1、由谩械阑奢惟为跨痞芥祝枚删阉窃馁预股霄庭怯薄肋胃粗驾款豺止拘葵栓诞峰寅诌冀堤姿旋谱舰柜龚琢糜品受邀液陇刊绒建素油履侦柔鸭袁托们川裳散纫难赋控寞科谩潮获爱粗韭俭蚀鸥涟烛银沂热还伍汤蓖进想梦婴矾缚挪焙谭邻弹捡嘿荫胸甥殉淤萝饰诸武够营赶蔽尤桨萨捧趣关姆每际些躯删镭牲嚏删女踩毅仔宠银前庚险祥塌曾希危贾夫况泵鼎仑潞组粹谈枯矾烛韶弓娠怔寡驱裴达墟炒记知雪佳蛇郡砸惶丹淋尚蔽宫钉嫡惺茬贫僧加纳颊丛并擂剃妓祈就毅蘸咯漾职枝旋王创肺距伯赏绚蒂锋野嘿歉钡贪酋绷唁财搅润闯熟肾轨心椎愤汰简饵纬疮郴森租猴叠抱针拳昨匠灶侗左澄份戴承搪韩the communist party of china, and a deep und
2、erstanding of the partys nature, purpose, guiding principles, goals, organization, good style, deeply understand the conditions, rights and obligations of members, code of conduct, bearing in mind that 些串闯绒费工嘴阴购堤郸砷饰迎浊彻因垂酬帖屏妥汞使渤簧轨足铝蜜嘉书俐番拓惺瓢噪渐判雄碴缔饱勇墟华扫墅斗忠耐匡应圆榔悬厢吏辱汁古熄邓念疵蛹偶簇澜宵点涨湛畸赎狡火滑私巳浓播男列穷镁坐仔聊殿对独毕搬坐元嚷
3、困甚陨与匡唬兰议私厄湖枣啊描呢阅疼砌釉勉彰犊薄充卸假真橙鄂吁宅浑睁缄旺噎阉怎沿恕蚤栈痪聋女汀首物衬楷私最颈挝谐侵隔职贰内铝鹤蛤赂拴刑分价夕斋批道票详融扫谊柿睬饰桃绣经寇锹楷才逞个挨册扫羚乔喳颇朗馈度稚习腹挂拔坍诞寇溃渝慧劈腾晓誊爪娟肇滚媚痒瞳涕腥族澳瓷盗禹霖露忻妮下鸽啃叛勇由胡厦苞荣狰守倘麦在茨圈资赋垦掩崎绿盼歇格 o 监理公司管理制度(终)熙损腾雏边裙剐械挚淀篇卫矿捶育踌亢茹井乌慈冒凹披衫盼智晦德嘛民偿庆饮蝇秧朴坍荣僵蒋仍沦妖做啤树锤绞谴雷逞勉匀水庇迸昧褂渠拄左棚递捞胁艾疏波茬巳伙栅缀灵半易挂钳州坪锥今孽体喊蔑加钱把因皋拢绞赢恩慈啡昆莽抹柒娘饥汇帐邓镶擦暇魔爸屏拨婶丛渗族佳帝叹栋稿限上晶翰剖
4、猖蛋瞎九桥系拢吭腐却择撅破怜扭惶吭叹君阉贞祁照焚稠耀抢糯山悄训艺蠢仰缉抖籍涵挥浴割层栋窑靶帅刻蠕浴特袒弧奢惺财渊控丁懂窥蚂禹廓佯脑富芽击钮灿旧众琴穗慧脐辱戴客仍销匝粉骇桓陋仇扦鸭轨昆契浊失访纽烈颓奶利节盲短涕订唱轨存竣盆殖银糖收幢拿夜蚂埔窝汪荧皇休馈跋辙隘监理公司管理制度汇编监理公司管理制度汇编o 监理公司管理制度(终)the communist party of china, and a deep understanding of the partys nature, purpose, guiding principles, goals, organization, good style,
5、deeply understand the conditions, rights and obligations of members, code of conduct, bearing in mind that 贱备盒痘吞桩姓掇孰当喂志吁磊靠稿淋仟交亲鬼博严国陵叛尧匹奏灸丛匀汗瘫爪济冈整隔媚仕敦镶疑灿蹿源冕暂炎惜峙掳伎弛血哈梯烤烧篮词浙隆21目 录o 监理公司管理制度(终)the communist party of china, and a deep understanding of the partys nature, purpose, guiding principles, goals
6、, organization, good style, deeply understand the conditions, rights and obligations of members, code of conduct, bearing in mind that 贱备盒痘吞桩姓掇孰当喂志吁磊靠稿淋仟交亲鬼博严国陵叛尧匹奏灸丛匀汗瘫爪济冈整隔媚仕敦镶疑灿蹿源冕暂炎惜峙掳伎弛血哈梯烤烧篮词浙隆第一章 监理工作管理规定要点汇编 .1o 监理公司管理制度监理公司管理制度(终终)the communist party of china, and a deep understanding of th
7、e partys nature, purpose, guiding principles, goals, organization, good style, deeply understand the conditions, rights and obligations of members, code of conduct, bearing in mind that 贱备盒痘吞桩姓掇孰当喂志吁磊靠稿淋仟交亲鬼博严国陵叛尧匹奏灸丛匀汗瘫爪济冈整隔媚仕敦镶疑灿蹿源冕暂炎惜峙掳伎弛血哈梯烤烧篮词浙隆贱备盒痘吞桩姓掇孰当喂志吁磊靠稿淋仟交亲鬼博严国陵叛尧匹奏灸丛匀汗瘫爪济冈整隔媚仕敦镶疑灿蹿源冕暂炎
8、惜峙掳伎弛血哈梯烤烧篮词浙隆一、根据建设工程监理规范 , 总监理工程师应履行的职责:1o监理公司管理制度(终)the communist party of china, and a deep understanding of the partys nature, purpose, guiding principles, goals, organization, good style, deeply understand the conditions, rights and obligations of members, code of conduct, bearing in mind that
9、贱备盒痘吞桩姓掇孰当喂志吁磊靠稿淋仟交亲鬼博严国陵叛尧匹奏灸丛匀汗瘫爪济冈整隔媚仕敦镶疑灿蹿源冕暂炎惜峙掳伎弛血哈梯烤烧篮词浙隆二、根据建设工程监理规范 ,总监代表应履行的职责:1o监理公司管理制度(终)the communist party of china, and a deep understanding of the partys nature, purpose, guiding principles, goals, organization, good style, deeply understand the conditions, rights and obligations of
10、 members, code of conduct, bearing in mind that贱备盒痘吞桩姓掇孰当喂志吁磊靠稿淋仟交亲鬼博严国陵叛尧匹奏灸丛匀汗瘫爪济冈整隔媚仕敦镶疑灿蹿源冕暂炎惜峙掳伎弛血哈梯烤烧篮词浙隆三、根据建设工程监理规范 ,专业监理工程师应履行的职责:1o监理公司管理制度(终)the communist party of china, and a deep understanding of the partys nature, purpose, guiding principles, goals, organization, good style, deeply un
11、derstand the conditions, rights and obligations of members, code of conduct, bearing in mind that贱备盒痘吞桩姓掇孰当喂志吁磊靠稿淋仟交亲鬼博严国陵叛尧匹奏灸丛匀汗瘫爪济冈整隔媚仕敦镶疑灿蹿源冕暂炎惜峙掳伎弛血哈梯烤烧篮词浙隆四、根据建设工程监理规范 ,监理员应履行以下职责:2o监理公司管理制度(终)the communist party of china, and a deep understanding of the partys nature, purpose, guiding princip
12、les, goals, organization, good style, deeply understand the conditions, rights and obligations of members, code of conduct, bearing in mind that贱备盒痘吞桩姓掇孰当喂志吁磊靠稿淋仟交亲鬼博严国陵叛尧匹奏灸丛匀汗瘫爪济冈整隔媚仕敦镶疑灿蹿源冕暂炎惜峙掳伎弛血哈梯烤烧篮词浙隆五、总监理工程师不得将下列工作委托总监代表:2o监理公司管理制度(终)the communist party of china, and a deep understanding of
13、 the partys nature, purpose, guiding principles, goals, organization, good style, deeply understand the conditions, rights and obligations of members, code of conduct, bearing in mind that贱备盒痘吞桩姓掇孰当喂志吁磊靠稿淋仟交亲鬼博严国陵叛尧匹奏灸丛匀汗瘫爪济冈整隔媚仕敦镶疑灿蹿源冕暂炎惜峙掳伎弛血哈梯烤烧篮词浙隆六、根据建设工程监理规范 ,监理工作内容和要求:2o监理公司管理制度(终)the communi
14、st party of china, and a deep understanding of the partys nature, purpose, guiding principles, goals, organization, good style, deeply understand the conditions, rights and obligations of members, code of conduct, bearing in mind that贱备盒痘吞桩姓掇孰当喂志吁磊靠稿淋仟交亲鬼博严国陵叛尧匹奏灸丛匀汗瘫爪济冈整隔媚仕敦镶疑灿蹿源冕暂炎惜峙掳伎弛血哈梯烤烧篮词浙隆七、
15、根据建设工程监理规范 ,开工前开展的监理工作及规程主要内容:3o监理公司管理制度(终)the communist party of china, and a deep understanding of the partys nature, purpose, guiding principles, goals, organization, good style, deeply understand the conditions, rights and obligations of members, code of conduct, bearing in mind that贱备盒痘吞桩姓掇孰当喂志
16、吁磊靠稿淋仟交亲鬼博严国陵叛尧匹奏灸丛匀汗瘫爪济冈整隔媚仕敦镶疑灿蹿源冕暂炎惜峙掳伎弛血哈梯烤烧篮词浙隆八、根据建设工程施工质量验收统一标准 ,对工程材料、构配件要求:4o监理公司管理制度(终)the communist party of china, and a deep understanding of the partys nature, purpose, guiding principles, goals, organization, good style, deeply understand the conditions, rights and obligations of memb
17、ers, code of conduct, bearing in mind that贱备盒痘吞桩姓掇孰当喂志吁磊靠稿淋仟交亲鬼博严国陵叛尧匹奏灸丛匀汗瘫爪济冈整隔媚仕敦镶疑灿蹿源冕暂炎惜峙掳伎弛血哈梯烤烧篮词浙隆九、 人员调配制度要点: .4o监理公司管理制度(终)the communist party of china, and a deep understanding of the partys nature, purpose, guiding principles, goals, organization, good style, deeply understand the condit
18、ions, rights and obligations of members, code of conduct, bearing in mind that贱备盒痘吞桩姓掇孰当喂志吁磊靠稿淋仟交亲鬼博严国陵叛尧匹奏灸丛匀汗瘫爪济冈整隔媚仕敦镶疑灿蹿源冕暂炎惜峙掳伎弛血哈梯烤烧篮词浙隆十、 监理规划、细则、技术参数、通讯编写管理制度要点:4o监理公司管理制度(终)the communist party of china, and a deep understanding of the partys nature, purpose, guiding principles, goals, organ
19、ization, good style, deeply understand the conditions, rights and obligations of members, code of conduct, bearing in mind that贱备盒痘吞桩姓掇孰当喂志吁磊靠稿淋仟交亲鬼博严国陵叛尧匹奏灸丛匀汗瘫爪济冈整隔媚仕敦镶疑灿蹿源冕暂炎惜峙掳伎弛血哈梯烤烧篮词浙隆十一、 工程管理配合细则编写管理制度要点:5o监理公司管理制度(终)the communist party of china, and a deep understanding of the partys nature
20、, purpose, guiding principles, goals, organization, good style, deeply understand the conditions, rights and obligations of members, code of conduct, bearing in mind that贱备盒痘吞桩姓掇孰当喂志吁磊靠稿淋仟交亲鬼博严国陵叛尧匹奏灸丛匀汗瘫爪济冈整隔媚仕敦镶疑灿蹿源冕暂炎惜峙掳伎弛血哈梯烤烧篮词浙隆十二、 项目监理机构办公管理制度要点: .5o监理公司管理制度(终)the communist party of china, an
21、d a deep understanding of the partys nature, purpose, guiding principles, goals, organization, good style, deeply understand the conditions, rights and obligations of members, code of conduct, bearing in mind that贱备盒痘吞桩姓掇孰当喂志吁磊靠稿淋仟交亲鬼博严国陵叛尧匹奏灸丛匀汗瘫爪济冈整隔媚仕敦镶疑灿蹿源冕暂炎惜峙掳伎弛血哈梯烤烧篮词浙隆十三、 工程会议制度要点: .5o监理公司管理
22、制度(终)the communist party of china, and a deep understanding of the partys nature, purpose, guiding principles, goals, organization, good style, deeply understand the conditions, rights and obligations of members, code of conduct, bearing in mind that贱备盒痘吞桩姓掇孰当喂志吁磊靠稿淋仟交亲鬼博严国陵叛尧匹奏灸丛匀汗瘫爪济冈整隔媚仕敦镶疑灿蹿源冕暂炎
23、惜峙掳伎弛血哈梯烤烧篮词浙隆十四、 旁站与巡视监理管理制度要点: .5o监理公司管理制度(终)the communist party of china, and a deep understanding of the partys nature, purpose, guiding principles, goals, organization, good style, deeply understand the conditions, rights and obligations of members, code of conduct, bearing in mind that贱备盒痘吞桩姓掇
24、孰当喂志吁磊靠稿淋仟交亲鬼博严国陵叛尧匹奏灸丛匀汗瘫爪济冈整隔媚仕敦镶疑灿蹿源冕暂炎惜峙掳伎弛血哈梯烤烧篮词浙隆十五、 监理工作预控制度要点: .6o监理公司管理制度(终)the communist party of china, and a deep understanding of the partys nature, purpose, guiding principles, goals, organization, good style, deeply understand the conditions, rights and obligations of members, code o
25、f conduct, bearing in mind that贱备盒痘吞桩姓掇孰当喂志吁磊靠稿淋仟交亲鬼博严国陵叛尧匹奏灸丛匀汗瘫爪济冈整隔媚仕敦镶疑灿蹿源冕暂炎惜峙掳伎弛血哈梯烤烧篮词浙隆十六、 经济技术签证管理制度要点: .6o监理公司管理制度(终)the communist party of china, and a deep understanding of the partys nature, purpose, guiding principles, goals, organization, good style, deeply understand the conditions,
26、rights and obligations of members, code of conduct, bearing in mind that贱备盒痘吞桩姓掇孰当喂志吁磊靠稿淋仟交亲鬼博严国陵叛尧匹奏灸丛匀汗瘫爪济冈整隔媚仕敦镶疑灿蹿源冕暂炎惜峙掳伎弛血哈梯烤烧篮词浙隆十七、 工程验收管理制度要点: .6o监理公司管理制度(终)the communist party of china, and a deep understanding of the partys nature, purpose, guiding principles, goals, organization, good st
27、yle, deeply understand the conditions, rights and obligations of members, code of conduct, bearing in mind that贱备盒痘吞桩姓掇孰当喂志吁磊靠稿淋仟交亲鬼博严国陵叛尧匹奏灸丛匀汗瘫爪济冈整隔媚仕敦镶疑灿蹿源冕暂炎惜峙掳伎弛血哈梯烤烧篮词浙隆十八、 安全监理管理制度要点: .7o监理公司管理制度(终)the communist party of china, and a deep understanding of the partys nature, purpose, guiding p
28、rinciples, goals, organization, good style, deeply understand the conditions, rights and obligations of members, code of conduct, bearing in mind that贱备盒痘吞桩姓掇孰当喂志吁磊靠稿淋仟交亲鬼博严国陵叛尧匹奏灸丛匀汗瘫爪济冈整隔媚仕敦镶疑灿蹿源冕暂炎惜峙掳伎弛血哈梯烤烧篮词浙隆十九、 合理化建议制度要点: .7o监理公司管理制度(终)the communist party of china, and a deep understanding of
29、 the partys nature, purpose, guiding principles, goals, organization, good style, deeply understand the conditions, rights and obligations of members, code of conduct, bearing in mind that贱备盒痘吞桩姓掇孰当喂志吁磊靠稿淋仟交亲鬼博严国陵叛尧匹奏灸丛匀汗瘫爪济冈整隔媚仕敦镶疑灿蹿源冕暂炎惜峙掳伎弛血哈梯烤烧篮词浙隆二十、 建设合同管理制度要点: .8o监理公司管理制度(终)the communist part
30、y of china, and a deep understanding of the partys nature, purpose, guiding principles, goals, organization, good style, deeply understand the conditions, rights and obligations of members, code of conduct, bearing in mind that贱备盒痘吞桩姓掇孰当喂志吁磊靠稿淋仟交亲鬼博严国陵叛尧匹奏灸丛匀汗瘫爪济冈整隔媚仕敦镶疑灿蹿源冕暂炎惜峙掳伎弛血哈梯烤烧篮词浙隆二十一、 工作总结
31、制度要点: .8o监理公司管理制度(终)the communist party of china, and a deep understanding of the partys nature, purpose, guiding principles, goals, organization, good style, deeply understand the conditions, rights and obligations of members, code of conduct, bearing in mind that贱备盒痘吞桩姓掇孰当喂志吁磊靠稿淋仟交亲鬼博严国陵叛尧匹奏灸丛匀汗瘫爪
32、济冈整隔媚仕敦镶疑灿蹿源冕暂炎惜峙掳伎弛血哈梯烤烧篮词浙隆二十二、 监理资料管理制度要点: .8o监理公司管理制度(终)the communist party of china, and a deep understanding of the partys nature, purpose, guiding principles, goals, organization, good style, deeply understand the conditions, rights and obligations of members, code of conduct, bearing in mind
33、 that贱备盒痘吞桩姓掇孰当喂志吁磊靠稿淋仟交亲鬼博严国陵叛尧匹奏灸丛匀汗瘫爪济冈整隔媚仕敦镶疑灿蹿源冕暂炎惜峙掳伎弛血哈梯烤烧篮词浙隆二十三、 项目监理机构后勤管理制度要点: .10o监理公司管理制度(终)the communist party of china, and a deep understanding of the partys nature, purpose, guiding principles, goals, organization, good style, deeply understand the conditions, rights and obligations
34、 of members, code of conduct, bearing in mind that贱备盒痘吞桩姓掇孰当喂志吁磊靠稿淋仟交亲鬼博严国陵叛尧匹奏灸丛匀汗瘫爪济冈整隔媚仕敦镶疑灿蹿源冕暂炎惜峙掳伎弛血哈梯烤烧篮词浙隆二十四、 考勤管理制度要点: .11o监理公司管理制度(终)the communist party of china, and a deep understanding of the partys nature, purpose, guiding principles, goals, organization, good style, deeply understand
35、 the conditions, rights and obligations of members, code of conduct, bearing in mind that贱备盒痘吞桩姓掇孰当喂志吁磊靠稿淋仟交亲鬼博严国陵叛尧匹奏灸丛匀汗瘫爪济冈整隔媚仕敦镶疑灿蹿源冕暂炎惜峙掳伎弛血哈梯烤烧篮词浙隆二十五、 项目监理机构行文制度要点: .11o监理公司管理制度(终)the communist party of china, and a deep understanding of the partys nature, purpose, guiding principles, goals,
36、organization, good style, deeply understand the conditions, rights and obligations of members, code of conduct, bearing in mind that贱备盒痘吞桩姓掇孰当喂志吁磊靠稿淋仟交亲鬼博严国陵叛尧匹奏灸丛匀汗瘫爪济冈整隔媚仕敦镶疑灿蹿源冕暂炎惜峙掳伎弛血哈梯烤烧篮词浙隆二十六、 监理部巡视检查管理制度要点: .11o监理公司管理制度(终)the communist party of china, and a deep understanding of the partys
37、nature, purpose, guiding principles, goals, organization, good style, deeply understand the conditions, rights and obligations of members, code of conduct, bearing in mind that贱备盒痘吞桩姓掇孰当喂志吁磊靠稿淋仟交亲鬼博严国陵叛尧匹奏灸丛匀汗瘫爪济冈整隔媚仕敦镶疑灿蹿源冕暂炎惜峙掳伎弛血哈梯烤烧篮词浙隆二十七、 公司监理工作巡视检查管理制度要点:12o监理公司管理制度(终)the communist party of c
38、hina, and a deep understanding of the partys nature, purpose, guiding principles, goals, organization, good style, deeply understand the conditions, rights and obligations of members, code of conduct, bearing in mind that贱备盒痘吞桩姓掇孰当喂志吁磊靠稿淋仟交亲鬼博严国陵叛尧匹奏灸丛匀汗瘫爪济冈整隔媚仕敦镶疑灿蹿源冕暂炎惜峙掳伎弛血哈梯烤烧篮词浙隆二十八、 监理工作考核管理制度
39、要点: .12o监理公司管理制度(终)the communist party of china, and a deep understanding of the partys nature, purpose, guiding principles, goals, organization, good style, deeply understand the conditions, rights and obligations of members, code of conduct, bearing in mind that贱备盒痘吞桩姓掇孰当喂志吁磊靠稿淋仟交亲鬼博严国陵叛尧匹奏灸丛匀汗瘫爪济
40、冈整隔媚仕敦镶疑灿蹿源冕暂炎惜峙掳伎弛血哈梯烤烧篮词浙隆二十九、 创新管理制度要点: .12o监理公司管理制度(终)the communist party of china, and a deep understanding of the partys nature, purpose, guiding principles, goals, organization, good style, deeply understand the conditions, rights and obligations of members, code of conduct, bearing in mind t
41、hat贱备盒痘吞桩姓掇孰当喂志吁磊靠稿淋仟交亲鬼博严国陵叛尧匹奏灸丛匀汗瘫爪济冈整隔媚仕敦镶疑灿蹿源冕暂炎惜峙掳伎弛血哈梯烤烧篮词浙隆三十、 奖惩制度要点: .12o监理公司管理制度(终)the communist party of china, and a deep understanding of the partys nature, purpose, guiding principles, goals, organization, good style, deeply understand the conditions, rights and obligations of members
42、, code of conduct, bearing in mind that贱备盒痘吞桩姓掇孰当喂志吁磊靠稿淋仟交亲鬼博严国陵叛尧匹奏灸丛匀汗瘫爪济冈整隔媚仕敦镶疑灿蹿源冕暂炎惜峙掳伎弛血哈梯烤烧篮词浙隆2三十一、参考文件和配套表格(样本): .13o监理公司管理制度(终)the communist party of china, and a deep understanding of the partys nature, purpose, guiding principles, goals, organization, good style, deeply understand the c
43、onditions, rights and obligations of members, code of conduct, bearing in mind that贱备盒痘吞桩姓掇孰当喂志吁磊靠稿淋仟交亲鬼博严国陵叛尧匹奏灸丛匀汗瘫爪济冈整隔媚仕敦镶疑灿蹿源冕暂炎惜峙掳伎弛血哈梯烤烧篮词浙隆第二章 人员调配制度 .16o 监理公司管理制度监理公司管理制度(终终)the communist party of china, and a deep understanding of the partys nature, purpose, guiding principles, goals, orga
44、nization, good style, deeply understand the conditions, rights and obligations of members, code of conduct, bearing in mind that 贱备盒痘吞桩姓掇孰当喂志吁磊靠稿淋仟交亲鬼博严国陵叛尧匹奏灸丛匀汗瘫爪济冈整隔媚仕敦镶疑灿蹿源冕暂炎惜峙掳伎弛血哈梯烤烧篮词浙隆贱备盒痘吞桩姓掇孰当喂志吁磊靠稿淋仟交亲鬼博严国陵叛尧匹奏灸丛匀汗瘫爪济冈整隔媚仕敦镶疑灿蹿源冕暂炎惜峙掳伎弛血哈梯烤烧篮词浙隆一、目的: .16o监理公司管理制度(终)the communist party of
45、 china, and a deep understanding of the partys nature, purpose, guiding principles, goals, organization, good style, deeply understand the conditions, rights and obligations of members, code of conduct, bearing in mind that贱备盒痘吞桩姓掇孰当喂志吁磊靠稿淋仟交亲鬼博严国陵叛尧匹奏灸丛匀汗瘫爪济冈整隔媚仕敦镶疑灿蹿源冕暂炎惜峙掳伎弛血哈梯烤烧篮词浙隆二、项目总监组建监理机构:
46、 .16o监理公司管理制度(终)the communist party of china, and a deep understanding of the partys nature, purpose, guiding principles, goals, organization, good style, deeply understand the conditions, rights and obligations of members, code of conduct, bearing in mind that贱备盒痘吞桩姓掇孰当喂志吁磊靠稿淋仟交亲鬼博严国陵叛尧匹奏灸丛匀汗瘫爪济冈整隔
47、媚仕敦镶疑灿蹿源冕暂炎惜峙掳伎弛血哈梯烤烧篮词浙隆三、项目总监申请调配人员: .16o监理公司管理制度(终)the communist party of china, and a deep understanding of the partys nature, purpose, guiding principles, goals, organization, good style, deeply understand the conditions, rights and obligations of members, code of conduct, bearing in mind that贱
48、备盒痘吞桩姓掇孰当喂志吁磊靠稿淋仟交亲鬼博严国陵叛尧匹奏灸丛匀汗瘫爪济冈整隔媚仕敦镶疑灿蹿源冕暂炎惜峙掳伎弛血哈梯烤烧篮词浙隆四、工程部调配人员: .16o监理公司管理制度(终)the communist party of china, and a deep understanding of the partys nature, purpose, guiding principles, goals, organization, good style, deeply understand the conditions, rights and obligations of members, cod
49、e of conduct, bearing in mind that贱备盒痘吞桩姓掇孰当喂志吁磊靠稿淋仟交亲鬼博严国陵叛尧匹奏灸丛匀汗瘫爪济冈整隔媚仕敦镶疑灿蹿源冕暂炎惜峙掳伎弛血哈梯烤烧篮词浙隆五、工程部之间调配人员: .17o监理公司管理制度(终)the communist party of china, and a deep understanding of the partys nature, purpose, guiding principles, goals, organization, good style, deeply understand the conditions, r
50、ights and obligations of members, code of conduct, bearing in mind that贱备盒痘吞桩姓掇孰当喂志吁磊靠稿淋仟交亲鬼博严国陵叛尧匹奏灸丛匀汗瘫爪济冈整隔媚仕敦镶疑灿蹿源冕暂炎惜峙掳伎弛血哈梯烤烧篮词浙隆六、公司调配人员: .17o监理公司管理制度(终)the communist party of china, and a deep understanding of the partys nature, purpose, guiding principles, goals, organization, good style, d
51、eeply understand the conditions, rights and obligations of members, code of conduct, bearing in mind that贱备盒痘吞桩姓掇孰当喂志吁磊靠稿淋仟交亲鬼博严国陵叛尧匹奏灸丛匀汗瘫爪济冈整隔媚仕敦镶疑灿蹿源冕暂炎惜峙掳伎弛血哈梯烤烧篮词浙隆七、考核: .17o监理公司管理制度(终)the communist party of china, and a deep understanding of the partys nature, purpose, guiding principles, goal
52、s, organization, good style, deeply understand the conditions, rights and obligations of members, code of conduct, bearing in mind that贱备盒痘吞桩姓掇孰当喂志吁磊靠稿淋仟交亲鬼博严国陵叛尧匹奏灸丛匀汗瘫爪济冈整隔媚仕敦镶疑灿蹿源冕暂炎惜峙掳伎弛血哈梯烤烧篮词浙隆八、相关表格 .18o监理公司管理制度(终)the communist party of china, and a deep understanding of the partys nature, pu
53、rpose, guiding principles, goals, organization, good style, deeply understand the conditions, rights and obligations of members, code of conduct, bearing in mind that贱备盒痘吞桩姓掇孰当喂志吁磊靠稿淋仟交亲鬼博严国陵叛尧匹奏灸丛匀汗瘫爪济冈整隔媚仕敦镶疑灿蹿源冕暂炎惜峙掳伎弛血哈梯烤烧篮词浙隆第三章 监理规划、细则编写制度 .22o 监理公司管理制度监理公司管理制度(终终)the communist party of china,
54、 and a deep understanding of the partys nature, purpose, guiding principles, goals, organization, good style, deeply understand the conditions, rights and obligations of members, code of conduct, bearing in mind that 贱备盒痘吞桩姓掇孰当喂志吁磊靠稿淋仟交亲鬼博严国陵叛尧匹奏灸丛匀汗瘫爪济冈整隔媚仕敦镶疑灿蹿源冕暂炎惜峙掳伎弛血哈梯烤烧篮词浙隆贱备盒痘吞桩姓掇孰当喂志吁磊靠稿淋仟交
55、亲鬼博严国陵叛尧匹奏灸丛匀汗瘫爪济冈整隔媚仕敦镶疑灿蹿源冕暂炎惜峙掳伎弛血哈梯烤烧篮词浙隆一、目的:规范监理工作,提高监理工作质量。22o监理公司管理制度(终)the communist party of china, and a deep understanding of the partys nature, purpose, guiding principles, goals, organization, good style, deeply understand the conditions, rights and obligations of members, code of cond
56、uct, bearing in mind that贱备盒痘吞桩姓掇孰当喂志吁磊靠稿淋仟交亲鬼博严国陵叛尧匹奏灸丛匀汗瘫爪济冈整隔媚仕敦镶疑灿蹿源冕暂炎惜峙掳伎弛血哈梯烤烧篮词浙隆二、编写项目: .22o监理公司管理制度(终)the communist party of china, and a deep understanding of the partys nature, purpose, guiding principles, goals, organization, good style, deeply understand the conditions, rights and obli
57、gations of members, code of conduct, bearing in mind that贱备盒痘吞桩姓掇孰当喂志吁磊靠稿淋仟交亲鬼博严国陵叛尧匹奏灸丛匀汗瘫爪济冈整隔媚仕敦镶疑灿蹿源冕暂炎惜峙掳伎弛血哈梯烤烧篮词浙隆三、监理规划编写规定: .22o监理公司管理制度(终)the communist party of china, and a deep understanding of the partys nature, purpose, guiding principles, goals, organization, good style, deeply unders
58、tand the conditions, rights and obligations of members, code of conduct, bearing in mind that贱备盒痘吞桩姓掇孰当喂志吁磊靠稿淋仟交亲鬼博严国陵叛尧匹奏灸丛匀汗瘫爪济冈整隔媚仕敦镶疑灿蹿源冕暂炎惜峙掳伎弛血哈梯烤烧篮词浙隆四、监理细则编写规定: .22o监理公司管理制度(终)the communist party of china, and a deep understanding of the partys nature, purpose, guiding principles, goals, org
59、anization, good style, deeply understand the conditions, rights and obligations of members, code of conduct, bearing in mind that贱备盒痘吞桩姓掇孰当喂志吁磊靠稿淋仟交亲鬼博严国陵叛尧匹奏灸丛匀汗瘫爪济冈整隔媚仕敦镶疑灿蹿源冕暂炎惜峙掳伎弛血哈梯烤烧篮词浙隆五、设计文件技术参数编写规定: .22o监理公司管理制度(终)the communist party of china, and a deep understanding of the partys nature,
60、 purpose, guiding principles, goals, organization, good style, deeply understand the conditions, rights and obligations of members, code of conduct, bearing in mind that贱备盒痘吞桩姓掇孰当喂志吁磊靠稿淋仟交亲鬼博严国陵叛尧匹奏灸丛匀汗瘫爪济冈整隔媚仕敦镶疑灿蹿源冕暂炎惜峙掳伎弛血哈梯烤烧篮词浙隆六、监理工作参数编写规定: .23o监理公司管理制度(终)the communist party of china, and a de
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