



1、2020河南中考新题型组合训练、完形填空It WaS my 14th birthday and I would have the biggest Party ever. The nu mber Ofthe 1 had quickly grown from SeVen to SeVenteen. NearIy every girl in my classWaS 2. Whe n each guest excitedly 3 the in Vitati on, I WaS especially happy.The4 WaS full of ShOUtS and IaUghter. We had j

2、ust fini Shed a game of TWiSterWhe n the doorbell ran g. I WaS so 5 a nd I could feel my face tur ning red, becauseWhen I 6 the door, there at the front door and stood Sarah WeStIy -the quiet girlwho Sat n ext to me in music CIaSS-a nd She WaS holdi ng a 7. I thought about theguest list. How did I 8

3、to in Vite Sarah?I remembered that I on Iy added a n ame to the 9 Whe n some one ShOWed anin terest in me. BUt Sarah had 10 d one that. I accepted the box, a gift from Sarah,and asked her to join the party. I Can 11, SKe Said. “ My dad Waiting in the car.”At that mome nt I felt bad about forgett ing

4、 to in Vite Sarah and really Wan ted her to restfor some time in my room. Than ks, but I haVe to go, She said, turning 12 towards the door. See you Mon day. ”I didn t open the box Until the Party WaS 13. InSide the small box WaS aCeramiC (陶瓷)tabby cat. It WaS the best gift I had receiVed 14 I didn t

5、 like cats.I later 15 that the gift looked exactly like Sarahs cat, Seymour. I didn t knthen, but now I realize that Sarah WaS my true friend.()1.A. boysB.guestsC. booksD.desks()2.A. i nVitedB.inVen tedC. ShOWedD. SUggeSted()3.A. madeB.foundC. acceptedD.PaSSed()4.A. CIaSSroomB.IibraryC. restaura ntD

6、.liVi ng room()5.A. SUrPriSeB.angryC. proudD.Sad()6.A. touchedB.openedC. CaUghtD.sowed()7.A. CatB.toyC. PenD.box()8.A. forgetB.stopC. hopeD.choose()9.A. giftB.listC. diaryD.box()10. A. stillB.eVe nC. neVerD. only()11. A. Sta ndB. Si ngC. WaitD. Stay()12. A. quicklyB. carefullyC. fin allyD. early()13

7、. A. readyB. SUCCeSSfUIC. overD. in terest ing()14. A. andB. soC. becauseD. though()15. A. took outB. found outC. thought outD. PUt out二、语篇填空第一节:阅读短文,从方框中选择适当的词并用其正确形式填空,使短文通顺、 意思完整。每空限填一词,每词限用一次。towards, they, COmPa ny, be, comfort, because, like, behave, teach, huma nWe have been the most intellig

8、ent SPeCieS (物种)on Earth. Monkeys Can learn how to USe SimPIe tools. EIePha nts Can be 1 how to count. But things like art and SPaCe travel have only bee n made POSSibIe by the in tellige nce of 2.And yet, for as in tellige nt as We are, there are some who believe that We Can Create machines that Ca

9、n think and feel just 3 We do. ArtifiCiaI intelligence (人工智能), or AI, Can make a mach ine imitate 模仿)in tellige nt huma n 4.AI is around US every day. From Apples Siri (西丽,苹果智能语音助手)to the SOftWare that ShiPP in g 5 USe to PrOCeSS deliverieS(的地),AI is Very much a Part of our lives.BUt Why do We try t

10、o Create mach ines that Canthink the Way We do? It is mainly6AI Can make our lives much easier. Imagine 7 able to get into a car, tell ityour desti nati on(目的地),and Sit back 8 the Al-guided self-driv ing Car takes you there.However, there are still some risks. What if We somehow PrOdUCed an artifici

11、al in tellige nce that WaS Smarter tha n us? How would it behave 9 us? TheSe are the kinds of difficult questions that PhilOSOPherS ( 哲学家)and AI researchers ask 10 all the time. BUt it is clear that AI is here to stay.第二节:阅读短文,根据语篇要求填空,使短文通顺、意思完整。每空限填一词。The AmeriCa n Psychologic

12、al ASSOCiatiO n did an in terest ing study. MOre tha n 400 Stude nts in NeW YOrk City took Part in it. The StUde nts Were divided in to 1 groups. Group 1 read a typical textbook 2describes the achieveme nts of great SCie ntists.Group 2 read about those SCie ntists PerS onal StrUggles. For example, 3

13、 a Jew, Einstein (爱因斯坦)ran away from NaZi Germany to avoid PerSeCUtion (迫害).The last group read about the SCie ntists in tellectual StrUggles, SUCh as Marie CUrieS failed SCientific tests. TheSe StOrieS about StrUggIeS also told StUdents4the SCientistsdealt With these ObStaCIeS 障碍).The StUde nts too

14、k a SCie nce exam 5 the study. After the SiX-Week study, they took another. SCientists found those in GrOUPS 2 and 3 improved their SCie nce grades. StUde nts in Group I did nt See a grade in crease. Some of them eve n had lower grades after the study. / 5参考答案解析:一、完形填空【主旨大意】本文讲述作者 14 岁生日在

15、家里举办了一次生日派对,邀请了许多 宾客,大家在一起玩得很高兴。 但是,遗憾的是,没有邀请萨拉。 令人惊讶的是, 这位同学后来自己来了,作者为忘记邀请她而感到懊悔。1. B【解析】考查名词。boys男孩;guests宾客;books书desks课桌。根据上文 “It was my 14th birthday and I would have the biggest party eve”r 可知,今天是我 的 14 岁生日,我要举办一次最大的聚会。客人的数量从 7个迅速增加到 17 个。2. A【解析】考查动词。inVited邀请;inVented发明;ShOWed展示;SUggeSteC建议。

16、根据下文 “When each guest excitedlythe inVitation, I WaS especiallyhappy”可知,我班的每个女生都受到邀请。当每名客人激动地接受邀请时,我 感到特别高兴。3. C【解析】考查动词。made制造;found发现;accepted接受;PaSSed经过。根 据语境可知,当每名客人激动地接受邀请时,我感到特别高兴。4. D【解析】考查名词。CIaSSroom教室;Iibrary图书馆;restaura nt饭店;livi ng room 起居室。根据下文“ At that moment I felt bad about forgettin

17、g to inVite Sarah and really Wan ted her to rest for some time in my room 可知,起居室里充满吵闹声 和笑声。 此时, 我因为忘记邀请萨拉而感到懊悔, 于是真切地想让她在我房间里 休息一下。5. A【解析】考查形容词。SUrPriSed吃惊的;angry生气的;proud骄傲的;Sad伤 心的。根据本句的并列句可知,我很吃惊,并且我能感觉到自己的脸通红,因为 当我打开门时。6. B【解析】考查动词。touched触摸;opened打开;CaUght抓住;sowed播种。 根据语境可知,当我打开门时,门前站着萨拉韦斯特里。7

18、. D【解析】考查名词。Cat猫;toy玩具;Pen钢笔;box箱子(盒子)。根据下文“ I accepted the box, a gift from Sarah, and asked her to join the part”y 可知,她拿 着一个盒子。我接受了盒子,也就是萨拉的礼物,并且邀请她加入聚会。8. A【解析】考查动词。forget忘记;stop停止;hope希望;choose选择。根据语 境及下文“ At that moment I felt bad about forgetting to inVite Sara”h 可知,我怎么 会忘记邀请萨拉呢?此时,我因为忘记邀请萨拉而感

19、到懊悔。9. B【解析】考查名词。gift礼物;IiSt名单;diary日记;box盒子。根据语境可 知,我记得,只有当某人对我有点兴趣时,我才把其名字添加在名单中。10. C【解析】考查副词。still仍然;even甚至;never从不;OnIy只有。根据上文“I remembered that I onIy added a name to the when Someone Showedan interest in me可知,我记得,只有当某人对我有点兴趣时,我才把其名字添 加在名单中。但是萨拉从没有对我产生兴趣。11. D【解析】考查动词。Stand站; Sing唱歌;Wait等;Stay停留。根据语境可知, 根据上文“ and asked her to join the Party 和下文“ My da


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