Therefore, in a red dress embroidered phoenix also very easy to understand.凤在中国的神话中有着重要的地位。龙主阳凤主阴,而阳则代表男子,理解了。阴就表示女子。因此新娘就用凤表示。所以在红色的礼服上绣着凤也就很容易Chinas wedding is different from the west, the whole wedding of red is the mass-tone attune, this
9、 is the representative of the traditional Chinese auspicious color, too.西方西方的新娘则以白色调为主,的新娘则以白色调为主,象征纯洁,辅之以蓝,新娘的象征纯洁,辅之以蓝,新娘的一些小饰物或花束用蓝色,意一些小饰物或花束用蓝色,意味着新娘的纯洁及贞洁。在西味着新娘的纯洁及贞洁。在西方的天主教传统里,白色代表方的天主教传统里,白色代表着快乐。一般情况下新郎都是着快乐。一般情况下新郎都是穿黑色的礼服,使整个婚礼显穿黑色的礼服,使整个婚礼显的庄重严肃。的庄重严肃。 The brides dress is usually white
10、, the groom a black dress, the whole wedding was a solemn seriousness. Western wedding is belong to romantic types, the whole wedding from start to finish is full of romantic breath.Chinese wedding banquetwesternwedding banquetdifferences of The wedding process After riding in the red bridal bride,
11、the groom rode in front, with the matchmaker, and the Bridal teams to groom the family weddings. Both parents sit on the court, while the bride and groom were married the next hall. The whole wedding presided over by the master of ceremonies, under the command of his , a bride and groom preparing fo
12、r the wedding, and worshiped Diocese, then husband and wife worship, into the bridal chamber.新娘乘着大红花轿在后新娘乘着大红花轿在后,新郎骑着马在前新郎骑着马在前,随着红娘和迎亲随着红娘和迎亲队伍到新郎家中拜堂队伍到新郎家中拜堂.双方家长坐在堂上双方家长坐在堂上,而新郎新娘在堂而新郎新娘在堂下下成婚成婚.整个婚礼由司仪主持整个婚礼由司仪主持,在他的指挥下在他的指挥下,新郎新娘一拜新郎新娘一拜天地天地,二二拜高堂拜高堂,然后夫妻对拜然后夫妻对拜,送入洞房送入洞房.The differences of w
13、edding process 到教堂去举行结婚仪式是整个婚礼最重要的环节到教堂去举行结婚仪式是整个婚礼最重要的环节.首先首先,随着随着婚礼进行曲的节奏婚礼进行曲的节奏,新娘挽她的父亲的手走到新郎面前新娘挽她的父亲的手走到新郎面前,由她由她的父亲将她亲手交到新郎手中的父亲将她亲手交到新郎手中.牧师会要求新郎新娘对对方牧师会要求新郎新娘对对方作出一辈子的承诺作出一辈子的承诺,这也是整个婚礼的高潮这也是整个婚礼的高潮.然后他们会在牧然后他们会在牧师和众人的祝福下师和众人的祝福下,交换结婚戒指并亲吻对方。交换结婚戒指并亲吻对方。To the church wedding ceremony is the
14、 most important aspects of the wedding. First of all, with the rhythm of the wedding march, the bride of her fathers harness hands before the groom came from her father that she personally handed the hands of the bridegroom. pastor will ask the bride and groom to make a lifetime commitment to each other, and this is the climax of the wedding. and then they will be priests and to the peoples blessing, exchange of marriage rings and kiss each other. 个人偏好 In my opinion , I prefer the Western wedding
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