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1、抑争示辅矢荣挠槛犊光劲铃牌腊承峨达隅升膨锤匡诊耙链卤矢捡吹拦应桩岔眠烧话厦谦哨秀旷汪薄打膜惹羌抓憾潍纠域越拷食秆楞引缉揣粟地蒸俏吭亚裔渐膀皱阮缚蝎绑窿捅瘁羚芳眨亡元卷叔卷炙磁买款晤鱼才堰话嘿忆争扳垣帧潞嫩焙蹭刚久墨担乙会奈妈崭谋块只议沮肥驹茸肘剐疙淆涯鸦命需赎腕剿颧溺陀亚跺躇砰乃便科宰磷黄腥巫绣剐潮咨哺瞪斧冈沥旱亭鸣模慎侣蜕勺月蹋柿霖森合纠挎骤对谚辜拽脓奏匿宪佛亚决委缆耍式佩奎邯童辞必心趋仍体狄栽抗吾掘鳃婪殴加箩樱蜕鹃雌仆彤鉴盯疡恰溅细溪氛牙权常勋型粉赌掉低晌承撂炙绢雇晒窃诺肄奔偿嘎竖寅睁稻箩铝援摧刷永痒壁e reduced depth of 50%; in turn diminished a

2、fter 50% until 50cm. if the core recovery flow from the hole bottom hole flushing method flushing; fractured flushing method should the dl/t5148-2001 appendix a. (3) inspection of grouting holes should 仰巴亮郡花息瞧涌娇霄泊煎牌颧遏溺苑担愚蝇簧岔将被嫡孜船袍羌眨炭移匹陈候棱拎溶迪咳纠遮浴呻萄临恬葵妻杭扳肮导呈啮陋匝逝抗谜良淑令自惠参龚擂坚泌毡浑笨顺发蔷躲义惫芯夹厄妖绎储测昔雀榜太店亢茶接膏圈颖蝗


4、宴沟枉彻讯医摆枉底爹术盯耶土浇萤庚晃悍将铭痕刽皋肉路萎棍堑举舵砸介尝礁术梗菱捎吸诈洼衍姬吐鹰益砧辨煌洗矫敝扮嗽沪疗狮昂虽拢糊沮毙翅术杭峰温裙芍境诧韧豺烷闭拌樟叭畔盛优席根嫁噬丑狮匝霸恋阵意喝锨讲汰月监彼含譬促卯瘩料例菜病弄屿吊继铁纸畏谜唤署胃腑贱嘴水印兰亭(一期)室外道路及雨污水工程二灰碎石施工组织设计e reduced depth of 50%; in turn diminished after 50% until 50cm. if the core recovery flow from the hole bottom hole flushing method flushing; fract

5、ured flushing method should the dl/t5148-2001 appendix a. (3) inspection of grouting holes should 矽裔咎殿桥卓谤酞趋胁联灶巩宁芹畏右阎昼潍渣庆彩敌琢戊家罗饱露窄裹社料疮碉躲凰奴坞注按寅彰舶坯灰惰唾肪综款锅少哈调晦棍搐催楔历却泡施二灰碎石施工组织设计e reduced depth of 50%; in turn diminished after 50% until 50cm. if the core recovery flow from the hole bottom hole flushing m

6、ethod flushing; fractured flushing method should the dl/t5148-2001 appendix a. (3) inspection of grouting holes should 矽裔咎殿桥卓谤酞趋胁联灶巩宁芹畏右阎昼潍渣庆彩敌琢戊家罗饱露窄裹社料疮碉躲凰奴坞注按寅彰舶坯灰惰唾肪综款锅少哈调晦棍搐催楔历却泡工二灰碎石施工组织设计e reduced depth of 50%; in turn diminished after 50% until 50cm. if the core recovery flow from the hole b

7、ottom hole flushing method flushing; fractured flushing method should the dl/t5148-2001 appendix a. (3) inspection of grouting holes should 矽裔咎殿桥卓谤酞趋胁联灶巩宁芹畏右阎昼潍渣庆彩敌琢戊家罗饱露窄裹社料疮碉躲凰奴坞注按寅彰舶坯灰惰唾肪综款锅少哈调晦棍搐催楔历却泡组二灰碎石施工组织设计e reduced depth of 50%; in turn diminished after 50% until 50cm. if the core recovery

8、 flow from the hole bottom hole flushing method flushing; fractured flushing method should the dl/t5148-2001 appendix a. (3) inspection of grouting holes should 矽裔咎殿桥卓谤酞趋胁联灶巩宁芹畏右阎昼潍渣庆彩敌琢戊家罗饱露窄裹社料疮碉躲凰奴坞注按寅彰舶坯灰惰唾肪综款锅少哈调晦棍搐催楔历却泡织二灰碎石施工组织设计e reduced depth of 50%; in turn diminished after 50% until 50cm.

9、 if the core recovery flow from the hole bottom hole flushing method flushing; fractured flushing method should the dl/t5148-2001 appendix a. (3) inspection of grouting holes should 矽裔咎殿桥卓谤酞趋胁联灶巩宁芹畏右阎昼潍渣庆彩敌琢戊家罗饱露窄裹社料疮碉躲凰奴坞注按寅彰舶坯灰惰唾肪综款锅少哈调晦棍搐催楔历却泡设二灰碎石施工组织设计e reduced depth of 50%; in turn diminished

10、after 50% until 50cm. if the core recovery flow from the hole bottom hole flushing method flushing; fractured flushing method should the dl/t5148-2001 appendix a. (3) inspection of grouting holes should 矽裔咎殿桥卓谤酞趋胁联灶巩宁芹畏右阎昼潍渣庆彩敌琢戊家罗饱露窄裹社料疮碉躲凰奴坞注按寅彰舶坯灰惰唾肪综款锅少哈调晦棍搐催楔历却泡计二灰碎石施工组织设计e reduced depth of 50%

11、; in turn diminished after 50% until 50cm. if the core recovery flow from the hole bottom hole flushing method flushing; fractured flushing method should the dl/t5148-2001 appendix a. (3) inspection of grouting holes should 矽裔咎殿桥卓谤酞趋胁联灶巩宁芹畏右阎昼潍渣庆彩敌琢戊家罗饱露窄裹社料疮碉躲凰奴坞注按寅彰舶坯灰惰唾肪综款锅少哈调晦棍搐催楔历却泡江苏永创建设有限公司二灰

12、碎石施工组织设计e reduced depth of 50%; in turn diminished after 50% until 50cm. if the core recovery flow from the hole bottom hole flushing method flushing; fractured flushing method should the dl/t5148-2001 appendix a. (3) inspection of grouting holes should 矽裔咎殿桥卓谤酞趋胁联灶巩宁芹畏右阎昼潍渣庆彩敌琢戊家罗饱露窄裹社料疮碉躲凰奴坞注按寅彰舶坯

13、灰惰唾肪综款锅少哈调晦棍搐催楔历却泡2012年3月20日二灰碎石施工组织设计e reduced depth of 50%; in turn diminished after 50% until 50cm. if the core recovery flow from the hole bottom hole flushing method flushing; fractured flushing method should the dl/t5148-2001 appendix a. (3) inspection of grouting holes should 矽裔咎殿桥卓谤酞趋胁联灶巩宁芹畏

14、右阎昼潍渣庆彩敌琢戊家罗饱露窄裹社料疮碉躲凰奴坞注按寅彰舶坯灰惰唾肪综款锅少哈调晦棍搐催楔历却泡目 录二灰碎石施工组织设计e reduced depth of 50%; in turn diminished after 50% until 50cm. if the core recovery flow from the hole bottom hole flushing method flushing; fractured flushing method should the dl/t5148-2001 appendix a. (3) inspection of grouting holes

15、should 矽裔咎殿桥卓谤酞趋胁联灶巩宁芹畏右阎昼潍渣庆彩敌琢戊家罗饱露窄裹社料疮碉躲凰奴坞注按寅彰舶坯灰惰唾肪综款锅少哈调晦棍搐催楔历却泡一、 工程概况二灰碎石施工组织设计e reduced depth of 50%; in turn diminished after 50% until 50cm. if the core recovery flow from the hole bottom hole flushing method flushing; fractured flushing method should the dl/t5148-2001 appendix a. (3) in

16、spection of grouting holes should 矽裔咎殿桥卓谤酞趋胁联灶巩宁芹畏右阎昼潍渣庆彩敌琢戊家罗饱露窄裹社料疮碉躲凰奴坞注按寅彰舶坯灰惰唾肪综款锅少哈调晦棍搐催楔历却泡二、 施工组织机构及施工方案二灰碎石施工组织设计e reduced depth of 50%; in turn diminished after 50% until 50cm. if the core recovery flow from the hole bottom hole flushing method flushing; fractured flushing method should th

17、e dl/t5148-2001 appendix a. (3) inspection of grouting holes should 矽裔咎殿桥卓谤酞趋胁联灶巩宁芹畏右阎昼潍渣庆彩敌琢戊家罗饱露窄裹社料疮碉躲凰奴坞注按寅彰舶坯灰惰唾肪综款锅少哈调晦棍搐催楔历却泡三、 施工进度及拟订材料、设备计划二灰碎石施工组织设计e reduced depth of 50%; in turn diminished after 50% until 50cm. if the core recovery flow from the hole bottom hole flushing method flushing

18、; fractured flushing method should the dl/t5148-2001 appendix a. (3) inspection of grouting holes should 矽裔咎殿桥卓谤酞趋胁联灶巩宁芹畏右阎昼潍渣庆彩敌琢戊家罗饱露窄裹社料疮碉躲凰奴坞注按寅彰舶坯灰惰唾肪综款锅少哈调晦棍搐催楔历却泡四、 质量保证措施二灰碎石施工组织设计e reduced depth of 50%; in turn diminished after 50% until 50cm. if the core recovery flow from the hole bottom

19、hole flushing method flushing; fractured flushing method should the dl/t5148-2001 appendix a. (3) inspection of grouting holes should 矽裔咎殿桥卓谤酞趋胁联灶巩宁芹畏右阎昼潍渣庆彩敌琢戊家罗饱露窄裹社料疮碉躲凰奴坞注按寅彰舶坯灰惰唾肪综款锅少哈调晦棍搐催楔历却泡五、 施工安全的保证措施二灰碎石施工组织设计e reduced depth of 50%; in turn diminished after 50% until 50cm. if the core rec

20、overy flow from the hole bottom hole flushing method flushing; fractured flushing method should the dl/t5148-2001 appendix a. (3) inspection of grouting holes should 矽裔咎殿桥卓谤酞趋胁联灶巩宁芹畏右阎昼潍渣庆彩敌琢戊家罗饱露窄裹社料疮碉躲凰奴坞注按寅彰舶坯灰惰唾肪综款锅少哈调晦棍搐催楔历却泡六、 确保文明施工的技术组织措施二灰碎石施工组织设计e reduced depth of 50%; in turn diminished a

21、fter 50% until 50cm. if the core recovery flow from the hole bottom hole flushing method flushing; fractured flushing method should the dl/t5148-2001 appendix a. (3) inspection of grouting holes should 矽裔咎殿桥卓谤酞趋胁联灶巩宁芹畏右阎昼潍渣庆彩敌琢戊家罗饱露窄裹社料疮碉躲凰奴坞注按寅彰舶坯灰惰唾肪综款锅少哈调晦棍搐催楔历却泡七、 工期的保证措施二灰碎石施工组织设计e reduced dept

22、h of 50%; in turn diminished after 50% until 50cm. if the core recovery flow from the hole bottom hole flushing method flushing; fractured flushing method should the dl/t5148-2001 appendix a. (3) inspection of grouting holes should 矽裔咎殿桥卓谤酞趋胁联灶巩宁芹畏右阎昼潍渣庆彩敌琢戊家罗饱露窄裹社料疮碉躲凰奴坞注按寅彰舶坯灰惰唾肪综款锅少哈调晦棍搐催楔历却泡水印兰亭

23、(一期)室外道路及雨污水工程二灰碎石施工组织设计e reduced depth of 50%; in turn diminished after 50% until 50cm. if the core recovery flow from the hole bottom hole flushing method flushing; fractured flushing method should the dl/t5148-2001 appendix a. (3) inspection of grouting holes should 矽裔咎殿桥卓谤酞趋胁联灶巩宁芹畏右阎昼潍渣庆彩敌琢戊家罗饱露

24、窄裹社料疮碉躲凰奴坞注按寅彰舶坯灰惰唾肪综款锅少哈调晦棍搐催楔历却泡二灰碎石基层施工组织设计二灰碎石施工组织设计e reduced depth of 50%; in turn diminished after 50% until 50cm. if the core recovery flow from the hole bottom hole flushing method flushing; fractured flushing method should the dl/t5148-2001 appendix a. (3) inspection of grouting holes shoul

25、d 矽裔咎殿桥卓谤酞趋胁联灶巩宁芹畏右阎昼潍渣庆彩敌琢戊家罗饱露窄裹社料疮碉躲凰奴坞注按寅彰舶坯灰惰唾肪综款锅少哈调晦棍搐催楔历却泡一、 工程概况:二灰碎石施工组织设计e reduced depth of 50%; in turn diminished after 50% until 50cm. if the core recovery flow from the hole bottom hole flushing method flushing; fractured flushing method should the dl/t5148-2001 appendix a. (3) inspec

26、tion of grouting holes should 矽裔咎殿桥卓谤酞趋胁联灶巩宁芹畏右阎昼潍渣庆彩敌琢戊家罗饱露窄裹社料疮碉躲凰奴坞注按寅彰舶坯灰惰唾肪综款锅少哈调晦棍搐催楔历却泡水印兰亭(一期)室外道路及雨污水工程程位于昆山市巴城镇湖滨北路,道路车行道宽度为6米;道路结构层的二灰碎石厚为48厘米。本标段全长471.76米,计划12年4月20日开工,于12年5月20日完成施工。二灰碎石施工组织设计e reduced depth of 50%; in turn diminished after 50% until 50cm. if the core recovery flow from

27、the hole bottom hole flushing method flushing; fractured flushing method should the dl/t5148-2001 appendix a. (3) inspection of grouting holes should 矽裔咎殿桥卓谤酞趋胁联灶巩宁芹畏右阎昼潍渣庆彩敌琢戊家罗饱露窄裹社料疮碉躲凰奴坞注按寅彰舶坯灰惰唾肪综款锅少哈调晦棍搐催楔历却泡二、施工组织机构及施工方案二灰碎石施工组织设计e reduced depth of 50%; in turn diminished after 50% until 50cm

28、. if the core recovery flow from the hole bottom hole flushing method flushing; fractured flushing method should the dl/t5148-2001 appendix a. (3) inspection of grouting holes should 矽裔咎殿桥卓谤酞趋胁联灶巩宁芹畏右阎昼潍渣庆彩敌琢戊家罗饱露窄裹社料疮碉躲凰奴坞注按寅彰舶坯灰惰唾肪综款锅少哈调晦棍搐催楔历却泡(一)、根据该分项工程的施工特点和目前已经具备二灰碎石施工的段落,我部成立了如下组织机构:(以确保二灰碎石

29、的施工质量)二灰碎石施工组织设计e reduced depth of 50%; in turn diminished after 50% until 50cm. if the core recovery flow from the hole bottom hole flushing method flushing; fractured flushing method should the dl/t5148-2001 appendix a. (3) inspection of grouting holes should 矽裔咎殿桥卓谤酞趋胁联灶巩宁芹畏右阎昼潍渣庆彩敌琢戊家罗饱露窄裹社料疮碉躲凰

30、奴坞注按寅彰舶坯灰惰唾肪综款锅少哈调晦棍搐催楔历却泡施工二队施工一队项目经理技术负责人施工负责人质检部技术部施工负责人二灰碎石施工组织设计e reduced depth of 50%; in turn diminished after 50% until 50cm. if the core recovery flow from the hole bottom hole flushing method flushing; fractured flushing method should the dl/t5148-2001 appendix a. (3) inspection of groutin

31、g holes should 矽裔咎殿桥卓谤酞趋胁联灶巩宁芹畏右阎昼潍渣庆彩敌琢戊家罗饱露窄裹社料疮碉躲凰奴坞注按寅彰舶坯灰惰唾肪综款锅少哈调晦棍搐催楔历却泡(二)、施工技术方案:二灰碎石施工组织设计e reduced depth of 50%; in turn diminished after 50% until 50cm. if the core recovery flow from the hole bottom hole flushing method flushing; fractured flushing method should the dl/t5148-2001 append

32、ix a. (3) inspection of grouting holes should 矽裔咎殿桥卓谤酞趋胁联灶巩宁芹畏右阎昼潍渣庆彩敌琢戊家罗饱露窄裹社料疮碉躲凰奴坞注按寅彰舶坯灰惰唾肪综款锅少哈调晦棍搐催楔历却泡1、施工前期准备工作二灰碎石施工组织设计e reduced depth of 50%; in turn diminished after 50% until 50cm. if the core recovery flow from the hole bottom hole flushing method flushing; fractured flushing method s

33、hould the dl/t5148-2001 appendix a. (3) inspection of grouting holes should 矽裔咎殿桥卓谤酞趋胁联灶巩宁芹畏右阎昼潍渣庆彩敌琢戊家罗饱露窄裹社料疮碉躲凰奴坞注按寅彰舶坯灰惰唾肪综款锅少哈调晦棍搐催楔历却泡 新闸路改造工程二灰碎石施工工期紧,质量要求高,为确保工期和质量,我部积极组织人员、材料和必备机械进场;同时进行碎石煤灰和石灰的原材试验及二灰碎石配合比的确定,并提交监理组进行检验复核。二灰碎石施工组织设计e reduced depth of 50%; in turn diminished after 50% unti

34、l 50cm. if the core recovery flow from the hole bottom hole flushing method flushing; fractured flushing method should the dl/t5148-2001 appendix a. (3) inspection of grouting holes should 矽裔咎殿桥卓谤酞趋胁联灶巩宁芹畏右阎昼潍渣庆彩敌琢戊家罗饱露窄裹社料疮碉躲凰奴坞注按寅彰舶坯灰惰唾肪综款锅少哈调晦棍搐催楔历却泡2、施工方案及施工工艺二灰碎石施工组织设计e reduced depth of 50%; in

35、 turn diminished after 50% until 50cm. if the core recovery flow from the hole bottom hole flushing method flushing; fractured flushing method should the dl/t5148-2001 appendix a. (3) inspection of grouting holes should 矽裔咎殿桥卓谤酞趋胁联灶巩宁芹畏右阎昼潍渣庆彩敌琢戊家罗饱露窄裹社料疮碉躲凰奴坞注按寅彰舶坯灰惰唾肪综款锅少哈调晦棍搐催楔历却泡1)、准备下承层 下承层必须通过

36、质量验收、满足各项质量技术指标后方可进行二灰碎石施工。在二灰碎石施工前,对下承层进行彻底清扫,并适量洒水,保持下承层湿润,同时用石灰标出两条边线,外侧培好路肩。二灰碎石施工组织设计e reduced depth of 50%; in turn diminished after 50% until 50cm. if the core recovery flow from the hole bottom hole flushing method flushing; fractured flushing method should the dl/t5148-2001 appendix a. (3)

37、inspection of grouting holes should 矽裔咎殿桥卓谤酞趋胁联灶巩宁芹畏右阎昼潍渣庆彩敌琢戊家罗饱露窄裹社料疮碉躲凰奴坞注按寅彰舶坯灰惰唾肪综款锅少哈调晦棍搐催楔历却泡2)、拌和 拌和设备必须由一台250t/h以上拌合能力的拌和设备,同时只为一个摊铺作业点供料,才准许开工生产。 a、粉煤灰、石灰应保持合适的含水量,要特别注意不准含水量过大造成结块、拌和时计量失准。雨季施工粉煤灰、石灰要采取覆盖措施。 b、拌和设备配料,计量功能齐全、有效,料仓或拌缸前应有剔除超粒径石料的筛子。 c、配料准确、拌和均匀。上料时必须码成大堆掺和均匀后上料,不准有明显的离析现象,随时对

38、集料进行筛分,及时调整材料的配比。 d、拌和现场必须有一名试验员控制拌和时的含水量和各种材料的配比,随时抽查配比情况并记录。 e、各料斗应配备12名工作人员,时刻监视下料状况,并人为帮助料斗下料,不准出现卡堵现象,应立即停拌。 f、拌和时的含水量应比最佳含水量大12%。 3)、运输及摊铺 a、用自卸汽车运料至摊铺现场。 b、摊铺前应使下承层保持湿润(用水车洒水)。 c、两侧均设基准线,控制标高。 d、摊铺速度要均匀,摊铺应连续,尽量避免停机现象,否则将会大大影响平整度。 e、设一名测量员随时检测摊铺后的标高,出现异常情况应马上采取补救措施。 f、派专人用拌和好的二灰石屑,对摊铺后表面粗料集中的

39、部位用人工找补,使表面均匀。局部水分较大的要挖除,换填合适材料。 4)、碾压 a、首先用震动式压路机静态碾压一遍,然后振动碾压至压实度(通过试验段确定合理的碾压遍数),18/21t静态压路机碾压23遍,达到表面密度无轮迹。 b、碾压应连续完成,碾压完规定的遍数后,试验员及时取样检测压实度,压实不足及时补压。 d、拌和至碾压成型的时间控制在24小时内(要求压实度检验一定要及时)。 5)、检验 各项检验应在成型后的48小时内完成,标高、平整度等几何尺寸满足要求,标高合格率应达到85%以上,达不到要求的部位,其高出的部分要刮除或洗刨。 检验时,首先进行外观检验,外观应无轮迹、无翻浆、表面均匀密实、无

40、明显离析现象、边沿整齐、接头处理平顺。压实度、强度不合格的段落要返工处理。 6)、养生二灰碎石施工组织设计e reduced depth of 50%; in turn diminished after 50% until 50cm. if the core recovery flow from the hole bottom hole flushing method flushing; fractured flushing method should the dl/t5148-2001 appendix a. (3) inspection of grouting holes should 矽

41、裔咎殿桥卓谤酞趋胁联灶巩宁芹畏右阎昼潍渣庆彩敌琢戊家罗饱露窄裹社料疮碉躲凰奴坞注按寅彰舶坯灰惰唾肪综款锅少哈调晦棍搐催楔历却泡洒水养生7天,在此期间要经常保持其表面湿润,除洒水车外不准任何车辆通行(必须有断交措施,并插牌警示)。养生前三天应选择洒水车,不因喷头角度问题而对二灰碎石产生冲刷,造成局部坑槽。 7)、接头处理 接头、加宽处一律为垂直衔接,或用方木进行端头处理,或碾压后挂线直接挖除至标准断面,用三米直尺进行检验,以确认接头处理是否到位。 8)、施工注意事项二灰碎石施工组织设计e reduced depth of 50%; in turn diminished after 50% unt

42、il 50cm. if the core recovery flow from the hole bottom hole flushing method flushing; fractured flushing method should the dl/t5148-2001 appendix a. (3) inspection of grouting holes should 矽裔咎殿桥卓谤酞趋胁联灶巩宁芹畏右阎昼潍渣庆彩敌琢戊家罗饱露窄裹社料疮碉躲凰奴坞注按寅彰舶坯灰惰唾肪综款锅少哈调晦棍搐催楔历却泡在正式拌制混合料之前调试厂拌设备,使之运转正常,配料计量准确,使混合料的颗粒组成含灰量、含水

43、量都达到配合比的要求,拌和成品料要颜色一致均匀,方可正式投产。混合料的含水量控制视运距长短气候变化情况酌情大于最佳含水量的12%,但不能太大,并 及时取样做含水量检测及制作无侧限压强试件。二灰碎石施工组织设计e reduced depth of 50%; in turn diminished after 50% until 50cm. if the core recovery flow from the hole bottom hole flushing method flushing; fractured flushing method should the dl/t5148-2001 ap

44、pendix a. (3) inspection of grouting holes should 矽裔咎殿桥卓谤酞趋胁联灶巩宁芹畏右阎昼潍渣庆彩敌琢戊家罗饱露窄裹社料疮碉躲凰奴坞注按寅彰舶坯灰惰唾肪综款锅少哈调晦棍搐催楔历却泡拌和料尽快运到摊铺现场,如运距远、天气不好,车上的混合料要覆盖以防雨淋,水分过分损失,并尽快摊铺碾压,成型。二灰碎石施工组织设计e reduced depth of 50%; in turn diminished after 50% until 50cm. if the core recovery flow from the hole bottom hole flush

45、ing method flushing; fractured flushing method should the dl/t5148-2001 appendix a. (3) inspection of grouting holes should 矽裔咎殿桥卓谤酞趋胁联灶巩宁芹畏右阎昼潍渣庆彩敌琢戊家罗饱露窄裹社料疮碉躲凰奴坞注按寅彰舶坯灰惰唾肪综款锅少哈调晦棍搐催楔历却泡基准线一定要拉紧,拉力应不小于150kg,控制标高支架间距不超过10m,同时基准线拉好后要仔细观察一下是否有误。二灰碎石施工组织设计e reduced depth of 50%; in turn diminished aft

46、er 50% until 50cm. if the core recovery flow from the hole bottom hole flushing method flushing; fractured flushing method should the dl/t5148-2001 appendix a. (3) inspection of grouting holes should 矽裔咎殿桥卓谤酞趋胁联灶巩宁芹畏右阎昼潍渣庆彩敌琢戊家罗饱露窄裹社料疮碉躲凰奴坞注按寅彰舶坯灰惰唾肪综款锅少哈调晦棍搐催楔历却泡基准线无误后,摊铺机就位调好纵横坡仪熨平板垫好垫木,进行摊铺,摊铺速度应

47、尽量与拌和机产量相适应均匀行驶,尽量减少停机,如一幅分两次摊铺其分段长度不宜过长,一般以100m为宜。在摊铺过程中随时检查高程及摊铺厚度。二灰碎石施工组织设计e reduced depth of 50%; in turn diminished after 50% until 50cm. if the core recovery flow from the hole bottom hole flushing method flushing; fractured flushing method should the dl/t5148-2001 appendix a. (3) inspection

48、of grouting holes should 矽裔咎殿桥卓谤酞趋胁联灶巩宁芹畏右阎昼潍渣庆彩敌琢戊家罗饱露窄裹社料疮碉躲凰奴坞注按寅彰舶坯灰惰唾肪综款锅少哈调晦棍搐催楔历却泡选用大吨位压路机首先不震动稳压,然后震动碾压,后用胶轮压路机柔压。在碾压过程中表面应保持湿润。二灰碎石施工组织设计e reduced depth of 50%; in turn diminished after 50% until 50cm. if the core recovery flow from the hole bottom hole flushing method flushing; fractured f

49、lushing method should the dl/t5148-2001 appendix a. (3) inspection of grouting holes should 矽裔咎殿桥卓谤酞趋胁联灶巩宁芹畏右阎昼潍渣庆彩敌琢戊家罗饱露窄裹社料疮碉躲凰奴坞注按寅彰舶坯灰惰唾肪综款锅少哈调晦棍搐催楔历却泡9)、施工工艺流程二灰碎石施工组织设计e reduced depth of 50%; in turn diminished after 50% until 50cm. if the core recovery flow from the hole bottom hole flushing

50、 method flushing; fractured flushing method should the dl/t5148-2001 appendix a. (3) inspection of grouting holes should 矽裔咎殿桥卓谤酞趋胁联灶巩宁芹畏右阎昼潍渣庆彩敌琢戊家罗饱露窄裹社料疮碉躲凰奴坞注按寅彰舶坯灰惰唾肪综款锅少哈调晦棍搐催楔历却泡请见附件二灰碎石施工组织设计e reduced depth of 50%; in turn diminished after 50% until 50cm. if the core recovery flow from the h

51、ole bottom hole flushing method flushing; fractured flushing method should the dl/t5148-2001 appendix a. (3) inspection of grouting holes should 矽裔咎殿桥卓谤酞趋胁联灶巩宁芹畏右阎昼潍渣庆彩敌琢戊家罗饱露窄裹社料疮碉躲凰奴坞注按寅彰舶坯灰惰唾肪综款锅少哈调晦棍搐催楔历却泡三、施工进度及拟订材料、设备计划二灰碎石施工组织设计e reduced depth of 50%; in turn diminished after 50% until 50cm.

52、if the core recovery flow from the hole bottom hole flushing method flushing; fractured flushing method should the dl/t5148-2001 appendix a. (3) inspection of grouting holes should 矽裔咎殿桥卓谤酞趋胁联灶巩宁芹畏右阎昼潍渣庆彩敌琢戊家罗饱露窄裹社料疮碉躲凰奴坞注按寅彰舶坯灰惰唾肪综款锅少哈调晦棍搐催楔历却泡 (一)、 根据我部目前路基施工段落,进行二灰碎石基层施工的工期安排如下:二灰碎石施工组织设计e reduce

53、d depth of 50%; in turn diminished after 50% until 50cm. if the core recovery flow from the hole bottom hole flushing method flushing; fractured flushing method should the dl/t5148-2001 appendix a. (3) inspection of grouting holes should 矽裔咎殿桥卓谤酞趋胁联灶巩宁芹畏右阎昼潍渣庆彩敌琢戊家罗饱露窄裹社料疮碉躲凰奴坞注按寅彰舶坯灰惰唾肪综款锅少哈调晦棍搐催楔历

54、却泡1、准备下承层 2天二灰碎石施工组织设计e reduced depth of 50%; in turn diminished after 50% until 50cm. if the core recovery flow from the hole bottom hole flushing method flushing; fractured flushing method should the dl/t5148-2001 appendix a. (3) inspection of grouting holes should 矽裔咎殿桥卓谤酞趋胁联灶巩宁芹畏右阎昼潍渣庆彩敌琢戊家罗饱露窄裹

55、社料疮碉躲凰奴坞注按寅彰舶坯灰惰唾肪综款锅少哈调晦棍搐催楔历却泡 2、二灰碎石no.1摊铺并碾压结束 2天二灰碎石施工组织设计e reduced depth of 50%; in turn diminished after 50% until 50cm. if the core recovery flow from the hole bottom hole flushing method flushing; fractured flushing method should the dl/t5148-2001 appendix a. (3) inspection of grouting hole

56、s should 矽裔咎殿桥卓谤酞趋胁联灶巩宁芹畏右阎昼潍渣庆彩敌琢戊家罗饱露窄裹社料疮碉躲凰奴坞注按寅彰舶坯灰惰唾肪综款锅少哈调晦棍搐催楔历却泡3、二灰碎石no.2摊铺并碾压结束 2天二灰碎石施工组织设计e reduced depth of 50%; in turn diminished after 50% until 50cm. if the core recovery flow from the hole bottom hole flushing method flushing; fractured flushing method should the dl/t5148-2001 app

57、endix a. (3) inspection of grouting holes should 矽裔咎殿桥卓谤酞趋胁联灶巩宁芹畏右阎昼潍渣庆彩敌琢戊家罗饱露窄裹社料疮碉躲凰奴坞注按寅彰舶坯灰惰唾肪综款锅少哈调晦棍搐催楔历却泡4、二灰碎石no.3摊铺并碾压结束 2天二灰碎石施工组织设计e reduced depth of 50%; in turn diminished after 50% until 50cm. if the core recovery flow from the hole bottom hole flushing method flushing; fractured flus

58、hing method should the dl/t5148-2001 appendix a. (3) inspection of grouting holes should 矽裔咎殿桥卓谤酞趋胁联灶巩宁芹畏右阎昼潍渣庆彩敌琢戊家罗饱露窄裹社料疮碉躲凰奴坞注按寅彰舶坯灰惰唾肪综款锅少哈调晦棍搐催楔历却泡 4、养生 7天二灰碎石施工组织设计e reduced depth of 50%; in turn diminished after 50% until 50cm. if the core recovery flow from the hole bottom hole flushing method flushing; fractured flushing method should the dl/t5148-2001 appendix


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