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3、大的挑战。注塑机生产模式的动态演变、更新和改进业绩方面,需要对注塑机的产品、模型及性能技术重用技术进行一步研究。2. 产品模型动态演化的驱动因素2.1注射成型机产品的动态模型注塑机配置设置过程中的各个方面决定了它是一个动态的过程。它的动态主要表现在以下几个方面:(1)注射机的各组件是动态的根据注塑机产品模型的演变,一些新的部件将被添加到设备中,旧元件都将被删除掉以完善和更新产品。(2)注射机部件的组成元件是动态的产品模型中的一些部件将重塑材料、色彩等特点,以提高产品模型的整体外观。(3)注射机产品型号的销售动态因为设计要求改变,该产品型号在某些设计环境中将转化为其他模式。(4)整个注射机是动态





8、从v0演变到v1。当性能技术演变时,产品型号可以使用最新的性能技术以实现产品模型的演变。图3-3 产品模型的演变4注塑机性能技术的重复利用4.1性能技术重复利用的定义配置设计的反复利用可以被定义为“以前产品为例,客户的要求和新的产品型号能获得新的注塑机可满足客户的要求。”注塑机的模型概念如下所示:inputs:r:注塑机的实例结果remd:注塑机模型性能技术反复利用f(r,r r):限制功能outputs:rr:注塑机性能技术的反复利用r1, r2 rn:运行一系列工具的性能技术反复利用and:rr md;rr remd;rr = (rl,r2 rn)r;rr是最优化“”的意思是满足。f(r,

9、 rr) 的构造及其应用涉及到实际应用领域。前者的知识应该像自己最好的的能力一样修改的越少越好,并且应采用低成本项目。4.2性能技术重复利用的算法实现实现注塑机的性能技术的反复利用应是第三层次产品模型的演变。各种各样的信息是前提,这些信息应该是建立在第一和第二层次之上。该产品模型是在时间t1的pm1,有一种是根据客户的要求cr1的设计rr1。产品模型在时间t2变成了pm2,并且顾客的要求变成了cr2。算法的主要思想如下,如图4-1所示。图4-1重新利用算法的主要思想第一步:客户的新要求(cr2)应该被证实,当前一体化产品模型(pm2)应得到保证;第二步:设定一个新的采用一体化产品模型(pm2)

10、的虚拟设计(vdp2)和新客户的要求(cr2)。第三步:在vdp2中逐个检查每一部分,每个部分的操作如下:如果这个部分在vdp2中,而不在p1中,将其添加到p1中;如果这个部分不在vdp2中,而在p1中,将其p1中删除;如果这个部分既在vdp2中又在p1中,而结构又不同,将这个部分用p1代替;如果在vdp2中有未检测到的部分,返回到第一步;第四步:配置设计重新利用的结果是p2=p1;第五步:结束。5实例以ht1800x1n系列注塑机为例, 阐释了注塑机产品模型和性能演化的重复利用。使用以上这种模型演变和复用技术, 计算机辅助产品结构设计系统是基于产品性能而设计的。图5-1展示了ht1800x1

11、n系列注塑机模型演变的过程。图5-1ht1800x1n系列注塑机模型演变的过程6结论产品模型演变和性能技术的重复利用是注塑机设计必不可少的组成部分。随着注塑机结构设计的采用,关于性能技术重复利用方面的研究变的越来越重要。首先,分析了注塑机产品模型的动态。其次,注塑机产品模型的演变被分成了三个层次。实现性能技术有了实际有效地算法。最后,以ht1800x1n系列注塑机为例阐述了算法的正确性和可行性。model evolvement and reuse technology of injection molding machine based on performance knowledge1int

12、roductionperformance knowledge occupies an important place in the configuration design of injection molding machines to meet the clients performance requirements. and it is one of highlights of product model evolvement and reuse technology. the research of performance knowledge mainly fuscous on pro

13、duct configuration modeling which decides the product functions and quality, performance knowledge expression which helps the product design, product model evolvement and performance knowledge reuse of injection molding machines.performance knowledge can drive the product design process. in point of

14、 fact, injection molding machines product model itself evolves dynamically and the design knowledge should be reused. as a performance knowledge-based design activity, product model evolvement and reuse technology has recently attracted a lot of research and industrial interest. troxlor presented th

15、e management of product design knowledge. the knowledge acquirement, model, retrieve and publishment were studied. pan researched on product innovative design technology based on knowledge and presented the knowledge model. tan introduced the multiple ways to express the configuration knowledge in m

16、ass customization model. waterson verified the ontological commitment in knowledge-based system. in modern product design methods, there must be some management and maintenance problems of product model evolvement and performance knowledge history. otherwise, the old performance knowledge of complet

17、ed product should be updated and consummated because of the function improvement, the customer requirement change and so on. that is, the performance knowledge and design result should be improved and modified based on current product model to make it to be a new injection molding machine product wh

18、ich meets the new design requirements. compared with the original product, the new injection molding machine must have similar structure and coordinate or enhanced functions concurrently. performance knowledge are consummated and enriched during the evolvement process of injection molding machines p

19、roduct model ceaselessly.now, there are formidable challenges among the manufacturing enterprises in the multi-outlet market economy environment. to make injection machines meet the customers individual requirements, the research on product model evolvement technology becomes more and more important

20、. the dynamic evolvement of injection molding machines product model and the updating and improvement of performance knowledge demand the further research on injection molding machines product. model and performance knowledge reuse technology 2. product model dynamics and evolvement driven factors 2

21、.1 product model dynamics of injection molding machines every aspect of the process of injection molding machine configuration design determines that it is a dynamic processits dynamics mainly appear as the following aspects: (1) component sets of injection molding machines are dynamic with the evol

22、vement of injection molding machines product model, some new components would be added into the sets,and some old components which were eliminated would be deleted from the sets to perfect or update the completed products (2) parts of injection molding machines components are dynamic.some parts in t

23、he product model would remodel their materials, colors and such characters to improve the product model integral performance.(3) product models of injection molding machine sale dynamic the product models in some design environment would transform into other models because of design requirements cha

24、nging (4) completed injection molding machines are dynamic. in the life-cycle of completely designed products, one or two parts of the injection molding machines would be updated or maintained (5) customers individual requirements of injection molding machines are dynamic the same customer or differ

25、ent customers requirements would be changed in different time or different environment.2.2 evolvement driven factors of injection molding machinesthe evolvement causations of injection molding machinesproduct model are function improvement,performance elevation,design requirements changing and so on

26、it specifically appears as the following three aspects, as shown in fig.2-1fig.2-1 evolvement driven factors of injection molding machines(1) changing of components in the injection molding machinesproduct models new function could be obtained by modifying the componentsparts in the components would

27、 be updated and replacedproduct structure would be conformed by components compounding or decomposing. (2) perfecting and updating of the injection molding machine performance knowledge if one component is assured, the restriction conditions of other optional components would be changed because the

28、performance knowledge would define the rules and restricts (3) other aspects security and environmental standards are varient in different countriesindividual requirements and variable rules could drive the evolvement of injection molding machines 3. product model evolvement driven by performance kn

29、owledge3.1 passing and variance of performance knowledgethere are mainly two kinds of injection molding machines performance knowledgeone is document knowledge (dk). another is part knowledge (pk) dk is the visual expression and common carrier of injection molding machinesdesign datapk is the carrie

30、r of injection molding machines structure and layer information which isnt contained by dk.to record performance knowledge information in detail and afford facility for products updating, maintenance and reuse,upper-layer passing rules are adopted in the injection molding machines configuration desi

31、gn upper layer performance knowledge would be evolved when the lower layer configuration has evolved because of the structure and function changing. for example, in fig.3-1,ck is the upper layer performance knowledgeit comprises ck1 and ck2 which are lower layer performance knowledgewhen ck1 evolves

32、 from v1 to v2, ck would evolve from v1 to v3.fig.3-1 performance knowledges upper-layer passing rulethere are two modes of injection molding machines performance knowledge varianceone is the modification of former performance knowledgethe basic properties (such as function,structure,unit,exterior i

33、nterface and so on) of performance knowledge itself dont vary some property definitions of performance knowledge could be varied onlyanother is the transformation of performance knowledge versionthe properties of performance knowledge itself could be variedit is one kind of the radical modeand it is

34、 the important approach to improve functions and extend performance knowledge in the injection molding machinesconfiguration design3.2 product model evolvement of the injection molding machineproduct model evolvement of the injection molding machine can be divided into three levels due to the inject

35、ion molding machine performance knowledge,as shown in fig.3-2fig.3-2 levels of injection molding machines product model evolvementthe first level is the description layer of injection molding machines performance knowledgeit could be maintained to a certain extent the second level records models and

36、 former evolvement the product configuration history information based on the first levelthe third level is a perfect design environment which contains the passing and variance of injection molding machines performance knowledgethe differences between two tools could be realizedand the products coul

37、d be improved in any time.a structured and understandable method of describing product model evolvement is one of goals which we want to achieveat present, the research on the product model evolvement mainly focuses on the first levelthe passing and variance information of product model would not be

38、 consideredthe newest product model would be used all the timethese parts of performance knowledge are neglectedin the practical injection molding machines configuration design, the passing and variance information of product model drive the product model to evolve directly because of all kinds of c

39、ausations. in the process of product performance knowledge passing and variance,the product model could be evolvedand it is the upper layer evolvement also is kind of injection molding machines evolvement mode could record the process of product model and performance knowledge evolvement effectively

40、 and particularly,and it is shown in fig.3-3the part p4 evolving from v1 to v2 causes the component c1 to evolve from v1 to v2and the product model pm evolves from v0 to v1 alsowhen the performance knowledge evolves,product model could use the newest performance knowledge to realize the product mode

41、l evolvementfig.3-3 evolvement of product model4. reuse of injection molding machines performance knowledge4.1 definition of performance knowledge reusethe reuse of configuration design can be defined as “giving a former product instance, a customers requirements set and a new product model to obtai

42、n a new injection molding machines instance which could meet the customers requirements set.”a concept model of injection molding machine is shown as follows:inputs:r: injection molding machines instance results;md: injection molding machines requirement model;remd: reuse model of injection molding

43、machines performance knowledge;f(r,r r): restriction functions.outputs:rr: result of injection molding machines performance knowledge reuse;r1, r2 rn: operation series of tools performance knowledge reuse.an d: rr md;rr remd;rr = (rl,r2 rn)r; rr is the most optimized.“ ” means satisfaction. the conf

44、ormation and application of f (r, rr) are related to practical application domain. the former knowledge should be modified as little as the best of ones abilities. and the lower cost project should be adopted.4.2 realization arithmetic of performance knowledge reuserealizing the injection molding ma

45、chines performance knowledge reuse falls into the third level of the product model evolvement. the preconditions are all kinds of information which should be established in the first and second level. the product model is pm1 in the time t1. there is a design rr1 according to the customers requireme

46、nts cr1. the product model becomes pm2 in the time t2. and the customers requirements are cr2.the main thought of reuse arithmetic is described as follows, and is shown in fig.4-1.fig.4-1 main thought of reuse arithmeticstep 1: the customers new requirements (cr2) should be confirmed at present, and the conformable product model (pm2) should be ensured also;step 2: configure a new virtual design product (vdp2) using the conformable product model (pm2) and new customers requirements (cr2);step 3: check parts in the vdp2 one by one. operations on each part are as follows;if the part exists in v


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